HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 838 Intention to Create SID 392 126 COM.MISSIONRBSOLtTTION Ni. 838 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF TlfE CITY OF BOZEMAN DECLARING 1'1' TO BE THE INTEI'JTION TO CREATE A SPECIAL ~l\r.PP0VEMENT DISTRICT TO BF; KfWWN AS SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 392 OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN FOR TW PURPOSE OF CON- STR1JCTING !'.ND INfTALLIVG A STORM rRAnTAW'~ SYSTE'~ TO SERVE THE AREA WITHIN '['HE CITY LIMITS OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN SITUATE ON THOSE STREETS AND AVENUES IN THE SAID CITY OF BOZEMAN LYING BETWEEN WEST Mil. IN STREET AN::) WEST LINCOLN STREET PRODUCED, FROM SOUTH EIGHTH AVENUE TO SOUTH F'IPTEEN'T'F AVENTTE EXCF;PTHTG T1-1AT I PORTION OF SOUTH EL1!~VENTH AV:~NUE AND SOUTH:'LRVENTH\VENUE PRODUGTW EXTENDING FR'\M W."'T MAIN STREST TO A POINT 91.5 FEET NORTH OF THE NORTH LINE OF WEST CURTISS STRF;ET, AND EXCEPTING THA1' PORTION OF SOUTH FIFTEENTH A VENUE FROM WEST KOCH STREET TO WEST COLLEGE STREET, SAID STORM DRAINAGE PROJECT TO INCLUDE NECESSAR'V PIr~ LINES. MANHOLES, DRAIN INLf~TS AN:.) OTWm NECESSARY APPURTENANCES AND OTHER WORK INCrDE~:TAL THER~TO. WHEREAS, 'rhere hHS been filed wi t.h the Clf:lrlc of th'9 City Commissirm of the C1 ty of Bozeman, M0ntana, petitions in due form of certaln owners of properties situated on those streets and avenues in the sa10 City )f Bozeman, lying between West Main Street and West Lincoln street produced, from Sonth Eighth Avenue to South Fifteenth Avenue excepting thnt pt)rti0n of South Eleventh Avenne and South Eleventh J\vfJnne pr<)duced extendlnp- from 'Nes t Main street to a p\)int 91.5 feet North of the North line o~ West Curtiss Street, and excepting thE1t p)rtLm of' South Fifteenth Avenue fr)'1l West Koch street to West College Street, Hskin[ that 8 special improvement district be created for the pl~pOSA of c~nstructing Bnd instnlltnr B storm drainage system to serve the area within the City Lirrlits of the City of' 8"neml:m, to include necessar~ pipe lines, manholes, drain inlets and other necessary ap91n'tena~ces and other work incjdental theret~; and I ~iEPEAS, That at a regular meetin~)f the City Gommis~1nn of' the City of Boze- man held on the l~th day of Mav, 1957, the aforesaid petition was respectively cn~- - , Ridered and granted; NO'V TImFBFJRE, BE IT fiES)I,vED BY 'rIm CI'rY C;)Mj'USSI,)~J OF 'rr-lE CITY ()F' '~inEMAN: Sectlor: I Declaration of' Intention That it is herebY declared to be the intention of the City of Bozeman to create a spec ial impr 'we'TIent d is tr ic t t) be knr)wn and des iITnv tad a s Spec lB 1 Improvement District Hr,. 392 of the City ()f Bozeman for the pl.tr-rV)Se of clDstructlnc end installinf, B storm drainage system to serve the area within the City limits of the C1.ty of Boze- man, sltnate on those streets and avenues in the s81.d Cit~r of ~3()~eman l;ring bAtween West MalD Street and West Line;)ln Street pr>duced, f'rr\rrl South E5,r'1:1th Avenue to South Plfteenth A Venl~e except inrr the t port i',):1 r) (' S'J1_lth Eleven th A venue and SOl)th Eleventh Avenue prodlwed extendin[ rr~m West Main Street to a point 91.5 feet North of the North 11ne of West Curtiss street, and exc ept;_DP that pJrtlcm of South Pi f'teenth A venue from West Koch Stroet to V.Jest C >llAg:e 8treet to include necessary pipe lines, manhJles I drain inlets and other necessary app1wtenances end other work incidental theT"()to. Secti'Jn ? Boundaries The boundaries of said Special Improvement District 1ITo. 10? are described as 127 . ..; follows: Bee;inning at a p')int 'm the south line of West Main Street said point bAinc: 133 fAet east ~f the East line of South Ninth Avenl~, thence southerly 133 feet 0Bst of And Derallel to the Rast line of South Ninth Avenue to the centerline of the east-we~t alley in Block 4 West Park Addition to the City of Bozeman; thence westerly alonf: S81r1 centerline t'.) a point 1::>1 feet east c}f the East line of South I Ninth Avenue; thence southerly 121 feet east of and parallel to the e8st line of SOUGh Ninth Avenue to the South line of West Koch Street; thence easterly along the south line of West Koch Street to a point 123 feet east of the east line of South Ninth Avenue; thence southerly 123 feet east of and parallel to the East line of South Ninth Avenue to the South line of West Story street; thence easter- ly along the South line of' West story Street to a point 128 feet east of the ~ast line of South Ninth Avenue; thence southerly 12H feet eBst of and parallel t~ the East line of S')uth Ninth Avenu.e to a p'Jint 150 feet south of the South 15.ne of West Dickerson street; thence westerly ISO feet south of And parallel to the South line ,)!' West D5.ckerson street to the West line of South Ninth Avenue; thence sOlltherly alonc the West line of South Ninth Avenue to B point 150 feet south of the south line of West Alderson street; thence westerly 150 feet south of Bnd parallel to the south line of West Alders0n street to a paint 143 feet east of the east line of South Tenth Avenue; thence southerly lL3 feet east af and par- allel t) tile east line of South Tenth Avenueto the South line of' 'Nest College Street; thence easterly along the south line of West Coll'~ge Street to the west line of South Eighth Avenue; thence southerly alone the west line of South Eighth Avenue and said Avenue prJd1ACecl to the north line of West Lincoln Street produced; thence westerly along the north line of West Lincoln street produced t) the east line of South Eleventh Avenue; thence northerly along the east line of SQuth Eleventh Avenue to the north line of West College Street: thence westerly along the north line of West College Street to a point 123 feet west of the west line of South POl~teenth Avenue; thence northerly 123 feet west or and parallel to the west 1 ine of' South t,'o'lrteenth Avenue to a point 11:0 feet south of the South line of West Koch Street; thence westerly 110 feet south of and parallel to the South line of West Koch Street t~ the east line on South Fifteenth Avenue; thence northerly al,mr: the east line of South Fifteenth Avenue t!) a point Ibo feet: north of the North line of West Koch Street; thence easterly lLiO feet north afar,,;' par- allel to the north line of loVest Koch Street to the east line ,)f South Tn ',y-.teenth Avenue; thence northerly al,mg the east line of SOllth Thirteenth Avenue tQ a p Jint J50 feet nJrth of the n;)rth line of Wes t Koch Street; thence easterly 1~0 feet north of and parallel t~ the no~th line o~ West Koch street to the center- I line of t~e vacated north-so1Jth alley in Black 7, West Side Addition to the City of Bozeman; thence northerly along the centerline of said vacRted alley to the nJrth line of' West Gurtiss Street produced: thence easterly along the north line of '!\Test Curtiss Street produced to the eB3t line')f' South Twelfth Avenue; thence northerly alon~ the east line of South Twelfth Avenue to the City Limits line; thence easterly along said City Limits line t) the East line of South Eleventh Avenue; thence northerlv a10TIR the east line of South Eleventh Avenue t:J a point 1)0 feet n)rth of the nJr th line of lIVest Curtisn Street; thence easterly 150 feet north of' Hnd parallel t) the north line of 'Nest Curtiss Street to a point 110 feet west of the west line of South Tenth Avenue; thence n:Jrtherly 110 feet wes~ of and parallel tJ the west line of South Tenth Avenue to the north line oP the Bast-west alley Block 6, West Park Addition to the City of Bozeman; thence west- erly along the north line of said eust-west alley t:) a pointll1.92 feet west of the West line of South 'fenth Avenue; thence northerly from said pJint 111.92 feet west of the west line of South Tenth Avenue tJ a polnt ~n the south line of West Ba bcocl{ Street 110. d feet west of ttle wes t line ,)f South Tenth Avenue; thence northerly to a point on the north line of VVest Babcock Street 120 feet west of the west line of South Tenth Avenue; thence northerly 120 fact west of and par- allel t) the west line of South Tenth Avenue to the south line ()f West MaIn street; thence easterly along the south line of West Main Street to the point of beginning. Section 3 Character of Improvements Construction and installation or a storm drainage system includlnF necessary pipe lines, manhJles, drain inlets, and ',Jther neces'3ary appurtenances. Une outlet ulon~ South Ninth Avenue tJ meet existing system at West Main Street, and one Jutlet I on South 11:le"cnth Avenue, ending at 8 point 91.5 feet north of the North 1 i.ne of West Curtiss Street emptyin~ int.) an open, existinS channel, and. Jther w)rk incidental thereto. Section L; EstImate of Cost 'rhe pre1ininar-;T estirn.ate of cost is ~"13L"L'15.70 includLH~ all trench excavation CI)MT.nssrm PF;i;)LU'rIVJ N). U30 ---,. - -., - -- 128 and backfill, all materials, installation costs, enclneerinc Hnd incidentals. Section :; Method of Assessment The preliminary estimate of cost set forth above will be assessed on an ~ctual areB basis, with the prJperty abutting Eleventh Avenue payin~ an estimated 7.1 ce11.ts per I souare fo)t; the area wi thin the district bet'veen 1'Jest 1\1ain street and '!\fest College street fr>m South "81 !<ht'l !lvenue to':;outh Fifteenth Avenue, excluding the area abuttlnp- Eleventh Avenue, payinv Rn estImated L.S cents per s aunrs f))t: Dnd the cJntributary area within the MontanH state (Je)llege campus South of West Colle~e street payin~ an esti.muted 0.9 cents per square f)ot. Section 6 Actual Area of District The actual are8 of the di'1trict as described is L,OI~/:)) C.17 sq1wre feet and prC)_ test'3 will be c)nsidered on an actual area basis. Sec:tim ? Payments That payments for said improvem.ents shall be made in twenty (20) a rln llS 1 install- ments extend-tnp: over a period oP ninete~n (1 )) years, but this s~wll n)t be c)ns trued to prevent payment in full at any regular payment date by Dny ~ropert~ owner who desires t,) dc) s i.J . It is oropc)sed to pay the entire cost l-Jncl expense 0f the cms truc- tir)rl and lnstallation of sAid impr'J'rements wi th cash t) be obtlJ inud fr'Jtl1 t!18 sale rjf I boncls ')f said Special Impr~veMent District N~. 1<)2. as authorized l)V le'v. Such bJnds will be in cienominotions of ~;IOO.O() each and fractiQns or multiples of ~;lOO. 00 where nece~3 sary, t) be issued und chFrfeab~e arrainst n fund to be knJwn Hnd de~31rnbted liS. Special Improvement District No. 392 F' 'nd of the City of Bozoman. The bonds will be redpe~ableat the option cif the.CltYf sinerly or :':n m111t1ples. and in the order Of' thejr rA g 1 s t ra t ion, whenever fllnds are avallqbl~ fnr that purDos~ in seid ~peGial Improvement District No. 392. Said bonds shall draw a s1mple interest from the date of their rep'is~)3tion until called for ~a~ent, a t a rate not exceed:trg six (. per cent p?r annum. '.'Ih c interest 3hall be charQeable 8.8 a part )f the C)st of the constructi)n and installation o~ said impr)vement. 'I'he vmds will be i S 3 ue d and sl)ld in accordAnce with t:le pJ~l)Vj sinns :)[ Section 11-2232,nnd Section 11-2271, Reviscd Codes of Montana. 19L'( , and all other applicvble pr")vis tons of' Title 11 of the ~Bvise0 C~des of Montana, 1 ~)J 7, relat1ns to Special Impr)vement Districts In cittes and t,)wns, and nny amendments t'1ereof' )1' theret). Section d Protests Hnd l\f'Jtice 'T'hat the rep-ular session of' the City Commis3i)yl of t'1e Ci.ty of BozemAn, t) be held vt the Co~n..111issi)n Chamber, City Hall Building, 'Sozeman, HontHna, on the 19th I day :)f June, 1 67, at the h)ur ')f 0ne r) , C 10 el{ P. M . of said day, are tlle time and place when and where the City Commission will hear al1d pass 11p)n Rll PI' )tests duly and regularly 1ade and filed against the creation or said pr YO )8"d SpaciHl Impr)vement nistrict l\h. -3':)2 , the impr'Jvement pr)p)sed t) be made pursl~ant the)'et~) a '1,1 tne extent and character thereof, Dr e i t'1er there)f: and trw Clerk of the G1 br C:)mmi S 8 i on 1)8, and C')Mit1IS;:nl~J r~'~S)LTJTlIUlT Jh;. ,) 3d ---.--......-- -------- - - - --- .------- --.- .-.----...------ 1,29 he 1s hereby, dj Y'e(~ ten. t,) I';i ve not l~ e in the manner Bnd for t rle time as by law reauired of the adoption <)1 this Resolution ()+:' Intention. Adopted b'I the Cor.rr:d.ssi:m :)f the City ~)f Bozem::m, IbntanB, at a reg~lar and stated I session af said Cor1.':lission held on the ?2nd day of May, A.D., V) S '/ . ~?f /--~-U9-z- -- ::..-' "- Mayor A T'rES'r : ~ . ,,--' ~~~ C erk of the ctt:r COffi",1isslon N()'nCE IN HE C'JI',fTIC)STY,T pT':SJLTT'l'IJN 'NJ. tHe OF TTm crr" )F' BOZEMAN DECLAPING '['HE IN'rE1\TTION OF TEE GI'ry UP 3')ZEr,1ftN TO CR'~A'rE A SPECIAL DJPRJ'iTEMENT DIS'T'RIC'r 'ro f3E KN01.'V1\T A'iJD DESIG~J1\'rED AS "SPSCTAL n1pn:JVELm~T'r DIs'rRICT 1\TUM'-3EP 392." Notice is hereby ~lven that m tbe ?2nd dDY of !'IIsy, A..D., 19:~7 , at a refular meet ins of the Cornmtssion of the Cit~r ')f 3ozeman, Cor1mtss ic)1'l Peso111tion Nu-nber i33i3 entitled: A PESJLUTTI)j'J}P THE crry CJ111 TI3SI,)N ,)1<' TrE CI'rY.)H' iJJZEiHlf-I ni~CLJHinJG 1'[' '1'0 I BE 'rHF. I N'l'~"J'rION 'rl) (~HEj~ TT-<: A SPEC lAL II\1PP J'JEIiIENT DISTR IC'l' 'r BE KNO'lJ"! AS SP'~C:::/'-L IMPp()\r:EME'J'r ')IS'rPICT N). 3')2 JP 'rYE CITY OF' BOZ1~r'J!M;"i'OP 'rq;~ P1fPP'JSE }f' CJN3'rp ITCTPJC. AND INSTAL T.PJG A STI)FM DRJ\ INA GE SYST:';'.1 T) S: Yvr,: 'J'r-rF. P,PT?'A :vr'r'-UN ']'I-fT?, c:C'rv LIMI'rS JP' 'T~-rr. CI'r' JP30~sEl'r/IAN SITITATF. ,TN TTw:m S'rp~T~~rrS AT\JD AVENUES IN 'r'1'~ SAID CrEY OF I3():6m1A~J LYING i3E'r"v'EEN 1VES':P MAIN S'],PE1:<;'r JI,1\TT) 'NES'r LP~CJLN STRE2;'r pP )DTJC~D, FROM so 'JT!{ S I'tHTH A VT~TJlTF. 'r') soryrq F'tH'TEENTH j\ 'n?'NTJE EXC RPTT\TG T !{1\ T p()p'rTOt'J OF' S:J I )'']11{ SL1?,IF?TTI.T A '/H;tTUF. AND C;') '1'114' ":LEVEfIT!{ A VH;NTTE PROnUC1:<;D r~X'l'Ti.?mrJC} Tj'ROM w:r<:s'r MA IN STpT~E'r T,) A POIW, 91. 5 T~EET N ,JR'rH OF 'rHF. N'JPTq L nn Of' l"r~ST C'TPTISS S'rRRR'_p, A Nn R'<(;EPTP~G T'4A'l' PJP'rIOH OF' SOUTB F'IF- Tr.E1\TTH AVENUE Ti'P)fv'f 1."lES'r Ki)GH S'rRE1~'r 'ri) WEST CJLLP.GE STRJ;~r:;:'I', SA In S'I'JR:\/f DPA T'JP.:ir.: PIn r~c'r 'rO INCLUDE N~CESSAPY PIPELI~ES, ~IA~T HUL ES , ')PfI p~ rrU.,I,i;'PS AND ()'l'H~R I'n~c i~SSApv APPURTSW ANC 1<;S A "TD O'r;-mp wonK INCIDF.N'rAL 'r'IERh:TJ. was passed and adopted. That Wednesctay, the lSith da y I)f Jtme, A. '). , 1957, at one o'clock P.M. at the Commission Poo'n 0'" the Ci.ty Hall, Bozeman, Montana, 1s rtesi~nated by said Resolution No. 838 as the time and plRce far hear1n~ objections to the actton proposed tJ be taken by said resolution, H'1d whe:1 and where any and all persons wInse property is w tthln said pr'Jposed Spec 1a 1 Ir:1provet:1en t Dis tric t No. 392, sit'wte 'm those streets and Rvenues in the said City of Bozeman lying between West Main Street and ~est Lincoln Street produced, from South :<:i~hth Ave':1ue to South Fifteenth Avenue excepting that portion of South Eleventh Avenue and South Eleventh Avenue produced extending from I West Main Street to a point 91.5 feet North of the North line of West Curtiss Street, and excepting that portion of South Fifteenth Avenue from West Kc)ch Street to West College Street, in said City, mAy appear And shaw cause, if any they heve, against said nroposed impr0vemen~. Objections mllst be made t:1 writing and. filect 'Nith the Clerk of the City Commission not Iv:~er than f'ifteen (l~;) days after date of the first p1lbllcatlon of this Notice. CO'1!\'!ISSIYT H'<;SDLU'I'IJq HC). 03U ----.---. --..-- 1"30 - ,- ' An approximate preliminary estimate of the cost of doing such work and making such improvement within said District, including all trench excavation and backfill, all materials, installation costs, engineering and incidentals, which is to be spec- ially assessed a~ainst the property within said District, is $134,475.70, with the property abutting Eleventh Avenue paying an estimated 7.1 cents per square foot; the I area within the district between West Main Street and West College Street from South Eighth Avenue to South Fifteenth Avenue, excluding the area abutting Eleventh Avenue, paying an estimated 4.5 cents per sauare foot; and the contributary area within the Montana state College campus South of West College Street payIng an estimated 0.9 cents per squ9re foot. Payment for the improvements is to be made in twenty (20) annual installments over a period of nineteen (19) years with interest on the de- ferred payments not to exceed six (6) per cent per annum, payable annually, but this shall not be construed to prevent payment in full at any re~ular payment date by any property owner. For a description of the boundaries of said Special Improvement District No. 392 reference is hereby made to Resolution No. 838 of the Commission of tbe City of Boze- man declaring the intention to create saId District, which is on file in the office of the undersigned Clerk of said Commisslon in the City Hall of said City of Bozeman, State of Montana, and open for inspection to all intereRted parties and the public generally. This Notice is given pursuant to the provisions of Section 11-2204, Revised I Codes of Montana, 1947. Dated tbis 29th day of May, A.D., 1957. ~f ' J:........~~~~-~ C erk of the City Commission First published in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle May 29th, 1957 State of Montana ) ss County of Gallatin ) I, L. G. Shadoan, Clerk of the Commission of The City of Bozeman, do hereby certify that the foregoing Not:i.ce was published at length in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a ~ewsp9per of general circulation printed and published in said city in the issue of May 29th, 1957 through June 3rd, 1957 and tha t due proof of such publica tiOD is on file in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto set ~y hand and affix the corporate seal of my office this 4th day of June 1957. ~~ ~--~~' I Clerk 0 ~ . y Cornmissio~ COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 838