HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 955 Create SID 414, Treating Sewage - - -..----- __,,_.u_. ._.. ------.. - ------- :J71 COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 955 A m::SOLUTION OF THE CITY COMhJISSION OF THE CIrY OF EOZEMANDECLA....UNG IT TO BE THE INTEN- TION OF THE CITY OF' EOZ:SMAlii ro CREATE A SFECIAL IMPROVE;MEJi;T DISTRICT T' BE KNOWN AZ SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 414 FOR TITE rURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING }JJIJ INSTALLING .AN OXILATION FOND FOR Trs TRE1\TMENT GJ." RAW SEWAGE. SAID PROJECT TO IYCLUDD ALLP.PFURTErANT WORK; FOR TFE OONSTRDCTIOlJ or A S"::'NERAGE SYSTEM TO FROVIDE SA1TI'/'I.RY S]y;1[ERS FOR 1'.1L LOTS WITEIN THE DISTRICT 'NIlH TE:!: EXCEFTION OF LO TONE (1) IN BLOCK THI'RT~ElJ (13) AND LOT ONE I (1) II.; 2LOCK FOURTEEN (14). SP.ID fROJBCT TO INCLUDE ALL N~;'CESSARY FIFE. IvlANEJLH:S Al\[. OTHF:E kIFUllTENliu."ICES; A.}:;D Fcn TF8 FFRPOSE OF CONS TRUCIlNG A1'JD INSTJlLLINGA F AVF:MENT PRO- JECT ON EI'::;'HLPND EorLF;V'f.R:;J PtOL: i:,:orFTAIh 'lIB'.'[ lJOrLBV'ARr' TC TEE NO~TE EOUND,ft,JtY C} IE-IE NEW EYALITF: VIEW S'CEDI'vrSION. CHERRY DT\.IVE :F'RO:: EIGHLAND E01jLI~vARD 'Ie R~D IFSl':.:DTIi:G THE ClJL- lJE-SAC n; T3LOCK Fn'T'S'':N (15) 01 SAID S~TPDIVIS[ON. SOUTH SF'\UCF: DRIVE tROIt }"IGFLAND POl'LF.... VARD TO NORTH SFlmCE DRI'T'::, NORTH SFm;CE DRIV~ FROM ~:IGHI"AND ;;'XL"'ivA2D TC' SOTJIH SPRUCE DRIV8. SOL: TJj GSDJ.:R\tBN DE JiTS PRO!.; HIGHLJlJm BQULEVA.RD TO NORTH CEDA}:tVIEW DRE'S. :!'~c 31TE DECARVIE':i DTG'v'~ }Em,; HIGHLAND BorLF:V.At'1.D TO sorTH nECARVI~'!: DRIV-;;;. SotJ111 fIKSCREST DRIVE 21":01.1 JilG-ELAlm BO:"LEVAF,D TO NORTE FINSCREST I;nr:E, Ji;ORTH PINECR'E:3"T DRIVE FROM EIG~'LrnD f;()lIIJ::VII-IW TO SaUTE flXSCRSST DRIV~. WLLY DRIVE :FRm: FIGHLi'-..I;D BOULEVARD TO CHERRY DRTvE. .ASH DHT/S HiOTv, EOay I.;~UVB 'l.'-) Al!D INCLUDING THE CUL-DE-SAC IN BLOCK SIXTEE); (lE) OI' TEE NE"/i EYALITE VTS:li SBBDIVISION OF TE}; CITY OF BOZmtJAN, I~;OJ.iiTMA. SAID PAVBM"1:T PROJECT TO I:~CLiJDE COMBI::t;I:~'I.: CiJNC'r,:r:TE CURBSAJ~I, GlJT1'E:1S. GRAVT;L BASE COURSE. CRtSHBD Gl'U\VEL Cl'SmONCOURSE. BlTtMIl\JDS S1.TRBCS COl!l~SE. AND OTl-;sr. 1NORK INCIDENTAL THER'n'O Vffi1<'--Rl<iAS. there has bt'et" filed with the Clerk of the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, M.ontf'na. !'" f'etltior: in due form by t;h8 owner of the New Hyalite View Subdivision in said Citlj. asking; that a sFccial imfroveml'."nt djstrict he created for the furpose of construeting and ins tellinG p-n oxidsi.::\on pond for the h'e8.trr.ent of raw sewF.\g:e, fer the c<mstruction of p ::wwerBge system tu rrovi~e senit,n.ry sI.c,wers for All lots vrithh,. the district. with the exception of' Lot 1 in Block 13 and Loi:; 1 in Block 14. to jnclude elL r,eeessRry rif)c. ",'H:llolf's 'u:d. ohd~r ap;jUrtcriar.ccf;. <md for the Iurp::->se ')f constructinG and ins:'nllinG '3 Fnveme:r:.t [roject t:J include the ~ ~mstruction and insta 11a tion of combination cone rete curbs ond 6'( !.ters, grevel bas8 c OlJ.r~;e. crus}cec Grev"!l cUELicm course, b5tu:l1inous surfece course and :>ther work incidentel thereto; and i\'BEI~ 2AS , thRt At a r:>gular IIle"~tin:s of the City Commission of the City Qf Bozeman held on the 8th dbY of ,July A. D. 1959. the :",forsaLl petition was resreetively consideJ"ed and granted; NO;ii. T:.iER':FOH8. BE IT RSSOL'iT':l;D BY rES CITY aH1\;,JSSION OF TES CITY OF BOZEMAN: See ti 0r. 1 I D?cJn'ation of Intention Thet it is hereby deelo red to be th.-) ~1Jt.ention of the C: tJ, of BozemaIl to create A q:e.()jAI llillcrOvctnG!I i; district to be :';"!lO'Nr. 1>nd desicneted ns $r2('i&l l'Tlrrovement Distr:ict l.'o. 414 of the Ci ty of Bozeman for the ruq:Qse 0f' constructing p;nd jns'pllin;.; en oxidation rand for the treatment of raw sewHg;e. 8~;jJ r.roject to 1rlclude Hll 8.rr-mrtenp,nt work. for t}:e constn~ction of (3. sewerage systern to'['rovice sanitary sewers for all lots within the districtwith the exception of Lot One (1) in Block Thi rteen (13) and Lot One (1) in Block Fourteen (l4). said r:rojed: to include all necessary ripe. manr.cles and other appurtenance:".. and for the purIose of constructing; end installing a pavement project on Highle nd Boulevard from Mountain 'flew 50ulevard to the r.orth boundAr-.' of the New Hyali te View Subdivision. Cherry D..ive fJ"orn HighlAnd 20ulevard to and inclgding the cu1-de-sa:x in Block Fifte~n (15) of said subdivision. South Spruce Drive from BJ.ghland BoulevAr d to North Spruce Drive, North Spruce Drive from Highland Doulevl3rd to South Sf:ruce Drive. South Cl)edarvi ew Drive from Highland Boulevard to North &edarview Drive. North Cederview Drive from Eighland Bouleverd to Soutl, Cedarv1iew Drive. South Pinecrest Dri'Te from F:ighland Bouleverd to North Pinecrest Drive, l;ort.~ Fi11e- crest Drive from Highland Boulevard to South Pi necrest Drive. Holly Drive from Highland Boulevard to Cherr,y Drive. Ash Drive from Holly Drive to and including the cul-de-sac in Block Sixteen (16) of the New Hyalite View Subdivision of the City of BozemFtn, MontAna. said F'wement rroject to include combina tiOD concrete curbs Hnd gutter. Grp.vel be se course. crushed Erave1 cushion course. bituminous su rfE'ce cour 5e. and other work incidents 1 thereto. Section 2 Boundaries The boundaries of said Special Improvement Djstrict No. 414 are described as follows; Eeginr:ing at the northwest corner of Lot 1. Block 1 of the ~ew Hyalite View Subdivision of the City of Bozeman. Montena; thence easterly alone the nort~ lire of said Block 1 to the northeast corner of Lot 11. Block 1; thene-e eester- ly to the r'.Orthea.st Corner of Lot 1. Block 19 of said Subdivision; thenre l'Iouther1y a long; the line between Lots 1 and 2 of said Block 19 to the south- I east corner of sAid Lot 1; thence southeast to the northeAst corner of Lot 2. Block 18 of seid Subdivision; thence southerly alonE the line between Lots 2 ar.d 3 and Lots 1 And 3, extended. to the southeast corr:er of Lot I of se.ld Block 18; thence -southeast 1:0 the northeast ccrner of Lot 2. Elock 18 of said Subdivision; thence easterly and southerly followint; the exterior north and eRst boundary of said Block 16 to the (orner between Lots 13 r:m(: 14 of :said Block Hi; thence southerly to the corner between Lots 13 and 14 on the exterior 1>01mdary of Elock 16 of said Subdivis ion; thence southerly and wester1,y along the exterior boundary of said Block 15 to the southeast corner of Let 36 of seid Bloc:k; thence southwes terly to the northeast corner of' Lot 16, Block 13 of said Subdivision; thence southerl~' and westerly 810ng the exteri or boundery of se.id Block 13 to the corner between Lots 10 and 11. Block 13. and Lot 10. B10ck 14. of .said Subdivision; thence southerly along; the ea~t line of seid Block 14 to the southeast corner thereof; thence westerly along the south line of Block 14 and alonb said line produced to the west boundary oi said Sub- division; thence northerly along the west boundary of said Subdivision to the :J'72 northwest corner thereof; thence easterly alone; the north bour..dary of s~d.d SuLdivision to the e~st line of Highland Foulevard; thence southerly elons the east line of Highland Boulevard to the northwest corner of Lot 1. Block 1 of said Subdiv:lsion. which is the roint of beginning. Seetion 3 Character of Improvements Construction and installstion of an oxidation :pond for the treatment of raw seWf!:;e. E9id project 1 to inch:de ell eFpurtenent work; constructi on of e sewerat:;e system to proYide sEmi tery sewers for a 11 lots within the distric t with the ~'xception of' Lot One (1) in Block Thirteen (13) and Let ~ne (1) in Block Fourteen (14), said Froject to jnclude all necesse ry ):,ile. manholes and other appurtemmceSJ and the construction of a revement ['roject on Highland BouleV!1.rd from Mour:tain View Eoulevard to the north boundary of the New Hyalite View Subdivision, Cl:.erry Drive from Hj ghlar.d Bouleve 1'0 to and iYlclud- ing the cul-de-sac in Block Fifteen (15) of said Suhdivision. South Spruce Drive from Eighlsnd 30u1e- verd to North Spruce Drive, North Spruce Drive frorf. Highland Boulev8rd to South Spruce Drive, South Cedarview Drive from Eishland Boulevard to North Cedarview Drive. North Cedar-view DriY€ from Highland Boulevard tD SOl,t}; Cedarview Drive, South Finecrest L'rive from Highland Foulevard to North Finecrest. ;)rive. North linecrest Lrive from Highland Boulevard to South Finecrest Drive, E.o1ly Drive from High- land Bouleverd to Cherry Drive. Ash Drive from Holly Drive to and includint:; the cul-de-sac :in Block Sixteen (16) of the New Hyalite View Subdivision of the City of Boze::.an, MontAna.. se.id pavement project to in(~lude combinetion concrete curbs and gutters, gravel bas? course, crushed gravel cushion course, bituminous surface course. and other work ir,ciden tAl the reto . Sectjon 4 Estimate of Cost The preliminary estimate of cost is ~300,000.OO. including all materials, instmllation C;)st~, engixleerinL end j{,cider1tr"ls. Section 5 Method of' As sessment The lcre1imin<>'J! estimate :;f eost set forth above is to be aSf,essed aC8inst. the rroperty within said District 85 follows: Costs of t:Le project will be assessed ::r fI ~'ront foot basis. w:l.th the cost of ti:e strl:"t im- provement project being assessed seperl'tely from the cost of the :JxidaHon pond and sf'initary se=wer ~:rstem,. Lot One (1) in Block Thirteen (13) end Lot One (1) in En ock Fourteen (14) will rot be Assessed I for any costs conLected 1"11-1:::-;' the 0yidption pond and sanitDry sewer systP.~r.. 3bck }"0urteen (14) will Lot be assessed for Any costs com"]l~cted wj th t.he street int}::roY8mcnt rrojec,t. Section 6 Actuf'l .Frnnt"i.';e of [;is trict 'I'he total act;)!'1 fnnbije of th", property wi thin said FrOrOse{~ Sp",del Improvement Jistrict No. 4.14 . co .)i') 296.42 feet, which is the fronta.;}'! ~:m w1'.lch all rrotests will be received, ~onsidered lLol _I..., a.nd determined. Section 7 hymen ts That payments for said improvements shall be made in twenty (20, annual installments extending; over a period of nineteen (19) yefJ.rs. but this shall n?t be construed to prevent payment in full at any regular payment date b;,; a.ny property owner who desires t? do so. It. is proposed to py the en tire cost And expense of tIil~ construction f\no instalh,tion of seid improvemer.ls with cash to be obtained from the sale cd Lcmds d' Gaid Specipl Improvement District No. 414, as t3 uthorized by law. Such bonds vd 11 be :in denominati;:;n:c of ~lOO.OC each, ~nd fr3ctions or :nultiples of $100.00 'A1,ere necessary. t.; be issued and c!"flr;:;eable ac-.:fir.st a i\md tJ be Kl10'!Vll And d-esignate(l 8fo Special Imf'!'ovcment. I;ls tri(~t ~o. 414 Fund Q f th"; C i t:,r of Eczen.an.. The bonds will be redet;..,ablc At "':1-12 o;U)n of the Cj ty, siLbly or in j,,-',l'dples. ~uld in the oreer of their registrstion. wl.ellever f;n:ds pre 8vsl1able for Uc9"': r.,nTose i:: udd Sriec ial Improvement District N::>. 414. Said bOLds shall craw e slml)le ~.nterest from U:e ,-'J9te (if tbei r ret;istr8.- tion until called for reJ;nent, B t a. re.tc not to exceed six (6) l-"~rcent per /Jrrj.um. which :'.~ t:.~rest shall be charGeable as e }A ,.t of the C0st of cor,structioL ",,<:1 :irlstrl1!'ti:;n of seid improvemen hi. The bondb will be issued 8.~d s~ld ~r~ 'Jccorda:rce with th~ frovisions o:f Sect:i all 11-2232 end Section 11-2271. ;(evlsed Codes of l'ilontRna, 1947. rmc ~,ll other 8.prlicable provisions of Title 11 of the Reviter:1 <:~odes of Monte,roe, 1:147, .'''~ In tin~~ t 0 s pO': C j [11 imI,rovement (1' S -Lt' i~' ts in cities rnd towne, anc any 9n;endJ'T1ents tDereoi' or theretg~ Section e 1- Frotests pnd Notice Thpt the reLuls r session of UJe City Commission of the City of Bozeman, to be held at the Commission C~amber. City Pall :uil~int, B07em9n. ;~lontBna. o:ni~ednesdey . the 5th dAY of August A. L. U;fS. F. t the Lour of' one o'cloc}~ r.~:~. of' said daJ', is the time Find r1ece, wben end where the City Commission will hear And pass urOD nIl protests duly and rec;ularly made and filed Dcainst the creation of said prol'osed Special Improvement Distdct No. 41<1, the improvements F,ro; os~d to te mA(1,~ :"Tsuant t.hereto 8r.d the extent Rnd c}--;Drecter thereof, or .o>i ther thereof; And t.he Clerk of the CJty Commisdon be, and he is he reby, d jrected to give notjce in the marmer ane for t!Je ti!lle ns b~' law rec:uired. of the adof-ti::>n of th i IS h.esolution of Intent ion. Resolution No. 956 .. -----.- -----.-.-. .. .----... -- <, :r73 Adopt.6d by the Commissio:r.. of' the City of Bozeman, Montana., at a regular and stated sessio:r.. 0.1 said Com:mis sion held on the 15th day of July A. D. 1959. /LJ~^(] ~-- -'" Msyor ATTRST: I ")' I ....< ..~ ,? ,,"< Clerk ot:h:2 tyC~O'~~~s~'~~,~~ NOTICE 11\ RE COMMISSION RESOLlJ'I'IO!J NO. 955 OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN fECLARING THE H'TEJ\'TION OF TES CITY OF BOZEMAN 70 CR1:".ATE A SPECIAL lllPROVEMF,}ZT D IS TRIC T TO BE KNOWN AND DESIGNATED AS "SPECIAL IMPROVE1J1BNT DISTRICT NO. 414."! Notice i~ hereby given th8ton the 15th d'3Y of July A. D. 1959, at a regular session of' the Commission of the City of Bozeman, Com'l'ission Resolution No. 955 entitles: A RESOLUTION OF THE CI!YCOMMISSION OF' THE CITY OF BOZEMAN DECLARING IT TO ES TEE n"TENTION OF THE CITY '(}} BOZEMAN TO CREAT'S A SPECIAL IMPROVEMSNT DISTRICT TO BE KNO:!iJN AS SPSCJAL IMFROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 414 FOR THE FL1RPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING AND INST.LLIKG .AN OXIDATION fOND FOR. TEt: TREATMF:NT or RAI'i' SE'NAGE, SAID FROJECT TO IKCLUDE ALL APf'URTEN&'iJT liOItKj FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A SE;'iERAGE SYSTEM TO PROVIDE SANITARY SE':r~RS FOR ALL LOTS '-iITErN THE DISTRICT WITH THE P..xCEF'l'I01! OF L() T O~B (1) IN BLOCK THIRTEEN (13) AND LOT 01TE (1) n: BLOCK IDURTEEN (14), SAID PROJECT TO IN! LUDE: ALL NECES~;_~Y FIPE, MANHOLF~S ,~,}D OTESH APFTJRl'J';]\'ANCESj A.l\!D FOR THS PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING PND n'S TALLU1G A PAVEMENT PR.OJ'SCT ON HIGHL/JilD BJULEDRD FROM MOUNTAIN VIE"f BOULEVARD TO i.'HE NORTH BOUNDARY OF THE NEVil HYALITE VIE'N SUBDrnSION, CEERRY DR IVE FroM HIGHLAND BOULEVARD TO AND INCE'D Th~G TEl'; CDL-DE-SAC IK BLOCK FIFTE8N (15) OF Sf., IT.:' S~~DIVJS ION, SOUTH SPRUCE DRIVE FROM EIGELf\ND BOULEVARD ro NonTH SPRUCE DRIVE, NORTH SPRUCE DRIVE: FROM HIGELPJ:D EOULEVP.RL TO sorTE SFRUCE DRIVE, S01Jrn CEDARVIE'N DRIVE .FROM HIGELAND BOULEVARD TO NORTH CEDARVIBW DRIVS, NO RTH CEDARVIEW DRIVE FROM EIGELAND BOULEV AnD TO SaUTE CEDAR'TIE','{ D::tIVE, SOVTH FIN';CREST DRIVE FROM HIGH- LA.1\;D BOULEV.ARD TO NOHT:tr FINECREST DRIVE, NORTH PINBCREST DRIVE FROM PIGILAND BOULEVARD TO SOUTH PJNECREST :CRIV~;, HOLLY DRIV"S FROM EIGHL-AND BOlTLEVARD TO CHERRY DRIV'>;, ASH DRIVE FROM BOLLY DRIV'S TO AND INCLUDING THE Ct.'L-DE-SAC IN BLOCK SIXTEEN (16) OF TrIS NEW EYALITE VIEW SUBDIVISION Q} T:r-:r'~ CITY OF BOZI!:!I;AN, MON TANA, SAID PAVF.:MENT FROJECT TO INCLUDE COM- I BINATIO! CONCRF.TZ CURBS .ANI: r;rTTERS, GRAYEL BASE COlJRS'S, CRUSHED GRAVEL CUSEION COURSE, BJWHINOUS SURFACS COURSE, PJ\D C TE'S1. WORK INCIDENTAL THERETO was passed and adopted. That Wednesday, the 5th day of August A. D. 1959, at one o'clock p.m. at the Commission Room of the City Hall. Bozeman, Montana, is designated by Resolution No. 955 as the time and place for hearing objections to the action rrorosed to be taken by said resolution and when and where any and all rersons whose lroperty is wi thin said profosed Special Improvement District No. 411 in the New Hyal i te View Subdi vis ion of the City of Bozeman, Montana, may appear and show cause, if Hny they have, against the said proposed improve- ments. Objections n;ust be made in wri tinz and filed with the Clerk of the Ci iN Commission rot later than fifteen (15) days after 6ate of the first publication of this Notice. An alJreximate preliminary estimate of the cost of doing; such work and making, such ir1r;rovernents 1/:i th in said Dis trict, including all materials, instE: llat ion cos ts, engineering end incidentels,whicr. is to be specially assessed against th", property within said District is $300,OOO.0~. Costs of the project will be assessed on rJ front foot basis, with the cost of the street improvement rroject beinG assessed separately from the cost of the oxidation fond and sanitary sewer system. Lot 1 in Block 13 and Lot 1 in Block 14 will not be assessed for any costs connected with the oxidation pond end sanitary sewer system. Block 14 will not be assessed for any costs connected with the street improvement project. The totHl actuel frontqg:e of the proI-erty wi thin said proposed di strict is 22,296.42. Paymen t for the improvements is to be made iT.:. twenty (20) ennu~l izlstalblents over a period of ninet..eer. (19) years with interest on the deferred payments not to exceed six (6) rercent per annum, payable annually, but th is shall not be construed T.O rrevent payment in full at any regular payment date by any property owner. For a. descriptLm of tLe boundaries of said Special Improvement District No. 414, reference is hereby mede to Resolution No. 955 of the Commission of the City of BozemAn declaring the intention to create said District, which is on file in the office of the undersi[;ned Clerk of seid Commiscion iT> the City Ball of said City of rozellsn, StRte of Montane, $,nd oren for inspection to e.l1 interested persons and the Fublic zenerally. , This notice is :::iven pursuant to the provisions of Section 11-2202, Revised Codes of Ivlor;tana, Hi47. ~ I De I-ed U is 15th day of July A. r,. 1959. , ~ t.......~...~. ,"tl" ...;'" . ,.", ,,/' .,," . .." L,../ .-/ ,.......4 ~~....--'t..-',.( Cler of the <Sf ty Commission Resol~tion No. 955 - __n :~711 First publ i_c~:ed in the 30zeIDarJ Daily Cbronicle July 19th. lSb9. State of Montana ) ) ss County of Galla tin) I, C. K. Wilson, Clerk of the Commission of the City of Bozeman, do hereb'y I certify that the foregoing Notice in Re, Commission Resolution No. 955 was published at length in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle in the issues of July 19th, 1959 thru July 23rd, 1959, and due proof of such publication is on file in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I hereunto set my hand and affix the corporate seal of my office this 4th day of August, 1959. <f7 q;f(? ~ -- ~ / Clerk 0 'the Commission - I I R(;Jsolution N'.). 955