HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 927 Taxes for SID 404 - -.- ..-....- - --- --- : II ;-J COMl::LjSION RESOLUTION NO. 927. A EESOL"LT'I'ION CJF THE Cmn'!ISSION OF THE CITY 01" BOZEII':AN, MONTANA, LEVYING AnD J\.S::::~::;;SSING A S FECIAL ASSESSMENT OF TAXES UPOrT ALL 1'lfE t'ROl)j~RTY IN S .-'I~C 1AL DIP::!.ovmIENT DISTRICT NO. 404 IN TI"E CITY 01>' BO:::m.~AIT, COUN'I'Y OF '-:ALi,A TIN, STA. TE OF IiON'I'ANA, TO DEPEAY THE COST OF CONSTI1JCTIlW AND MAK- ING THE IMPRO'lEMENTS 'NITHIN SA ID SPECIAL IMl'ROVEMEN'I' DISTRICT NO. 404. ;~'i1fERJ::;AS , The City Commission of The City of Bozeman, did on the 16th day of April, 1958, duly and reg1J_larly pass Commission Resolution liTo. 892, entitled: I A RESOLUTION QI.-' THE CITY COMI~ISSIOI\T or THE CI'I'Y OF BOZm.~AN DECLARING 1'1' TO BE THE INTENTION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN '1'0 CI1EATE A Sl'ECIAL II.:PROVEMENT DIS'l'EICT TO BE IG'OVnr AS SFECIAL D/iPROVEMENT DIS'l'RIC'll NO. 404 OF' 'l'HE CITY OF BO,;;m:AN FOR TilE PURPOSE Or' COrS'T:RTTCTING AND INS'l'ALLING A PAVEMENT PRO,TECT ON SOU'I'}-i FOURTH AVENUEPRUM 'J:iTm'l' GRA.NT S'I'REL';T TO W;':;:ST LINCOLN ;JTREET, c:)l'\ID PROJEC T TO INCL~T.l)E Cmmnri\TION CONCRETE CUR3S AND G-U'l'TERS, GTIAVEL BASE COTJTSE, CRUSHED GRAVEL C1JSHION COUESE, BITUMINOUS SUm.;'1ACE COUl1E.JE, SUCH STORM SEWEH A~)l"'UnTENANCES AS REQ1'IEED, AIJD OTHER WORK IHCIDEN'l'AL THERETO. and thereafter, after due and legal proceedings had, the Commis sion of 'l'he Ci ty of Boz eman did on the 14th da y of !1a y, 1958 duly pass Commission Resolution No. 904, en- tItled: A '1ESOLU'l'ION OF THE CITY COr...rMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN CREATING A ~)PECIAL II/'PROVEMENT DISTRICT TO BE K'-OWN AS SPECIAL I I':PROVEMENT DIST'T CT NUMBER 404 OF r[,ID~ CITY OF' BOZEMAN FOR TI-IE t URPOSE O:B' CONSTRUCTING A1'J1.J INSTALLING A P AVE- ~,{:SNT PE,:\r~C'r ON SOUTH POTJRITI}f AVENUE FROM VIEST GRANT STREG~T TO WEST LINCOLN STREET, IN SA IT) CI'l'Y. which Commission Resolutions Nos. 892 and 904, passed as aforesaid, are hereby referred to and made a part of this resolution for further particulars in respect to the bound- aries of said district, the char8cter of the improvements to be constMlcted therein, the estim':ted cost of said improvements and the method of aS~3essing the cost against the property within said district; and \VEEflliAS, said:.mprovements as contemplated in said Commis?ion FesolutJons Nos. 892 and 904 have been constructed and completed in a~cordance with the term~ and conditions of Commission Resolution Nos. 892 and 904, and the total cost of said improvements so cons tructed is the sum of Ten Thousand One Hundred Eic:hty Nine Dollars and Seventy Eight Cents (;;~ lU, 189 . '78 ) I NOW, TlIEREFC1::tE, pursuant to the provlsions of Sections 5225 to 5277.5 and 5485, R. C. 1\1., 1935 and amendments tliere to, BE IT RESOLVED AND IT IS lfEl7EBY ORF:mED BY THE Cm/~MISSLm OP THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, STATE OF MONTANA: Section 1. 'l'hat to defray the cost and expense of cons'--ructing and making the im- provements in said Special Improvement District No. 404, there be, and there is he >"eby' levied and assessed a tax amountlnr; to the sum of Ten Thousand One Hundred Eighty Nine Dollars and 78/100 ($ 10,189.78) upon all the property in said Special Improvement District No. 4U4, th8 t a particular description of each lot and parcel of land with the name of the owner and the sum assessed a7ainst him or it for such improvements and the amount of each partial payment to be mad,. and the day when the same shall be delinquent is set forth in detail in the assessment lis t hereto attached, marked Schedule "A", and ~ade a part hey'eof; that the several sums set opposite the names of the owners and the described lots and parcels of land be, and the same are hereby respectively levied and assessed tlpOn ans. asainst said described lots and parcels of land to defray the cost and expense of const~Jcting and making the improvements within said District; too t the several sums so assessed bo collected from the respective owners of said lots and pJ rcels of land described in said assessment list, Schedule "A", as required by lAw; that the p8yment of said Sl)mS shall be made in twenty installments And thepayment of s8id in- sta.L~.ments shall extend over a period of nineteen years; that the p,""ymeLt of the respect- i ve annual ins ta11ments shall. be m::"de on or before the 30th day of NOVEffi)Jr of eHch ;Tear unttl payment of all in:-;tallments tOGether with the Intere8t thereon, shHll be made; that s~Jid Sl)~S shell be pt):td ~m1 the collection thereof shall be made in the manr1Pr Hnd in accordance with the law Governing the collection of special improvement taxes; thAt failure to P&y such asscS~El1ents when the S8me becJme dU.e enci payable shall malee such DeT'SOnS and said lots and 0 Q"cels of land liable to the 0enalties provided by ~w re- l2tlve t~) delinquent ta-v::os. I Section 2. 'rhc t the regular sessio:1 0 f the CO'11!1.isslon of 'rhe Ci ty of I3o:~eman to be held in the Co~mission ilinsb6r in the City Hall on the 1st day of October, 1958, at 1:00 o'clocJ;;: p.T\1., be, Hnd the same is hereby des~Gnated as the time and plFCR at which objections to the finnl I) do) tion of this Hesol :It ion will be hea rd by 38 :td CO':lmis ~3ion. S3ction 3. The t the Gl "" t:: of the Cor'lmis~3ion 0 f' The Ci ty of' Bo:~emHnl)e, and he is h2reb:r or .18rpr~ I'l ~'1 d iree te d to D'lbl i 8'1 in the 30 zcnan -:Jaily Chy'onic Ie, 3- da::..ly news pa:rx~ r D1'i ntod ond 0u1) llsherl in the :-" aid G~L ty of' Boz,":t11an, 8 notice s t{"ned hy the Cle'r'k of the C')r.1miS3ion ancl stnt~Y1,!,: thE.t 8 Pesolution levyi::'1r: and 38s03sing D snf~cial a'-;3eS3nwnt of tA~PS to defrDv the cost Hnr1 pxpense or constructin7 and ,aking the improvements in the ~ [iid Spec ia 1 I~1provement Dis trio t No. I! 01: is on f'ile in the of'fice of the Clerk of the Commission subject to -j.'1spoctiorl for a period of fivp (5) days; that said Notice 3h81l stnte the tine and Dlaco nt '.vhich objections will be ~eard by the Com-'lis,::}.on to the final HcloDtion of this Pesolution; that it shall be Dublished at len,-;t five (~;) days be- , .- -.--. ..-..- ----- ..- -.. - -.---- :~lil f'ore the day set by tho COr.1r:lission for the 11e[;\r1n(\ of objections and the finH1 adoption of this Resolution. Provisionally passed and adopted by the Commission of The City of BozeMan at a regulsr ses::;i:Jn thereof held on the 24th clay of Septer:'fber, 1958. A'r'rEST: - ~ :t:::.. a,r><~:/ /.,c-.. / .' . I"- ~~ ::..----=-/;/>.~--:-L- ~z::L-.~1-" , . . Cb-?~ ~ Clerk c)+' the City Com.>nission . "'Iayor T'inally passed and adopted by. the Commission of' The City of BozeMan at H regular 1 session thereof held on the 1st day of' Octo~er, 19S5. AT'r'CST: ~ ~ --/L / ~., 0 r- ./ .' / ../ ~.C-, / / /.:.' ) /-~/ ~ ~-~~--a--rv . ,,". ~ Clar1\: or' the City Commi s~>ion . I\;ay -'- NOT ICE ------ HEARDJG, 'F'VTAL ADOP'rIOn 0" COt1T.CIS;)ION PESOL urION 927, LEVYING ASSESSI;IETT'''' ~)m CIAL H1PPO'I:S:',I"HjlJ'r DIS'rlUC'l' 1'JO. ltoh, crr'Y 01" BOZ:!~MAH, Pf.VING on FOlJR'fH j\\TEwm BE'l",'Hm:iI GRAN'r STRJ~S'r AND LINCOLN 3TREE'r. NO'l'ICE IS Ir=m~13Y GIVEn, that a t a regu.lnr session of' the Commis~don of the City of '-),0 zaman hold on the 21i th day of Septe:nber, 1993, COffinls ,1 ion Pesol1Jt ion no. 926 was oro- visionally passed and adopted; t':1at said COr:1!11ission Pesolution levies and assesses a s ,)8c1al assessment of t3xes upon all the property in Jpecial Improvement Distl"ict~To. 1loL in said City, to defray the cost and expense of constructing and makinp the improvements within said District, to-wit: geginning at a point on the South line of West Grant street said point being 120 feet west of the West line of ~~outh Fourth Avenue, thence ~;)utherly, l~~O feet west of and parallel to the West line of South F'oul'th A'Jenue to the North Line of 'Vest Lincoln Strc8t; thence easterly along the north line of West Lincoln Street to the 'Ves t 11.ne of So uth 'rhird Avenue; thence northerly a10~H' the '.'les t 1 ine of South 'rhiI'd A ven ue to the South line 0 f' We ~Jt Grant :;tre'~t; tb.enc a 'Nes terly along the South line of' "le'3t Grant street to the point of beginn5-'1.f,':. 'I'h8t, said Commis:,ion :Resolution No. 927 is now on f':lle in the of'f'ice or the Clerk I of' the Commis~; ion, s ub j ec t to inspec t ion for a per:lod (;+' -f':i. \TO (S) da JS by any persons interested. 'rhl'Jt Wednesday, the 1st day of October, 1958, [. t 1:00 o'clock P.M., sa.td day at the r8gular session of the said. COr^.tssion of The City of Jozo:er1an, at the CO~r:1- i83:'[orr p')O~'1, in the City Hall Btti1cHniT, of' 3e1.d City, h[\s been desir_-naterJ. as the time Iilld nlace '."lhe'1. and wl18re the said Gommis1io'1. will henr ann. :r>aS[3 lJ.pon Dny and all) bjections tb.f1t mAY be made to the final pas'Jare and ado:r>tion of said Hesol'lltl,m Ho. ~n7, nnd the 1 evyin(~ 83 as se ssmrm t, and that SI1 ld Resolllt ion wi 11 be finally pas se d and [1 dopted at 3aid regular session. .1\11 persons interested ere referr'ed to COIT1'TIission resolution ~Jo. d92, declrninrj it to be the intention of the Commission to create Snec:tal Ionrovement District No. 40~, and Com'nl:3sion Pcsolllt:Lon ITa. ~)Oll, cl'Gatlnr: SpecIal Ir:1prov81nent District 1.Jo. 101+, +'01' con- strl1ctinr and n3ktn.(- the inprove:':1ent3 thereirr. Date d this 2L,th day of Septenber, 1;)58. stnte of ]'.1 H!tana ) 33 Countv of Gallatin ) I, L. ~. Shadoan, Clerk o~ the Commission of the City or Bozeman, do hereby certify that the foree;oing F'esolution No. 926 wus ["nblisr1ecl at let1vth in the i'1S'J'? 0'" the 21 th d BV o+' September, 1950, and wao.! publi o,hed by t5 tIe an d number in the 1 s owe of the '?>rd do.'" 0 f Oc to ber, 1~6d, in the 30 ;'.8Tnan Drd_ly Chror)::e le, 8. newsnnp er of' f en.'rB 1 c irculE tion pri.ntee~ f)nd oub1i3hed in soleI City, f'nd clue proof of' ;Jl1Ch publiention is on -file in my of'f'ice. In "iI'.rNESS 1fn'~p'WF I he!'e1mto set m.y hand. and ~ -f'fix the cor.po.J.....rt.c., .~.~..e81 of m. y o-l"l'ice .1 t 'i~3 tStr nil:,! of Octobr;!', 19S[L ./'" .~. P'~~~~ ClArk Qf' the Cam~ission Resolution no. ')27 .... ..----.. -----.-.--- .--.- -- ---