HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 909 Application for employee for Master Plan Program . . -...--..- ')77 ,..... COT,lLTISSION RESO!' url01f no. 909 A RES'JLUTIOH OF THE CI'rY COMrnSSION OF 'rHE CI'rY OF I30ZTi:t'lAN, MJNW\.NA, AUTHORIZING 'rHE MAYan OF SAID CI'I'Y '1'0 MAKE AI' PLICATION FOE TIlE SAl D CITY Ti) THE II,] USING AND IWME F'INANCE AGElTCv TIill iJUGH 'l'HE M0N'1'J\N A S'rJ['E PLANNINC} I30l\FD F"OR A GRANT OF SEVENTESN HUNDRED AND 1W/IOO DOLLARS (~:,l, 700.00) '1'0 BE USED WITH MA'rCnI!W FTJNDS F'URNISHED BY SAT D CI'l'Y OF !30?,EMAN FOR EMPLOYING TRAINED AND COMPETENT PERSONNEL TO COMPLETE A HASTE? PLAN PROGRAM. FOR SAID CITY OF BOI.:EMAN. I WHEREAS, The City of Bozeman, Montana, through the Montan8 State Planninr; Boar d, and 1mde:' agreement wi th the Ho us ing and JLHne Pinanc e Agency, has 6iJp1oyed trfl:1 ned and c om- petent personnel to prepare a Master Plan for the sAid C1 ty of Boz;~ man, and '.'IHT~'R~AS , the preparation of such Master Plan has been carried to near completion and as far os pos s 11Jle wi thin the limi ts of existing agreeMents snr] availAble funds, and WHEREAS, it is estimated that further research and continued employment of trai ned and competent personnel to complete and implement such plans will cost approximately 'rhirty four hundred and no/100 DoI1Brs U 3,Loo.00), and WHEREAS, 'rhe C1 ty of Bozeman has been inf )rmed that funds may be obtained from the U. S. Government, throup;h the Montana state Plm ning Board and the Housinr; a1 d 11:Jme Fin- Rnee Agency, on a grant and matchinc basis, for the purpose of completine; such planning; HO'H, THEREFURE, BE I'r RESOLVED3Y 'l'HE CITY COMMISSION OF 'l'HE CITY OF BOZE?;;AN ,MONTANA that the Mayor of said City is hereby authorized to submi t this resol ution to the Mon tans state Planninc BORrd to be used as a basis for said 30ard to make application to the Ibusinc and HJme Pinance Agency for a ~rant of Seventeen hundred and no/IOO Dollars (t.l,700.00) which Grant will be used, toc;ether with funds and scorvices of l:.tke amount furnished by The City of Bozeman, in eonpletinf, the planning work and in employment of competent and trained planninc personnel as hereinbefore described. Passed and adopted. by the Connnission of the City of Bozeman at a regu18r session thereof held on the 6th day of August, 1958. ~n~f)~ .... - -/ I HOWAF DERWIN, Mayor AT'rEST: Xft~~~~.J L. G. SHADOAN, Glerk o~ the City Commission state of Montana ) County of Gallatin )SS I, L. G. Sha>ioan, Clerk of the CO~lission of the City of Buzeman, do hereby certify that the foregoing ResDlution No. 909 was published by title and number in the Bozeman Deily Chronicle, a newspaper of general circulation printed and published in sal d City in the issue of 11th day of Aug:ust, 1958, and due pI'oof of s1)ch publica- I tion is on file in my of~ice. IN WITNESS 1,;,/"1EREOF I hereunto set my hand and affix the corporate seal of my of~ice this 12th day of AWjw'Jt, 1958. x;6~~---/ , Clerk of the Commission -.---.- .-..