HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 892 Intention to Create SID 404 -.-.-..---...--.-- --.-....-....-..- 216 COMMISSION RESOLUI'ION NO. 892 A RESOLUI'ION OF' 'I'fIE CITY COM1'.1IS3I0N OF' 'rIm crry JF' BOZEMAiJ DECLAPING IT TO BE 'rUE IN'I'EN'I'rON OIi' 'rIB CITY ,)P BOZ_:~MAN TO CREATE A SPECIAL DIIPROVE!.1ENT DIs'rrncT '1'0 BE K~IOWN AS SPFXIAL IMPROVEMENT DIS'I'RIC'I' no. 40h OF THE CITY OF B02EMAN FOR 'rHE PURPOSE OF CONS'I'RUCTING AND INS'I'ALLING A PAVEMENT PROJ8CT O~ somB FOURTH j~VENUE FROM WEs'r GHAN'I' STREE'r TO INEST LINCOLN STREET, SAID PFOJEcrr TO INCL UDE COMBlrJA'rION CONCRETE CURBS AND GurrTERs, GRAVEL BASE COURSE, CRUSHED GRA VEL CUSHION co URSE, BI'I'UMINOUS SURFACE COURSE, SUCH STORM SEWER APPURTE- RANCES AS REQUIRED, AND OTHER WJRK INCIDENTAL 'I'HERETO WHEREAS: There has been filed with the Clerk or the City Commission of the City I Of' Boz e-'ll-m, Montana, a petition i1due form of certa 1. n OWTI(~rs 0 f proper ties s i tu.ated on SQuth Fourth Avenue from V/est Gr'ant Street to West Lincoln Street in said City ask- ing that a soecial improvement distri(~t be created for the purDose of construct'ing and tnstalling a pave"nent project to include combinr.t.ton concrete curbs Rnd gutters, gravel base course, crushed gravel cushion course, bituminous surface course, such storm sewer appurtenances as requir8d, and other work incidental thereto; and VmEREAS: ThEt at a regular meeting of' the City Commission of the Cit"' of Bozeman held on the 9th day of April 1958. the aforl~said petition was respectively considered and granted; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVE1) BV 'I'HE CI'rY CO;IFUSSI0N OF 'rEE CI'rY OF BOZE~kAN: S~c'rION 1. DECLARA'rION OF IN'rENTION. That it is hereby declared to be the inten- tio:1 of the City of Bozeman to creute a s1)eci~)l improvem.ent distr:tct to be known and des ig:1a ted as Spec ~a 1 In1,)r?vement Dis tric t H,). li-oli- ~f the C~ t;T of Bo z~man for the pur- pose of constructlne; and l.nstallinc; a paver:1ent project on vouth Fourth Avenue from West ~rant Street to West Lincoln Street, said pave':lent project to inclu.de the construc- tion and instellRtion of combination concrete curbs and gutters, gravel base course, crushed gravel cushion course, bituminous surface course, such storm sewer appurtenances as required, and other work incidental thereto. SECTION 2. BOUNDARIES. 'rhe bounderies of sa id Special Improvement Di. s tr ic t No. Llo1.i are described as follows: Beginning at a point on the South line of West Grant Street, said point being 120 feet -west of the West line of South Fourth J\vcnue, thence Southerly 120 feet west of and parHllel to the Wost line of' South Pourth Avenue to the North line of West Lincoln Street; thence easterJ.y along the north line of West Lincoln street to the West line of South Third Avenue; thence norther- ly along the West line of South Third Avenue to the South line of West Grant I Street; thence Westerly alone the south line of West Grant Street to the point of beginning. SEc'rION 3. CHAEAC'l'EH OF' IMPFWVEJl.mN'rS. Construction of a pnvement project on South r'ottrth Avenue from West Grant Street to West Lincoln street, said pavement proj Bct to include combination concrete curbs Hnd !t;utters, e;ravel base course, crushed gravel cushion course, bituminous sufface course, such storm. sewer apP1U'tenances as required, and other work incidental thereto. SEC'rION h. ESTIMATE OF COST. The preliminary estimate of cost if ~~\), 351. 00. includi~g all street excavation, all materials, installation costs, enr;ineering and_ incidentals. SECTION 5. ME'rHOD OF ASSESSMgNT. The preliminary estt wte of cost set forth above is to be asses~ed on.B front ~oot b~sis on all p~ope~ty ~but~ing the~streets to be 5_m- proved. On th1S basls, the 11neal frontage of the dlstrlct 1S 20.97 feet. SECTION 6. AC'I'TjAL AFiEA OF DISTRICT. The actual area of the district is 9),117o.1!0 square feet, and protests will be considered on an actual area basis. SECTION '(. PAvMENTS. ThHt payment for said improvements shall be made in twenty (20) annual installments extending over a period of nineteen (19) years, but this shall not be construed to prevent Dayment in full at any regull:r poyment dste by any property owner who desires to do so. It is proposed to pay the entire cost and eXDense of' the constructi:)n and insta11ation of' sa td improvements wi th cash to be obtbined from the sale of bonds of said Special Imrr ove'nent District No. L 01-+, as authorized by law. Such bonds will be in denominations of ~;lOO.O') each and fractions or multiples of [:,100.00 where necessary, to be issued and chare:euole against a fund to be known and designated as Special Improvement District No. l;OLI Fund of the City of Bozeman. 'rhe bonds will be redeemable at the option of the C i t Y , singly or in multiples, and in the order of their reF~istration, whenever funds are available for that purpose in saId Special Improvement District No. 4011. Said bonds shall draw a simple interest from the date of their I registration until called for pa'Tment, I t a rate not exceed ng six (6) per cent perarmur:J., which interest shall be chargeable as B port of the cost of the con3truction and install a- tion of said tm:orovement. 'rhe bonds will be issued and sold in accordance with the provisions of Section 11-2232 and Section ll-2?'(1, Pe'Tised Codes of 1\1 mtana 1)~7, and all other l'mplicable provisions of '1'i tIe 11 of the Rnv13ed Codos of Montana 191:'/, relatlng to Special improvement districts ~ cities and towns, and any amendments thereof or thereto. SECTION U. PROTESTS AND NOTICE. Thut the regulur session of the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, to be held at the Commission Chamber, City Hall Building, Bozeman, Mont ana, on the 7th day of May, 195f3, at the hour of one o'clock P.M. of said day is the time and place, when and where the City Commission will hear and pass uoon all protests duly and regularly made H nd filed 8 ga:tnst the crev cion of sa id proDosed Spec ial 11lprove- 'nent District NJ. 110l:, the i"'1provement proposed to be made pursuant thereto and the extent and character thereof, or either thereo~; and the Clerk of' the City Commissl.)n be, ....----..----.--- 217 and he is hereby, directed to rive notice in the maru18r end for the time as by law re- quired, of the adoption of this Resolution of Intention. AdJpted by the Commission of the City of Be zeman, Momma, at a reFular and stated session of said Commission held on the It-'th day of April A. D. 195J. Attest:;7, ~~ . .'-, (:;7{<,d~~-d/~--!--rl/ layer Clerk of the Ctty Commission I NOTICE IN RE COT.1MISSION RESOLUrl.)N NO. 892 OF 'PHE CI'I'Y OF BOZ~MAN DECLARING TR[~ 1N'rEN'rION OF 'rHE CITY OF BOZEMAN '1'0 CREATE A SPECIAL IMPROVEr,1ENT DIS'J'R1CT TO BE KNOWN AND DESIGNATED l\S "SPECIAL 1MIF' OVEMr~NT lus'rR rCT NUMBER I: 011. " Notice is hereby given thf t on the 16th day of April, A. D. 1958, at a revular meetlng of' the Commission of the City o,r Bozeman, CJmmission Resolution No. J92 entitled: A RESOL lITION 01" '1'HlC C rr"! COMMISSION OF' 'EHE CI'ry OF BOZEMAN DECLi\E ING I'r 'ro BE 'reTE TN'r<~N'rIOH OF 'rHE CrT'! OF BOZSMAN TO CREA'rE A SPECIAL D:IP:R01.n~r1'~N'r DIs'rRIc'r Ti) BE KNOWN A S SPEC IAL IMPROVEMENT DI STRICT NO. 404 OF THE CITY ()F BOZEMAN F'OR 'l'~m PURPOSE OF CJNS'rRUC'rING AND 1NSTALLHfG A PA'JEMEN'r PROJECT ON SOlJT'-J" FOURTH AVENUE PROl.1 WEST GRAN'r STREi<~'r TO WEST LINCOLN SrrREET SAID PROJEC'r TO INCLT.mS COMBINA'rION CONCRETE CURBS AND GTJTT3RS, GRAVEL BASE COURST!:, CRUSHED GRAVEL CUSHION COURSE, BITUMINOUS SURFACT COURSE, Sucr.{ STORM SEi,'lER APPURTENANCES AS FEQUIRED, 1\ nD (yrHER W OPK INCIDENTAL THERETO. was pessed and adopted. Thet 1Nednesday, the 7th day of May, A. D. 1950, at one o'clock p.'1. at the Commis- sion Room of the City Hall, Bozeman, Montana, is designated by said Resolution No. 892 as the time and place forhearing objections to the action proposed to be taken by said resoluti;)n, and when and where any and all pr~rsons wrlOse property is within said pro- posed Special Improvement District No. L!.oLJn South F:Jurth Avenue from West Grant Street to West Lincoln Street in said City may appear and show cause, if any they have, 8ga~nst said proposed improvement. Objections must be made in writing and filed wit~ the Clerk of the Cit:r Commission not If ter than fifteen (IS) days after date of the first publicetion of this Not i ce. An approximate preliminary est~mate of the cost of doing such work and making such I blprovement wi thin said District, incl uding all street excavation, all materials, ins te 1- lation costs, engineering and incidentals, which is to be specially assessed aga~nst the Droperty within iaid District is ~d,351.B8. Costs of the project will be assessed on all p~ope~ty ~bu~t~n0rtlle streets to be i?proved. On ~hls basis, th? lineal fro~ta0e of the d1S tr 1C t 1S 028.) (.' PaYll1en t for the 1mprovemen ts 1S to be rwde ~n twenty (20) :Lns tall- men ts over a p~riod of nineteen (1,;) years wt th interes t on the deferred payments no t to exceed six (6) per cent perannum, payable annually, but this shHll not be construed to prevent payment in full &t any regular payment date by any propertv owner. Por a descriptio:1 of' the boundAries of said Special Im.provement District No. ho!.~ regerence is hereby made to Resolution No. G92 of the Commiss ion of the City ,)f Bozecnan declartng the intention to create said District, which is on file in the office of the undersigned Clerk of said Comm~ssion in the Ci_ty Hall of said City of bOzer.1an, State of Montana, and open for inspectlon to all lnterested pHrties and the public genernlly. Trlis notice is given nursuant to the provisions of Section 11-2::'oII, Revised Codes of Montana 19L7. Dated this 16th day of April A. D. 1958. e..~ /P/ ,--_~~~J~~~~ Clerk of the City Comm.ission State of Montana ) Connt;T of Galle tin ) ss T, L. 10. ShrdoBn, Clerk of the Commission of the CitY'Jf Boz. e"'1vn do hereby cm tify t'r:1at the forer:oinp- Notice in Re was published in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a newspaper of p'eneral C1 rcula tion 'Jrinted and published in said Ci tv in the issues of ADril 13th to 23rd, 19se, and due proof ~f such publication is on file in my office. . IN -fITnESS VJHER~~,)1" I hweun to set MY hand and efri x the corpora te seel of my 0 ffiee I this 2)lth dw' of [,prll, 1958. .' ti!-"....'.-c/..'-.-.....->'.- . ,......?f~~~~~~ Cle rTc ,{) f' the City Co:nml ss ion  Resolution No. J92