HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 885 Intention to Create SID 402 ')' !Il ;.-..' . COMMISSION HTGSOL UTION N:J. US;; A RESOLUTION OF' THE CITY COMMISSION OF 'rHE CITY OF BOZm,1Ai'J DECLMnNG IT TO BE 'rHE TNTEN... TION OF THE CITY OF 30ZEiMN TO CREA'rE II SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT TO BE KNOWN AS SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DIS'l'RICT NO. 40::' OF THg CITY OF BOZEUlAN POR THE PURPOSE OF' CON- STRUCTING AND INSTALLING A PAVEMENT PR\)JECT ON WES'r AR'rHUR STHT~;~T FROM SOUTH GRAND AVENUE TO SOUTH THIRD AVE:NU8, SAID PROJECT '1'0 INCLUDE 'illE HJSrEALLNJ'ION J.' ADDITIONAL STOPM SEWER INLETS, CONCRETECTJFBS AND GUTTERS, GRAVEL BASI~ COURSE, CRUSHED GRAVEL CUSHION COtlRSE AND BITUMINOUS SURVACE COURSE. AND OTHER WORK INCIDEN'l'AL THERETO WHEREAS: There has been filed w"Lth the Clerk o:f the City Commission of' the City of Bozema'1, M.on tana, a petition in due form of certain owners of properties situated on I West Arthur Street from South Grand Avenue to South Third Avenue in said City asking that a special improvement district be created for the purpose of constructing and installing a pavement project to include the installation of additional storM sewer inlets, concrete curbs and gutters, gravel base course, crushed gravel oushion course and bituminous surface cour::::8, and other work incidental thereto; and V/HEREAS: That at a regular meeting of the C:Jty Commission of the City of Bozeman held on the 19th day of February IJ5b, the aforesaid petition was respectively considered and granted; NOW, THERm'ORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CI'IT OF BOZEMAN: SECTION 1. DECLARATIO:'J OF INTENTION. That it is hereby declared to be the intention of the City of Bozeman to create a s4-ecia1 inprovement district to be known and designated as Special Improvement District No. 02 of the City of Bozeman for the purpose of construc- ting and installing a pavement project on West Arthur Street from ~oHth Grand Avenue to South Third Avenue, said pavement project to include the installation of additional storm sewer inlets, concrete curbs and gutters, gravel base course, crushed grtJvel cushion course end bi tuminous surface COlIT'Se, and other work incidental thereto. SECrl'ION 2. BOUNDARIES. The boundhries of said Special Improvement District No. 402 are described as follows: Beginninr.; at the ~ortheast corner of Lot 7, Block 10. Butte Addition to the City of Bozeman, thence westerly along the north line of Lot 7 and Lot 18 of said Block 10 to the East line of South Third Avenue; thence southerly along the East line of South 'l'hird Avenue to the Southwest corner of Lot 19, Block 11, said Butte Addition: thence Easterly along the south line of Lot 19 and Lot 6 of said Block 11 to the west line of South Grand Avm ue.: thence norther- ly alone; the west line of South Grand Avenue to the Doi1t of beginning. SECTION 3. CHAPAC'J'ER OF IMPROVErJEN'rS. Construction of a pavement project on West I Arthur Street fro;1 South Grand Avenue to South Third Avenue to include the installation of' additional storm sewer inlets, concrete curbs and .sutter~1, gravel base course, crushed gravel cushion course, bituminous surface course, and other wor]{ incidental thereto. SECTIO:'J Lj. ESTIMATE OF COST. The preliminary estimate of cost if $8,244.00, includ- ing all street escavation, trnech excavation and back fill, all materials installation costs, engineer~ng and incidentals. SECTION 5. ME'rHOD OF ASSESSMENT. The preliminary estioste of cost set forth above is to be assessed against the property within said District on an area basis as follows: Costs of the project will be assessed on an area basis, with the first 25 feet of each lot next adjacent to the improvement being recorded at double its actuel :-:irea in computing the assessable area of each lot. On this basis the assessable area of the district is 103,250 square feet. SECTION 6. ACTUAL J'REA OF DI3'rRICT. The total actual area of all property wit~in Special Improvement District Nc). LL02, exclusive of streets, avenues and alleys, is 88,500 square feet, which is the area on which fill protests will be decided. SECTION 7. P A YT,1EN'rS . That payments for said i1provements shall be made in twenty (20) annual installments extending over a period of nineteen ( 19) years, but this sh81l not be construed to prevent payment in full at any regular payment date by any property owner who desires to do so. It is proposed to pay the entire cost and expense of the construction and installation of said imp]'>ovw:1ents with CBS11 to be obtained fro:n ~he sale of bonds of' said Special IMprovement District No. L02, as autllOrized by law. Such bonds will be in denominations of tlOO.aO each and fractions or multiples of tlOO.OO where necessary, to be issued and chl'Jrgeable agninst a fund to be k'1own and designated as Special Improvement District No. ti02 Fund of the City of Bozennn. 'Ehe b:Jnds v1.111 be redeemable at the option of the City, singly or in multiples, and in the order of their registration, whenever flmds are avai1hble for that purpose in said Special I Improvement District No. 402. Said bonds shall ~aw a simple interest from the date of their registration until called for payment, at a rate not to exceed six (6) per cent per annum, which interest shall be chargeable as a pErt of the cost of construction and installation of said improvement. The bonds will be issued and sold in accordance with the provisions of Section 11-2232 and Section 11-2271, Revised Codes of Montana, 19~-7 , and all other a~plicable provisions of Title 11 of the Revised Codes of Montana 1947, relating to special improvement districts in cities and towns, and any amendments thereof or thereto. SECTION 8. PROTESTS AND NOTICE. 'rhat the regu.lar session"):f the City Commission of the Ci ty of Bo zemen, to be he Id at the Commis s lon ChB 'Ibe!' , City Hall Building, Bozeman, Montana, on V/ednesday, the 19th day of March, 1958, at the hour of one o'clocl{ P.M. of said day, is the time and place, when and where t[le City Commission will hear and pass upon all protests duly and regularly made and filed against the creation of said proposed Special Improvement District No. l~ 0 2 , the improvement proposed to be made pl~su8nt thereto __.____._n__.____ _m________ _ .___. _..._ _n_. _. _ n... ')' f:' '-' . ,) a~d the extent and character thereof, or either thereof; and the Clerk of the City ComMission be, and he is herebY, directed to give notice in the manner and for the tim.e as by law required, of the adoption of this Resolution of Intention. Adopted by the Comraissi)n of theCity':)f I3ozemHn, Montana, at a rep;"'llar and stated session of said Commission held on the 26th day of Februar:r, A. D. 195J. Attest: ~L_ , /'A~ " :: .;;/., C?.. / ~~~ /' . ayor I Clerk of the City Commission NOTICE IN BE COMMISSIJN RESOI,iJTIJN NO. 005 OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN DECLAT"iTNG 'THE IWrl<:N'rION OF 'rHE GIT't OF' ROZElitA N 'ro CREATE A SPECIAL IMPROV~W~NT DL;TRIC'f '.ro RB KNOWN AND DESIGNATED AS "SPECIAL IMPPOV8MENT DISTRICT NO. ~02." Notice 1s hereby given that on the 26th day of Februarv, A. D. 1958, at a regular session of the Commission of the City of Bozeman, Comrl1iss ion Resol ut ion No. 885, enti tIed: A RESOLUTION OF 'ff-IE CITY COMMISSION OF frHg CI'rY OF BOZEMAN DECLARING IT 'ro BE THE IN'rEN'rION OF 'rHE CI'rY OF BOZF1vlAIJ TO CREA'rE A SPECIAL IMPHOVEMENT DISTRICT TO BE KNOWN liS SP~3CIAL IMPROVEMENT DIS'I.'RICT NO. 402 OF THE ClffY OF BOZK'ITAl'~ FOR THE; PURPOSE OF' CONS'rRUCTING AND INSTALLING A PAVEMENT PROJEc'r ON WEST ARTI1UR STREET FROM SOUTH GRAND AVENUE TO SOUTH TFURD AVENUE, SAID PROJECT TJ INCI,UDE 'rrfE INSTALLA'PION OF ADDITIONAL STORM SEWER INLE'rS CONCRETE CURBS AND GlITTERS, GRAVEL BASE COURSE, CRUSHED GRAVEL CUSHION COURSE AND BITUMINOUS STJRli'ACE C,JURSE, A'f\JD O'rH3R WORK INCIDENTAL TTERETO was passed and adopted. 'rha t Wednesday, the 19th day of March, A. D. 1958, at one o'clock P.M. at the C:Jffi- m" ssion Room of the City Hall, Boze~Bn, Montana, is designated by said Resolutim No. )85 as the ti~e and place for hearing objections to the action proposed to be taken by said resoLltion, and when and where any and all persons whose property is within said proposed Special Improvement District No. 402 on West Arthur Street from South Grand Avenue to South Third Avenue in said City may appear and show couse, if any they have, against said proposed improvement. Objections must be made in writing and filed with the Clerk of the City Commission not later than fifteen (15) days afeer date of the first publica- tion of this Notice. I An a!)proximate preliminary estimate of the cost of doing such work and making such improvements within said District, including all street excavation, trench excavation and back fill, all materials, installation costs, enginr-,ering and incidentals, which is to be specially assessed against the property within said District is $8,214.00. The total assessable area of all pro~rty within the said District, exclusive of streets, avenues end alleys with the 25 feet adjacent to the improvements taken at double its actual area is 103,25<) square feet. Property immediately adjacent to and within 25 feet of the proposed improvement is to be assessed at double the assessment against other property in the District. PaY-~l1ent for the impovements is to be made in twenty (20) annual installments over a period of nineteen ( 19) years with interest on the deferred payments not to exceed six (6) per cent per annum, payable annually, but this shall not be construed to prevent paym.ent in full at any regular payment date by any property owner. For a description of the boundaries of said Special Improvement District No. L:02 reference is herBby made to Resolution No. 885 0 f the Commission of the Ci ty of Bo .,a'up n declaring the intention to create said District, which is on file in the office of the undersigned Cled:: of said Commissi'JY1 in the City Hall of said City of Bozeman, State of Montana, and open for inspection to all interested parties and the public generally. Thi s notice is 8i ven pursuant to the provisions of Section 11-2201)., Revised Co des of Montana, 1947. Dated this 26th day of February, A. D. 195J. /~~----d----r------..--/ Ci ty Commission First published in the Bozemun Daily Chronicle February State of Montana ) Gounty of Gallatin ) ss I I, L. G. Shadoan, Clerk of' the Commission of The City of Bozer:lan, do hereby certify that the foregoing Notice in He was published at length in the Boz6oBn Dally Chronine, a news-p8per of general circulF tion printed and published in said City in the lssues of' February 2dt'l, 1958 to March 6th, 1950, and due proof of such Dublicntion is on file in my office. IN WITNE;jS 'lrriERj~JF I hereu..'1to set my hand and affix the corporate seal of my office this 7th day of March, 1958. ....~ /~ -_.':/ . ~.--rA~-----~/ Clerk of the City Commission Resolution No. d85