HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 928 Taxes for SID 405 - -.--. .n.... ___. __ , ~1.t7 ~ ._d CmHHSSIOlJ P>~SOL UI'IO;J NO. 928. A HESOL 11T101; OF TIm cnUnSS10lJ OF TIm CITY OP 30'.~EI.1AlT, rWH'[,AlJA, L'-';VY1NG AU') AS:3Es~-)nW A SF'~C1AL AS~~'2~:SIEH'r OP 'l'AXES UPOP ALL 'i'HE ?HOPEPTY IN S:2;~CIAL Hlprw.'1Jl'.a:::J'r DIs'rRIC':I' lJO. ) 0" IN "'TIF "I"'v OF '30 ";:]'IA H COU;~'l'Y OF ~.;J .. ....:... I .I V ..1. ~ .~. {.'.J t1.J' . J.'~ , GALLA'l'IIJ , S'l'A'rE OF I.TOTJTAnA, '1'0 DJ3;FPAY 'I'Hg co':;'1' or CONs'rn :x::'rnw AND mA!\:- IIm 'flTE IMPROV:~MEIJfrS l!II'rHIN SAID speCIAL ILl PH OVm,lKJ'r DISTRIC'f NO. 1:05. WTIEREAS, The City Commission of The City of Bozeman, did on the 30th day of April 1958, duly and regularly pass Commission Resolution No. 897, entitled: I A RESOL urIaN OF 'rHE crrY COMMIS:HOH OF' 'fI-m CITY OF BO;:;EMAN :J1J;CLj\P ING- 1'1' TO BE T'-IE lNTEITTION OF 'fIfE CITY OF 302EMAN TO CHEA'rE A SPE;CIAL ILIPHOVEMIWT DIS'ERlC'T' TO BS KNOWN AS SPECIAL n,lPPOVEl\1EN'r DISTHlCT NO. 105 OF 'rHE CI'l'Y OF B()~I,'~MAN FOR 'r~m PUHPOSE OP CONs'rR IJC'rING AND INS':L'ALLITm f.. PA-J2MENT PRO,TECT uN WEST ALDEHSON SIER)~:~T PROM sou'rH Ji'OURTE?NTl! AVENUE 'ro SOUT:I Flj"TEmTl1: AVSlhB, ON WEs'r DICKJ:<:P- SON s'rR EE'r FROM SOTYru FOURTE~~N'rH A VENUE TO SOUTH F'ITi'TE~NTH A \TENUE, AND ON WEST S'fORY s'rm~i.~T PRON soU'rH F01JRT8:nTl--I A I!E:JUE TO SOUTH }r'IIi"rK'~~T'rH A vlmur'~. :~PT 1) pnc- .r~c'r 'ra INCLUDE THE CONSTRtJC'l'ION AND I:JS'rALLA'fION OF COW3INP,'l'ION CONCRE'rE CUR 33 A W) G Ur'f-SR S, GRj\. VEL BASE co UPSE, CHUSHED Gf?A'I:CL CUSHION C JUH~)E, BI'rUMIN - OUS SUPFACE C'JlfpSE, 3UCTI ~)Toml SEWER APPV:s'rENMJC ~S AS AIm I{iBqUIRED, ME) OlrnER WORK DJClDWT'rAL THEP:~'rO . Hnd thereafter, pfter due and legAl proceecHnrs had, the CommiD:3ion of 'I'11e ~;i ty of "-3o'7,f"'12n did on I~'le 21st day of' ~~ny, 19.:;'8, ('11117 pass Cor.1illi:3~1ion Eeso11.ttion Ho. ~)or;, en- titlpd: II p ~~S()L TTTIOry OP THE CITY CGr,H.IIS:> 10"T 0'" T:{E C I'fY OF 30Zr~MAlT C'~E^,rnTG J, SPEC IAL HIPPO 'EMmI'I' DIS'r!nC'r TO BE JCYO'NH AS SPSCIAL IliTPRO'TEME:'TT Dl~)Tn leT Nl1]':1;3,~pl: 0 r':; OF 'rIlE CI'rY O"P BO:}~l\IAN FOR 'rin PTJRPOSE OF CONs'rr:JCTING J\!JD rJ~)'T'ALLPYG L PA'T"~__ tlET'T'r PPo,m~j'r ON u,p'':,'r ALT}SPS'y'J s'rmnT PROL1 30UTll" F,)UP':r:<:~Tr:I A 'r'~!n:E 'rl :;JL'PTI }11 IT;".r r~: ~T.T'r II A \.rT~~T1n.!~ , on "lES'~JICK!~PSOn S'T'RK~'r FIWL1 :jOUTH poup'rE::;;'TT,r h 'f "lliT~ 'i'') sour:-I ~"Ili"rK,:1J'l':I A'nmm, lUP) OH I:!::s'r STORY ~)'rIc~'r FR JrI SOUTF pnl~)I_:'~~:'T'rq ['/ V'TCE '1'0 ,,) lJT T{ ]FCF'.2E::TTTII A 'mlJ1J:~ IN 31\ r~ c rry . v,'llich CO':1,~lls~;:ton Pcsolution 'Tos. J;)7 and ;)OS;, passed as aforesaid, GTe hereby referred to EI nd 1'18 de fi pfjrt of this 1'8301 ution for ftJ.rther }JvY'ttculflrs in respe c t to the bOlmd- arjes of s[lid dis tr' tc t, the character of the improvements to be constrcwte'.J t'lerein, the es t 1:"18 ted cos t of' said i>:1prolT8ments Hnd the r:1etho-l of oSCJes,Jinc the eost E'L'ainst the nroperty within ::wid district; and '.vTR~)EAS , sAid i ''jD:'O venen t 3 as c 0':1 t A r.1') 1 v t e din said Commission resolutions Nos. I ~3(n E!no 005 hSV0 bee~canstructerl ani cOMpleted in Rccordance with tho t (~ J""I ~"~1 ~1 ({I,d c:),-\- dltions of' CO:-:1.rnL,s:!.on 1;os. j)? end :)n~ ~H1d the total co S t 0 f s n i (1 i"'1nrove:'1ents so '-J' ~J' , constrllcted is the 31.1>:1 of' ':'wentv 'J1hOU,,/'P10 Four Hundred lHnety ~:ine nollf,rs R!1d Forty :; 11 e .::; p n t s ( ~, 20, 1 9:;. b 1 )" . ;~:;"l , I:Tl.sr\~I~'JRS , r 'Z' s UP '1 t to t'le provisions of' Sections S22S; to :)277. S f'n(] [;}, (:~5 , "1.') r' -ff 1935 And a~end~ents thereto, . L.. . ..i '.. , ~m IT ~nSJL\fl~~D MID IT IS ,p~p}mY OPD}:;RED :3Y THE COMML;~_;IOn OF' T::1E CITY OF :30i,E:.'JMJ, 3TA'i'E OF ih)~J'1.'MTA; Section 1. Thn j~ to dofroy the cost and expense oi" construct:l.ng 8n(1 malcinc the "<11- '>rO'lC'1onts in S8:!.(~ Spccinl 1nprovement District No.1 05, there be, and t}VH'e i8 her'eby levler_' and R2sPS20l n tRX amyuJltinr to the sum of' T-Nenty 'rho'lsfJnd, FOlD' Jhm(1rod ?Tinety ':1..1;0 no11ers and ),1/100 U' 20,1i:)).11) UpO!l ~-~11 the pr'opel'ty in 8a~d S}Jecial I~?rovement T)ist-,!':i.et:. 7':0. L05, thet 3 9~lrt5c1~12]"' c'\oscr:tption of eRch lot and porcel of land wi th the ~nm.e oL> the owner Rnd t~e SI~ assGssed acainst him or it L>or sneh inproveMents and the Rt'10'mt of cnch Y"1r~iDl paT'wnt to bcrmde and the day when the sane shall be deli nru.~n t ~ '" set fort~ in detnil in the assessr:lent list'wr0to attnched, MRrJ~Gd Sched'Jle "A", and ./..,k.} r!1ade a par"':; '121"'00 f.'; thnt tIle several sums set opposite the names 0" the owners and the descrlbed lo\~s and :r'rcels of land be, ancl the same are hereby respectively lovied and 38sessed upon anu aL'~alnst said described lots and parcels of land to defray the cost and expense of constrl~tin~ and making the i~provements within said District; that the several sums so Dssessed he collected from the respective owner's of ~H) ld lots 8n(1 IE r- eels of' land des~r' ~_ be c1 in seid assessment list, Schedule "p,", as requ_ireJ by l81ilf~ th 8t the Dsynent of' 3 [1 J d 3 '.ltY1 s shull be mElde in twenty installMents an(l the pH ~rmen t 0 f' s a1. d "_ 'Js tallm,en ts s :l[J 11 e'(t end over fi Dariod oL> nineteen years; t118t the payment of the re- spective 8nnunl installr1ents shall be made on or before the 30th (lay of November of each yeEr until pBJr.18nt of 811 installments to gether with the interest thereon, shall 1)8 r:1ade; thRt ~HJ Old S urns shall be paid and the collection thereof shall be :':1acle in the nan- !ler and in accordfl!1ce wi th the low r~overnillg the collection of spec:i.al 1 r.1prO'ler.1ent texes; I that failtU'e to pS7T such assessments when the Sf/me become due o.nd pa:;rabJ.e shall make OJuch persons Dnd said lots awl pnrcels of land liable to the '-'Anal tie s provided by law J'81ptive to delinquent taxos. Section 2. rrhat the regulBY' session of' the Commission of' 'rlle Sity of I3o;eman to be held in the Commission ChBmber in the City Hall of said C:1 ty on +;he J3 t day of October, 1 ()se , ot 1:00 0' e loe k P. n., 'Je, and the S8::'1e is hereby des iC'na ted a:-! the time 2nd 018 C8 At '''ll-lich objections to the fi:1al adoptio'J of' this Resolution will be henrd by said Co:nm- ission. Sr:)ction 3. 'rhnt the Clerk of the Commis sion of 'rhe Gity 0ft Bo~emnn be, and he is hp.rr~by ordered and direc ted to publish in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a daily news - paper ppintcd Dnd published in the said City of Bozeman, n notice sirned by the Cle rk of the Co:'.wlission and stating that a Resolution levyinG and assessin:~ 8 special assessr.1ent ----.-- ----,.- :J1J, oi' t8~.::eS to defray the co"t and expense of cmstr11.etine: find nuking the improvement.s tn the said Sppcial Tmprovement District Ho. Lo.s, is on file in the orfiee of the Clerk of the Commission subject to inspection for a p?riod of five ( 5) clays; thAt saicl Notice 3hHll state the time and place at which objections will be ~eHrd by the Cownission to t'le final ado"!)tio'1. of t~1is Pesol ution; that it shall be published at least five ( 5) days before the day set by the Co~~ission for the hearing of objectio'1.s HC1d the fInal Hdoption of this Pesol ution. Provisionally passed and adopted by the COr.1l'1ls~Jion of' '1'he City of BozemGn at a rerJ'ulf'l' ses s ion thereof held on the 21: th day of September, 1 C):;;S. A Tf:lT~~S rr : ~~~ I ~ /' /~_/ R xc:/;:!'~~-z:-=---v Clerk of the City Commission // Mayor F'inall;r passed and adonted by the Commis:3ion of The Ci ty of Boz ~JmHn ut a regular session thereof held on the 1st clay of October, 19~~c\. ATTES'r: ~~~ ---cIerk ~~~ of (- e city Commission .' - Mayor NOT ICE ------ :I1\ARING, FINAL ADOPTION OF COMMISSIOn HBSOLiJ'rIO::J )20, LEVYING ASSESS':' Ti;c.:"rr spr~CIAL IMPROVEME:'J'r DIs'rRI C'E NJ. 1 0;;, Cliff OF' 130 ,mMAN, PA VIHG ON STORY STHE1~'l1, .t,LDT~pson S'rRE~rr AND DICKERSON STPEE'r I3ETWKR:]'J FJTmTE'-':~T'1~l{ !'>.tI<:~TU'~ IW) l"IF'l';~"'TT!I J\ 'T:<:N UE. ~W'T'IC': 13 ::1ERET-3Y GIVE"J, that at a rer:ulHr session of the Commission of' 'rhe .... ::,:y of 80 zeman helc1)n the :?1; th chYy of' September; 195c\, Co r'Imis s ion Pes 011:1 t ion No. ):?13 W[, S pro- visionally passed and adopted; thFt sai(l Cor.l'nission Pesolution levies ann. assess'3S 8. special assessment of ta ~\ e s upon all the ;)rOp8rty in Spacial Improvement District No.l:05 in seid City, to defray the CO~3t and expense of' constructi:1[j and makini". the i r~mrovernents - within seld District, to-wit: Bef"inning Ht a point on the Bast line of' South Fourteonth Avenue, sai d Doi nt ~ I b . .' "0 feet North of the North line of' "'lest Story street, the'1ce westerly, elngc.:"-' 1,0 f'eet North of and 0ara11e1 0'" the Hortl1 line of ~'lest Story ;5treet to n '1oint Wl the Eas t line 0 f South T"ifteenth 11. ren ue; thence ::;'.J1Jtherly nlonr; the ,\pst line of South Fif'teenth 1:'Tenue to a point 150 f'eot ;:~o'lth 0 r the ;~o uth li,18 or WtJst Alderson Street; t hen<.~e Bas Gerly 150 feet SO~lth 0 (' and pfirallf5-' to the South Ilne of West Alderson street to a :)lYtnt on the "lest line of So uth T'0l.1rte enth A venue; thence Northerly alon~ the we::;t line 0-" ;;outh ;'0'11- tepnth Avenlle to the polnt of becinnine. That, said Com'nission Res:J11ttion No. 923 is now on ;'ile in the of r'iee o c' t l1i; C 1 e r Ie 0 f the COf'1t:llsc:;ion, :3iibject to inspection for a pertod. of five (:J) days b~ any norsons inteI'- t..,' .1 ested. 'I'hat'Vednesday, the 1st da:! or' OctobGr, 19)0, nt 1:00 o ' c 10 ole P. H . , of said day at the r ':Gular seo:; s ion Oi" the said Com~ission of The Gi ty of 3;!:er:Hln, at the COrmniE):3 ion Hoom in the City Hall 3uilding of suid City, has been de~ cnuted as the ~ime Gnd place when and where the said Com:-'1:lssion will h.ear and pass ~.lp:.m an yon cl a 11 :)bj(~ctions that ~BY be made to t'~le final pass8:je and adoption of said Pesolutlon No. 928, anc: the levyin()' of said 8ssessrnpnt, end tlui t said Resolution will be finally pas'3ed B'yi ad'ypted at sai d rer;u1ar session. All persons interes teo. are referred ;-,0 Gommis sion Fesol ution ~fo. usn, dec18rj_ng it to be the intention of the Comr'1isE3ion to create Special Improvement :Jistrtct lJO. h05, and ';on"1ip"~on Pesolution Ho. C)() 5 creating Special Improvement District No. Lo~), for construct- ~ , Ing and making the improvements therein. Dated this :?hth day of Septe>nber, 1 ()58. . /-::/ /-7 .. ..~ <, ~'< . .~.t:.-'C . ",7' ~ ' Cl~;'." ~'~'~:; ;~nr~~~'~-- -"~~/ StFte oF' Montana ) C~:Junty 0" ~81la tin )SS I, L. n Sb8donn, Clerk of the Co!",'rris~:;lon of' the~~~_t'r of 30::0""nn, d 0 ~J~r'3by c,.tif,! I ". r . t'lf. t t '"18 ~ore=o~_n;_' Pesoll:t\ In No. 923 'N~ d3 O'J',l is he d 'Of- lA~,,.t11 L"'1 V10 -;''<1'J8 .yf' thA r,.s'-1--1" .,I _.i'I-~.J ., .,1 J ,..,,'," ~ '..:' .I J (. ,.I~ r}f1Y oF' Scptrnbpr, l'){-"3 anrl WR~ n'Jblished by ti':le f!ncl nurnbpr' J.n the lS ~.) '..~e )f' ,,:.he :31': . ./~) I.... , r'!.DV 0"' 8ctobpr, lryQ in the ]o?:c''18n :laily Ghronic le, n ne'Nsrpaper ,->'" e: c'l.py'u-l c irc') L ::1;:m .... . I.......~ , 1Jr1nted and nnblished in snid City, end .:11)e pro of 01" StlC 11 pub 1 i e 2. t ion is 0'1 file in my :)-Pflco. I:-J 'VITNE;::,;J "J1r::r ~~OF I hr~re ~mto set -rlY hand ann affix t'::1e corj:)orf: ':e seal :; -f' r:1Y office till'"' f:.tl- d'1'" rye October 1qr;'3 I, .,) .) ",.I. ,(. 'r) ',,< ,I -' .J" ",::J. . ~ /?' ,;c" .'/ . "'-7~ >::~'7L~.~ -=-G;~ ~ J --_..' ~ - ,~-, - ~ Clerk of tho Commis~ion IJ , Pesoluti:m No. ~)28 ----