HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 949 Vacate a Portion of Aylsworth Ave. in Drum Lummon Addition -. ..--.---.-- - : ~:)7 COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 949 A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMISSION OF' THE CITY OF BOZEMAN. MONTANA. DECLARING IT TO BE TEE IN'lENTION OF SAID COMMISSION TO it ACATE A PORTION OF AYLSWORTH AVENUE IN DRUM LU1WON AfDITION TO THE CITY OF BOZEMAN. MONTANA WHEREAS. certain property owners owning property abutting Aylsworth Av,mue in Drum Lununon Addition I to the City of Bozeman. Montana.. have presented to the Ci'W Commission a petition asking the City Commission to institute the necessary proceedings to vacate a portion of Aylwworth Avenue in Drum Lummon Addition to the City of Bozeman; and WHEREAS. it appears that the same may be vacated without detriment to the public interest and should be vacated in the public interest; NON. THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAliI: Secti on 1 Declara tion of' Intention It is hereby declared to be the intention of the Commission of the City of Bozeman to vacate the following; desc ribed portion 0 f Aylsworth Avenue in Drum Lummon Addi ti on to the City of Bozeman. Montana I That portion of Aylsworth Avenue extending from Fort Ellis Street to East College Street between Blocks Fourteen (14) and Fifteen (15) of Drum Lummon Addition to the City of Bozeman. Montana, subject to objection of woners of property affected by such proposed vacation. in accordance with the pro- visions of Section 11-3310 of the Revised Codes of Montana. 1947. Secti on 2 Time for Objection That the regular meeting of the Commission of the City of Bozeman to be held on Wednesday. the 17th day of June A. D. 1959. at the hour of 1;00 o'clock p.m. of said day. at tile Commission Room in the City Hall Building. Bozeman. Montana. is the time when and the place where the City Commission will consider and pass upon objections to said proposed vacation and the City Manager is directed to give notice thereof in the manner and for the time as provided in said Sect~l on 11-3310 of the Revised Codes of Montana. 1947. I passed and adopted by the City Commission at its regular meeting held on the 3rd day of June A. D. 1959. ~a~~--~~ Mayor / ATTEST; ,,~~ Clerk of the City Commission NOTICE OF flTi;ARING ON RESOLUTION NO. 949 OF THE CITY COMJUSSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO VACATE A PORTION OF AYLSWORTH AVENUE IN DRUM LUMMON ADDITION TO THE CITY OF' BOZEMAN, MONTANA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Commission of the City of Bozeman had adopted a resolution declaring it to be the intention of' said Commission to pass an ordinance vacating a rortion of Aylsworth Avenue in Drum Luwnon Addition to the City of Bozem~l. Montana. described as follows: That l'ortion of Aylsworth Avenue extending from Fort Ellis Street to East Colle:;e Street between Elocks Fourteen (141 B.nd Fifteen (15) of Drum Lumrnon Addition to the City of Bozeman, MontBna. I the City Commjssion being of the opinion. after due consideration, that said petition may be grAnted without detriment to the l;ublic interest and should be c;rented in the public interest. And Notice is further hereby given thAt any end all objections to the passage fJnd adortion of such an ordinence of veca tion willbe heard and considered by the City Commissian at its regula r meeting to be held on Vlednesday. the 17th day of June A. D. 1959. at the hour of one o'clock p.m. at the Commission Room in the City Hell Building, Bozeman. Montane. Dated this 3rd day of June A. D. 1959. ~ "7 Ci i:7J Mene-cer l __.__ .._n.".._______._ ___._._" __.__._u_ :r)8 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF SERVICE Notice in Re: NOTICE OF' HEARING ON RESOLUTION NO. 949 OF TEE C ITY CO~_1MJSSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN DECLARING ITS INTENTIJN TO VACATE A PORTION OF AYLSWORTH AVF1WE IN DRUM L:;MMON ADDITION TO I'm; CITY OF BOZm/lAN, MONTANA Service of due and legal notice in the matter above referred to and designated is },ereby acknowledred this 12 th day of June, 19 59 . I ~ Lester O. Eunt (Signed) Lester O. Hunt % Winifred King; Hunt (Signed) Winifred King Hunt -- As an owner of property !"-butting said street proposed to be yeceted and discontinued; in the City of Bozeman, Montana, I hereby consent and agree to said proposed vacation and discontinuance and that an ordinance of the City of Bozeman effecting such vecation and discontinuance may be passed and ado!ted. " Lester O. Hunt (Signed) Lester O. Hunt ;5WinHred King Hunt (Signed) Winifred King Hunt State of Ihntana \ County of Gallatin ) ss 1~ L. y. . Sha~ona, Clerk of the Commission of the City of Bozeman. do hereby certify that the for?Gomg; h?hce lh He~ .Cornmjssio~ Resolution No... 949, was ,ublished ('It length. and Cor~ission R".so- luhon No~ :949 ~s pub~lshed by tltle and number In the Bozeman Daily Chrol1icle. H news[arer of g;eneral cl!'culal;lo~ pr::nted and [ubI ished in saidCi ty in the j ssues of June 11th J 1959, and due I proof of sueh rubllcatlon is on file in my office. IN 1:1fITNSSS WFEHEOF I hereunto set my hand and affix the corrorate seal of my office this 12th day of JUh0, 1959. .~ CP;~F ~__ CCIi1HSfIJN . I Resolution No. 949 ._ u... _.. ..n"._._.._._