HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 956 Vacate Portions of a variety of Streets , J7r': ~ ~J COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 956 A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, DECLARING IT TO BE TIll INTENTION OF SAID COMMISSION TO VACATE PORTIONS OF E:AST COLLEGE STREET, EAST HARRISON STREET, EAST CLEVE- LAND STREET, EAST ARTIDJR STREET, EAST GARFIELD STREET, BUTTONWOOD AVENUE, HIGHLAND AVE'N1JE, CYPRUS AVEN1JE SOUTH, McADOW AVENUE SOUTH, AND PROSPECT PLACE AND ALL ALLEYS BETNEEN SAID STRE~TS A1~ AVEWJES, ALL IN PROSPECT HILL ADDITION TO THE CITY OF' BOZEMAE, PORTIONS OF I BUTTONvmOD AVENUE, CYPRUS AVE:NUE SOlJTH, McADOW AVENUE SOUTH, EAST LINCOLN STREET, EAST GARFIELD STREET, EAST HAYES STREET, EAST GRANT STREET, .JOHNSON FLACE A"i\ID ALL ALLEYS BETWEEN SAID STREETS AND AVEN- UES ALL H: VALLEY VIEW ADDITION TO THE CITY OF BOZE~.TAr, PORTIONS OF EAST GARFIELD STREET, EAST HAYES STREET, EAST GRANT STREET, I3TTTTON- WOOD A 'IE~T1TS, HI (~FLA~TD A VEffiTE, CYPRTJS AVEN1TE SOUTH, AND ALL ALLEYS BETWEEN SAID STRE--;TS AND AVENUES, ALL IN HIGHLAND ADDITION TO THE CITY OF BOZE~iTAN, AND PORTIONS OF EAST COLLl-WE STREET, EAST HARRISON STRETi~T, EAST CLEVELAi:ID STREET, }!;AST ARTHUR STRE~T, EAST GARFIELD STRE:~T, EA~;T EAY-L:S STREET, l':AST ~mA}TT STEEET, ,TOHNSON PLACE, EAST LINCOLN STREET, AYLSWORTH AVEN:~E, SWITZLER AVENUE,i<~LECTRIC AVENUE, PROSPECT PLACE AND ALL ALLEYS BETWEEN SAID STREE'l'S AND A VENTJES, ALL IN CENTRAL ADDITION TO THE C1'17 OF BOZ1~MAN, AND D1REG'l'ING 'l'HAT NO'l'ICE OF TEE TIME AND PLA'~E OF HEARING BE SERVED WHEREAS, a certain property owner owning more than 51% of the lands abutting streets, avenues and alleys in Prospect Hill Addition, Valley View Addition, Highla~d Addition and Central Addition to the City of Bozeman, has presented to the City Commission a petition asking the City Commission to institute the necessary proceedings to vacate portions of certain streets, avenues and alleys in said Additions to the City of Bozeman; and WHEREAS, it appears that the same may be vacated without detriment to the public I in teres t and should be vaca ted in the public in teresl.i. ).~vW, 'lhEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY T}IE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN: Section 1 Dec laration of Intention It is hereby declared to be the intention of the Commission of the City of Bozeman to vacate the following described portions of streets, avenues and alleys: East College Street between Ida Avenue South and Electric Avenue; East Harrison Street between Ida Avenue ~outh and Electric Avenue, except that portion that lies between the West side of Highland Avenue and the East side of South G;/prus Avenue; East Cleveland Street between Ida Avenue South and Electric Avenue, except that portion that lies between the West side of Highland Avenue and Prospect ~lace; East Garfield Street between Ida Avenue South and Electric Avemle, except that portion that lies between the West side of Buttonwood Avenue and the East side of Highland Avenue and except that portion that lies between the East line of South McAdow Avenue and the West line of South Aylsworth Avenue; East Hayes Street between Ida Avenue South and Electric Avenue, except that portion that lies between the West side of Aylsworth Avenue to the East side of Switzler Avenue; East Grant Street between Ida Avenue South and the east line of Blocks 14 and 17, Valley View Addition and from the west line of Blocks 13 and 18, Valley View Addition to Electric Avenue, except that portion that lies between the East side of Ida Avenue South and the West side of Buttonwood I and except that portion between the West line Lot 3, Block 20 of Valley View Addi tion and the 'Nes t line of Sou th Swi tzler A venue; Johnson .Place from Ida Avenue South to the East line mf Blocks 1'7 and 24, Valley View Addition and from the West line of Blocks 18 and 23, Valley View Addition to Elec tric A venue; East Lincoln Street from Ida Avenue ~outh to the East line of Block 24, Valley View Addition and from the west line of Block 23, Valley View Add- ition to Electric Avenue, excepting therefrom that portion of East Lincoln Street as originally platted within the limits of Western Union Addition to the City of Bozeman, and except that portion that lies between the West line of Lot 12, Block 21, Valley View Addition, and the East line of said Addition; Res olution No. 956 ----- ---.---...---.--...--- :~76 Buttonwood Aven1~e from East College Street to East Lincoln Street, except that portion that lies between the North side of East Garfield Street and the South side of East Grant Street; Highland Avenue from East College Street to the South line of Blocks t and 6, Highland Addition to the City of Bozeman, except that portion that lies between the South side of East College Street and the North side of East Harrison Street and except that portion that lies between the North side of East Cleveland Street and the South side of East Garfield Street; Cyprus Avenue South from East College Street to East Lincoln I Stree t, except that portion that lies between the North side of East Harrison Street and the South side of East Cleveland Street; McAdow Avenue Sou tb from Ess t Colle>,:e Street to Eas t Lincoln Street; Prospect }-' i_ace from East College Street to the South line of Block 20, Prospect Hill Addition to the City of Bozeman, except that portion that lies between Harrison Street and the North Boundary of Prospect Hill Addition; Aylsworth Avenue :.:)outh from East College Street to East Lincoln Street, except that portion that lies between the South side of East Grant tnad the North side of East Garfield; Switzler Avenue South from East College Street to East Lincoln Street, except that portion that lies between the South side of East Grant and the North side of East Hayes; Electric Avenue South from East College Street to East Lincoln Street; all said portions of said streets, avenues and places being within the limits of Prospect Hill Addition, Valley View Addition, Highland Addition, and Central Addition to the City of Bozeman, Montana; All East-West alleys between unvacated Ida Avenue South and Button- wood Avenue and all North-South, East-West alleys between the above mentioned streets, avenues and places, all in Prospect Hill Addition, Valley View Addition, Highland Addition and Central Addi- tion, the the City of Bozeman, Montana subject to objection of owners of property affected by such proposed vacation, in accordance with the provisions of Section 11-3310 of the Revised Codes of Montana, 1947. I Section 2 Tim e for Objection That the regular meeting of the Commission of the City of Bozeman, to be held Wednesday, the 19th day of August A. D. 1959, at the hour of 1:00 o'clock p.m of said day, at the Commission Room in the City Hall Building, Bozeman, Montana, is the time when and the place where the City Commission will consider and pass upon objections to said proposed vacation and the City Manager is direct- ed to give notice thereof in the manner and for the time as provided in said Section 11-3310 of the Revised Codes of Montana, 1947. Section 3 Notice That the City Manager of the City of Bozeman, Montana, be, and he hereby is, directed to cause notice of the time and place set for hearing the within and foregoing Resolution of Intention to be served upon all owners of lots abutting the s tree ts , avenues and alleys affected by the proposed vacation who are residents of the Sta te of Mon tana in the manner reqlJ ired for the service of Summons in c1 viI I actions and that all persons owning lots abuttino~ upon the s treats, avenues and alleys proposed to be vacated who cannot be personally 8urviced, shall be served by publication once in the Bozeman Daily Chronlr.le, a daily newspaper of ~eneral circulation in the City of Bozeman, Montana. Said notice shall state the time and place when and where objections will be heard. Res olution No. 956 :r-n Passed and adopted by the City Commission at its regualr meeting held on the 29th day of July A. D. 1959 J I ATTEST: ..- , \ ~~~!/ Clerk 0 the ity Commission State of Montana ) ) ss County of Galla tin) I, C. K. Wilson, Clerk of the Commission of the City of Bozeman, do hereby cert-tfy that the foregoing Commission Resolution No. 956 was published by title and number in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a newspaper of general circulation printed and published in said City in the issue of August 4th, 1959, and due proof of such publication is on file in my office. IN WIT~~3S WHEREOF I hereunto set my hand and afix the corporate seal of my office this 5th day of August, 1959. ..- b~~~~~~/ ~ - ~ ~ - - - - ~ I state of Montana ) County of Gallatin~ as I, C. K. Wilson, Clerk of the Commission of the City of Bozeman, do hereby certify that the foregoing Notice in Re, Commission Resolution No. 956 was published at length in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a newspaper of general. circulation printed and published in said City in the issue of August 4th, 1959, and due proof of such publication is on file in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I hereunto set my hand and sfix the corporate seal of my of'f1ce this 5th day of August, 1959. ('.... .~... ../. .., "',' ,.,. ~l~~ ~~>'t~e'C~~1~~~lon I Resolution No. 956 -.- :-~78 NOTICE OF HEARING ON RESOLUTION NO. 956 OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF' BOZEMAN DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO VACATE PORTIONS OF STREETS, AVENUES AND ALLEYS IN PROSPECT HILL ADDITION, VALLEY VIEW ADDITIOH, HIGTJLAND ADDITION AND CENTRAL ADDITION TO TIrE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA NOTICE IS JIEREBY GI\~N that the Commission of the City of Bozeman has adopted a resolution declaring it to be the intention of said Commission to pass an ordinance vacating the following described portions of streets, a venues and alleys: East College Street between Ida Avenue South and Electric Avenue; I East Harrison Street between Ida Avenue South and Electric Avenue, except that portion that lies between the West side of Highland Avenue and the East side of South CyprIJ.s Avenue; East Cleveland Street between Ida Avenue South and Electric Avenue, except that portion that lies between the West side of Highland Avenue and Prospect ~lace; East Garfield Street between Ida Avenue South and Elec tric A venue, except that portion that lies between the West side of Buttonwood Avenue and the East side of Highland Avenue and except that portion that lies between the East line of South McAdow Avenue and the West line of South Aylsworth Avenue; East Hayes Treet between Ida Avenue South and Electr:tc Avenue, except that portion that lies between the West side of Aylsworth Avenue to the East side oyswitzler Avenue; East lIrant Street between Ida Avenue ~outh and the east line of Blocks 14 and 17, Valley View Addition and from the West line of Blocks 13 and 18, Valley View Addition to Electric Avenue, except that portion that lies between the East side of Ida Avenue South and theviest side of Buttonwood and except that portion between the 'dest line Lot 3, Block 20 of Valle~"View Addition and tree Vv'est line of South Switzler Avenue; Johnson ~lace from Ida Avenue South to the East line of Blocks 17 and 24, Valley View Addition and from the West line of Blocks 18 and 23, Valley View Addition to Electric Avenue; East Lincoln Street from Ida Avenue South to the East line of Block 24, Valley View Addition and from the west line of Block 23, Valley View Addition to Electric Avenue, excepting therefrom that portion of East Lincoln Street as originally platted within the limits of Western Ur&10D Addition to the City of Bozeman, and except that portion that lies between the West line of Lot 12, Block 21, Valley View Addition, and the East line of said Addition; Bu tt.:mwood Avenue from East College Street to East Lincoln Street, except that portion that lies between the North side of East Garfield Street and the South side of East Grant Street; I Highland Avenue from East College Street to the South line of Blocks 5 and 6, Highland Addition to the City of Bozeman, except that portion that lies between the South side of East College Street and the North side of East Harrison Street and except that portion th8.t Jies between the North side of East Cleveland Street and the South side of East Garfield Street; Cyprus Avenue South from East Co11e[';e Street to East Lincoln Street, except that portinn that lies between the North side of East Harrison Street and the Souttl side.of East Cleveland Street; McAdow AVEmue S,?uth from East College Street toEast Lincoln Street; PTospect ~lacofrbm East College Street to the ~outh line of Dlock 201 Prospect Hill Addition to the City of Bozeman, except that portion that lies between Harrison Street and the North boundary of Prospect Hill Addl tion; . Aylsworth Avenue South from East College Street to East Lincoln Street, except that portion that lies between the South side of East Grant and the North side of East GarfieldJ Switzler AVenue ~outh from East College Street to East Lincoln Street, except that portion that lies between the South side of East Grant and the North side of East Hayes; Electric Avenue ~outh from East College Street to East Lincoln Street; . .. all said portions of said streets, avenues and places being within the limi~s of Prospect Hill Addition, Valley View Addition, Highland Addition, and Central Addition to the City of Bozeman, Montana; All East-West alleys between unvaca ted Ida Avenue d01Jth and Buttonwood Avenue and all North-South, East-West alleys between the above mentioned s tree ts, avenues and places, all in Prospect Hill Addition, Valley View Addition, Highland Addition and Central Addition, to the City of Bozeman, Montana. the City Commission being of the opinion, after due consideration, that said I petition may be granted vvithout detriment to the public interest and should be granted in the public interest; And Notice is further hereby given that any and all objections to the passage and adoption of such an ordinance of vacation will be heard and considered by the City Commission at its regular meeting to be held on Wednesday, the 19th day of August A. D. 1959, at the hour of one o'clock p.m., at the Commission Hoom in the City Hall &lilding, Bozeman, Montana. Dated this 29th day of July A. D. 1959. ~A<-~ i ty Manager See Page 371 for Certificate ___