HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 865 Issuance of Warrants on SID Fund and providing for the payment thereof ..-- 198 COMMISSION RESOLTJrION NO. 865 AN EMERGENCY RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF WARRANTS ON THE SPECIAL IMPROVE- MENT DISTRICT FUND AND PROVIDING POR 'rHE PAYMENT THEREOF WHEREAS, this resolution. 1.8 neces.'3ary for the immediate preservation of the I public peace, property, health and safety, inasmuch as the City has heretofore duly authorized an \mdertaking comprisinG the installation nf paving and drain- age fRcilities on certain areas in said City, and substantial sums are now due the consulting eDgineers for engineering and other services performed in con- nection with said l1ndertaking, and it is necessary to proceed with said under- takinr, as fast as possible in the interests of public health and safety. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZENrAN, MONTANA: Section 1. There is hereby created and there shall be maintained on the official books and records of the City separate and special accolmts in the Special Improvement District Fund to be kn~wn as Special Improvement District No. 389 ACco1lnt, Special Improvement District No. 390 Account, Special Improvement District No. 391 Account, Special Improvement District No. 392 Account, Special Improvement District No. 393 Accolmt, Special Improvement District No. 394 Account, Special Improvement District No. 395 Account, and Special I~provement District No. 398 Account, into which there shall be paid the proceeds of the sale of bonds in the aforementioned Special Improvement Didtricts. The moneys in said accounts and fund shall be used solely for the payment, as incurred, of the costs of said improve- ments, including but not limited to engineering services. Section 2. Pending the sale and delivery of the bonds in the aforementioned Special Improvement DIstricts, warrants for the payment of valid claims in con- nection with engineering work on said undertaking, in an aggregate amount not to exceed $31,654.26, may be drawn on said fund by the Director of Finance, upon vouchers approved by the Director of Public Service and countersigned by the City Manager, as authorized in the Revised Codes of Montana, 1957, Section 11-3267 and Section 11-1408, as amended by Chapter 95, Laws 1957. Section 3. All warrants so drawn, when duly presented and endorsed by the Director of Finance, shall bear interest at the rate of not to exceed five per I cent (5%) per annum and shall be r0gistered in accordance wlth law, and shall be paid from said accolmts and fund, or the recistered holders thereof shall be notified that moneys are available for the payment thereof, within not to exceed ten business days after the receipt of the proceods of said bonds by the Director of Finance. Section ~. Each and all of the statements contained in the preamble hereof are hereby found and determined to be correct, and an emergency is hereby declared to exist, and this resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and recording in accordance with law. Passed by the City Commission and approved by the Mayor this 27th day of September, 1957. <<~f~ / '. Mayor - , / ~--c;::"<-'-r"'''/ the Commission state of Montana ) COlmty of Gallatin) ss. I, L.G. Shadoan, Clerk of the Com~ission of Trle City of Bozeman, do hereby certify that the foregoing Hes01ution was published by title and number in the Bozeman Daily Chron:i.c 1e, a newspaper of General c ire ul~tion printed and published in said Clty in the issue of October 2nd, 19~7, and that due proof I of snch publication is on file in my office. IN 'NITNESS 1NHEREOF, I hereunto set my hand and affix the corpora te seal of my office this 3rd day of October, 19S7. ~~ .erk 0 the Commission - -...