HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 757 Create SID 378 413. COTvli/IISSI,JTJ PESOLU'TIJN N,J. 7,7 A RSSOL !}rIU~i OF 'HIE CI'rY C,)i\l!\HSSLFT 'JF 'rK~ cn"{ OF' B,)ZEMPJ 1)ECLAPI\JG Tor 'r J 3'2: jrql~ J:l~T:':NTIJN Jli' 'I'fr;~ CI'rY ,J1" B')6:~':;MJ 'ro (:REj~.T;~ A ~)PECI^L Ii'~pn:)VE1,~;~NT DIS- TRICT 'I\):3E KNOWN AS SPECV\L I!jPRJ\IE!\'I]~';'J'r VI3'l'EIC'r N'J. ]'(0 \)1" THE Crl'v JF (:'Ii) 2Ei/I/, N F'C) P THS P liT' PO SE O"P cUNs'rmlC'l'TlVI AND Tf'L")Tj\LTJIT;(} A S'rOf'M ST:;;'''IER ~3 '! S 'r ~~.f\1 , C01>JGPT~'T'l:;; (;Tm13S AND GT}'T''rSR:i, COHcn ,~'m CUTU3S AND in'rrn'vITW)T)S pj'-\rEMENT f)N 'JJPTTT FJ TTF''I'Tf tVETTl]'i; PH )'11 1TILU,pl) ~),='R"'~~'r '-~J DlJr~")'l'ON 'ROAD, ,IN ~h)n'rTI PH"rH AVPTU-r;; 1;'P(Y~ LN"n\;~ S'rp\i>~'r '~~) ')TJR STiJ1J POJ\ D, P~D ON 'NEST VILLMW s'rr~r;;E'r FROflT Fi)TJETH l\\ISnlJ1~ 'TO FIF'i"I j\'JT~nJ1'~ Tn SAID c:c'rv. I \'lTi!c~PFAS : 'There has been f:tled with the C 1 er' j{ <) f' nlC City COf1.rrlt:Jsion of Tl1e City t)f Bo ZC',lB-'! j =::_,n tD1l.8, a petition in due forrn of certain owners in propert,te3 sit U8 t e d within [3 dJ str:'_ct which -Includes NOrth I.'ourth J\VenHe fro~ Villard Street tr) l)urston F:0ad, on No~th Fifth Avenue from Lamme Street to Durston Hovd, and on West Villard Street fro'1 Fo Ilrt~'l !"venil8 to Fifth Aven 1..1e in said City asking that B special h'lpr0Vwnent dlstrict be crorted for the purpos e of cons true t inc; pnd ~,nstall:tng 8 storm sewer system, concrete c 'J.rbs ao(1 r:"ut ters, concrete ~IJrbs and bi tU!"1inoIJ.s puvemcnt on s 8~_ (1 street; end VlH-SP"SA S : That at a regular meeting of the City Commission of The Gi.ty of Boz e ~8n held on the 13th d8'T 0 f' May, 1:->53, the af'oresaid petttion 'NbS respectively considered I'mo grnn ted; N,y:,/ , 'T:iEF ,:FORS, B1~ IT PESJLIt-'.:D BY 'rim CI'l'Y C,)j'MHS:;IU:J DF' 'rIm CITV ,J}' BOZ!%1AN: Sectioq 1. DECLARA'rIDN UF' I WrE'IJT ION. 'I'hE;t it is hereby declured to be the lqten- tion of The Citv of Bozeman to create P spec ia 1 i~provement district to be know'l and (le3 lena ted as Special I1YlprOver'"lAnt Db trict No. 378 of The City of Bozeman for the pur[Jose of cons true tinE: and ln~J te 11 in:: a fJ torm sewer system, concrete curbs and r:;utteT's, con- crete c 11.1' b s and bi tUY1:inous pavement on North Fourth Avenue fr:)(<l Vi1lE I'd Street to Dur- I ston Rond, on North I-'ifth Jlven ue from Lamme Street to Dur'3 ton ROfd, VJ1(1 on Wes t V;_llard Street frcna p') urth P ven U8 to F i f th A v en ue 1'1 said Clty. Section 2. 3)u!'mi-\ FilES. 'few t the boundaries of sHid Sneeial ITIprove~ent District ~~) . 373 are described as follows: Bee:inntng at the Southwest Corner of Block n of Trvcy's Third Addition to the City of BozC'nHn, thence Ecsterly along the NOrth L1ne of West Lamme Street to the Southeast Corner of Lot Twelve (12 ) of said Block D; thence 10rtherly along the East Line o~ said Lot Twelve (12) and the Northerly estension of said Lot 'I' el ve (12) to a point on the center line of 'Nest Beall Street; thence 1JJI3st- .., erly alone; the canter line of West Beall Street to a point located 161 feet Eesterly from, when measured at right angles thereto, the East line of North Fi fth A venue; thenc e N)r.therly 161 feet eH stant from and para llel to the East 1 ine of Nortll Fifth Averlue to a point on the center line of the east and west alley in Block Five CS) of Knrp's Addit10n to the City of Bozemrn; thence Easterly along the centerline of said East and West alley to a point on the SOlJ.therly extension of the gast line of North Fourth Avenue: thenc e~brtherly alone: the sBic] Southerly extenston of the Eust Line of IJ:Jrth Fourth Aven.ue to a poInt :tn the cent er line of West Villard Street; thence Easterly along the center 11ne of West VtllRrd Street to a point 110 feet Easterly from, when 414 ane:les thereto, trle W08t line of Nort11lclfth Avenue: thence Southerly ?GO feet distant from and parallel to the W';:J t 1 ine 0 f~Jorth F'i fth A venuo to a point O~ the Varth line of Wes t 1wnY.1e Street; thence Easterly along the North line of' West Lamme Street to the 'Joint of begtnnin{> Section 3. C:'IAPAC'rEH OF 1M PR O\IEr,n>::N'r~). 'rhe character of the i'lprO\TOmnnt s to be mRde withi"l said Special Improvement District Ho. 373 ", S : The Cons true t ion and instB lla- tion of aonvement 01'0 jcct on ~hrth Fourth Avenue fro'rl Villard street to Durston Rand, , ", on North Fifth Pvenue from Lamme Street to Durston HaBel, and on West Villard street I from North Fifth Avenue to North !"ourth A venue, said paver'lrmt pro J ec t to ine I ude the construc tL)n and installation of a storm sewer syste~, concrete cU.rbs, concrete cD.rb 8nd f:u.tter, crushed gravel base C01ITSe, crushed grBvel cus hion course, and bi turn inous surface course. Sec t ion ),1. ESTIMATE OF COST. The preliminary estim~te of the cost of' said improve- ments, including Bll street excavation, trenc~ excavetion ani backfill, mB terials, in- stalJatlon costs, engineering and ineidentals :i.s Seven ty-fi Ire 'l'housand For ty-eigh t and 9fS/lOO Dollars (~, 7:; , ObL 9fS) . Section f). M~fT'HOl) OP ASS\~SS:'1F;NT. 'rhe prel im! no ry estimate of cost set forth &bove Is to be as ses sed agq lYls t the property within said District on an area basis as f,)llows: Because some of the streets 1n sa:Lei pronosed Spe c i81 Tm')rovortent Dis trle t No. 378 run eas t and wes t end some north fJ nd south B;ld in some of the streets to be i1proved the 10 +~ S r',m parallel wi th the str0et and in others the lots front on the street Rnd the i:'nprovempnt, find LI order ~>) provide a just and equitable method or methods of assessmont, it is neceSS8rv and I (lesireable to (1:l vLle the Distrlct ino t fi ve (5 ) sections, with differinc: methods of assessment, for the puro03e of constructing and im taIlinG a storm sewer syste~, concrete clITbs B':1d gutter's, concrete curbs and. bitum- inous pavement herein provided for, which sections together with the pbrt of the en tire cost to be assessed Lgatnst e H e.'l s e c t 1:)11 , the estimLted rate of 8ssess,nent and the metnod of assessment are described as follows: SECTI Ol~ l. HORTl{ 1<'Ol1P'T'T-r ',~l~'\J US, Ti'lI;Y~ VILLN{ D S'rR~[~'r '1'0 DIiH3'l'ON HOJ\D. Section I includes all thr-t pro~erty lying adjacent to find wIthin lIS feet of the '<;[: s t I iY] e aDd the West Itne of North l"ourth Ayenu.e botwee:l the North line of VtllEJrc1 ''3treet and the South line of' DurstJn Roael, the assessH-ple area of which, w1th the ')t' -("et next adja- L:;J cent to the itjpr'olTe:non t inc1udor1 at double its actual flrea. is ??1:,7?iJ.l? s qua r e fe et. The preliminary estimate of' the east of thA i'noro'lement s to be ~ade and 8sses8ed 8Gainst the property within S8cti)n I 1s 'rwenty-four ThousfH1d }'lve rIlmdred Seventy-eic'ht and LIO/IOO ( ~~. 2LI , 57 U .l~o ) Dollars and the estimated cost per squBre foot i f ~:' 0 . 109 3?' 95 . SECTIiJN 2. T'TJR'rH 'f<'IF'rFI A VENUT~, T.'FDT!! VILIJ\IW ~)TPEH;T 'ro 1Jl1RS'fON ROAD. Sect Lon 2 lnc 1 uries all that proper tv lylng adjaceDt to and within Inl feet of the r~a s t I ~ l1e and I the ',Nes t line of North Fifth AV~nue between the "[or t:l 1 ine of Villard :;treet And the South line of Durston Roed, the assessable area of which, w'tn the 2:) feet next adja- cent to the improvement included at double its Hctuel nrea, is ?OL ,913.15 squBre feet. 'rhe pl'elirnim,ry estimate of the .- ----- n.... _.....___n_._.._.. 415 SECTIDN 3. WEST VIL~ PD STR~~T, F'R,)J{ ~.Jo'P'rf{ FTF"N! ^ \.mr,rUT.~ 'ro ~Ju:R'rrr F'O!iE'YIT P VE':1JE. Sect1nl 3 ine 1 u,jes all thst oroperty lyinS adjacent t:) lJnd within lll) feet of tf1e 'Jort~1 1 ine and. tho So ',1 th 1 ine of West Villard streot between the East line of Nort~ Fifth A 8nU8 and the 1'~89t line of North FOlJrth Avenuc, the Hc3sessable f'rae of' w:rtch, wt t!'l !;he .. 25 f8At next a dJ E1 C en t t:) the improvement included at double its Bctual area, ~L :3 /) 'j , (1/'0 " T The preliminary estimate of the cost of tho ir:~provem"jn ts to be Made f11 d I s (i ~JD.r' e .~. ee ..,,, 1 . t the property w1thin Section 3 is E-Le;ht 'rhOU~Hlnd 'rhrf~e Hundro(1 Pi f'ty and F1~.)sesse( Agf3lY1S ~ .sA/lOO Dollars ( c!J 8 -, co l'6) and the esttmated cost per s q u~~ 1 e f'oot is to.OB973j. 'I, , ,J _! . ,:J" (' T;'(' ']IT'lr' 1 N:ni'=,TT T H"I'e! jI 'ni~~ 'n~ FPCH1 '-mALL SUi ":3T '1:') V ILU PD STR1i;fi;'r. ;3cc t ion I: 't.1'1clvdes ...).L. JV ~ . '.... ~~ .;.. all thr:t property 1yinc; edJBcent to BDeJ wlthtD 161 feet of the East l;no Elr1cJ the "r;,}st Ltne of North Fifth Avenue between the Horth li:1e of Beall Street find the South line of Vil12I'd Street, the essessaL>le ~Jl'el:i of which, Lvrt!_ the 25 feet next ndjace~t to the improvement included at double its aetuel vr08 is 1:]7 ,(iGO squHre feet. 'rhe preliminaryestirrwte r)f t:~Je cos t of the i.l1provB1en ts to be me. de and assessed a~8:n8t the property within Section )! i s 'fen 'rh)USfmd 1"01]r Hun Ired ~hlrty-flve and 20/100 Dollers (t1o,1:15.20) 2nd the estt- mf]ted cOc3t ocr square foot ls ~'O. 09672':n . SEC'rIJN 5. )TUWl'H PH'rq f\"S'~1JL;; VRJM LAMII1E ~)'rp :<:'.r TJ i3T~ALL S'TT( r.~ ~~~Ir . Section ~) L 1'1 C lu des fj11 thrt pro?ertv ly!nc; adjacent to Fmd wi thi 1 2do feet of the Enst line and the 1'1e s t lino of North Ftfth Avenue between the :!orth 15.ne of Lrit!1rt1e street [ind the South 1. ine 0 (' 3ee11 Street, the assessable area of wrlich, with the 25 feet next adjacent to the im- provement included at double its ~J c t UB 1 area, j s 119/>51. ;;0 s q UB l' e -r e e t . The prelirni.n- I ary e3t!m~te of the C08t of the icnprovement to be made and essessed 8ga~nst the pro pert-v wi. thin Sect~5on 5 ~ ," Snventy-.f'our Hun(lreo Fifty-five and lid/lOa Dallers ($7 ,L55.118) and .:- .') the esti'lDted cost per squar'e foot is $0. Of)2 31L: . Soction 6. P: C'l' UAJ, ARE;' \:n" DI STRICT. The towl actual area of all property within Section 1 is 1 ,) 1 r';>1.3 square feet; the tdnl actual area of all pro~erty within Section ? v -I, :J\- is 1~1 2rl 73 c feet; the total actuel crea of all property within Section 3 is . ,)\, ,,:J , . square 7J,7~() 80'.wre feet; the tote] Fctual area of all property with:n Section L is 93,3dO sqtwre reet; the totrl actual area of' nIl property within SectiD~ 5 is laY, 31. 1 i square feet; and the nctuel area of the combl.ned districts upon w11icb protests w:ill be decided is 631,036.78 square feet. Section 7. py Mll;~N'T' S That payments for paid improvements shall be made in tw~nty (20) annUD 1 installments ex t G'ld i nc: ovor a period of nineteen (1:) ) yefJ..r s , but t:-tis sf-tfl 11 not be construed to) prevent pa\rment in full at any reC;'11ar pfJyrnent date by any property owner 'N >t 0 -.-.-.-..---..-..- --..... .-.-...-... 416 The blnds will be 1.s3ued and sold In accorclunce w/:i th ttw ))rovLd,'Jns of Section 11- ?232 and Section 11-2271, Revised Cades of Montane, lr)L'( , unc1 vII other B~)pllcnble pro- visions of 'ritIe 11 of the Revised Codes of Montana, lq)-r relating to special ~. 1pY'o'rernent ,-1 , districts tn cities and towns, and un Y [I Glend'nen ts theY'eof or there to. Sectio'1 3. PRor~STS AND NOTICE. 'rhpt the regulrr seAsion of the City Gom'Yl~ ss:i')n of 'rhe C -i ty of 30 zeman, to be held [1 t the Commi 3A i ')n Ghr;mber, City Hall B'dlding, I 80 7. e"1D n , Montana, on 'Vednesr1RY, the lOth dRY of Mrrch, ]::) c), , at the h01Jr of one o'clock p . ~~ . of' satd day, are the t11'18 HndDlfce, when and where the C_ity Cor~mi.8si:m wi11 hear and pass UDon all protests duly and re[':lllarlY"1ace [nd filed ago.tnst the crer ti~)lOf said proposed Special L:1provernent Di3tr lc t No. 378, the improvement porposed to be made OUrS1J8nt thereto and the extent and charactsr thereof, or either thereof; and the Clerk' :)1' the City Commissi8n be, and he is hereby directed to [':ive notice tn the ,18:1Yler and for the tIme as by l8w required, of the Hlont 1m of this Resolution of Intention. Adopted by the Commission of '1'he Cttv of 13o;~em~JD, M,)1t; HnH, rt a regulnr o.nd steted session of sa:td vommis::Jlon held on the 17th dav of February, A. D. 19~JI . ,/~ Attest: ~ ~~~~".L~ Acting Clerk of the Jity CommlssI)n NOTICB IN HE C J[I1MTS3ION h''8S0LUTIDN NO. 757 OF' 'l'TIr; CI'l'y OF 30ZEMJI"T DT<;CLIPPW 'rBE T~TTENTIUN OF T!P';:: GI'rv OF BOZEMAN 'I'O CRSJ\'rr<.: A SPV,(}IAL I':IP:RO\!E]VITi~N'll THSTH:rc'l' 'ru !3E: KlIJOWN I NJT) DESIGNA'rEn AS "SPSC TAL IMPrOVF~MEN'r DL3TRIC'l' N!iIvrmn 378." Notice is herAby given th~t on the 17th day of Febru~ry, A. D. 1901: , at B regu18r meeting of the C)nmission of '1''1e CitI of Boze'11an, C'Jmmi s Li on Hes 01 uti on~Jumber 75'1 entitled: A PSSOLU1'IJN )11' 'T"'m err! COMMI')i-nO\T OF THE In'rv OF Bozr~MAND8CLI.R']\JG IT TO BE 'PHE IN'PEN'rIoN <H" 'rrIF: CITY 'OF B\)ZEi''I1J1N '1'0 CREf,'rE !I SPECIAL IMPROVE- JI,'T~~N'r DIs'rHI C'I' TO BE KNOWN AS SPECIf.L IMPnOVS1\Im~~T DIS'I'PI:;'r N(). 37B OF 'rHE CT'rY OF' BOZEMl'H POP 'rlrf'~ PUHPOSE OF CON:3'l'RIJC'l'ING !lilT1) INS'I'AI.LIHG A s'r()pr~ SEWER Sys'rEj,ft , CONCRB'I'E CURBS AND GU'l'TERS, CU!~CPETE CTTF'~3S J\lIJD BI'rWHNUUS Pl,\TEI'F:'P.NT ON NOR'l"-I F'OUR'1',j j\VE~HTr;; FRCHfl 'l!LLJ\PD STPI';;:;;'P '1\) J)UPSTUN FOAT) , I}N NOP'I'T, FIF'l'H AVENTJE FPOIl'! LArUvlE S'rr~'~E'r 'I'J DlmS'I'ON r~OAD, AND ON VmS'I' \TTLL1IPD sr['Pl:;ET FRON' FOUR'1'H AVENU~~ '1'0 FIF''TH j\VENU1~ IN SAID CrI'Y, was passed H:ld 8c11)pted. Thnt WednesdBY, the lOth day of Mo.rch, ~. D . 195L: , at one o'clock P.M. at the Clm- mission Room of the City Hnll, Bozeman, Montana, is destfnated by said Resolutlo~ No. 757 es th.e t'tne and plnce for heFring objecticms to the actiOrYPrOl)Osed to be taken by said resolution, and when hnd where any and vII Derso~s whose property is within saId proposed Special Improvement Dis tr'ic t No. 3713 on Nort~: l'ouI" th i\ venue fr:JI'\ Vi 118 rd Street to Durs ton ROFI d, on North Fi fth .A ven 11e frotrr LBmme Str ect to DlU~3 ton Hoad, and on 1Nes t Villard street from F01~th Avenue to I"iftll livc'lUe in SD lei C' ty may Dl)pear and show cHuAe, I if a~y they have, aga:nst said proposed improvement. Objections must be mHde in writing and f'lled with the Clerk of t.he City Com~issian not later than fifteen (1)) dfo\Ys nf'ter the dnte of the first pllblicEtiof\ of thLs Notice. An EpproxlMate preltminary estimate of the cost of do~ng such work and making such Improvement within sald District, including all street e-{Cavnti~)n, trnech excavation Dnd b8Cl{fill, mnterials, installations costs, ensineering and incidentals, w:li chi s to be soecially Bssessed against tIle Draperty within said District, i s ~: 75 , oJ: d. 90 . The total Hesolution No. 7[-'7 ;, ----.- -... .~_.~- -. .- .- - ..- 417 asse3sable area of ell property within the said IHstr:tct, exclusive of streets, avenues and 8l1eys with the 25 feet adJecent t,) the improvement taken at double its actual area, "is 750,232.77 s q UB r ~ e fee t . Property immediately adjacent to and within 25 reet o~ the proposed irlProvemen t 1s to be assessed 8t double the assessment n~ainst other proDerty in t; he Dis trlct. Payment for the improvements is to be made in twnety (20) annual install- I Ments over a period of nineteen (19) years with interest on the defeTTed payments no t to exceed sLx ( 6;;) percent !)er ann urn, paYBble annually, but this she-II not be constru.ed to prevent payment in full at any regl.J.lar payment elate by any propert'p6wner. For a description of the boundnries of sald Sl)ecial Improvement District No. 370 rererence is hereby mlJde to Resol1ltlon No. 757 of the Commis s ton 0 f '.rho G1 ty of 130z e:1JBn decla!>inc; the i.ntentlon to create suld D:'Lstrict, which is on file in the o0fice )f the undersigned Clerk of soid Commis:3 i m in the C; ty Ifnll of sa i.a Cit y of Boz emEln, State of Tilonte.na, and o~en for inspection to all int eres ted :)arties fJnd the ;mblie e;enerally. This notice is i;lven purswmt to the nrovisions of See t lc::m 11-2201;, Hevised Cr)r:1es of M0ntanEJ, 15)1.i7. Dated this 17th day of February, J\. D. 1951; . ~~~/ ~~ rr~ cting Clerk :)f the (;.ty Comm:lssion Stote of Mmtrna ) ) ss County of 3ellatin ) I , L. G. Sh& doan, Clerk of' the Commis ~3 ion 0 f rrb. City ofDozeman do hereoy cert :.fy I that the foregoing Notice, C .)[nm t 3 S i () n Res 0 1 u t lo n No. 757 was published at length in the So zeman Daj}.y Chronicle, a newspnper of ~eneral ctreulltLm printod and publ1shed in said ctty in the 1. s s ue s of February 10, 1) , 20,21 &, 23, 1 \Fj 1.: and thf t due proof of . - " 8uch publication is on flle in my office. rJ 'NI'rlIES S VllEPEOF, I hereunto set my hEmd and affix the corporate seal Df my offIce this ") 19 ~)b . 20th day of April, dJ~~~J CM rk o. the Commi 3 s lon I Resolution No. 71;7 -.., -."...