HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 919 Taxes for SID 397 -- -- --.. ----. ')Q7 fo-.... ,_ COMMISSION RESOI~TION NO. 919 A RESOLUTION or THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, LEVYING AND ASSESSING A Sl-'ECIAL ASSESSMENT OF TAXES UPON ALL THE PROPERTY IN SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 397 IN THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, COUNTY OF GALLA TIN, STATE OF MONTANA, TO DEFI1AY THE COST OF CONSTRUCTING AND MAK- ING THE IMPROVEMENTS WITHIN SAID SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO.397. WHEREAS, The City Commission of The City of Bozeman, did on the luth day of July, I 1957, duly and regularly pass Commission Resolution No. 851, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF' THE CITY co~,r~.nSSION OF THE CITY OP BOZEMAN DECLARING IT TO BE THE IN'l'ENTION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN TO CREATE A SPECIAL n,PROVE- MENT DISTRICT TO BE KNOV~T AS SPECIAL IMPROVE1ffiNT DISTRICT NO. 397 OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN FOR THE PURPOSE OF' CONSTRUCTING AIW INSTALLING A l'AVIDiffi:NT PROJECT ON NORTH WILLSON A VE:NUE PROM VILLARD STREET TO SHOR'}' STREET, SAID PAVEMENT PRO,TECT TO INCLUDE THE CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION OF CONCRETE CURBS, CRtr:jHED GP..AVEL BASE, CRUSHED GRAVEL CUSHION COURSE, BITUMINOUS SUR- FACE COURSE, AND OTHE"R WORK INCIDENTAL THERETO. and thereafter, after due and legal proceedings had, the Commission of The City of Bozeman did on the 7th day of August, 1957, duly pass Commission Resolution No. 857 en- ti tIed: A P..ESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF' BOZEMAN CREATING A SPECIAL IYPROVEMENT DISTRICT TO BE KNOWN AS SPECIAL I ~.~PROVEMENT DISTRICT NUMBER 397 OF THE CITY OP BOZEMAN FOR rl'EF PURFOSE OF CONSTRUCTING AND INSTALLING A PAVEMENT PROJT~CT ON NORTH WILLSON AVENUE FROM VILLARD STREET TO SHORT STREET IN SAID CITY. which Commission Resolution Nos. 851 and 857, passed as aforesaid, are hereby referred to and made a part of this resolution for further particulars in respect to the bound- aries of s aid district, the character of the improvements to be \:onstructed therein, the estirrated cost of said improvements and the method of assessing the cost agatnst the property within said district; and WHEREAS, said improvements as contemplated in s aid Commission Resolution Nos. 851 and 857 have been cons truc ted and comple ted in accordance with t he terms and conditions of Commission Resolution Nos. 851 and 857, and the total cost of said improvements so cons truc ted is the sum of Nine Thousand Five Hundred TwelwDollars and Ninty Seven Cents I ($ 9,512.98) NOW, THEREFORE, pursuant to the provisions of Sections 5225 to 5277.5 and 5485, R. C. M., 1935 and amendments thereto, BE IT RESOLVED AND IT IS m~FEPY ORDERED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, STATE OF MONTANA: Section 1. That to defray the cost and expense of constructing and making the im- provements in said Spsclal Improvement District No. 397, there be, and there is hereby levied and as~essed a tax amounting to the sum of Nine Thousand Five Hundred Twelve Dollars and Ninty Seven Cents ($ 9,512.97) upon all the property in said Special Im- provement District No. 397, that a particular description of each lot and parcel of land with the name of the owner and the sum assessed against him or it for such improve- ments and the amount ofe2ch partial payment to be made and the day when the seme shall be delinouent is set forth in detail in the assessment list hereto attached, marked Schedule "A", and made a part hereof; that the several sums set opposite the names of the owners and the described lots and parcels of land be, and the same are hereby re- specti vely levied and assessed upon and a gainst said described lots and parcels of land to defray the cost and expense of constructing and making the improvements within said District; that the several sums so assessed be collected from the respective owners of said lots and parcels of land described in said assessment list, SChedule II A" as ?"equired by law; that the payment of s aid sums shall be made in 19 installments and the payment of s aid installments shall extend over a period of 18 years; t.t1a t the pa y- ment of the respective annual installments shall be made on or before the 30th day of November of each year until payment of all installments together with the interest thereon, shall be made; that said sums shall be paid and the collection thereof shall be made in the manner and in accoTdance with t he law governing the collection of special improvements taxes; that failure to pay such assessments when the same become due and payable shall make such persons 'nd said lots and parcels of land liable to the penaltLre provided by law rela ti ve to delirquent taxes. I Section 2. That the regular session of the Commission of '}'he City of Bozeman to be held in the Commission Chamber in the City Hall of said City on the 24th day of SepterritGt.~ 1958, at 1:00 o'clock P.~., be, and the same is hereby designated as the ti~e and place at which objections to the f:tnal adoption of this TIesolution will be heard by said Commission. Section 3. The t the Clerk of the Commission of The City of Bozeman be, a nd he is hereby ordered and dlrec ted to publish in the Bozeman Daily Chronic le, a daily nevJspaper prin ted and published in the said Ci ty of Bozeman, a notice signed by the Clerk of the Commiss ion and s ta ting tha t a Resolu tioD levying and assessing a special asses sment of taxes to defray thecost and expense of constructing and makin~ the improvements in the said Special Improvement District No. 397 is on file in the office of the Clerk of the Commission subject to inspection for a period of five (0) days; that said Notice shall ...-- --. --- 'Jqs N" state the time and place at which objections will be heard by the Commission to the final adoption of this Resolution; that it shall be published at le'ist five (5) days before tile day set by the Commission for the hearing of objections and the final adoption of this Res olu tion. Provis iona lly pas sed and adopted by the Commiss ion of 'The City of Bozeman a t a regular sessJon thereof held on the 17th day of September, 1958 . A TTES'1' : ~/> .JJ . I - City Commission / Ma yor Finally passed and adopted by the Commission of The City of Bozeman at a regular session thereof held on the 24th day of September, 19 5~) . A T'T'H~:~T : ~~.J)~ r ~~~ ~ --~ C erk of the City Commission Ma yor NOT ICE ------ HEARING, FINAL ADOPTION OF COMMISSION RESOLUTION 919, LEVYING ASSESS- MENT SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTHICT NO. 397, CITY OI~ BOZEMAN, PAVING ON NORTH WILLSON AVEmTE BETVffiEN VILLARD STREET AWJ SHORT STREET. NOTICE IS :m~EBY GIVEN, that at a regular session of the Commission of The City of Bozeman held on the 17th day of September, 1958, Commission Resolution No. 919 was pro- visionally passed and adopted; that said Commission Resolution levies and assesses a special assessment of taxes upon all the property in Special Improvement District No. 397 in said City, to defray the cost and expense of cons tructing and making the improvements within said District, to-wit: Beginning at the intersection of the North line of West Villard Street with the East line of North Willson Avenue, thence Easterly along the North line of West Villard Street a distance of 131 feet; thonce North- I erly 131 feet Easterly from a nd parallel to the East line of Nor.th Willson AVenue to a point on the South line of West Short Street; thence Westerly along the South Line of West Short street to a point 131 feet Westerly from the West Line of North Willson Avenue; thence Southerly 131 feet Westerly from and parallel to the West line of North Willson Avenue to a point on the North line of West Villard Street; thence Easterly along the North line of West Villard street to the point of be- ginning . Tha t , said Commission Resolution No. 919 is now on file in the office of the Clerk of the Commission, subject to inspection for a period of five ( 5) days by any persons inter- ested. That Wednesday, the 24th day of September, 1958, at l:UO o'clock ~.M., of said day at the regular session of the said Commission of '1'he City of Bozeman, at the Commission Room, in the City Hall Building of said City, has been designated as the time and place when and where the said Commission will hear and pass upon any and all objections that may be made to the final passage and adoption of said Resolution No. 91~ and the levying of said assessment, and that said Resolution will be finally passed and adopted at said regular session. All persons interested are referred to Commission Resolution No. 851, declaring it to be the intention of the Commission to create Special Improvement District No. 397, and Commission Resolution No. 857, creating Special Improvement District No. 397, for cons true t- ing and making the improvements therein. Dated the 17th day of September, 1958. ~~~ Cler of the Commission. State of ~ontana ) ) 00 I 1..JU County of Callgtin ) , L. G. Shadoan, Clerk of the Commis:-; ion of the Ci ty oL2ozeman, do hereby certify "-, tha t the foregoing Notice :In ~c, Cor;rmit'sion C)osol~"t~()n ?Jo. 019 'NUS pl~_blished at length and by ti tle and nJmbcr in the Bo';;::m::m :)8 ily Chronicle, H ncwsp8per of general circ'lla tien prin ted antI 'published i"" sa id Ci ty, and duo proof of such p"_",olic8 tiOll is on fl1e in my office. (f-'ub 1 ishoc1 in 1s suo of ,', eptcmb"r 26, 1958) IN WITNES;_~ \iT'EREOF I hereunto se t my hand and affix the corpora to soal of my office this 29th day of Septembor, 1958. -- ~~~ - C18r {: of the Connnission Resolution No. 919