HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 968 Special Improvement District #415 ~ .105 COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 968 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY C01~1ISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZE- MAN DECLARING IT TO BE THE INTENTION OF TEE CITY OF BOZE- MAn TO CRE1\. TE A SPECIAL I"'PROVEMENT DISTRICT TO BE K!WWN AS SPECIAL IMPROVE~.::ENT DISTRICT NUMBER 415 '1p ThE CI'I'Y OF BOZE~tAN FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING AND nJSTALLING A PAVEMENT PROJECT ON WEST MAIN STREET FROM THE WEST LINE OF SOUTH EIG~TH AVENUE AND SAID LINE EXTENDED TO TEE I WESTERLY CI'l'Y LIMITS OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN WHEREAS, The City Commission of the City of Bozeman has determined that the pave- mer.t on West Main Street from the West line of South Eighth Avenue to the westerly city li~its of the City of Bozeman must be completed; and WHERTI:AS, Said street is a part of the highway system of the State of Montana, be- ing a part of Highway No. 191; and WHEREAS, By virtue of the above fact, the Montana State Highway Commission has agreed to pay, witb federal aid, seventy-five percent (75%) of the cost of placing said pa vemen t .; and WTillRE:1\S, Twenty-five percent (25%) of the cost of said new pavement, inc luding engineering expense, rlght of way, construettoD and incidentals, will be assessed again- st the property immediately adjacent to the proposed improvement on a front foot basis; and WHEREAS, The property owners adjacent to the street to be paved, and thereby liable for asscssment therefor, have i~dicated a favorable reaction toward sech improve- ment; and vlHE TIE.'\. S , This irprovement is deemed to be desirable and, after due and regular constderation of nIl the above facts by the City Commission of the City of Boz81-r:an, the said City Commission. in rcgllJ.ar p'eeting on the lOth day of Febr-uar;; 1960, deter- mined that such ivprovement should be made and th9t a special improvement district should be created for the purpo38 of constrtlctiEg and installing such impro'Iement; nmv, '}'TIEHi(ii'Q BE, DE IT RESOLVED BY TT::E CITY CO:n"ISSION OF TILE: CITY OF EOZEK..-'i.N: Section 1 I 08claration of Intention That it is hareby doclared to be the i~tention of the City of Bozeman to create a, speci8l improyement c..is"trict to be known anu designated as SpecIal Improvement LJistrict 'liT" 4J5 of tLe City of "Soze:r:8D for tho ~lrpose of constructing and tnstalling a pa~e- _'j ',J . 1"'cnt project on West Main Street frolT the West ltne of South .G'r~ht hAvenue and said l~ne extendod to the Westerly c~ty Limits of the City of Bozeman. Section 2 Boundaries Tho boundaries of caid Special Improvement District No. 415 are described as follows: Beginning at a polnt on tht.7 West line of South Eivhth -' Avenue, said point being 130 feet south of the south line of West Main Street, thence from said point of beginni~g and ~n a westerly direct:lon 130 feut south of and parellel to the south line of West Main Street a distance of 926 feet, more or less, to a potnt on the Westerly City L:lmits of tho City of Bozeman; thence in a northerly direction along said City Limits to a po:int 130 feet north of the North line of ~iest Main ~ S, tl~8 e t; thence in an Easterly direction 130 feet north of and parD 11el to the Nortb line of West Main Street a distance of 919 feet, more or less, to a point of intGI'sec:tion with the 'West line of South Eighth Avenue produced; thence in a southerly direction along the West 1i"'a of South Eighth Avenue and said line produced to I the point of beginning. Section 3 Character of Improvements Tho character of tho improvements to 8e IT'ade within said Special Improvement District No. 415 i~: Construction of a pavemont project on West Main ~treet from the West line of South Eighth Averule and said line extended to the Wasterly city limits of tho Ci ty of B()zc~ar:, said :oavement project to :'I.nclude CO!l;b1_!1at~.cn concrete cn.rbs and g'_~ t ters , gravel base course, cx'ushed gravel cushion course, Oi t'lminous surface course, and such storm sewer appurtenances as required. .106 Section 4 The preliminary estImate of cost of sDid improvement, inchiuing nIl work, ma t- erial, ene:ineerin['; fu:.d incidentals, is Nineteen Thousand Eight Hundred Forty-three and 78/100 Dollars ($19,843.78). This estimate is Made by the Montana State High- W3.:/ DoparttrlGY'. t. The Won tD.na Sta te Highwa y Departmen t, wi th federal :::tid, will pay seventy-five percent (75%) of this co~t, and the property owners immedia tely ad- jacent to the proposod improvement will pay the remaining twenty-five percent (25iG) of tho estimated total cost of said improvement plus an additional four percent (47~) for COB t of ad vertis 1n['; snd inc ~ Jen te IS) or a to t81. of Pi ve Thousand Ono Hun- I drea Fifty-nine and 4U/IOO Dollars (5,150.40,. Section 5 Method of Assossment The balance of the estimated cost of said improvoment remaining in the amount of F'ive Tho1Jsand One Hundred Fifty-nine and 40/100 Dollars (;$5,159.40) is to be assesDed on a front foot basis on all property immediately adjacent t.o the proposed improvement. On this basis, the lineal frontage of the district is 1506.68, and the estimAted rate of assessment is $3.42 per front foot. Section 6 Assessable Area of District The actual front footage of property immediately adjacent to the proposed improve- ment is 1506.68 lineal feet and protests will be considered on a fron foot basis. Section 7 Payments Tho payments for said improvement shall 1;)e made ln ten (10) yearly installments extending over a period of nine (9 ) years, bu t th is sha 11 not be cons trued to pre- ven t pa ymen t in full a t any regula r pa ymen t da te by any property owner who des ires to do so. It is proposed to pay the entire cost and expense of the construction and installation of said improvement with cash to be obtained from the sale of bonds of said Special Improvement District No. 415, as authorized by law. Such bonds will be in denominations of $100.00 each and fractions of $100.00 where necessary, to be Iss1)sd and chargeable against a fund to be known and designated as Special Improve- I ment District No. 415 I~nd of the City of Bozeman. The bonds will be redee~able at the option of the City, sinGly or in multiples, snLi in the order of their registration, whenever funds are available for that purpose in said Sp0cial ImprovG!nent District No. 415. Said bonds shall draw a simple interest from the date of their rogistration unti} called for payment, at a rate not exceeding six percent (6~b) per annum, which interest sh911 be chargeable as a part of the cost of the construction and installa- tion of said improvement. Tho bonds will be issued and sold in accordance with the prov~sions of Section 11-2232 and Section 11-2271, Revised Codes of Montana 1947, and all other applicable provisions of Title 11 of the Revised Codes of Montana 1947, rE)- latinc to spociRl improvement districts in cities and towns, and any amendments thereof or thereto. Section 8 Protests and Notice That the regular session of the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, to be held at the Commission Chamber, City Hall Building, Bozeman, Montana, on Wednesday, the 2nd day of March, 1960, at the hour of 1:00 o'clock p.m. of said day, is the tlme-and place, when and where the Oi t~T COrT'..rrdssion will hear and pass upon all pro- tests dlJly o.nd regularly mode and filed against the creation of said proposed Spe- cial Improvement District No. 415, the irprovement proposed to be made pUrS1J8nt t~ereto and the extent Dnd character thereof, or either thereof; and the Clerk of the City Commission be, and he is hereby, directed to give notice in the manner and for the time as by law required, of the adoption of this ResolDtion of Intention. Adopted by the CotruYlission of the Cit:' of Bozeman, Montana, at D regular and stated session of sald Commission held on the 10th dBY of F3bruary A. D. 1960.. sl A~nold M.. Swanson I Ma yor Attest: ." @({~ d..-->,/VC/ v .ar . 0 tl~e Clty Commission .----. .-. _ ,.--....------."...., -