HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 911 Taxes for Sprinkling Districts, 1958 -.,------.- ')80 ,.....c COTIWfISSION BESOL TITIJlT NO. 911 A RESOLUTION OF 'rHE COMMISSION OF 'rHE CI'rY OF BOZEMAN Lr'~VYING AND ASSESSING A SPECIAL ASSE:SSM~~N'r OF' TAX;~S UPON ALL 'rUE PROP'::PTY IN s'rr{)~:,~T SPR.INKLING DIs'rn Ic'rs 01" 'fEE (;I'ry or;> BOZEMAN, co LJlrrY OF GALL- ATPJ, STATE OF MONTANA, TD DEFRAY SgVENTY-T"IVE PERCENT OF THE COST UP SPRINKLInG S'PREs'rs WrrHPJ SAID S'rRE'::;T SPRINKLINC;- DISTTUC'fS OF 'rEE CrfY OF BO:~EMAN paR 'rHE YEAR 1950. VVHEF'BA S , the City COlIDcil and the Commission of the City of Bozeman have heretofore I duly and reGularly passed COlillcil and Commission Hesolutions creHtin["; Street Sprinkling Dis 'crlcts wI thIn the City of Bozeman and definlnc' the bounr1nrles thereof Rnd prr:)vlding for the assessment of the cost of sprinkling the same a s set forth in Hesol utions hereln- after referred to; and ViHEPEAS, the streets within the bOWldarles of s aid Street SprinklinG Districts have jefm sprinxled during tb.e year 1950, as contemplated in said Desolutions, in accordance with the terms and conditions thereof; and WHEHEl\S, the street Sprinkling !.H s tri cts and the nesol utions cJ'eating the same, the total frontage of the property within said district to be assessed, the total co~t of said sprinkling within said districts and the uroportion thereof chargeable to the property t~ercin is hereinafter set forth. NOW THJ~PEF'JRE, pursuant to the provisons of Section 11-2263 to 11-2:::>67 inclusive, R. c. Tv!. , 191,7 and Ordinance No. 295 and said COWlcil and Commission Besolutlons creating said Street Sprinkling Districts; BE rE HESOLVED AND IT IS HEREBY OHDEDED BY TLJ:E COMMIS;;IUN 01" 'HIE CrI'Y OF BOZEMAN, STA'fE OF MONTANA: Section l. That for the year 1958, the City of Bozeman has waived the sprinkling assessments 0f all street SprinklinG Districts except street Sprinklinp District No.1; that for t~e year 1958, the City or Soze~an has defrayed the cost ($2765.92) of sprinkling streets in the several street ,";prhlklins districts pursu.ant to Resolutions crenting the same, Bnd seve~ty-five percent of the entire cost thereof (t207~.LJi) exclusive of the cost of sprinklinc parks and pu"'Jlic places, the total nanber of linear feet of property to be Bssessed, anJ the rate Der linenr foot, is as follows: SprinklinG District No. 1, created by Council Eesolntion No. 112):;\-, Hain street from wallace AVe. to FOl~th Ave., D total fr~ntR~e of 9355.9 feet, the SU'l1 of 207t~-.)~h-, be:i.ng 755; of the entire arnunt, or at en npproxl~Rte I rn te per front f,),)t of to. 2?1?2:)3281~. Sectlon 2. That to defray seventy-five perc9nt of the cost of sprinkling streets within said street sprink11.nc districts for the ye8.1' l()[;J ther'e be, and there is hereby ,- , levied and assessed a tax, upon all property in front of and b:Jrdering on said street spr~nkl:i.ng districts as set forth in Schedule One hereto attached Hnd r:wde a pert hereof; that a particular description of each lot and parcel of land with the name of' the owner Bnd the sum assessed against him or it, is set forth in the assessment lists hereto at- tached, marked Scheciule "One" and made a part here:of'; that the several sums set opposite the nalnes ()f the )\vners, Bnd the described lots and percel~ ,)r land be, f:nd the suyn.e ~J y-- e hereby leviBd and assessed upon and lle;ainst said l~)ts end parcels of land; that the ., ever[ll s urns be collec ted from the resn"ctive owners of said lots and Plrcels of lHnd des- cribed in the said assessment lists, Schedule One, as rcqlJ.ired by law; that said sums shall be paid 2nd the collec tion thereof shall be nude in the manner end i:1 accordanc e with the law governing the collection of special improvement taxes; that failure to pay such assess- ments when the same shall become due a.nd payable shall make snch persons Hnd such lots and pHrcels of land l1a010 to the penaltios by law relative to delinq~ent taxes. Secttm 3. 'J:hHt the reg1.:l1ar session of' the C()mf'lis~1ion of' the City of Bo:~eman to be hpld an the 27th day of August, 1950, at the Comr1i~.J s ion Chamber, City Hall Building, be, and the S8mB is here by de s iE:na ted a:1 the tic18 and place at which objections to be final adoptim of this Resal ution ''Till be heard by the Comm.ission. (' f" e t"i 'In 1 ~ That the Clerk of the CJ~)~ission be, and he is hereby ordered and directed .,.) .:.-... ""'.1 . 'co plililish in the BJzeman ~eily Chronicle, a dally nei.{s'JapRr prJ.':lted Hnc1 published In the srid :::.:i ty of 30;"O,:1B.:t1, /.( notice ::; j.:",ned by tnR Clerk of the COLll1is si,))":., and stating that a Resolution levyin~ a speclal assessment of taxes to defray soventy-five per cent of the cost of s~ri~klinA streets in the said Street Sprinklinr Districts for the yeGr 1958, is on file in the of nice of' the Clerk of the C)m~issi()n, slJ_bj ec t t:) inspcc tim for a period )f' five days; that said Notice shall state the tiqe and place ut '."I:11ch objActiins will be heard by the Cotm'lissi0n to t~e fl'1al adcY9tim 0-(' t'lis Resoluti)Tl; thBt it shall be pub- lished at least five days bef~)"rc the dr,te set by the C)r:1tr"liSSiOYl fl)r hear:tn!.s.Jbjecti::ms, I And the ftnal adopti'm of t1:1is PeS')l'ltion. ProvLsi,)nally pHssed and adopted by the CJr:1nission 0 n the :::;i ty of Bozema~ a t a ree;- ular session thereof held ,)Yl the 20th day of Allgl.Wt, 1950. A T'rEST: ~~~n~ /~~~~.r~/ Clerk of' the Commission Mayor ---..- :2S1 Finally passed and adopted by the Ct)mr.1ission of the City of Bo~~eman at a regular session thereof held an the 27th ~ay of August, 1958. - AmJ~ ~m~~~~ {/~ -~ - (~lerk of the Commission I JiQ!l.Q~ HSi\RING F'n',YAL ADOP'l'rON COi'.1MISSION RESOL UTIO~f NO. 911 LEVYING ASS- ESSM '~N'l' OF SS'lEWrY -}<'IVE pgPl;!~N'r OF COST OF SPRr:mLTNG srrRE~TS, STRrS:~T SPIUNKLINn DIS'l'RICrrS !;'UR 'rHE YBAR 1958. NO'ErCE IS HERE3Y GIVEN, that at a regular session of' the Commission of the City of Bozeman held on the ?Oth day of August, 1958, Commission Pesol1.1.tion No. 911 was d11ly passed and adopted; that said Commission Resolution No. 911 levies and assesses a spec- ial assessment of taxes upon all the property in street Sprinkling Dtstricts of saId City to defray seventy-five percent of the cost of sprinkling streets within said Street Sprinklinz Districts for the year 1958. That said Street Sprinkling Districts, and the Pesolutions creHtine: the same and the arn:nmt of the assessr:1ents are as follows: Street Sprinkling I)istri(~ t ~Jo. 1, cren ted bK Beaol ution No. 112~t. in the am,)'lmt of ~>207Lj .~h. That said Resolution No. 911 1s now on file in the office of the Clerk of the Com- mission of said Clty of 3o:~eman subject to inspection of all perSJns interested for a period of five days; t11.at 'IVednesday, the 27th day of August, 1950, at 1:00 o'clock P.M. of said day at a regular session of the Commission of the City of Bozeman, GO'1lmission Ru,,>m, City Hall Building, has been desiGnated as the time and place when and 'Jvhere said Com!:1ission vlill hear and pass upon any and vII objActions that may be ~ade to t:l.e final adoption of sai d Confiis s ion Res ,)1 'ltion N'J. ~ll, and the levying of said assessment; and that said Resolution will be finally passed and adopted at said regular session of said CJm:nis sion, sub,jeet to such corrections and amendments as r.1ay be made upon 0bjecti:Jns made and filed within five days limit as provided by law. I Dated this 20th day of August, 1950. <-1/L-c--e-~ j Clerk of he Commission State of Montana ) ) ss County of Gallatin ) I, L. G. Shadoan, Clerk 0 f the Commission of the City of Bozeman, do hereby certify that the foregoing Notice, Re, Commission Resolution No. 912, was published at length in the Boze~an Daily Chronicle, a newspaper of general circulation printed and published in said lJity in the issue of the 2uth day of August, 1958, and due proof of S11Ch publica tion is on file in my office. IN WITNESS WlffiREOF I hereunto set my hand and affix the corporate seal of my office this 22nd day of August, 1958. ~Xd~~~-- / '" Clerk of the Commission Stote of Montana ) County of Gallatin )ss I I, L. G. Shadoan, Clerk of the Commission of the City of Bozeman, do hereby certify that the foregoing ~esolution Po. 911 was published by ti tIe and number in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a newspaper of general circula tion printed and p1J.blished in said City :in the issue of the 29th day of "-'UGust, 1958, and du e proof of such ~lblication is on f:tle in m:t office. INidI'I'lmsS 'NlIEREOP. I here1.mto s et my hand and affix the corpOl'a te seal 0 f my office this 2nd day of September, 19 5t~ . ~~~~-?""L~/I Clerk of the Commission "Resolution No. 911 -.. __ .u._