HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 858 Awarding the Sale of 1,200,000 Water System Revenue Bonds, series A 183 COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 858 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION of THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, AWARDING THE SALE OF $1,200,000 WATER SYSTEM REVENUE BONDS, SERIES A BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY of BuZEMAN, MONTANA, the t, 1 notice having heretofore been duly P.UbliSh6d of the sale of $1,200,uOO Water System Revenue Bonds, Series A to be issued pursuant to Chapter 24, Title 11, Revised Codes of Montana 1941, as amended, and the Comm1ss1on having at the time and place fixed for sale received and considered all bids presented pursuant to said notice, it is hereby found and determined that the highest and best of such bids is that of Halsey Stuart & Company & Associates of Chicago, Illinois, and the associates named therein, to purchase said bonds at a pr1ce of par and accrued interest plus a premium of $ none, the bonds maturing in the respective years set forth below to bear interest at the coupon rates set forth opposite said maturity years respectively. Maturity Years Interest Rates 1958 through 1964 5% 1965 through 1975 4-3/4% 1976 through 1987 4-1/2% Which terms result in a net interest cost to the City of Bozeman, computed to the stated maturity dates of the bonds as advertised, of $1,092,uOO.00 that the Mayor and the Olerk of the City Commission shall be and are hereby authorized and directed to execute on the part of the City a contract for the sale of said bonds to said bidder upon the terms above Bet forth; that the good faith checks furnished by other bidders shall be returned to them forthwith, and the check of said successful bidder shall be retained by the Director of Finance until the bonds have been executed and delivered and the full purchase price thereof has been paid. Passed by the City Comm1ssion and approved by the Mayor this 2nd day of August, 1957. Approved: 4~ ...~ I Attest- , //.. ~-/~ , /' Cler 0 the Commiss1on State of Montana ) ss. County of Gallatin ) I the undersigned being the duly qualified and Bcting Clerk of the City Commis;ion of the City ~f Bozeman, Montana, hereby certify tha~ I have comi~~ed the attached and foregoing copy of Resolution No. 858 of said ommIss1on W the original thereof on file and of record in my Book of ResolutIons, and find the same to be a full, true and complete copy thereof. WITNESS my hand and the Beal of said City this 2nd d~y o~ August, IV57. - ~ #" ~~/ c~e 0 a Commiss on (SEAL) State of Montana ) SSe .1 County of Galla t1n ) I, L. G. Shadoan, Clerk of the Commission of The City of Bozeman, do her:by C. erti.ry that the foregoing Resolution was published by title and n~be~ inbi~ h d Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a newspaper of general Cd1rcUlatt~on prin;eofa~ucgupub~i~ation in said City in the issue of August 8th, 1957, an the ue proo is on file in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto Bet my hand and aff1x the corporate seal of my office thIS 9th day of August, 1957. ~='c~ ~ er 0 a comm~sion