HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 887 Abandoning SID 50 ___.m ')~ ~8 ,..,. .' COMMISSIUN RESOL urION NO. U87 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSI,m OF THE CITY OF BOZEr'1JiN, MONTANA, ABANDON ING CI'IT OF BOZEMAN SP=~CIAL IMPROVE~,mNT DISTHICT NO. 50 AND ABA~mO"JING THE MA IN'r~~NANCE OF SrrRE~ PARKINGS 'rHSP1i.:UNDER, PURSUiIN'f 'ro 'rHE STATUTES IN SUCH CASES MADE A"'JD AND PROVIDED, AND PORSUANT rro J\ND IN CONFOR1'HTY WITH COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. JB2 AS PASSED AND ADOP'rED BY SAID CIlIT COMMISSION ON 'fHE 13th DAY OF FEBRUARY, A. D. 195J WHr:<:REAS , the City Commission of the City of Bozembn on the 13th day)f Februvry, A.D. 1958, passed and adopted Co:nmission Resolution No. dU2 declaring it to be the intention of said Commission to abandon City of 130zemHn Special ImDrovement District No. 50 and to I abend.on t"le ma intenance of street parkings t1::1ereunder, which said Resolution of' record and on file in the office of the Clerk of said City CO!nnis3ion and open to the insepc- tion of the :oublic, is hereby referred to for further p",rticulars, and Vv'Hr~HEAS, due proof has been made that pllbllcntioo of notice of the adoption of said Resol ~Jtim No. 882 was duly made and given ES by law providBd; and '!lJ-ISP-u.S, at the ti:'le and place fixed in said ResolutLm No. 3J2 for the :naking and filing of protests against the abandonnHmt of said Special Improvement District No. 50, and the abandonment of the maintenance of street pllrklncs thereunder, to-wit, at the hour of 1:00 o'clock P.M. on Wednesday, the 5th day of Marcll, A.D. 1958, being a reguler meet- ing time of said City Co~missi~n, at the Commission Chamber in the City Hall Building of the City of Bozeman, no protests were made or filed against the abandonment of said Special Improvement District No. 50 ?r against the abandonment of mainten8.'1ce of street parkings t)"lereunder. NOW THEREFORE, 3E IT RESaINED BY THE COMM:ISSI01:'T OF THE CI'rY OF BOZEMAN: SECTION l. That said Special Improvement District No. 50 of the City of Bozeman, State of Montana, and the maintenance of street parlcings thereunder, be and the same is hereby abandoned. SECrrION 2. It shall be the duty of the owners of property abutting said District to maintain the same from anG after the date of this Hesolution and such abandonment shall not relieve said property owners from the assessment and payment of a sufficient amount to liquidate all charges existing against said District prior to the date of abandonment. Passed and adopted by the ComMission of the City of Bozemnn at a regular session thereof held on the 5th day of ~.1arch, 1953. .~~~LJ L. \ ./ I / ,~ayor State of Montana ) I,~ounty of Gallatin ) ss I, L. G. Shadoan, Clerk of the Commission of 'rhe C1 ty of Boz effian do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. d/37 was published by title and number in the Bo zeman Daily Chronicle in the issue of March 10th, 195G, and due proof of such publication is on file in my office. IN l.iiJI'INESS VVHEREOF I hereunto set my hand and affix the corporate seal of m;<T office this 11th day of March, 1958. ~~~~--d-r~ Clerk 0 the C'i ty Cornmis sian I -- --.... .--- -