HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 929 Taxes for SID 403 :117 co!.n,~ISSION PESOLU'rIOlT NO. ~)2S). 11 P:=;SOL urION OF THE COl.n.nSSION OF' 'rHE CI'fY OF' EO ,mr,;A!lJ, r.lON'l'ANj~, Li,;VYING AND ASSES3ING A SP~CIAL ASSESSMENT OF TAXES UPON ALL THE PPOP1~TY IN SP'-;CIAL n,1PPOVEMEwr DI3'rR Jc'r no. LtOJ IN 'PHE CITY OF' BO ,";'~I'l.A~J, C O'jN'l'Y OF !}ALLA'rIH, STATE OF' MON'rANA, 'ro DEFRAY 'fHE cos'r OF COrL;'l'RUC'rDJG AND JIIAK- I~JG 'rEE IT1PROVEiliIENTS 'VJ:THIN SAID EPECIAL IMPROVEJ"mN'r DI~WRICT NO. LiOJ. I "HmREA3, 'rhe City Commission of 'rhe City of Bozeman, did on the 26th day of Tee bruHry, 1958, dul~T anci rer;ulfJrly pass Commis s ion P esol ution No. 13136, ent i tl ed: A nl%.~;L1}'.l'IO.N 01.' 'J1HE CI',r.V cm,n,us:n. Oi.'~ 017' 'l'HE: CI.':ry. 0Ji'.BJ'~F.r.1AN DECL.AF.I.~TG IT 'ro BE '~H~<~ IN'l'ENTION or 'rIF~ CITY O"H' :30;~mlAN TO CPEA'TE A SPECIAL .:MPROVEMEwr DI3- TRIc'r 'ro B':~ K'OWN AS SPSCIAL nlPRo'rEMT~Wr DISTF:rCT NO. ~03 OF' 'rim CI'rY OF BO::1<;r,1AN <<'OP 'rq1-,~ PPRPOSE OF' COl'J3'rRUC'T'ING IIKD P~STALLnJG A PA'Ts};1ENT PF'OJECT OJ\T so ur:r B03Sl','[AN AI!':NUE PROH EJ\S'I' KOC H :.j'~~R,~L~'r '1'0 EA:,)'r S'I'ORY s'rRE~~'r AND ON EM:;'r KOCH S'.rRS;~T PROl:I S01JrH B(L';'i'J'ilAN AVENUE 'ro LINDLEY PLACE, :jAID PRO.r~!;CT '1'0 r:'CLUDE 'C!-r;;~ C.PTS'i'TWC'rIO!J fIND IN~)'l'ALLA'rION OT" COt.:BIlJfi.'I'HnT Cm:iI3S AND GUT'I'S'{S, GRA'T;~L ~ASg C01Jf<3E, CRUSHED GRAV1~L GUSTEO!J COTJP~~1~:, 'H'rUrrnTJUS ~:;1J?Ff.C:~ C')UPS~~, NT;) ()'I'}rm 'i'l()Py' PTcrr)'~1T'rAL 'PTEPETO. and thGreRfte~, aftAr due Rnd leral proceedi~C3 had, the Commissio~ of The City o~ ;)oc;er.uln did on the l()t~ (1AY of l<r;rch, 19:;:0, duly pass Cot1missLm TIesolution ~Jo. (3138, e~1ti tled: A RSSOLlJTIOU OP T:-IE CT'rY COT.1i,lr:~c;IO" OTi' 'v:m CI'I'Y OF 30ZEMAIJ CH:L:;A'rUIG A SP "-;;CT AI., Il\;lpnOV:~fl[i~N'r DIS'T'PI ere TO ~TZ K'T01;"tfN II S SP :~C IAL D,'[PROV,ZI'.1EnT :)I::)'~n IG'r 'J1Jrr3~'R ):0.3 ()"H' 'rlP; C"I'ry',y<;, BO' 'T-~\1^;J F"OFI n'I.IT" ,)TlRPO'C'I'i' U~i' (~()r,TC<TRnC"T'T1'J(' j\rJD IU- ~ "L.-oJ. nt. ... . ,1..L...J ...)./... __.~~.t'\!. L.J.... ...J . U _ "".,),t"", .;. ..J, ~0 .",.,..J,~-L-".,}" 1. ..... [)'~ALLr;G A PA'lEMENT PRO.rSCT ON S')UT:I BO'6EJ1:IAN A \TENUE F'HOL! EAST KOCiI S'rRE'CT 'ro EJ1S'r S'r'JRY STHEET AND O;T EAST KOCH STR!~'~T FROM SOUTH BO:~;';Mj\N A'n~~NUE 'l'() LI"TnL':i:Y PLJ\C::!: PI ~)jUD crry. which Com~lssion Pesolutions Nos. 88~ and 8SB, pB8ged as aforesaid, are hereby referrod to and made a D8J.t of this resolution for furtller }11 rticulHrs in re~~~)(;ct to the bound- ~p"ies 0" sf'id dls-crict, the C'laracter of"' the ir'l'pro'ler1ent~3 to be cons+'ructed therein, the est~rn8ted cost oP s9id~nprovo~~nts and the method of assessin~ the cost afglnst the property within said d,istrict; and ',V!r:<;fmi\S, s ai d improverlents as con templut ed in said Cornmis s ion Pesol cltioil No s. 8f36 I 8""./~ V.q:.3B.hf3'J(~ been con.str'lcted and..coml.Jleted in.a.CGOr.dance 1,."it.h the tcnt1s ..R.,jnd conl.:1ttlons of COY11:ni:]sio:i. :?e801~J.tions :T03. 3:3n and Bl_U, ~md tIle total cost of sojd improverne:lts 30 constructod 13 the S'Jr.1 of Seventer;D 'rh,)usnnd lane '-Iundred 1;'i Pty Six Dollnrs and Fi f'ty One Cents ( f 17,956.51) 't-T('''I rnTp"p'~T;1'JPT:' "'11r""ant to tllC Dro"i';'Jns Of' ('<"~tl'---"ns ':2"H' to ["J,y(,,( r::' aD(l c') :Jl .' " ....)", "i..j. I ,,,.. ' <.....J.L ; :, .L..J , .".) L.} I.A, ~ 1- 1/ S ~' L ..L. 0 ',J (... . \...J ...) L.. :J ...) '-. . :J A .~.I" . ;;, R .=: .Ii:., l)J~) and ar:1e~d'C1ents thereto. ::E IT pr::,01'r=~D f,"m IT IS 'mp1~3Y ORDEr~'SD 3Y THE CDT,'ITU:3,'H01T 0;-;' '.2Hr; CI'I'Y Cw BO~;:;~MA:J, STNr': O:i' :'W~T'rA1'T!.: Section 1. That to defray the cost and expense of cOilstructing and r:1akin~ the i"1provGr:1cnts in said S:)ccial Inprovement District No. Ljo" there be, and there i~] hereby l<=)Tied and aS3es~,>ed F tax ar.1<):mtinr~ to the sum of Seventeen Thousand Hine IllmdI'ed F:t..ty ;,1'( Dolll:IY's f'nd 5'1/100 (17.9S6.51)- upon nll the p:r>ODol't;r in 3Fid ~)u8cinl Improvement Dis::rict ~To. L!O],that a particulnr description of each iot 2nd purcel D1' land with the name of' tho o"mer anc1 the S'JIr1 nssessed aVDInst him or It for :'3'lch improve'nonts and the 13'n01)nt of' ouch DfW'1ent to be made and the day when the same shall be uelinf'uent is set forth in detail i; the assesscr1ent list ~eret~ attnched, m~)rked Sc1-1odule "A", an:} ~l1lJde a D .<:J't't horeo:+"; the t the several sums set opnos i te the names 0 f the 0 wners Hnd the (lC':~crL b- ed lots and parcels of lend be, end the same are hereby respectivcly levied and assessed upon ond against said descrIbed lots and parcels of' land to defray the cost gn~ expe~3e 0'" cons true tinr\ and mak inf~ the ; mprovements vvi thin said 1}1s 1:1'" 1c t; the t the several s urns sa assesseri becollected from the respective owners 0" said lots and parcels of land de- "scr-ibed in said assessment list, SC~ledule "A", as required by 1mII'; that the pE::r:nent of said sums shall be made in tWBnty installments and the Dayment of saiel installments shall extend OV'3r a l):riod. of nineteen Y'3Hrs; that the payment of the resppr-tive annual tnstallnwnts shall ~)e made on or before the 30th day of lJovember of ehch year until pO~l1eDt of all installments tozether with the in~Are3t thereon, shall be made; that said ~,>u;:1S shall be pald a'1.C', the collection thereof' ~3hall be made in the manner and in accord- ance with the law F':o'Terninr the collection of special imprO'ler:1ent taxes; thatf'allure to 08'1 sn.ch aS3e3Sr~lent3 when the s BrlC become due and payable shall "neke sueh pey'sons and j - ' . I ~O.' id 10..:S ,,~nd D8r'~els of land liable to the pennl tie".,. provided bY. Ifnll' relHtlV. e to. . jelin- ":1uent tc.xcu. Section 2. 'rh3t the rer,ulnr se;3sion of the Cor:nnission 0(' 'I'he Clty of' Bozeman to be held in the Commission GhHll1ber in the Ci ty :]all of' said City on the 1st day of )ctober, 1958, flt 1:00 o'cloclr P.]'.!., ue, ~md. the snrle 1,] hercby desi;"nBted as the ti:ne &nd place at ~lich objections to the final adoption of th1s ~esolutiun will be heard by said COmmission. oect:ion]. Th2.t the Cle' k of the Commis.1ion of 'The City of Bo::.;emnn be, end he is nereby ordered and directed to publish in the Bo:;, oman Drily Chr.)niele, n nEHIfSpaper ("aily) Drinted nnd Dublished in the said City of Bozeman, a notice sicned by the Clerk of' the CO''lrlssion and st8tinc; that n resolution IpvyinC and as:Jessine: a speciEil as.3essment of taxes 1- '" :-1 efray the co,; t E.nd exr::>ense 0 f' cons tr uc ting IJnd making the i.mprovemen ts in the said Special Improvement District No. LOJ is on file in the of""ice 0'" the Cb rk of the - ....---- -...----- --..... :~18 Commission subject to inspection f'or a ~riod of five (:)) days; thnt said notice shall s tlOl te the time and place at which 0 b j BC tions wi 11 be heard by the COr:1r:1~S s ion to the final fJdoption of this Resolution; that it shall~)e published at leH3t f'lve (5') dBYS bef'ore the day set by the Commission f'or the henring of' objectiuns nnd the final acbp- tioD of' this resolution. Provi s "tonally pas sed and adopted by the Co;nm=-s s ion o:~ [rhe C 1 ty of' Bo ZerrlHn at a reRulf-iY' ses s ion thereof held on the 2L,th elF)Y 0.... Septe(1ber, 195d. ^['r[f''7<'T' ~ ~ I ~.\. '. ..J') . / ./ /;:~ / / .) -, . ,.. /t:~~.~~, -";'-C7-~ -~ ' Clerk of the City COr:1.'nission ,/ :':Tnyor , J~inally :pas cwd 8nd 8d~)pted by the Cor.nnis 3 ::.on 0 ,,_~ The City 0" B07,enan at a reGular session thereof held on the 1st day of October, 1958. A'1'rEST: ~ ~ hY'</ \ -~_/ Q' ) C;'>" .,-,~'" 'P /-1 - A - - - ...,-;:- C10 Y'k o~e City Commission / Mayor Il011.QE T11~f\PING, H'HTAL ADOP'rION 01,' COMMISSION F ESOL urIon 929, LgVYIT'TG AS:mS::;jl1ENrr SPECIAL I1I1PPOVH;MENT DISTRICT NO. 403, CITY OFn():~T~HAN, PA'TING e)lJ SO urn 30 2:~.1.AN A V~~~JU)~ BE'rWEEN :_,rrORY STRI~Err A:JD :eOCH STPEj,:'r AND orJ 1~r ~:;'l'KOCn 3TREET BBT'Y8T~:J F3':):~:J:JIIAN A'IENtJ13 AnD LINDLEY PLACE. NOTICE IS HErESY GIVEN, th8t at a regular ses~lon of the Commission of the City of Bo::e'118n held on the 21.ith day ot" Septe:l1ber, 19':;8, Cmnm.ission Pesolution No. 929 WB8 pro- visionally passed and adopted; that ~18id Comrl1is~3ion Pesolntion levies Hnd assesses a sneclal aSSeSSr:1Fmt of taxes UPO'1 all the property in Special Improvement lJistrict No. LIO) il1 8pir1 City, to d.efray the cost and expenf~e of cons:~ruetirw and nla~{ini~ the :improvement:.:; within said ~istrict, to-wit: Begln~in3 at 8 point Oel the north line of Sast story Street said point being 133.S; feet west 0" the 'Nest 1i:18 of South Bozeman' Avenue, thence nc)}"therly 133.5 fent west of' and par:allel to the 'N'<'Jt line of' SOlJ_th'3oze~nnn Aven~l':~ a I dis ta '10 e of 1.;01. 7 f'oet to n point on th(3 north Ltne 0 f' the trr c t owned by "'1' T r', (""I \T (', l'i ~ (" - f.. .. t. 'ti. . f:"".j.. no 3 "'1:, n t" ('!" C'I' 1""';. ~ . "Y"J t 1 ~ GA?rt:,O -'. anl.,lacl.!~) ". Che.otn,lu, tle..ce ea.,,,.,rl! <~lO.lt" ,,,j~c...no_J.ll,.L.ne t.o a pOlnt on the east line prOdlJCcd of South Jozer:le.n A'Tonne; t:lonce nort:1crl;T o.l'Jnr; the east line 0 r ;30uth 130::er::ttEl j',T8nlJh to a point lUJ .kG feet north of t~1e north l.Lne of '~[\at J~oeh .'3treet; thence easterly 133.l1,j feet north o-l' and perallel to the north line Of1~81t Koch ';treet to a po:'!_n~ on the A/-1st line of Lindley PIDCG; t'"lencc, southerly alon~~ t he ea~3 t line of Lindley Place' and said line exte~ded to a point 103 .l;.o fei"~t south of the ~30uth line of East Eoch street; thence westerly IG3.Le feet south of and Darollel to the south line of Rast Koch street to"a Doint 111.S feet east of" the eust line of South Bo zeman; thence southerly" 133.S feet east of an.d parallel to the east line of SJuth Bozeman Avenue to a point on the north line of East Story street; thence westerly along the north line of :~ast story street to the point of beginninz. That, said Co~mi33io~ Pesolut~on No. 929 is now on file in the office of the Clark of" the Comrnis 3 ion, sub 5 ee t to in:3pection for a De ri ad of fi VA CS) d::-:ys by any persons interested. 'l'hnt '.Ved.'1Asday, the 1st da7T of October, 1953, at 1:00 o'cl;)el{ P.IL, of sald day ot the reg,~l<lr session of the satd CO'lrniss:i.o'1 of' 'rhe City of3o".e!1an, ot the GO::1.~'l- iClsio'1 RO::Jm, in 1~he City Erell 3uild.:'..nr; o:~ said Cit',-, has bc,"n dss:i=npte'l Del the t11e Hnd nlac e w11en and where the sl'id Cmn:::lis s ion wl11 h')nr Hnd pr: s s ,1:~()n any ~md_ all ob j ec tions th8t may ~e made to the finAl passR3c and adoption of said ~gsolution No. 9~9, and the levyinr of said assess~snt, and thAt ~8~d nesol'rtion w~ll be finally passed and adopted Dt sai.d reG1Jl.nr sess}_,)n. All persons :lntl:Jl'osted aro ref'er:r>ed to CO'lc;15_:1:3ion Pesoll1tion ?Ir). .'::)6, declarinc; it to be the intenti0n of the Conmission to croate Special Improvement Di3tri~~ No. ~03, and Com~.-'ssio:l T?esolution 'To. 8d3, cy'euting Special Ir:1prO'Jelnent District ;'[0. L03, for con- s truc t 1nr: 8nd malc~_nc the inprovemen ts therein. ")ated this 2Lt~1 C a-;T of september, 195d. .~.. ._.;"" ,/4' /,"- , "',.., j/'/~' ) , . ,..~ }'L;z<~:::'~7C~z:<--~ I _. ,__ )/ .~..'<'7 Gler'\{ of the Comr.1is::>ion ' (' t co +. ^ ') f' 7. < ") ') i".' ') r, ) ,") ....CI 'n't:",::: '. I, 1,,11(., JCA.,'. G . ,., co County of' Gr:llntln ) ""0 I, L. '~. Shadoan, Clerk of the Commi.ssion of the City of' Bozw.u-m, do hereby c.'rtlfy thr:t the fors[';oin[: Pssolution No. )213 wns ~::JUblished at lenc:th in the 1s::3ue of't he 2Sth dav of' S'3pterrlber, 19:)8, anrl was 0ublished by title and n1.11110er in the is:3ue ()~ the 3rd clay of OctDber, 195J, in the~jozeman Daily Chronicle, L1 nevvspaper of f'" ener81 cil'culEtion prtnted and t)ublished in said City, and due proof 0..... such D1J_blication is on f'ile in my off'ice. IN "JrrN;;:SS w'n:-~P!:;;OF I here1mto set my hand and [' ffix the CDrDorL te s enl ::Jf' :'1Y of fice this nth day of October, 195'd.' . ~/' . . .-7/ /" / ~ ~. ~ ~ - .,~ /' .,..-c' - ~,.' C"'") ~'--':-/f"7"'-- ..____-G-~~_-...!"'''--'C,;;!_~../ Cl er;{" 0_. the Cotm::tis s .Lon Resolutto:l No. 7?9