HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 880 Abandoning SID 301 -. _. _.. .__......___. _u___ .-.-----.--...... ~)\)h ':"," ,. ,..tt) Ci)"n,IHSS hHJ FB:SOL UTIJN rm. 800 A F'<:SOLll'r:r.m Of' 'rIlE CI'I'Y COT,'J["n:::;SION OF 'rHTG CI'1'Y OF BOZE;'/[AN, MUtJ'I'NTA, AB;.\i'f\)I)!JT:'JG crry OT<' BOZ,E!~PT SPtWIJiL JI\1PPJ\!F.r.,i~:n'r DIs'rr~rr;'r no. 301 PTlJ A3/'Hl}YTINC::. '1if-"lRMATN'TE- NAN CE OF' S'1'?~,:T<~rr PAPKpT('rS 'rTIF.PErmm~R, PIJRSITAN'r TO 'THE Sri~A'r1JTES IN SllCq CPSP.S M1\'JF, A~Jn PR()VP)J~I), A~rn pT.msrTAF'J' '1'0 AND IN C01TTi'OPHT']'V liJI'],H Cm'TT'HSSH)N PESOLUrr:1T'J "l-TI) . F")7Q f'S PitS'-,::;:;-) JI"I\Jl) JI.T)o!"r1I:n !.3\1" S1'I1) CITY Cm,1HrS(HON ON 'rrm lS'I'H DAY OF' .TANn;~pv ILT). 1)50. I W.impr~AS, the C:i.ty Comm.~.s~ion of the City of 13o..enan on the 15t':1. day of January. f..I). 195d, 08SSeo. and adoDted CO'1m-i_s!3ion Resolution No. S'79 dec18rinc it to be the i~tention of said COIT1ission to fuenrton City of BozemvD Special Improvenent District ~o. '301 and to abandon the 1:1a5ni;enE'-Dce of' street p8l'ki~lf;s thereunder, which said Resolution of record and o~ file in the 0 ('fie e of the Cler}-:: of sa ld City Cor;nis s Lm and op8n to the ins ~8C tion of thA Y)lJ_bl ic , is hereby referred to for further parttculurs, and W1-1EREAS, due proof has been made thfl t nubl i ca t ion of not ICA of the 8rl_opti'Jn 0 f sa id P",solution No. d79 was c1uly made and ,'jiven as by law provided; and WqEPEAS, at the ti~e and place fixed in said ReRolution No. 879 for the making and filing of protests against the abando~ment of said Special Improvement District No. ')')1, and the aba~ldonment of the maintenance of street parkings thereunder, to-wit, at the hour of l~OO o'clock P.M. on 'Nednesday, the 2\)th day of .JanUf,ry, A. D. 1953, beinE:. a rerular l11eetin [" time of s 8 id C it:T Commis ~'! t'Jn, at the Commission Clwmber in the C~t ty Hall building of the City of Boze-:ian, no protests were made or riled a~Einst the eban- cto~rnent of said Special Improvement District No. 301 or against the abandonment of mn l.n tenf'mce of s trAct "0arkings theY'B1..mder. }Jm'J, 7HErEF'O}'T~, dE rf RES0I,IJ]-m BY 'f~m cowus::nJ~'J In.' 'r'IE C I'fY Or' 3()~~EMA>T: SEc'rrON 1. That said Special Improvement Dfstrlct No. 301 of the City of 30zemB,. state of 1~()nt8mJ. and t:le maintenance of strt~et porLinF,~ tllereunocr, be 2nd t':e s8rne is hereby abandoned. S"SC'rIO'~ 2. 1t shall be t~e duty o~ the owners o? property abuttinf said District to r:1aintnin tle sa~rJ.e fro1 nn-l After t~1.e OF te of t'ds Resol11tion and 9'lCh aba'l.donment shall not relieve said property o',vners fro:"1 the 89seSSr.1ent and paYMent 0(> a suf<'icient D:n01J.11t to liqulclate all chprp:cs existinG I1ra~nst said District prior to the c18te of a handonrrlcnt. I Passed end adopted by the Commission of the City o~ Bozeman at a rerQar session thereof he16 on the 2~nh dfJY of Ja'l.uar~r 1950. Attest: ~~A~ ,f ~ :> ./..--fl'-~~"'~ l'~Hyor 'Cl' r;( of theCIt~;:--(So:;lrlis s ion State of L10ntana ) County of Ga 11a ti n ) as I, L. " Sh800an, Cl",rk Of' the City Corm:1ission do hereby certify that the foree:otng , . Re<ulution No. GoQ was Dublished by title and nu.r:J.ber in the d07e'ilfn Daily Chronicle, a newspaper of gWleT'al c~.rclll2tl,m, printed and rl1blished in said C5_ty 1.n the 1~sue of I~T 'NI'rm~~)s VrHEPEiJF I H~PEUH'rU set my hand end affix 1he corporate seal of :ny orf'ice this '3lst day of January, lClS,J. 6a~~/ CJe Y'C of the Ci tv Commission I