HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 782 Extending boundaries of the City 479 I I COMMISSION RESOL urION NO. 782 A RESOLU'rION OF 'rHE COMMISSIon OF 'rnE CITY OF BOZEMAN EXTENDING 'rEE BOUNDARIES OF' ']'1-IE SAID CI'fY 01" BOZEMAN SO AS 'ra !~lBRACE A~m INCLUDE A TRACT DF' LAND CON'DI(;DOUS 'r) T!-IE SAID CITY OF' BOZEMAN A l\ID HEREIN MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED WITlUN THE cop PuPATE LIMITS THEREOF, AND DESIGNA'fING AND ZONING SAID TRACT OF' LAND AS A PART OF' THE "A" RESIDENCE DISTRICT. WHEREAS, There has been Dresented to the Commission of the City of Bozeman by Thompson Hereford Ranches, Inc. , a MOntana corporation, having its principal place of business at Bozeman, Gallatin County, M~nt8na, a proposed plat of Thompson Addition to the City of Bozeman by which is requested that the said City Commission extend the boundaries of the City of Bozeman so as to include a certaful tract of lend con t iguous to the City of Bozeman within the boundaries of the City of Dozeman; and WHERF..AS, it has been requested by the owners of said contiguous tract that the Ctty of Bozeman designate and zone said tract as an ItAIt residence district; and WHEREAS, the said City Commtssion deems it advisable to waive the requirement for park or playground area as set forth in Section 11-602(9), Revised Codes of Montana 1947; I WHEREAS, the proper legal description of said contiguous tract 1s as follows: A tract of land lying in the southwest quarter of Section18, Township 2 South, Range 6 East of the Montana Principal Meridian and More partinularly described as follows: Beginning at the West i corner of Section 18, T 2 S, R 6 E, MPM, said t dorner being at the intersection of the ~enter1ine of So. Third Ave. and West Lincoln Street at the southwest corner of the Butte Addition to Bozeman, Montana, thence East 62$.07 feet, thence S 300 17' W a distance of 689.68 ft. along the right of way line of the C M St p & P RR which is 25 ft. west of the centerline of the tracks, thence West 277.32ft., thence N 00 02' W a distance of 595.85 ft to the point of be~inning; all bearing referred to the true meridian; said tract containing 6.1 acres, more or less; and .-.. --,- 480 WHEREAS, THE City Commissio-lOf the said City of Dozeman has, by its Resolt1.tion No. 771, regularly passed and adopted on the 22nd day of September, A. D. 195~ , decla:ped it to be the best interests of the said City of Bozeman and the inhabitants thereof and of the inhabitants of the contiguous tract hereinbefore described that the boundaries of the said City of Bozeman be extended soas to include said contiguous tract and that said contiguous tract be designated and zoned as part of nAn Rosidence District; and I WHEREAS, the Clerk of the City Commission has, pursuant to the provisions of Section 11-1:03, Subsection 2, Re'lised Codes of MOntana, 19h7, given the required notice to property owners and caused to be published the T'equi:ped public notice of such proposed extension of the boundnries of the said City of Bozeman; and W}F<~REAS , twen ty (20) days have expired since the date of the first publication of said notice and no e~ressions of disapproval of the proposed extension of the boundaries of the said City of i)ozeman have bee received; NOW, THEREFDRE, BE IT RESULVED BY 'I'HE COMMISSION OF' THE CITY OF BOZEMAN: Section 1. 'rhat pursuant to the authori ty vested in the Ci ty Gomm~_ssion of the City of Bozeman by SectIon 11-~03, Subsectilon2, Revised Codes of ['lInntana, 1947, it is hereby declared that the boundaries of the said City of rlozemon shall be extended sa as to embro.ce and include within the boundaries and corporate limits of the said C:i.ty of Bozeman the tract contiguous thereto and hereinbefore described. Section 2. That said contiguous tract be, and the same is hereby designated and zoned as part of the "A" Residence District. Section 3. That in accordance with the terms and provisions of Section 11-602(9), I Revised Codes of Montana, 19Lt 7, the requirement for park or playground area t be set aside or dedicated is herby waived and no park or playground area shall be required to be set aside or dedicated. Sectlon 4. ~hat this Resolution shall be, and the same is hereby declared to be effective as of the dBte of its passage and adoption. Passed and adopted by the Commissionof the City of 00zeman at a regular session held on the 20th day of October, A. D. 1954. Attest: ~~/~. Clerk of the City Commission State of Ma~tana ) ) ss I County of Gallr:tin ) I, L. ,.., Shpdoan, Cl erk of the Commis s1.. on 0 f' 'rhe City of Eo Z8;;W n, do hereby \J. certify thHt the f'oregoing Commission Rpsolution No. 702 was published by title and number in 'he Bozeman Deily Chronicle, a newspBper of general circulation printed and published in said C"tty in the issue of October 25th, 195LI, Hnd thHt due pr(Jof of such publication 1s on file in my orfice. IN .VI'I'NESS 'NT-IEREOF I HElmUN'J10 set my hand and affix the corporate seal of' my o+'fice this 26th day of 'Jctober, 19.sh. Resolution No. 782 ~~~ ...-- . -.'-