HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 910 Taxes for SID's, 1958 --... - -.. ---..-.--.... 278 cownSSION RESCH.. 1JTION NO. 910 A RESOL1JTIOII OF' THE COMMISSION OF 'I'HE Crry OF' I30Z:~MAN, L}'~VYING i\ND ASSESSING A SPECIAL ASSESSIIIEN'r OF TA;{ES UPON ALL 'EHE PHOPEHTY IN SP'i;CIAL P1PfW'IEMENT DISTRICTS OP 'rUE CrEY OF' BO')~MAN, COUN'lYOP CMLL- ATI;! , STA'rE OF MON':'r'N A. FOR 'rHE MAIWrElJANCE OF PARKINGS TO DEF'PAY 'J'HE COST OJ.' MAIN'rAINING THE PAHKINGS WI'rHIN SAID SPT<.:CIAL IMPFOVEMEN'l' DIs'rRIc'rs OP 'rHE CITY OF' BOZEMAN FOR. THE YEim 195B. 1NHEREAS, the City Council and the Commission of the City of Bozeman have heretofore I duly and regularly passed, Co "LlnC 11 end Commission Pes')lution crAHting Special ImpJ'ovement Districts within the City of Bozeman, defining the boundaries thereof Hnd II' oviding for the maintenance of parkings therein, and for the assessment of the cost of maintaining the parkings as set forth in Pesolutions hereinafter referred to; and WHEt-mAS, the par kings within the bOlmdHrles of said Special Improvement Districts have been cared for and maintained during the :rear lS158, as conte:'1plated in said 'Resolu- tions, in accordance with terms and conditions thereof'; and 1,VHEPEAS, scl d Special Improvement Districts for the maintenance of parkings and the Pesolutions creatin~ the same, th'3 to+-al frontage or t~e area, :)f the nroperty wi thin said districts to be assessed, the total cost of said ~aintenance within said districts and the amount chargeable to the property therein, is hereinafter set forth, NO'N, T'mrEF)P'S: , pursuant to the provisj_ons of Section 11-222h, Political Code, R. (' .... ... I\: . , 19LI7 , and sal d C01mcil and COr:1r.1is sion 1)e801 utions, creating said Special Improvement :!)i.strtcts, and providtn~ for the maintenance thereof; BE IT .RESOLVED AlT'9 1'1' IS Tmrm'~Y OImBHED BY 'I'1IE COMIUSSIOH OF TIm CITY 01" B()ZEMATJ, S'rA'I'E OF' MON'I'MJA: SectioC1 1. That for the year 1953, the City of Bozeman has defrayed the cost U2271.77) of ma5Jttenanco of pDrkings in the several Special Improvement Districts, pur- suant of Pesol utions c'-'oating the same, and that the entire cost thereof, the total number of lineal feet, or area, of the property to be assessed, and the rate per linear foot or sqnare foot, is as f)llows, to-wit; Di3 t. fles. Area of ,No. No. Frontage nate A~olmt Location 6 306 L3:;S.37 LF ~to. 293351039 t1279.83 co 1.';illson, Dabcock to College d. I 1~5 h32 06000 SF 0.OCPS10f36 In{:1.23 S. Eighth, Kock t~ Dickerson he L35 11610~_ SF 0.003865672 L~LS. 82 co Eighth, Main to Koch 0. 77 576 1971 L F 0.1912176)6 376.39 c' Eighth, Dickerson to Harrisan 0. t: 2271.77 Section 2. That to defray the cost of Maintenance of parkinBs wltlrln said Special. Improvement Districts for the year 1958, there be and there is }lereby levied Bnd assessed a tax l1pon all the property in front of and bordering on said SpB0ial Improvement Districts as set forth in ~jchodules One to P,yur inclusiv'3, }18I'e to attacheu, raarkod "Schedules One (1) to F~)ur (l~) and made a pprt ~3reof; that the several 31]"lS set o')posite the :::1a;;1e8 ,:)f the owners an(1 the described lots and ~arcels of land be, a11i1 :110 ::3l1lile are hereby lev:ted and asses30d upon and againfJt the said lots and par'cols C)f land; that the soverpl 3~JnS be coll- cc tad [1':)[.1 the re spec t i ve owners of sa tel lots Rnd parcels of land described in the said " Assessment lists, Schedules 011e t:) F)UT' inclusive, as required by law; that :3nid S urns shall b0 made in the mannoI' and in accordance with the law {7overning the col18cti on ,.)f Spec tal Improvement taxes; that failure to pay such assessments when same shall bec,)Tt1e due and ')ay- able sh0-1I r.1a]{e such person and s'lch lots and parcels of land liah1e to the penalties pro- vided by law relative to delinquent t.axes. Section 3. 'fhat,the reGular sesston of the Commission o~ the City of Bo~eman to be held on the 27th day of' August, 1958, at the Commission Chamber, City Hall Buildine, be, and the same is hereby designated as the tir:le and place at w~-lich ob,jecti()n~J t) the final adoption of this Resollltiol1 will be heard by the Commj.s flion. Section h. That the Clerk of the Commission be, and he is hereby ordered And directed to p\ililish in the 30zeman Daily Chronicle, a daily newspaper, 9rintej ancl published in tite City of Bo~eman, a notice si~ned by the Clerk or the Coru1ission, and statin[ that a resolu- tion levying a special assessment of taxes to defray the cost or maintenance of parkil1gs in the saId Special Improvement Districts for the year 1953, is on file in the of~ice of the I Clerk oP the Commission, sui)Ject to ins oec t ion for a period of fi ve days; that said notice shall stF'te the time and place at Wllich objections will be heard by the Commission to the f'i >wl ad')ption of' this Eeso 1 ution; that it shall ~e plililishod at least five days before the date set by the Commission for hearing objections, and the final adoption of thls Re- solut-ton. Provisionally passed and ad)pted by the Commission of the City of 30zeman at a ree;ular meeting of said Com..mission, on the 20th day of August, 195B. A'r'fSST : ~,~-~~--./ ~~LJ~ ,.. --..J -- ..' Clerk of the Commission Mayor -....-.-- u___ . -..-..- ..--- .- ..------ ~,~79 Pinally passed and adopted by the Comr.1ission of the City of Bozeman at a regular session thereof held on the 27th day of Aw~ust, 19513. A frT-(~ ::~T :- ~~ L-~- , J~~~ ,.,;;7) ,. .~ ~J Clerk of the Commission MHyor I NOTICE HE/',R lNG, FDJAL ADOPTION COMMISSIUN PESOL UrIU7T NO. 910 LEVYING ASSESS- ]~UN'r OF COST OF MAIlJTE1'JANCE OF ffiR KINGS IN SP:~CIAL IM~JPOVEMENrr DIS'r- FICTS FOR fri1E Y~AR, 1953. ~T,)'rICE IS HEnj:~BY GIVEN, that at a regular session of the Commission of the City of "30zeman held on the 20th day of Augus t, ls>58, Commis sian Resolution No. 910 was duly passed and adopted; that said Commission Resolution ITa. 910 levies and assesses a special assessment of taxes ~)on all the proporty in Special IMprovement Districts of said City to defray the cast of maintenance of parkings within said Special Improvement Districts for the year 1953. That said Special Improvement Districts and the Resolutions creatinr the same, and the amount of the assessments are as follows: Maintenance of Parking Resolution Amount of Assessment ~)istrict No. No. P" ~ 6 306 ct!; 1279.83 \1 LI5 L!32 166.23 48 [j35 LI~i3. 82 77 576 370.89 $ 2271.77 That said Commission Resolution no. 910 is now on ~ile in the office of the Clerk of the COr1missio~ of the said City of Bo:'.eman subject to lnspection for a period of five days I by any person interested; that 1Yednesday, the 27th day of August, 1958, at 1:00 o'clock P.IL of said day at a regular session of the Commission of The City of Bozeman, Commission Chamber, City Hall Building, has been designated as the time and place when and where said COr:1miDsir:JD will hear and ?aS3 upon any and all objections that may be made to the final p Hssage and a d:'Jption of said Commission ResJlution No. 910 and the levying of 3aid assess- H18n t ; and that said Resol11tion will be finally passed and adopted at said regular session of sHid Comrlis:3 ion s u_b5 ee t to s ueh c orrec tions and amendmentR as may be made upon obj ee tions mnde and filed within the five days limt as provided by law. > 1'.11 persons interested are referred to the ReveI'al Councll and Commis~3ion Pes:Jlutions creatine; and aforesaid SpecIal Improvement Distl'icts, defining the bounclnries thereof, and providing for the assessment of the cost of said maintenance of parklngs, For fur ther particulars, all of the said nes)lntions beine on file in the of rice of the Clerk of the Commission of the City of Bozeman, at the City Hall of said City, and subject to inspection of all interested parties. Dated this 20th day of August, 1958. . ~X~~~~ Clerk of the Commission State of Montana ) County of Gallatin ) ss I, L. G. Shadoan, Clerk of' the Con~ission of the City of Bozeman, do hereby certify thn t the foregoinrc: F'esol11 tion No. 910 was published a t length in the is sue of the 20th day of p,U?~ust, 19[;8 and "by title and numb'r in the issue of the 29th day of Aup::tst, 1958, in the Boze::'an 'aily '^:hronicle, a newspaper of general circu18tion printed and published in I sRid Ci ty, and due proof 0'::' SeJch public'''. tion is on file in my ofl':tce. DJ 1iJITT'-TESS 'NHEREOI" I herelmto set my hand and affix the corporate seal of my office this 2nd day of September, 1958. ~d?~~ ~ - / -L.....-' Clerk of the C6rr~ission RESOLUi'ION NO. 910