HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 914 Taxes for removal of Snow and Ice ~'-,. :J.S7 COMMI SSION RESOLUTION NO. 914 A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMISSION OF THE CI TY OF BOZEMAN LEVYING AND ASSESS- ING A SPECIAL ASSESSMENT OF TAXES UPON CEPTAIN PROPERTIES IN THE CITY OF BOZ EMAN, COUNTY OF GALLA TIN, STATE OF MONTANA, TO DEFRAY THE COST OF RE- MOVAL OF' SNOW FOR THE YEAR 1957-1958 PURSUAlJT TO PROVISIONS 01' ORDINANCE NO. 502 ENTIT- LED: "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE REMOVAL OF SNOW AND ICE J:.Rml THE SIDE-WALKS IN THE CITY 0][' BOZFJilAN AND REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 385, ENTITLED: '.AJ:i ORDINM{CE PROVIDING FOR THE R&V,OVAL OF SNOW Al~D ICE, DIH.T, FILTH AND OTHER OBSTRUCTION FROM SILE-7IALKS ON MAIN STREgT BgT1ffE:I;,'N iNALLACE AVENUE AND FOURTH AVENUE IN THE CITY OF BOZSJv1AN'''. I 'imEREAS, the City Council of The City of Bozeman heretofore duly and regularly passed Ordinance No. 502, entitled: "M ORDIN.A1\CE PHOVIDING FOR THE R8~WV AI.. OF SNO'lV }oROM THE SIDE-WALKS IN THE CI TY OF' BOZ- MAN ANI: REPEALIhG ORDINANCE NO. 385, ENTITLED: 'AN ORDIKAKCE FROVIDING }OR THE REMOVAL OF' SNO'N AND ICE, DIRT, FILTH AND OTH1'R OBSTRUCTION FROM SIDE-WALKS ON rvlAIN STREET BE- T't;T;;EN 'iiALLACE AVENUE TO FOUHTH AVENUE IN TIrE CITY OF B02ElVIAN''', and VmEHF..AS, Section 11-909 R. C.1VI., 1947, provides; "The City of Town Council has power to regulate the use of side-walks and to require the owners of the premises adjoining to keep same free from snow xx xx xx; and to pro- vide for levying; the cost of removal as a special tax against the property :x x x" ,and WHEHEAS, owners of premises in said City has neglected to remove the snow from the side-walks ad- joining thereto during the year 1957-1958 and The City of' Bozeman, pursuant to Section 11-909 R. C. M., 1947, and Ordinance No. 502 has removed the snow from the side-walks adjoininl the premises 01 said owners and the total cost of the removal thereof is chBrgeable to the prof'erty as hereinafter set forth, pursuent to Frovisions of said Section 11-909 Political Code, R. C. M., 1947, and said Ordinance 10. 502. !lOW THE'lE;FORB, BE IT RBSOLVBD AND IT IS HEREEY ORDERED BY THE COMNIISS ION Of' THE CITY OF BOZ~~MAN, STATE OF MONTANA: Section 1. That durin!; the year 1957-1958 The City of Bozeman has removed the snow from side-walks adjoinins rremises in The City of Bozeman and defrayed the cost thereof as set forth in schedule "One" hereto a ttach,,:d ar.d lTIf1 de R p[,rt hereof. Section 2. That to defray the cost (~187.60) of removinG said snow from side-walks adjoiEing said premises as set forth in said Schedule "One", hereto attachi?d and mRde a f,art hereof, for the yenr 1957- 1958, +here ':,e, end there is hereby levied end assessed a special tax against seid property as set forth I in said Schedule "One", hereto attached end made a pert he~eof; that a Fprticular descrirti:x of' e8ch lot and fareel of lan(: with the r;l'Ime of the owner end the sum assessed 868.inst hinl or it is set forth iL aSr'e:'SJil'?nt list hereto E\ttached ffi!1rked Schedule "One", and m!?de e 1J8rt hereof; that the several StwlS set of'fosite the WHIles of th"? Qllmers ane' the description of the lots and [8reels of land be, and the same are hereby levied end assessed Ilpon end against said lots and f'arcels of land; the t the several surr,s be coll- e!,t,ed from the respective owners of s8id lots and porcels of lands described in said assess,.,ent list, Schedul" "Jne", as regcired by lp'!l; th" t s e ids ams sLall be [sid and the collectior: thereof shall 10 ~::ade iL tLc iI,aLIJC'r ar"0 :.n Il(::'o~d&nce witt the IBw Sovernir:;; the collection of sl",cie.1. imrrovement b:u,:"s; tLst failurc'- "]' ~,~:.',~'l. ~:'Frf:sSIn.el1ts v{licn 2::.:~:'? GLtlll b~~C!J:L.e du.e r:<rlr) f,&:ya-blc' sl~e.lllD.ntJ~ Sl:"CL. l.cr[;'o.:'~ aDd ["u.Cll ...;,' I.; l,:;.!;:.: cr:c~ 1-"TSelS of hlr.i li81.1e ~.<) the rCL8.1tips f;":J'j~d0::: by tLe lew-relrti~'e to delinquer:tttn:d::O. ::'CC"L:',Oll3. ':1. f' t'[: e l'tJ;;;;' 1" r 5", S S :;Jll of~he CO:l11d. ss ion 0 f The :~ i ty 0 f bO z("maL to t: c LeI d OE tb e 27tL dP:;~ of Au{..just., 19513, At the Gommissior. Room City Hall, EuildiLb, Le, 3Th; 'U:p same is Lcceb,y design- ::"'/02. as Uv time ar,d rh1ce ,,+ whiG}, ;>bjecticr"" to tile final adortior of tilis R0so1htion will be heRrd by th.e ComIIliss.:l,on. Secti~,r. 4. TLet the Clerk of -:1.0 COITilltissioll be, am1 he is },,,,rcb;y directec and :)rJer8c1 tQ 1:~lJl isl~ in the :Sou'THan :;aily ~LrJLicl <', a daily Lews~eper printed and [ublished in said City of Lozeman, a no t- i0e sit;ncd LJ-' the Clerk of the Commission, and statinL that a r€'solution levying a specie:.l assessment of' (axes to defray the cost of removal of snow and ice from side-walks edjoir:ing; certain premises in The City of the Commission, subject to inspectiorl for a period of five ( E) days; the t said notice shall state the time and pIece at wf'ich objectioLs will be heerd by U:e Commission to the final adoption of tLis li.e- solution; that i" sLall be published at least five da;/s before the date set by the CornmisEion for !terr- of objections end final Rdopt~on 01 this Resolution. , '. .. 11 d d ' t d by the Commission of The City of Eoz"malJ at 8 resu.ls r lri '~) ~~ t 1J;'6 .frOVl s 1. Jr..9 ::/ [-" '.' s;,;. an a Q ol,e of :'aid GOJlllidssioL:;m the 20th de;y of Aucust, 1958. ~~<oL " . Mayor hTTEST: I ,~~~~~,---_. Clerk of th~ C:>JtJilission } it:!? 1 I;} l:u,;sed en(l rd:"Itecl by the Lom...'llissior, of The City of Bozem!',n et 8. re[;uIFr meetinG of S~\ id i:..ommi.ssior. on th," 27U. dny of AL,~"ust, 19::8. ~M'~4Q~ - ],e~'or ATTEST: /~~" Clerk l)f' the (:ommi s s:i Qn -----.-.. ~!88 1; 0 TIC " ~ ----- - n::'ARJKG, Fli\AL ADOFTIOK Cm'JMISSIOI~ HESOLCnON roo ~)14 LBVYH.G ASSES~,~,::,],:T TO f)gF'HAY T:m CO2 T OF EBIJiOV,f.1.. Of SNO'tf l'RO!;! TEE SIDF:-'ilALKS ADJOIJ\J I1\G C~':f{TAJL n{T~,L!ISES IE THE CITY OF EOZEI.:.A1\ FOn. TE':; YSAR 1957-1958. NOTICE. IS HERSBY GIVEN, Ths t at a regular sessior. of the Corrunission of The City of Fozeman held all the 20th day of Au~~ust, 1958, Commission Resolution Y,o. 914 was duly pasr.ed and adopted; th<1t said I Commissior: l.esolution :Go. ~n4 levies and assesses a special assessment of tS1r'i: ufon certain propert- ies irJ The City of Eozemal'j for the yerr 1957-1958 to defray the cost of removal of snow for the ye8r 1957-1952. Thnt said Commission Resoluti on No. 914 is now on file in the office of the Clerk of the Commisr.- ion of ~38id City of B07",rrllH' sul'ject to iLspection of a11 Fers0Ls .interested for H F"'ri0d of five Uj) days, by any person intercfted; that. ',';e(1nesd8Y the 27th day of Aucust, E,S(3, 9t lIDO LI. o'elock, of s~1id day at 8- recular session of the Cammission of The City of BozenlBn. Commission I'{oom. City Hall T3uildh::g, has l::een desicnated A.S the time and phe!? when and where said ConunissioL will bRe.r and pass upon any and all objections thfit ;nay be mede to the final ndoI,tion end past;a3,:e of said Cornrr.ission Re- solution No. 914, and the levying of sa id assesHflent; that sf'id f{esolution will finally passed and ad- opted at said regular session of said Commission. subject to such oorrections and amendments as ffia.y be made uron objections made and filed within five days limit as provided by law. Dated this 2Utl; day of Aug;ust, 1958. y(~~~~~ Clerk of the Commission S tf te of Mon tans ) ) ss County of Galla tin ) 1, L. G. Shedoan, Clerk of the Commissior, of the City of Bozeman, do hereby certify that the fore- going Notice in Re, Commission Resolution No. 814, was Fublished at lenr;th in the 30zeman Da.ily Chronicle e news}sper of general circulation l,rinted and Fublished in said Ci ty in the bsue of the 20th day of Aug'us t, 1958, And due proof of such publication is on f:ile in my office. U, YITNESS 'i~1iEREOF I hereunto set my hAne end affix the corporate seal of my off ice this 22nd day I of August, 1968. , ~~-/~~/ Clprk of the Commission State of Mon tana ) ss CO'lTIty of C}alla tin) I, L. G. Shadoan, Clerk of the COmmiSE!ion of the City of Bo?eman, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolu tion No. 914 wa s p'Jb11 sher} by ti tIe and number in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a newspaper of r"aneral clrcula tion printed and public'hed in sald City in the issue of the 29 th da y of Augus t , 195D, and due proof of SL1ch publica tion is on file in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I hereunto set my hand and af""ix the corporate seal of my office this 2nd day of September, 19 5:3 . ~~~~j Clerk of the Commission I