HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014 Redesign of Public Service Lots: Parking RFQ Master DocumentRequest for Qualifications P a g e | 1 TO: All Interested Parties RE: City of Bozeman Parking Commission Request for Qualifications Redesign of the four public surface parking lots in Downtown Bozeman DATE: June 23, 2014 Enclosed please find the following: 1) Request for Qualifications (RFQ), 2) Scope of Services, 3) Qualifications Evaluation Criteria, and 4) Consultant Selection Procedure. These materials will be utilized by the Bozeman Parking Commission (BPC) to establish a list of consultants prequalified to provide engineering and other services for the redesign of the four public surface parking lot projects. The BPC selection committee (Committee) will use the City’s Qualifications Evaluation Criteria to prepare a Prequalified Consultant Selection List. Firms may also be invited to interview with the Committee. The initial numerical prequalification ranking and the results of any interviews will be used to make a final consultant selection for further contract negotiations. Statements for Qualifications must be received no later than the date noted in the published advertisements and on the attached Request for Qualifications. Each entity submitting under this notice shall include a provision requiring the submitting entity to affirm in writing it will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, creed, sex, age, marital status, national origin, or because of actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity or disability and recognizing the eventual contract will contain a provision prohibiting discrimination as described above and this prohibition on discrimination shall apply to the hiring and treatment of the Contractor’s employees and to all subcontracts. Failure to comply with the above shall be cause for the BPC and/or Committee to deem the submittal non-responsive. If you have any questions regarding the enclosed information, please contact Scott Lee at the City Parking Department (406-582-2903). cc: Bozeman Parking Commission Project File Request for Qualifications P a g e | 2 REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS REDESIGN OF THE FOUR PUBLIC SURFACE PARKING LOTS IN DOWNTOWN BOZEMAN The Bozeman Parking Commission (BPC) is seeking Statements of Qualifications from firms qualified to provide professional engineering, planning, design, construction inspection and other related services for the redesign of the four public surface parking lots in Downtown Bozeman. The BPC intends to develop a ranked list of firms qualified to provide professional services for the redesign of the four public parking lots in Downtown Bozeman. The work may be broken into several projects over multiple fiscal years; subsequently, multiple contracts may be negotiated over a period of time. Copies of the proposed Scope of Services, Qualifications Evaluation Criteria and the Consultant Selection Procedure are available at the Parking Department, 20 East Olive Street, P.O. Box 1230, Bozeman, Montana 59771, or by calling 406-582-2903 during normal business hours. All submissions must contain the following information: 1. Statement of Interest including brief overview of consulting team members and ability to work within stated time frame (one page limit). 2. Statement of Qualifications including description of key staff that will be committed to this project and their relevant expertise and similar project experience (five page limit) 3. Project Approach detailing proposed research, analyses, design development process, timelines, public input, and format of deliverables (five page limit) RESERVATION OF RIGHTS BY BOZEMAN PARKING COMMISSION The issuance of this RFQ and the acceptance of a submittal do not constitute an agreement by the BPC that any contract will actually be entered into by the BPC. Any costs incurred by respondents in preparation of a response to this RFQ are completely the responsibility of the respondents. Any or all disputes arising under this RFQ and any contract negotiated as a result of this RFQ shall be governed by the laws of the State of Montana. The BPC reserves the right to issue written notices of any change in the submittal process should the BPC determines, in its sole and absolute discretion that such changes are necessary or desirable. In addition and notwithstanding any other provision of the RFQ, the BPC reserves the right to: 1. Waive any immaterial defect or informality in a submittal; 2. Extend or otherwise revise the submittal date; 3. Reject any or all submissions or portions thereof; 4. Cancel this RFQ at any time; 5. Reissue a new or revised RFQ; and 6. Request one or more teams to submit a more detailed submittal. Request for Qualifications P a g e | 3 This solicitation does not require the BPC to award a contract, to pay any cost incurred with the preparation of a qualifications statement, or to procure or contract for services. The BPC reserves the right to accept or reject any submittals received in response to this request, to negotiate with any qualified source, or cancel in whole or part this process if it is in the best interest of the BPC. Prior to negotiations, prospective entities may be required to submit revisions to their qualifications statements. All submitters should note that any contract pursuant to this solicitation may be dependent upon the recommendation of the BPC staff and the approval of the Bozeman Parking Commission. SUBMITTAL REJECTION/RIGHT TO DISQUALIFY Submittal of terms, condition and/or agreements may result in rejection if such terms, conditions, or agreements are deemed unacceptable by the BPC in its sole discretion. The BPC reserves the right to disqualify any entity who fails to provide information or data specifically requested herein or who provides materially inaccurate or misleading information or data or who attempts to influence the selection process outside the procedures established herein. The BPC reserves the right to disqualify any entity on the basis of any real or apparent conflict of interest. This disqualification is at the sole discretion of the BPC. BOZEMAN PARKING COMMISSION’S ANTI DISCRIMINATION POLICY Each entity submitting under this notice shall include a statement wherein the submitting entity affirms in writing it will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, creed, sex, age, marital status, national origin, or because of actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability in fulfillment of a contract entered into for the services identified herein and that this prohibition on discrimination shall apply to the hiring and treatment of the submitting entity’s employees and to all subcontracts it enters into related to fulfillment of the services identified in this RFQ. Failure to comply with the above shall be cause for the BPC to deem the submittal non- responsive. The required submittals must be electronically submitted in PDF format no later than 5:00 p.m. on Friday, July 25th, 2014 to: agenda@bozeman.net City of Bozeman P.O. Box 1230 Bozeman, MT 59771-1230 Please title your subject line: RFQ-Redesign of Four Public Surface Parking Lots in Downtown Bozeman . Responses received after 5:00 p.m., on this date will not be considered. For questions regarding this RFP, please contact Parking Manager Scott Lee at slee@bozeman.net or by calling 582-2903. This Request for Qualifications will be published in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle on the following dates: Sunday, June 29th, 2014 and Sunday July 13th, 2014. Request for Qualifications P a g e | 4 SCOPE OF SERVICES REDESIGN OF THE FOUR PUBLIC SURFACE PARKING LOTS IN DOWNTOWN BOZEMAN The City of Bozeman Parking Commission (PBC) is requesting qualification statements from firms qualified to provide professional engineering, planning, design, construction inspection, and other related services for the redesign of the four public surface parking lots in downtown Bozeman. The general scope of services involves three distinct improvement objectives that must be designed to interact with one another at each lot and be consistently applied at all four lots. The first objective is to restructure each public parking lot to maximize its capacity and function. The second objective is to incorporate landscaping, lighting, and other physical elements to drastically improve the aesthetic and safety of each lot. The third objective is to effectively mitigate storm water runoff from each parking lot. Common elements must be utilized at all four locations to create a cohesive, recognizable parking lot system. PROJECT BACKGROUND This project is supported by the 2009 Downtown Improvement Plan: “The public parking lots shall be enhanced with pedestrian scale lighting, way-finding signage, and aesthetic elements such as screening and landscaping. These improvements were proposed in the 1998 MAKERS Plan but have yet to be implemented.” [DBIP p.35] This project is supported by the goals and policies of the Bozeman Parking Commission: “The Bozeman Parking Commission will professionally manage the public parking resources entrusted to it by the City of Bozeman. The BPC will develop and manage a customer oriented and user friendly parking system. The BPC will improve and maintain public parking assets. The BPC will provide for the safe movement of vehicles and pedestrian traffic.” The 2012 Downtown Bozeman Creek Parking Project Conceptual Plan developed a design concept that the Bozeman Parking Commission wants to retain and use as the basis for the redesign of the four surface parking lots. PROJECT LOCATION The Downtown Bozeman Parking Public Parking Lot Project involves four public parking lots at the following locations: 1. The “Armory Lot” is located at the southeast corner at the intersection of North Willson Avenue and West Mendenhall Street. 2. The “North Willson Lot” is located at the northeast corner at the intersection of North Willson Avenue and West Mendenhall Street. 3. The “Carnegie Lot” is located at the southeast corner at the intersection of North Black Avenue and East Mendenhall Street. 4. The “Eagles Lot” is located at the northwest corner at the intersection of South Rouse Avenue and East Babcock Street. Request for Qualifications P a g e | 5 PROJECT OBJECTIVES 1. Maximize function and capacity: One or more of the downtown public parking lots currently suffer from combinations of poor access, limited circulation, improper stall dimensions, and inadequate drive lane widths. The goals of this objective are to: maximize internal layout, vehicle capacity and function of each lot; and improve vehicle access from street and/or adjacent alleys. Elements of existing parking signage must be incorporated into design of each lot. 2. Enhance the Aesthetic and Safety: All of public parking lots are sterile and unappealing. All lack sufficient internal lighting. Designs should include low to no- maintenance landscaping that primarily incorporates trees that are located to maximize shade once mature. Lighting plans should include perimeter and internal lighting consistent with best practice dark skies standards. Solar powered lighting options should be considered. 3. Mitigate Storm Water Impacts: Currently none of the public parking lots incorporate any kind of storm water mitigation. Designs must address storm water issues including retention and/or filtration to meet current City of Bozeman, State of Montana and EPA guidelines and requirements. Ideally, the storm water mitigation system would provide irrigation for landscaping elements. PROJECT COMPONENTS Project Scope of Services: This design project will include but not be limited to the following scope of services:  Field observations and site analysis  Regulatory review  Engineering analysis  Urban planning  Landscape design Project Deliverables: This design project will include but not be limited to the following deliverables:  Civil site survey  Construction drawings  Graphic renderings  Implementation budget Project Parameters: This design project must conform to and utilize the following planning documents:  Bozeman Unified Development Code  Downtown Bozeman Creek Park(ing) Plan  Downtown Bozeman Improvement Plan Request for Qualifications P a g e | 6 Project Timeline: The project timeline is subject to change: June 29th, 2014 Bozeman Parking Commission Releases RFQ July 25, 2014 Submission of Qualifications deadline August 2014 Submittal Review and interviews August 29, 2014 Award Project Contract Detailed project schedules will be established during contract negotiations. Proposals must clearly demonstrate the firm's ability to provide the services detailed above given their current staffing. Request for Qualifications P a g e | 7 QUALIFICATIONS EVALUATION CRITERIA REDESIGN OF THE FOUR PUBLIC SURFACE PARKING LOTS IN DOWNTOWN BOZEMAN Respondents to the Request for Qualifications (RFQs) shall be evaluated on the following criteria and the requirements of 18-8-201 et seq. MCA with the selection committee choosing, in its opinion, the most qualified firm to provide the services required for the proposed project: 30% -- The qualifications of professional personnel to be assigned to the project 30% -- Related experience on similar projects 25% -- Capability to meet project schedule and budget requirements 5% -- Location of firm in relation to project 5% -- Present and projected workloads 5% -- Recent and current work for the City of Bozeman showing good attention to detail Each firm will be ranked in accordance with each of these main disciplines listed in the Scope of Services section included in the Request for Qualifications. The selection of finalist(s) to be interviewed will be made by a selection committee (Committee) representing the Bozeman Parking Commission (BPC). The selection will be based on an evaluation of the written responses to the RFQs. Award will be made following contract negotiations to the most qualified firm at a price which the BPC determines to be fair and reasonable taking into account the estimated value of services to be rendered, as well as the scope, complexity, and professional nature thereof. If the BPC is unable to negotiate a satisfactory contract with the firm initially selected at a price the BPC deems to be fair and reasonable, negotiations with that firm will be formally terminated and the BPC shall select another firm in accordance with 18-8-204 MCA, and continue until an agreement is reached or the process is terminated. All submitted proposals must be complete and contain the information required as stated in the "Request for Qualifications". Request for Qualifications P a g e | 8 CONSULTANT SELECTION PROCEDURE June 2014 This Request for Qualifications (RFQ) will be published as a legal notice in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle and any other newspaper in any other city or state as determined by the City Parking Manager based on the nature and complexity of the services to be provided. The legal notice shall include a brief, general description of the nature of the project and/or the services to be provided, the closing date for proposal/qualifications submittals, the number of copies to be submitted and the name of a contact person from whom more detailed information can be obtained. A detailed description of the proposed scope of services and the consultant selection criteria shall be prepared for each request and made available to all interested parties. The selection criteria will normally include: 1) The qualifications of professional personnel to be assigned to the project; 2) Related experience on similar projects; 3) Capability to meet time and project budget requirements; 4) Location of firm; 5) Present and projected workloads; 6) Previous work shows good attention to detail. Statement of Qualifications shall include: 1) Statement of Interest; 2) Statement of Qualifications including description of key staff that will be committed to this project and their relevant expertise and similar project experience; 3) Project Approach detailing proposed research, analyses, design development process, timelines, public input, and format of deliverables; 4) At the discretion of the firm, a company brochure. Any proposals or statements of qualifications received after the closing date identified in the legal notice or that are judged non-responsive to the above minimum submittal requirements will be rejected. A Selection Committee (Committee) will be formed of not less than 3, nor more than 5 people from the following list: 1) Bozeman Parking Manager 2) Bozeman Parking Commission Executive Committee Members 3) Downtown TIF Director 4) City Engineering Office representative; Request for Qualifications P a g e | 9 The size and membership of any given Committee will be established by the Parking Manager prior to the time the submittals are reviewed. The Committee members will numerically rank the firms by individually and independently reviewing the proposals and/or Statement of Qualifications based on the criteria identified in the detailed description referred to above. The final numerical ranking will be one point for the most qualified firm, two points for the second most qualified firm, etc. Depending on the number of submittals received, the numerical ranking may be used to "short- list" not more than 4 firms for further consideration. The "short-listed” firms may be contacted and asked to interview with the Committee or the Commission. During the interview of each firm, a list of questions previously formulated by the Committee may be asked of each of the firms. Additionally, firm-specific questions may be asked by individual members of the Committee. All questions shall remain confidential prior to the interviews. The consultant selected will be requested to identify specific work tasks to be performed and the specific dollar amount of compensation for each task. This work task/fee schedule will be reviewed by the Committee and/or BPC and negotiated with the consultant. Should the BPC and the consultant fail to adopt a mutually acceptable work task/fee schedule, the consultant will receive written notification that negotiations are terminated. After termination, the next highest ranked firm will be contacted and negotiations will begin as identified above, until an acceptable agreement is reached. Upon reaching a mutually acceptable work task/fee schedule, a formal contract shall be prepared by the Parking Manager which incorporates said work task/fee schedule. Upon signature by the consultant, the contract will be placed on the Bozeman Parking Commission agenda for authorization to proceed. All unsuccessful firms shall be contacted by mail. If the selection committee has a consensus reason for not selecting the firm, said reason will be included in the letter of notification. Additional analysis of the short comings of a proposal is discouraged and need not be discussed by any member of the selection committee.