HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 926 Taxes for SID 385 - -- --- :~ll COMIi""ISSION EESOLUTION NO. 926. Ii. RESOLUTION O~ rrlm Cmn"ISSIOlT 01" THE CITY OF BOZET'iT:\N, MuN'l'ANA, LEVYING f\:ND ASSESSING .11. SPECLI'iL ASSESSMENT OM' TAX ;;~S TJPON ALL TITE PEOPERTY IN S P;~:C IAL II/PFWVET\ffENT OISTIUCT NO. 385 IN nm CITY OF BOZEMAN, COUNTY OF i.,;"I~ LI-1.t~ T I 'f'..i , STA~rE OF MOHTANA, ~ro DEFRAY THE COS'l' or CONSTRUCTING APD MAK- ING THE IMFROVElvIENTS WITHIN SAID SYiWIAL H:;:PROVEMENT DISTHICT NO. 385. I ilEl'; REA S , 1'hc City Corrunission of The City of Bozeman, did on the 2'1th day of June, 1956, duly and regularly pass Conunission Resolution No. 811, entitled: A RESOLUTION UP THE CITY CO~\:MISSIOlT OF 'I'1m CI'l'Y OF BOZEl:fAN DECLi\RDJG IT TO BE THE n~TElTTION TO CPEATE A 3FECIAL n~l:)ROVE~,TEN'l" DISTTIICT TO BE KNmW AS SPECIAL II',TJ'rOVEI,IJ.i:NT DISTRICT NO. 385 01,1 rj'TTE CITY 01" BOZj3:I,IAN FOn TIlE }\URI'OSE OF COF:-STT:C11 CTTH0- A7F) INSTALLING !I. PA VE~mN'r PRO,H';CT Oil' SOTTTH BL!\CK A VENUE ]'TIm,' STORY ST'I:EET "'0 C ULLEGE STREET, 3AI0 I'll. VEl: ,:N'r f'RC\r:;WT TO IN- cLuDE ~HE COIJsrrT(TTCTIOI~ Or-<' A DITTJMIIJOUS SUEF'ACE COnESE ON ~'llE EXISTING BASE, AND O'T'Tflm WOHK IllCIDf.;NTAL THEHETO. and thereafter, o.fter due and legal proceedings had, the Comnission of The City of ~ozeman did on the 3rd day of October, 1956, fully pass Commission Resolution No. 822, 8n ti tled : A'"'ESOLUTION OF TIm CIT:r covrMISSIon 01" THE CITY OF BOZEMAN CREATING A SPECIAL HIPI"\OVEMENT DISTRICT TO BE K"O'vVN AS SPECIAL HipHOVEJI,mNT DIS- T::;ICT NTTMBER 385 OF THE CITY Q}:C BOZEMAN FOR TIm ilTRPOSE OF CONSTI-TITCT- ING AND INSTALLIND A PA Vm,'}~NT PROJECT ON SOUTH BLACK AV1:;;NUE FRO!I~ STORY STREET TO COLLEGE STRE!~T, IN SAID CITY. which Commission Resolutions Nos. 811 and 822, passed as aforesaid, are horeby referred to and made a part of this resolution for further particulars in respect to tho bound- aries of said district, tho character of the improvements to be constructed tJ:lOrein, the estimated cost of said improvements and the method of as~essing the cost against the property within said district; and WI-IEREAS, said improvements as contemplated in said Commission Resolution Nos. 811 and 822 have been constructed and completed in accorc~ance with the terms and conditions of Comxnission Pesolutions Nos. 811 and 822, and the total cost of said improvements so const~lcted is the sum of Five Thousand Seven Hundred Eighteen Dollars and Two Cents (); 5,718.02). I HOW, 'I'HE "REPORE, pursuant to the provisions of Sections 5225 to 5277.5 and 5485, R. C. M. 1935 and amendments thereto. BE IT RESOLVED AND IT IS HERESY OFJ)ERED BY 'l'HE CmUi:rSSION OIi' THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, STATE OF lvTON'l'ANA: Section 1. That to defray the cost and expense of constructing and making the im- provements in said Special Improvement District No. 385, there be, and there is hereby levied and a~sessed a tax amrnJnting to the sum of Five Thousand Seven Thlndred Eighteen Dollars and 2/100 ($ 5,718.02) upo~ all the property in said Special Improvement- District No. 385, tho. t a particular description of each lot and parcel of land wi th the nane of the owner and the sum assessed against him or it for such improvements and the amount of Bach partial payment to be made and the day when the same shall be delinquent is set forth in detail in the asse~sm()nt list hereto attacbed, marked Schedule "A", and made a part bereof; tJmt the several sums set opposite the names of the owners and the described lots and parcels of land be, and the saMe are hereby respectively levied and assessed upon and ~gainst said described lots and parcels of land to defray the cost and expense of constructing and making the improvements within said District; tba t the several Sums so assessed be collected from the respective owners of said lots and par- ceJ.s of land described in said assessment list, Schedule "A", as required by law; that the payment of said sums shall be made in ten installments and the payment of s aid in- stallments shall extend over a period of nine years; that the payment of the res pe c t i ve annual installments shall be made on or before the 30th do. y of November of each year until payment of all instaJ.lments together with the interest thereon, shall be made; tha t said Stuns shaLL be paid and the collection thereof shall be made in the manner and in accordance with the law governing the collection of special improvement taxes; that failure to pay such asse3sments wilen the same become due and payable shall make such persons and said lots and parcels of land liable to t he penal ties provided by law rela- tive to delinquent taxes. I Sec tion 2. Tho. t the regular sossion of the Commission of The City of Bozeman to be held in the Commi~sion Chamber in the City Hall of said City on the 1st day of Oc tober, 1958, at 1:00 o'clock P.E., be, and the same is hereby desiGnated as the time and place at which objections to the final adoption of this Resolut:on will be heard by said Co~nission. Section 3. ry\hnt the Clerk of the Commission of The City of Bozeman be, and he is hereby ordered and ,0-irected to publish in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a daily newspaper prlnted and ptlblishod in the sAid Ci ty of Bozeman, a notice signed by the Clerk of the Commission and stating that a Resolution levying and assessinp: a special assessment of taxes to defray the cost and expense of constructing and making the improvements in the said Special Improvement DistrJct No. 385 is on file in the office of the Clerk of the Commis.:110n subject to lnspection for a period of five (5) do. ys ; thnt said Notice shall state the time and place at which objections will be heard by the Commission to the final adoption of thisqesolution; that it shall be published at least five (5) days --- --.... :~12 before the d8Y set by the Comr.-:ission for the hearing of objections and tbp, ftnal adop- tion of this Re SOll.1 tion. Provis:lonally passed and adopted by the Commission of The City of Bozeman at a regular session thereof held on the 24th day of September, 1958. ,""",'Q'1" ~ L .,bu~. ~' :/ ././"'"' Y";7 />/.... ../ .'" . ~ -" ___ ,,:::-' / y~ /.~_-..,r <:- C-c.c:-~J . h - -' cJ - - Clc!"'l{ of the City Commission ;Tayor I :E~inall:r passed and adopted by the Commission of The City of Bozeman at a regular sess10n thereof held on the 1st day of October, 1958. AT,'EST: ~ ~ ~~ ~ ..............-' "/.-:' ,// /;;'~,/./" ./ - ~--~;:::;;.:~?~~~. ~ ~ ClerIc of ~rie Ci ty Commiss ion / ~;<a yor H011..Q.E HEARING, .~IFAL AD02TIOJIT OF CmU'I8SIOlT RESOLUTION 926, LE,rYr'C ASSFSm~ENT SP'WIAL Inpp.OlrEJJ;:';'\~'T' DISTI-UCT NO. 3t3S, CITY OF' BO~~I!:T:TJ\.N, .PA VINe; ('1' SOF'rII BLACK A \II:~T'TTT!."i:~ BI~TVJE1~~'T STORY S TT~E' i,~T ./\ ~',:f) C 0 T-1~J'1~CtE S TREI~T ~ Fo'rICcC IS Tm'REBY CrVEN, that at a regulm' ses[;i.on of the Commission of The City of E~ozeman held on the 24th day of' Saptcml)or, 195f:\, Commission Reso:L11tion Ho. q26 was pro- visionally pas8ed and adopted; that said Commission S.esolution levies and assesses a (,pecial assessmEmt of taxes upon all the property in Special rmprovem~nt District No. 385 in said City, to defray the cost and expense of constrl~cting and making the Improve- ments within said ~istrict, to-wit: Beginning at the Northeast corner of Block E of Hoffman's AdcUtion to the Ci+:',; ',f Bozeman, thence Westerly along the South line of East story street a distance of 109 feet; thence Southerly 109 feet Wes t of and parallel to the 'Nest line of Sou th Bl8.ck Avenue to a point to the South line of Lot Sixteen (16), of Block G, of the t1aid Hoff- man's Addition; thence I::asterly alonr~ the South line of said Lot Sixteen (16) to the Southeast corner of said Lot Sixteen (16); thence Southerly along the West line of .3outh B.'laCl{ A. venue to. the s.outheast co..rnc;r of' said Bb. ck G; the.nceii:ast.,crlY alone the Smlth line I of Block D, of said Troffman's Addition, and the prolonration of the South line of said Block D, to a point 109 feet East of the East lino of South r3lacl{ Avenue; thence North- erly lU9 feet East of and p8.raJlel to the East line of South Slack Avenue to a point on the South line of Ea':'.t Story Strset; thence 'Nesterly alonc,: the 00uth line of East Story .stree t to the point of beginning. 'rhat, s aid Commission Resolutlon No. 926 is now on file in the of1"ice of the Clerk of the Commi~1sion, S1.1"o,ject to inspectior: for a pc:rios of five (E,) days by an:r persons lnterestcd. ~hst Wednesday, thB 1st day of October, 1958, at 1:00 o'clock P.~., of said d8,)! at the rcg1Jlar session of the said Commi;,jsion of The ~ity of Bozernan, ,'c,t the Cormn- ission Eoom, in the City Ha1113uildinp: of said City, has been dc;s~'_Tnated as ';:,:j time and place when and wfwre the ::>8id COlTllY!_is:Jion will hear and pass upon any and all objections that may be made to tbe flnal pas:':"age and adoption of said '1esohJtion \:0.9:20, and. the lcvyinr,. of s aid assessment, and th.qt said Fesolution will be finsl1y;,assed and adopted at s8i:3 reglJlar session. All persons :interested [;1'0 rEf)rred to Con.mission '\esolution ITo. 811, d eclarinff, it to be the 1n ten tion of the ::'::orm,.~,":..., ion to cre8 te Specia 1 Improvem:: n t is tric t 1'0. ;585, and Commiss ion '-'esolu tion No. 822, c rea ting Spc cia 1 Improvement Dis tric t 1':0. 385, for con- strFcting and ma)ci.nr;; the Inprovements thereln. ;)~, ted this 24th day of Septenber, 195H. ~~ -/ .f .' ' .- / '- .",' ," ' "..,,..~' ~~' / ,/ ~-"~~__~ :>---v' Cle rk of tho '-':omr;;L:: s ion St&te of Montana ) COU!1ty of' Gf1118tin ) ss T I n C.~l''''do'''.'''' ("l~r', O-f' t:'~ ('o'''m" ... ., - ~ +:1.- roOt. ro , ..\' t ..1.-, ,.1. \.1. ....,.~n '''''1,.. C:-' h J. ,,,,8 " ;".,,1.~38]J)n G\ ",.rle '",lY o,_)OZe'iU~n, co nerc--y certify thDt t'l.e foregc:1n'" T1esolution 1<1'0. 926 WBS published at len::th in the L;3U8 of t~e 21,t', day of ~)8pter.1ber,. 19SD, an'} WHS ;Hlblishec3by title B,ld nunb ':)r in tl18 issue of p'~P 1....:.d I ('9Y of October, 195d. in the 30 '-'.eman Dfiily ::'::f1ro'lic 1'~, __ nevV"sps.per o-f' r:;enora1 c: 'e-,lla t ion 1Jri nted Hnd pc,it> 1:1 She.d. i_n " [del City, and d'~e proof 0;:' 3 uch 0uDli er, tion is Oil f i1 e -1 n mv of-f'~ce. . ~ PI ':"II'r!mSS V'fHEREOP I here11Dto set my hand and affix thecorDorate seal of rny o.nfice this 6th day of October, 1958. -' ~'h ,"-' .-/ --- ~-,/ ,>>" ,.,' / .;::;;:" - -._ ,.. ?-~='<-----~~L CleY' { of the CorrwLto"1ion qesolution No. 926