HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 912 Lighting District maintenance ')S') _'_;.....J COMMISSION RESUL 1JTIJN NO. 912 ]I. RESOLUTION OP THE COMMISSION or 'rHE CI'l'Y OF B,J~EI1IAN, MONTANA, L8VYING AND ASSESSING LIGHTING DISTIUCT r.1AIN'rENfdJCE AND ELECTRICAL C1JRPEN'r co STS FOP SPECIAL IMPR01JElVIEN'I' LIGHTING DISTRICTS OF' THE CITY 01" BOZEMAN, PUR- SUAN'.r 're) THE PRO'lISI0NS OF SECTIrYJS 11-22)2 R. C. M. 19L!7. BE IT BESOLVSD BY 'rHE COMMISSION OJ<' THE CITY OF BO~EMA1J. Section 1. 'rha t PUT'S l.tant to the direction and by H'Jthori ty of the provisions of I Section 11-2252, R.C.M~, 19L7, I1nd upon estimates ")f S'1C~1 C()st made by, sald City Com- mission as authorized and directed by said Section 11-2252, R.C.M., 1947, to ~efray the cost of maintaining lighting systems end for electrjcal current in the several Special Improvement Lightin?; Districts of the City of Bozeman hereinafter specified, there is hereby levied Rnd Rssessed aGainst property Dnd the several lots, pieces and percels thereof, wi thin the b,)undaries of Special Improvement Lighting Districts 'Jos. 361, 362, 20L, 290, lOa, 3Ud, and L~oo of' the City of Bozeman respectively, as hereto- fore erected Bnd e~tBblished, t~e totol amolmts as to each entire district and t~e several am;)unts as to each lot, piece, or parcel of land within the boundaries of such district, as set forth, in the several sched,Jles attachert hereto and made a part here~ I1nd marked separately for identification as Schedule One thrl1 Schedule 'ren. The am,mnt so levied and assessed is 7r:,S~ of such est~_mated cost for each Bnd all {)f sald Districts except for 5ILD's :Jos. 361' and 302, and as to such districts the levy and assessment is 50% of such estimated cast. Section 2. That a particular description of each lot, piece or parcel of land with the name of the owner thereof, and the sun aSc3essed and levied Hgalnst such lJro- party and owner, or either, is set forth in the schedule of each dlstr~ct as speclfied and identified in Section 1 of this Resolution, and made a part of this Resolution as aforesaid. Section 3. 'l'ha.t the regular meetinp: of the (;!)IID;li s s ion 0 f the City of 30z eman to be held on the 27 th day 0 f A UgUC3 t , 195G, at 1:00 o'clock P.M. at the C.)m:nission Chamber, City Hall Building, in the City of Bozeman, be, and the same is hereby destgnated as the time and plf1ce at which objections to the final adJption of this Hesolntion wlll be hewrd qnd c',msidered by said City CCH'1mission. ~')ec tion 4. 'rhat the Clerk of the COffi":1is sion be, end he is hereby ordered and dir- ected to publish in the 30zeman Daily Chronicle, a daily nevITspaper of c:eneral d.rcula- tion prlnted and publlshed in said City of Bozeman, a nut ice si!'!Iled by said Clerk as I s uc h , which notice shall state that this resol!J.tlon levyinG awl assess ~,nc; the several amo1.J.nts set forth in the Schedule attached hereto and made 0 part hereof as aforesaid, and for the purpose herein stated, has boen provisionally passed and adopted ~v the C0mmission of.' the Cl ty of Bo:',enan End is on file ln the of "iee ()f said Cl erk and sub- ject t.) inspec tion d nrj >1S reGular 0 ff'ice hours, for a lJeriod of five days from and after the publication of' such notice and at any time during 81...1.ch ot~'''ice 'lJ.ours and at or prior to the regul[;r nesting of the City Commlsslon to De held on the 27th day of August 19::>0, as stated i~ Section J hereof; tllat sald Notice shall be so published once, and such publication shall be 4ade not les8 than flve da:rs b'jfure the tlme set f' or rle E rine; Bnd conslderin7 objections to the ftrwl adopti()Tl of tllis Res,)l'ltion as nf)resai d. Provisionally passed and adopted by the Com~ission of the City of ;3oz"3man at a reg'J,lar meetinc; or said Gommissi,)n on Au;'u'Jt 20 th 19513. A T 1..r}2::-)~_1 : rXd~~'_~__ -~ ,. .' C!_Ark of the Com:'Ll:] s i on T.Ta :ror Finull:r pas:'Hj(l Dnd fjd)pted by the C..Hffinission of the C 1 ty 0 r r~;):~ PIYWrl at CC ref'~ulHr r:wet lnlZ: of :;nic: C:)'~hillsslG:J, A u[~us t 27 tJ:l, 19r:~i3. J\'.'~f:3srr : ~,.,J)~ ~~~~~7'~/ _._,- Clerk of the Comrll s S "Lon , l\~Hyor 1.!.Q11C~ OF 'l'IJ\LE MID PLACE FOR HEMU:JG UB.T~:~C'l'hmS T,) 'l'HE }'I11AL ADUP'rION ,)F I C JELlI ~)::n '~~'T :<2~)OL ,n'Lm Tn. SJ12 OF Tim crey ()P BO;~Er\IAlT, M\)~T'I'AnA , r,':-~\lYliJCr AIJ:) J-\.S~)'!,~3E~I':J(T ?:')T~[iiI<):'T ,";1',,1 cus1r :,J1;' L'ij\I;\J'll:',~lJATTCI~ I\\D) ~,'~Ij ,~crl.'''\FIC/ll".~ C urH~~~J\T'J' Ji'JF SP';;C IAt IMPPY/.:J\ii~:'r'e LIGIi'rrL, DISTElC''::'::'; )};l '{lIE CI'l'~t JF I3J ZEI'I1.AN FOR 'r~I:C Y:!,J~ H 1)~i3. NOTICE IS H~HEBY G l'tEH , that at f' roSU18I' meeting of t11E3 Cur~Hal;..:)~)i':),~l o'C th? City of Br) ?pman, l.1m tona, hel.:;. on the 20th day 0 r j\ HeW; t, lX;U, Comrl1_~",lon r'es()luti{~nJ No. )li', was provislonally passed Bnd edopted. SHid Hesol utiDD If',vifJs and nssesscs a special assessment u::~on all the property in SpH~1f11 Impro'Iement T,ip;'-)t:'nr" 'Districts of Bald City aTIcl to defray the e~~t:tr.18 ted co ~3t 0 f' Plaint ennnc e and electrical clITrentfor e8ch of said Districts, P1U'su3nt to the provisions of Section 11-2252, P.t~.N!'.t 19L7. The portion of ---- .-.-.....-----... -----.--. :!Sa the cost assessed is 75% as to all of soid Districts except Districts No. 3~1 and 362 (Main st.) Bnd as \;0 su.ch distr:.ets the 1)Ortio~l of the cost assessed is 50;<. Thr,t saio. ~)poci3l Improverwnt I~i:3tricts and the Pe~3011Jtion3 creetin[r, the same, and the amount of the as:3eSSr:1entR 8.J:'e 8 s follows ~ . Mnint~nRnce of LightjnC Resolution AmOl.lllt of ;Jistr:lct No. No. Assessment I 361 677 ~; 701.61 362 678 165.38 ::'1::\1: 2111 L)32.87 1 288 28r:; 55.21 289 28~ 5' 5' . 21 290 28 t;5.21 ?95 305 67~.26 300 316 7 1.71) 3G8 820 lL\27.69 Loa 878 11LI- 9. 06 ~ 11110.2h :W'::>ICE IS PURTHEHGIVEN, 'rhat said Commission Resolution No. 863 is now on file in the Of,;-'ioe of the Clel'k of t~1.e CO!'ll'rrission. City Hall, 3oz8man, Montana, En cl subject to inspection of all persons interes~ed for a period of five days; that ~ednesday, the27fu day of Augu.st, 1958, at 1:00 o'clock P.M. of said day at a regular session of the Comm- ission of the City of Bozeman, Commission Foom, City Hall 3u.ildinp:, has been designated as the time and place when and where said Commission will hear and pass upon any and all objections that may be made to the final passage and adoption of said Commission Pesolu- ti.on No. 912. Reference is made to the Com~ission Resolution creating the Special Im- t)rOVer1ent Lighting Districts above enumerated, which resolutions are on file in the off- ice of said Clerk, subject to public inspection du.ring regular office hours. Da ted this 20th day of A ugus t, 1958. -;;{v~~~~~~._/ - I" Clerk of the Com'TIission I State of Montana ) ) ss County of Gallatin ) I, L. G. Shadoan, Clerk of' the Conmission of the City of' Bozeman, do hereby certify that the foregoing Notice, Re, Commission Resolution No. 913, was published at length in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a newspaper of general circulation printed and published in sa id Ci ty in the issue of the 20th da y of Augus t, 1958, and due proof of such publica ti on is on file in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I hereunto set my hand and affix the corporate B~al of my office this 22nd day of August, 1958. -?j-4.~~~~ c' Clerk of the Commission State of Montana ) ss County of Gallatin ) L L. G. Shadoan, Clerk of the Con~ission of the City of Bozeman, do hereby certify th8t tb.e foregoing TZesolu tion No. 912 was 1mblished by ti tle and number in the Bozoman Daily Chronicle, a newspaper of general ci rcula tion prin ted and published in aid City in the issue of the 29th day of August, 1958, and due proof 'of such publica tion is on file in my office. IN ','jJT1TESS VlHEREOF I hereunto set my hand and affix the corporate seal of my office this 2nd day of Septamber, 19 5b . I .~~~~.~-~ Clerk of the Commission Pesol ution No. 912