HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 907 Intention to create SID 407 for Storm Drainage - ---- _n._ -."'. r-,-.---,..~. .y---.-,,,,. 272 COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 907 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN DECLARING IT TO BE THE INTENTION TO CREATE A S~ECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT TO BE KNOWN AS SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 4u7 OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN FOR THE PURPO~E OF CONSTffiJCTING AND INSTALLING A STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM TO SERVE THE AREA BETWEEN NORTH GRAND A VENUE AND NORTH SEVENTH A VENUE EXTENDING FROM WEST MAIN STREET TO DURSTON ROAD, SAID STORM DRAINAGE PROJECT TO INCLUDE NECESSARY PIPE LINES, MANHOLES" DRAIN INLETS AND OTHER NECESSARY APPURTENANCES AND OTHER WORK INCIDENTAL THERETO. I WHEREAS, there has been filed with the Clerk of the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, petitions in due form of certain owners of properties situated on those streets and avenues in the said City of Bozeman, lying between North Grand Avenue and North Seventh Avenue extending from West Main street to Durston Road, ask- ing that a special improvement district be created for the purpose of oonstructing and insta.lling a storm drainage sys tem to serve the area wi thin the c1 ty limi ts of the City of Bozeman, to include necessary pipe lines, manholes, drain inlets and other necessary appurtenances and other work incidental thereto; and WHEREAS, that at a regular meeting of the City Commission of the City of Bozeman held on the 7th day of May 1958, the aforesaid petition was respectively considered and granted; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN: Section 1 Declaration of Intention That it is hereby declared to be the intention of the City of Bozeman to create a special improvement district to be known and designated as Special Improvement Dis- trict No. 407 of the City of Bozeman for the purpose of constructing and installj_ng a storm drainage system to serve the area within the city limits of the City of Bozeman, situate on those streets and avenues in the said City of Bozeman lying between North Grand Avenue and North Seventh Avenue extending from West Main Street to Durston Road, to include necessary pipe lines, manholes, drain inlets and other necessary appurten- ances and other work incidental thereto. Sec tion 2 I Boundaries The boundaries of said Special Improvement District No. 4u7 are described as follows: Beginning at the point of intersection of the centerlines of West Main Street and North Third Avenue, thence westerly along the centerline of West Main Street to a point 13 feet west of the east line of Lot 8" Block D, Tracy's Addition to the City of Bozeman; thence northerly, 13 feet west of and parallel to the East line of said Lot 8 to the center- line of the east-west alley in Block D, Tracy's Addition; thence west~ erly along the centerline of the alley in Block D and continuing through Block E, Tracy's Addition to a point on the centerline of North Seventh Avenue; thence Northerly along the centerline of North Seventh Avenue to a point of intersection with the cent~line of West Lamme Street; thence Easterly along the centerline of West Lamme Street to a point 280 feet east of the east line of North Seventh Avenue; thence northerly 280 feet east of and parallel to the East line of North Seventh Avenue to a point on the centerline of West Villard Street; thence westerly along the centeI- line of North Seventh Avenue; thence northerly along the centerline of North Seven th A venue to a point on the centerline of Durston Road; thence easterly along the centerline of Durston Road to a point of intersection with the easterly lot line traduced of Lot 3, Block 2, Westlake's Add.. i tion to t he C1 ty of Bozeman; thence Northerly along the eaa terly lot line of said Lot 3 to t he northerly boundary of Westlake's Addi tioD ~ thence easterly along the northerly boundary of said westlake's Addition to a point of intersection with the easterly lot line produced of Lot 5, Block 1, Westlake's Additon; thence southerly along said lot line and said lot line produced to the centerline of Durston Road; thence east- I erly along the centerline of Durston Road and West ~each Street to the centerline of North Grand Avenue; thence southerly along the centerline of North Grand Avenue to the centerline of West Villard Street; thence easterly along the centerline of West Villard street to a point 140 feet eas t to t he east line of North Grand A venue; thence southerly 140 feet east of and parallel to the East line of North Grand Avenue to a point on the centerline of West Lamme Street; thence westerly a.long the center- line of West Lamme Street to a point 140 feet east of the east line of North Third Avenue; thence southerly l4U feet east of and parallel to the east line of North Third Avenue to a point on the centerline of the East-West alle'y in Block C, Tracy's 2nd Addition; thence wesb:rrly along the cen terline of said alley in Block C to t he centerline of Horth Third lL(; .. ~"., "..- "' "-...- . -....- 27:J Avenue; thence southerly along the centerline of North Third Avenue to the point of beginning. Section 3 Charac ter of Improveme nts Construction and installation of a storm drainage system including necessary pipe lines, manholes, drain inlets and other necessary appurtenances, and other work incid- en tal the re to. I Section 4 Estimate of Cost The preliminary estimate of cost is $78,4UU.00, including all trench excavation and backfall, all ma terials, installation costs, engineering and incidentals. Section 5 Method of Assessment The preliminary estimate of cost set forth above will be assessed on an actual area basis. Section 6 Actual Area of District The actual area of the district as described is 2,127,355 square feet and protests will be considered on an actual area basis. Section 7 That payments for said improvements shall be made in twenty (2u) annual installments extending over a period of nineteen (19) years, but this shall not be construed to pre- vent pa yment in full 8. t any regular pa yment da te by any property owner who desires to do so. It is proposed to pa y the entire COB t and expense of the cons truction and ins talla- tion of said improvements with cash to be obtained from the sale of bonds of said Special Improvement District No. 407, as authorized by law. Such bonds will be in denominations of' $luO.UO each and fract'ons or multiples of $100.00 where necessary, to b~ issued and I chargeable against a fund to be known and designated as "Special Improvement District No. 4U? Fundlt of the City of Bozeman. The bonds will be redeemable at the option of the City, slngly or in mul tiples, and in the order of their regia trat ion, whenever funds are a vail- able for that purpose in said Special Improvement District No. 407. Said bonds shall d:rawa .simple interest from the date of th-1 r registration until called for payment, at a rate not exceeding six (6) per cent per annum, which interest shall be cnargeable as a part of the cost of the construction and installation of said improvement. The bonds will be issued and sold in accordance with the provisions of Section 11-2232 and Section 11-2271 Revised Codes of' Mon+ana, 1947, and all other applicable provisions of Title 11 of the Re- vised Codes of Montana, 1947, relating to Special Improvement District in cities and towns and any amendments thereof or ther to . Section 8 ~rotests a~d Notice That the regular session of the City Commission of the City of Boz::man, to be held at the Commission Chamber, City Hall building, Bozeman, Mon tana, on the Z 5th day of June 1958. at the hour of one o'clock p.m. of said day, is the time and place, ~len ana where the City Commission will hear and pass upon all protests duly and regularly made and fil- ed aLainst the creation of said proposed Special Improvement District No. 407, the im- provement proposed to be made pursuant thereto and the extent and character thereof, or 61 ther tll.ereof; and the Clerk of the City Commis sion be, a nd he is hereb~ direc ted to give notice in the manner and for the time as by law required, of the adoption of this Resolution of Intention. Adopted by the Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, at a regular and stated session of said Commission held on the 21st day o~. 1958.~ ( ./ . ",-,?'AAO I Ma yor ATTEST: 41~~ C erk of the City Commission NOTICE IN RE COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 907 OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN DECLARING Tlill INTENTION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN TO CREATE A SPECIAL IM~ROVE- MENT DISTRICT TO BE KNOWN AND DESIGNATED AS "SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 407" Resolution No. 907 -- 27,1 Notice is hereby given that on the 21st day of May A.D. 1.951:5, at a regl:tlar meeting of the Commission of the City of Bozeman, Commission Resolution No. 907 entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN DECLARING AT TO BE TIill INTENTION TO CREATE A SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT TO BE Kl-;OWN AS SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 407 OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN FOR THE PUR1-'OSE OF CONSTRUCTING AND INSTALLING A STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM TO SERVE THE AREA BETWEEN NORTH GRAND AVENUE AND NORrH SEVENTH AVENUE EXTENDING Fro M WEST MAIN STREET TO DURSTON ROAD, SAID STORM DRAINAGE PROJECT TO INCLUDE NECESSARY PI1-'E LINES, MANHOLES, DRAIN INLETS AND Q'rHER NECESSARY APPURTENANCES AND 0 THER WORK INC IDENTAL THERETO I was passed and adopted. That Wednesday, the 25th day of" ,Tu11e A.D. 1958, at one o'clock p.m. at the Comm- ission Room of the City Hall, Bozeman, Montana, 1s des 19na ted by said Resolution No. 907 as the time .and place for hearing objections to the action proposed to be taken by taid resolution, and when and where any and all persons whose property is within said proposed Special Improvement District No. 407, situate on those streets and avenues in the said City of Bozeman lying between North Grand Avenue and North Seventh Avenue extending from West Main Street to Dura ton Road, in said City, may appear and show cause, if any they have, against said proposed improvement. Objections must be made in writing and filed with the Clerk of the City Commission not later than fifteen (15) days after date of the first publication of this Notice. An approximate preliminary estimate of the cost of doing such work and making such improvement within said District, including all trench excavation and backfill, all materials, installation cost, engineering and incidentals, which is to be specially ass- essed against the property within said District, is $78,400.uU. Payment for the improve- ments 1s to be made in twenty (20) annual installments over a period of nineteen (19) years with interest on the deferred payments not to exceed six (6) per cent per annum, payable annually, but this shall not be construed to prevent payment in full at any reg- ular payment date of any property owner. For a description of the boundaries of s aid Special Improvement District No. 407 reference 1s hereby made to Resolution No. 907 of the Commission of the City of Bozeman declaring the intention to create said District, which is on file in the office of the undersigned Clerk of said Commission in the City Hall of said City of Bozeman, State of Monana, and open for inspection to all interested parties and the public generally. This notice is given pursuant to the provisions of Section 11-2204, Revised Codes of Montana, 1947. I Dated this 21st day of May A.D. 1958. . ,~;;I:~A~-<.c'~/ Clerk of the City Commission Fi rst Published in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle June 2, 1958 Sta te of Montana ) ) ss County of Gallatin ) I, L. G. Shadoan, Clerl;: of the Commission of' the City of Bozei?1sn, d.) hereby certify that the foregoing Notie e in Re, C')mmlssion Resol utim No. 907 was published at length in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a newspaper of general elrculati,)n printed ond -oublished in said City in the issues of June 2 to .hille 6, 1958, and due proof of such publicHtion is on file in my I)ffice. IN WITNESS 1NHEFEOF I hereunto set my hand and afflx the C orpor8-te seal of my office this 9th day of June, 1958. /A~~~ Clerk of the Commission I . Resolution No. 907 -...-.