HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 883 Abandoning SID 117 - .___n__ -- . ------....- 2~~1 COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 383 A RESOL TyrION OF THE C I'I'Y COMM.ISSI'JTT OF' 'J'HE CITY OF BOZEHP.JlT, r.1ONTANA, ABANDONING CITY OF BOZEMA~ SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 117 AIm ABANDONING THE MAIN- 'rENANCE OF STREE'r PARKINGS THErEUNDER, PUHSUANT 'ro THE STA'rUTES IN SUCH CASES IVIADE AHD PROVIDED, A~JD PURSUANT TO AND IN CONF'ORMI'fY WITH COMMISSION RESOL UrION NO. 881 AS APSSED AND ADOPTED BY SAID CITY COMrnSSION ON THE 29'rH DAv OF JANUARY, A.D. 1958 WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Bozeman on the 29th day of January, I A. D. 1)58, passed and adopted Commission Resolution No. 3S1 declaring it to be the in- tention of said Commission to abandon City of Bozeman Special Improve~ent District No. 117 and to abandon the maintenance of street p&rkings thereunder, which said Resolution of record and on file in the of'fice of the Clerk of said Ci t:r C:)mnission and open to the inspection of the public, is hereb;T I'eferred to for f'urther pHrticulars, and WHEREAS, due proof has been mvde thvt publicntion of notice of the adoption of said Resolution No. Gal was duly made and given as by law provided; and WHEREAS, at the time and place fixed in said Resolution No. GSl for the making and filing of protests egainst the abandonment of said Special Improvement District No. 11'7, and the abandonment of the maintenance of street parkings thereunder, to-wit, at the hour of 1:00 o'clock P.M. on Wednesday, the 19th day of February, A. D. 1958, being a regular meettng time of said City Commissio!l, at the Commission Chnr:1ber in the City Hall build- i.ng of the City of Bo zeme.n, no protests were made or filed aga-tnst the abandonment of said Special Improvement District No. 117 or against the abandonment of maintenance of street parkings thereunder. NOW, 'I'HEREFORE, BIT, I'r RESOLVED BV THE CO!\17,nSSION OF 'rHE CITY OF BOZEMAN: SECTION 1- That said Special Im~ovement District No. 111 of the City of Bozeman, State of Mon'~ana, and the maintenance of street parkings thereunder, be and the same is hereby~bandoned. SEc'rION 2. It shall be the duty of the owners of property abutting said District to maintain the same from and after the date of this Resolution and such aband.onment shall not relieve said property owners from the assessment and payment of a suDficient amount 1D liquidate all charges existing against said District prior to the date of abandonment. Passed and adopted by the Commission of theGity of Bozeman at a regular session thereof held on the 19th day of February, 1958. I Attest: ~~~ I: ft<~ .. ;1"/':'-;~ ... CC~-~ ""~-r--t/ Clerk of' the City Commission ... . . or State of Montana ) ) SS C01mty cf' Gall atin ) I, L. G. Shadoan, Clerk of the Comaission of the City of Bozema~ do hereby certify tha t the fOregOin~ ResolutLm No. 883 was published by title and number in the Bo ze.nan Da ily Chr)nicle, .. ewspaper of gen~ral circula tion, printed find published in sa id Ci ty, in the issue of February 21st, 1953, and due proof of such publication is on file ln my office. IN VJI'rNII:SS WHEREOF, I hereunto set my hand a~d affix the corporate seal of my office this 24th (lay of February, 195J. ~/!?~~~ Clerk of < the City Co'nmlssion I Resolution No. d83. -...---.---