HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 777 Protesting App. of Northwest Airlines to suspend service to Bozeman . -. .-...... -...-- ---. .---.--- .-... COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 777 465 A RESOLUrION OF 'rm COMtrrSSIJN JP THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, M)NTA~JA , PROTESTING TIm APPL T CA'rION OF NURTf{WEST AIRLINES, INC., AS AtlliNDED, BEFORE T'-fE CIVIL AERONAUTICS BOARD, WlSH ::NG'rON, D..C., DOCKET NU1\mH~R 4474, FOR AN ORDER AUTHORIZING THE ELn/IINA'rION OF '10ZEMAN, M'YJTANA, FROM ITS CERTIFICA'rE OR TEMPORARY SUSPENSION OF' ITS SERVICE TO BOZEMAN, MONTANA, AND URGING THE CONTINUANCE OF SUCH SERVICE. WHEREAS, ther,") has been Dresented to the Commission of the City of Bo:"eman, I Montana, a copy of an amended Application of Northwest Airlines, Inc. , for an order of the Civil Aeronautics i30ard eltminat:tnc~ Bozeman, M'JntDna, from its Certificate or for suspension of its service to Bozeman, Montana; and 1JVHEREAS, the City of Bozeman is a joint owner wIth the County of Gallatin of the airport facil;ties at Bozeman, known as Gallatin Field,. and as a taxing authority levies and imposes a tax upon its citizens for the partial maintenance and operation of said airport facilities, and as such is an interested party to the aforementioned Application of Northwest Airlines, Inc.,; and "'HEf? EA S , the citizens of the City of Bozeman and the I..iounty of GalLatin have expended large sums of money in furnishing more than adequate airport facilities at said Gallatin Field and are presently spending large sums of mmey annually for the maintenance and operation of sald facilities, which facilities were originally designed and provided largely at the behest of said Northwest Airlines, Inc., and are now maintained and operated principally f'or their use and convenience in operating their airline servlces to this area; and 1NHETIEAS , this Commission is informed and verily believes that the aforementioned I airport facilities at said Gallatin Field are adequate to handle any traffic of said Northwest Airlines, Inc., that weather conditi'ms are above minimum requirements for commercial siline operation ninety-seven (97) percent of the time, that said Northwest Airlines, Inc., is not now and never has operated its regular passenger stops at Bozeman, Montana, at a monetary loss, and that said Northwest Airlines, Inc. , has enjoyed a substantial annual increase in passenger, mail, and express revenue in each uf the seven years it has operated its Bozeman, i'qon tana , stop; and WHEREAS, the steady growth of this community and the trading area wfuich it serves and the greatly increased enrollment at Montana State College require the maintenance of airline service to this area by Northwest Airlines, Inc. NOW, 'rf1ER ':POFE, BE IT RF.:SOL\rED BY 'rEi!: COMMISSION OF THE CITY ,JF BOZEMAN: Section 1. That the Commission of the City of Jozeman hereby protest the amended Application of ~orthwest Airlines, Inc., for an order of the Civil Aeronautics Board eliminating Bozeman, Montana, from its Certiftcate or for suspension of its service to Bozeman, Montana. I Section 2. 'rhet the Commission of the City of :}ozeman respectfully petitions the Civil Aeronautics joard to deny the said Application of Northwest Airlines, Inc.. in its entirety and respectfully petitions said aoard to order the continuance of '" uninterrupted commercial airline service to the City of So zeman, M ntana. Section 3. 'fhat the Clerk of this Commission be, and he is hereby, directed to forward properly certified copies of tJlis Resolution to the Civil Aeronautics Board and all interested parties. 466 Section 4. That this Resolution shall be, and the same is her~by declared to be effective as of the date of its passage and adoption. Passed and adopted by the Commission of the City of Bozeman at a regular session held on the 6th day of October, A. D., 1954. t!L I 1 / :?C~/ __ Mayor Attest: o/A~ Clerk of the City Commission State of Montana ) ) ss County of Gallatin ) I, L. G. Shadoan, C13 rk of the Commlssion of Thn Cit\T of Boze-uan, do hereby certify that therorep:;oing Commission Resolution N0. 777 was published by title and nllffi;)er in the Bo zeman DEily Chronic..: Ie, a nowspaper of general circulation printed and published in said City in the iSBu.e of October 8th, l'J5Lj, and due proof of such publication is on file in my office. I IN WITNESS WTTEREOF I hereunto ~3et my hand and af'fix the corpo:rate seal of my office this 9th day of October, 1951+ . dfr~ Ck'k of the Cormnis sian I Resolution Th. 777