HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 936 SID's Due and Payable :~ ~:!'9 COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 936 A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMISSIO,N OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN DECLARING CERTAIN SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS AND INSTALLMENTS OF SPEC IAL ASSESSMENTS, DUE AND PAYABLE NOVEMBER 30TH, 1958, AND UNPAID AS OF THAT DAn~, AND CERTAIN OTHER SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS AND INSTALL- MENTS OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS, roE AND PAYABLE NOVEMBER 30TH, 1958, AND UNPAID, DE- LINQUENT, AS PROVIDED BY ORDINANCE NO. 594, ENTITLED: "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE COLLECTION OF TAXES xx xxx xx, .AND THE COLLECTION OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS, I xxx xx" AND SECTION 11-2233, POLITICAL CODES, R. C. M., 1947. Section 1. WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Section 10, Ordinance No. 594, entitled. "An ordinance providing for the collection of taxes xx Xxx and for the dolleotion of special assessments xx xxx" the Director of Finance has prepared and filed with the Commission of The City of Bozeman a report showing the ~pecial assessments and installments of special assessments, due and payable November 30th, 1958, and unpaid as of that date; and Section 2. WHEREAS, the Commission having examined said report marked Schedule ".&.", and Section 3. WHEREAS, the Commission of The City of Bozeman deems it necessary and proper, in order that the interests of The City of Bozeman and those persons holding Special Improvement District Bonds of the several Improvement Districts wherein special assessments are unpaid, as herein set forth, shall be properly protected, that all such special assessments and/or installments of such special assess- ments, which are unpaid, as herein set forth, and all such special assessments an~or installments of such special assessments, which are due and payable, shall be declared delinquent, and certified to thi County Clerk and Recorder and the County Treasurer of the County of Gallatin for collection as other de- linquent taxes, and the prorerty and/or properties may be sold the same as other property is sold for taxes; NOW, THERBFORE, BE IT R~SOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN.. Section 4. That all special assessments and installments of special assessments, due and payable November 30th. 1958, and unpaid as of that date, as set forth in Schedule "A" hereto attached and made a part hereof, be and the same are hereby, declared delinquent; Section 5. That the Director of Finance be, and he is hereby directed to certi~ all special assessments and installments of special assessments, delinquent, as herein provided and as shown by said "Schedule An, to the County Clerk & Recorder and County Treasurer of the County of Gallatin for collection I as other delinquent taxes, as provided by law; Section 6. That within ten (~O) days from and after the filing of said certificate, as aforesaid the Director of Finance shall publish in one issue of the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a Notice as provided by Section 13 of said Ordinance No. 594; Section 7. That the Coun~ Treasurer shall proceed to the collection of all special assessments or installments of Special assessments, as set forth in said Schedule "A"; that the same shall be spread upon the delinquent tax list of the County of Gallatin for the year 1958, and the same shall be co11ec;ed as other delinquent taxes; afid that in case the same are not paid, then the whole property or properties shall be sold the same as other property or properties is sold for taxes; Section 8. Ihat the said Speoial assessments and installments of speoial assessments, delin- quent as herein set forth, shall be collected by the County Treasurer of the County of Gallatin as pro- vided by Section 84-4101 and 84-4104 and Section 11-2233, Political Code, R. C. M. 1947. Sec tion 9. That the Director of Finanoe, under the direction of the City Manager, shall attend at the time and place of the sale of the property for delinquent taxes, as provided by Section 15 of said Ordinance No. 594; Secti on 10. That a copy of this Resolution, together with Schedule "A" attached and made a part thereof, shall on or before the lOth day of December, 1958 be filed with the County Clerk & Recorder and the County Treasurer of the County of Gallatin; Section 11. That attached thereto and made a part thereof shall be a certificate of the Director of Finance as provided by Section 12 of said Ordinance No. 594. Passed and adopted by the Commission of The City of Bozeman at a regular session thereof held on the 3rd day of Decimber, 1958. ATTEST ~J~~~~ L-:- I X~~ Clerk of the Commission . Mayor CERTIFICATE I, L. G. Shadoan, the duly appointed, qualified and acting Director of Finance of The Ci~ of Bozeman do hereby certify that the attached schedule marked Schedule "A", and made a part of Resolution No. 936 is a true and correct list of all delinquent special assessments and installments of special assessments, due and owing The City of Bozeman, as of the 30th day of November. 1958, at 6100 o'clock P.M. That this certificate and the Schedule "An hereto attached are made pursuant to and conform with, Section 21, of Ordinanoe No. 594. of the City of Bozeman, Montana. :3:10 IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand this 4th day of Decenilier, 1958. ~~ State of Montana ) County of Gallatin) ss I, L. G. Shadoan, the duly appointed, qualified and acting Clerk of the City Commission of The 1 City of Bozeman, Montana, and as such clerk having the custody and contr~l of the official records of the proceedings of said City Commission and of the City Ordinances and Commission Resolutions of The City of Bozeman, DO HEREBY CERTIFY; That the attached Commission Resolution No. 936 is a full, true and correct copy of said Resolution and has been compared by me with the Original on file in my office as Clerk as aforesaid. IN WITN~SS \~REOF, I hereunto set may hand and affix the corporate seal of The City of Bozeman this 4th day of December, 1958. ~~ The City of Bozeman, Montana. State of Montana \ ) C01:n ty of Galletin ) ss I. T ,.. ShAcoDn, Clprk of the Gommission of the City of Bo?emen, do }Jereby certify tI:F,1~ tIle fo!'E."- j I" 1.....1.. S(,jr:2: II. $D!\1tioD [\0.936 was rr,bljshed by title end num;yor jr; the Bozeman Dajly CIironic18. a newspaper of C'3Leial c ircul Hon printed and published in sa id City in the issue of December 8th, 195F:J, ard due proof of such fublication is on file in oW office. IN YHTF..'NSS VnrSHEOF i hereunto set my hand and offix the corporate seAl of my office this 9th day of December, 19~8. ;d5~~ I Clerc-of the Commission I" Resolution No. 936 --...-