HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 881 Abandon SID 117 -----.........-...- _....._...___.._..__.u___ ._ ')2(3 ;.... ~,; ) CO~MISSION PEsnLUrl0~ NO. Gdl A PESOLU'2Ji)N OF 'rli'~ CI'I'Y GC)i"rnS?ID~T OI' 'T'IE C1'1'7 01" BUZElI/IAN, ~.TI)T'T'rMJA. DECLAP1NG 1'1' TO B1~ 'rIlE rH':rEN'rrON OF SAD) CotiIMI3SI~)N '1'0 1\l~MmOlT CITY OF 30ZEHf,~T SPECIAL 11'.1- PRUVEj.m"T'J:' DIS'J'PICT NO. 117 /lNT> 'r,J t,'3i\!EXm 'l'HE I'ilAIN'T'j:o~HANCE OF' STF:b:EIr PAR!{PViS .. 'r"n~F'E UND'2:R, AND DIREG'I'ING ':'I-1E CLEP \: OF 'PRE CPj1''C C\}U.1IS;;IJr[ ']'C) GI'TE NO'J'JGE OF SUCH RESOL1YrICm, ALL PTJRSUAN'I' 'ru 'rIm S'rJ,'rlJ'rT~~) :r~J SUCH CAS1~;S 1\'l.ADE f1i'm PRO'JIDE1J WHERf~AS, a !1etttion WHS filed with trle City of Bozeman on .r~muary 22, 19:;J> by owners of property in Special Impro\TAlrlent District No. II? of the City of Bozeme~, pray1.ng for the abandonment of said District, and I WHEHEAS, it epppar~ for the best interests of the City of Bozeman Hwl t~le property oWn~rs within said Sp~cial Improvement District ~o. 117 that snid District be abandoned. tww, 'rEEF F,""OP']'i;, Br~ IT m~SOL'nm BY THE cOI'.nHSSJ:~Y'J OF' 'rTfc CT'rY OF BOZEMA"J: SECTION 1. DELCARA'I'IOH O'ti' IN'rEN'J'IOTJ. It is hereby declared to be the intention of the' City Coctmissio~ of the City of Bozectnn, ~10n tan a , to abandon Special Improvement District No. ll? of said City and to abandon the maintenance of any street uarking im- provement therein. Section 2. B:)T]1\JDf.P I~S O'ti' DISTR TeT. 'J'he boundaries of said Sre c i 81 Im:Jrovemen t District lIJo. 117 are as follows: All the t -oortlon of sa i.d C1 ty of 30:', e'nan, incllldeo withln the followinG' metes and bounds, co-w'tt: Beginni~17 at a point in the sout~ l:tne of iDickerson Street, said point being 158 feet west of the west line of 'rrncy Avenue, thence south f)nr'allel to and 150 feet from the west line of 'rracy AvenllA to [) point in the norVi l:i.ne of Colleve Strer\t, said point beins ISO feet weRt of the west line of Tracy Avenue; thence east 810""0 trIe north line of College Street to 8 point, said point being 150 feet east of the east line of Tracy Avehue; thenc~ north parallel to and i 150 feet from the Bust 15_ne of 'l'l'aey Avenue to a polnc, said point beIne: 233 feet nort'l of trle north 11.ne of Alderson Street find 150 feet or,st of the east line of Tracy Ave~uo, Thence west parallel to and 233 feet from the ~orth line o l' Alderson Street to a point, said point being in the eest line of TrHcy Avenue and 213 feet north of the n0rth line of Ald~rson Street, therrce SOllth alone th~ eHst Ilne of Tracy l,vEmue to a point, said paiDt being the intersection of the south line of Dickerso~ Street and the east line of Tracy J~venue; thence west along the south line of Dickerson Street to the place of begin~ing. SECTION 3. BENEFITS DECLJ\ !)ED. It 13 hereby declBred by':;he Com~ission of the City I of B07.emfm thAt all of the IDnd wi thin th~ bound;::ries of sa id Special 2:-:rprove:nent Dis- trict No. 117 will be speciaJly bene~ited by such aba~donment And thHtit is to the best interests of the City of Bozeman and the owners of propertv within the said Dis- trict that the District be Abandoned. SECTION h. EFFECTS OF' ABA~JDONMP~N'T. Shon}d said special Improvement District No. 117 be abRndoned 1~ conformance to this Pesolution and the N at~. c e to be publ is hed purs u- Rnt thereto, it shall bo the duty of'theowners of tho pro!yo rtv vbuttinr' on the property 1nvo1vo() to mnintain the sane H_rter such aba~donme~t.. find snch E1bandonment shell not :re1:i_8ve 3a1o property owner's froY:l the assessment and payment of f1 suff'icient amount to liq1JJoate all charges exlstlng aga;nst said District prior to the date of fJ.iJ&ndonment. , , SEC'rrOIJ :). TIME FOR PROTES~S. ThAt the re~ulBr session of the City Com~1ssian of the City of Bozeman to he held at the Comqissian Chamber, C lt 'T Hall Bui lei inc" , 3oze11AI1, Niontana, on Wednesday the l~nh d8~; 0'-' Februury, i;. D. 1 )S,j, at the hour of 1:08 O'Clock :0. m. of se:~_1 dBY, is the t-:':le nod plece Wlfm ~md where the Ci t,,. Comrilissian will hear and: pass u~on all orates tf1 (luly R.nd l'ogu1urly uwde and f'iled against the/abandonment of said )3peJ38see Specie 1 Impro;rem,8n t Dt" tr I;:: t No. 117. proposed SEC'I'IO'T 6. CLER:: 're) GIVE HO'l'ICE. Thut t~le Clerk of the Ci.ty COr.1J~:dss:i on t)e. ({nd he is her{~ln directed to give notice tn the ;~lanner ano for trlo tL:le as by law req ulrer" of the adopt5on of this ResolutLy!'1 of I;:ltention. Adopted b7 the Commission of the Cltv of Boze::lsn, ["lont pnfJ , at H stE:ted and regl18r sesslon of sald Commissiop held on the 2')t'1 dav of January A. D. l'F)" - ..., _ u. Attest: ~~L. ~~ ' . ..--- /.- ~--e'~-~v' - ....... ..I ClerY: of the City Coramisslo~ 1'JO'PICg IN RE I COMMIS3Lm Rt~~)()Lrl':'I\)N "JI). (:ldl OF 'rr{s CI'I",T OF BO,~F~'TAi: T)3CLAP-;:1Jr;. 'rHI~ rT'r;-;;tJ'rIOl'ir OF 'rem CI'!,,' OF BQZ~~[',UdT TO AI3A:'JDOH SPiXTi.T, I11PPU'Jr~llf'~]\I':' n!E,']7J:'JC'l' JlJUL:C)Jm 11? on Notice is hereby c_iven t:lf,t/tlle 2)th ria;,; of .JRn1)L\Y'Y. 1\. T). l}:JJ, nt a refrlllE1r sess'Lon of the ConHl.Lssl'Jn of the City of Doze"lHn, GO_Il:'llSJ5.'-P1 pesolutlo'l ';0. J31, entitled: A HESOL TJTTON OF' TH't; CI']'Y CJ,.hIISSI:YT I,Hi' 'I'lT: :~I 'I"T OF 30 ....~ ,.:iII :T , i, I ,yr,' A' f\ , DSI,Cl'PI'1\T IJ n' 'i"O me:: 'r]:H~ nT'J1r~]\T'J'IO~T UF SAID C,)i.!I''iJ:S:H,)TiI' '1'0 il3J\N!)()1'T er:'", uF BO~~EMJ\ 1\] SPECIAL Ti'I?p)\r'::iv!;~N'r DI'j'rFIC'r l'JJ. 117 Mm '1'0 1\;3/,-mO]\T T'm i,fAPT'J'EiTINCE ')r' ~,'T'F!~'~T:)j\J?V(nTGS '-"i-n~PSTfl'm.sR, PID DIREC'rnrG 'T'HB CLEP'( OF '_,'IfE C IT'T (:::()I'n1L~;:~IYJ TO r;-J rE'::,Y.r:'ICS OF' S nCH nESOL 1}I'I IN , ALL PT,fPSIIP"']' 'rJ 'rTT~ l)'.L'JI'rl:rr~s IN SHCE CiiSES Ivl1\1)>";: Al\TJ) ?p,j"F>Tm '"J ASP 8 sse (1 n'1d a(lont(H~ . __._.___n. ._.. --..-- -..- . ..-- - -.. -..-- 2 :?'7 That the bOlJ:'ldari_8s of said Special Imvrovc"1ent Distrlet TT:). 11"1 fire as f'()llows: All that portion of sEjd C:ty or Baz~Man, inc111ded within the rollow1ne metes and bounds, to-wit: g~ctn'lin:; at e po::tntin~he sOllth line of' Dickerson Street, said point being 150 feet west of the west line of Tracy A\TenUe, the'lce sOIJth ::)8],,[111el to and ISO feet froM the we~jt line of 'rracy j'ven11e tv a p')int in tlle nort'l liJ1C of Col1e,se street, said y)oi.nt beivlC lr;o feet we<;t. 0'" the ':!est lIne of 'rr~ey jlvonlle: thanee eHst alon(;' the north liYle of' C')llcp;B Stroot to n D0~ nt, SR 5 d noint be' nv 150 .feet eas t of the eRS t l:ine of 'ry'aey I Avenu.e; thence n0rth nf'rf!llel to 8:nd 1:;:0 rent froqr;he east llnc~ of 'r~ DCY )\vennA to R D:)~nt, snid))o:int bAing 21J fe:~t nort"l of the nort- line of Alnerson street and 1::;') feet enst of' the e[,st Ii_ne of 'rrnC:'T P,'J'3n1W, thence we,~t DnrDllel to and 233 fCt.~t frcn the nort:l line of' A1'1.e1':>01:1 Street to a point," sai.r1 nolnt be;.'1s iy) I~he east lino of TrHcv fI"enue an (1 233 f~f~t n,)rth I)f t~le nort11 li'le of I.lc1.erEJOn Street, the~ee south alone the eflst line of 'rre~:,r !:Ven'l8 to [I poi.nt, said point being tho interseeti:)r' of' tr18 80llth line of ))jclcerson StreHt 8.nd the efJ.:'Jt line of 'rru::'T I\\"fHl'lP; Lhence west elonr; the south l:tne of Dic1UH'son street to tile ploeG of be,'jinni.ng. Thnt WednGsdflY the 19th day)f Febr~wry, A. D. 1))0, HT; one o'cloC!i: n.m. at the C,)r.1m~_ssi,)n Roor1 of the City Hall, Bozem/;ID, Montana is the oate, th:w Ff!(l nl/;Ice set for the hearing of prDtests apajnst the 8bando'lment o~ said Spec1al Improve~ent District No. 117 and for the passage of' the Heso1uti:m of abandonment. That unless forty (L,O) percerlt of' t~e proDe1'ty owners of' said Special Ic'lprove;nent District No. 117 file written nrotests w~th the Clerk of the City Gommission before the B bove spec if1 cd dB te end t 1me, a Pesol ut 1.on or v bnndonmen t of S8 id Sp ec ia 1 ImprovBllen t D 1 E'J t r i c t jT o. 117 w i.l1 be h v the C i t Y Co mm t ~3 ::-; ion pHS sed. That shoul~ sai~ Specinl Imnrovement District Po. 117 be abandoned in confornance to this Resolution Hnd the notice to be nublished pursuant thereto, it shall be the duly of the owners of the propertv ebuttins on toe property involved to maintain the same Hfter suell abarvlonment, and such 8oandonment shall not relieve said property OW~8rs f1'o'1l t.he assess vmt an(l payment of a sufficient amount to liquidate all chBrr~es existinc: ae;atnst said District prior to the date of vbando'lment. '1'his not ie e j s 2:i ;ren nurs uan t to the ,)l'OV is ions of Chl-lpter 30 of the Lews of' the l?nd Legislative Assembly, State )f ~ontBna. Dsted th1s 2>th (lay of .Ta!1uary, 195J. I "3y order of' the Commiss'-o~ of thcCi ty Of 3ozema". G I Resolution no. ul)l