HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 833 application to US for financing engineering surveys and plans for street improvements 08 I.. COMMISSION rESOLUTION NO. 833 A 'RESOLUTI0}T OF TJrF~ C'iMMISSION 01<' THE CITY 01" BOZI;~MAN, MONTANA AUTHORIZING THE MAYOP, IN BEHALF OF SAID CITY OF BOZEMAN, TO MAKE APPLICATI'i1' TO THr~ UNITED STA'T'ES FOR AN ADVAIJCE TO AID IN FINANCING ENGINB~ERING snRVF.Y~' AND PLANS FOR STPEET n~FROVEMENTS. WHEREA S , The C1tv of Bozeman, Montana, herein called the "Applicant," after I thorou~h cons5deratinn of the various 8spects of the proble~ and study of Rvail- able de ta he s heroby determ~.neci th8 t tbe c'me truc t!.on of certa in publ1e works, ~enerally des~~jbed as an extensive paving project covering several sections of the City of Bozeman and includIng aprroxlmately 195 lineal block~ of paving, tOR:ether wi th the cnns trlJc ti on of 8 dra inage and f'torm f! ewer sys tem cove!'J ng the same f'ActionR of the City of Bozeman is desirable and in the public interest and to th8t end it is necessary that action preliminary to the construction of said works be tak-er immediAtely; and WHR'1EAS, under the terms of Public Law 560, P3rd Congres s, as a"'1ended, the Unlted States of America hap A1Jthorlzed the making of advances to public bodies to aid in financIng the cost of en~ineering and architectural surveys, desiiTns, plans, workln~ drawings, spe~lficatlons or other actIon preliminary to and in preparation for the construction of pnhlic works; ~md WHE'PE^~, the AppllcHnt hAS examined and dul~J considered s~1ch Act and tte Applicant considers it to be :in tlJe public interest and to its benefit to fIle an applicatio"- under sa:1d Act and to authorize other action in connection thE:re- with; I NOW, rrp"ST?FFO P1~ , BE IT PESOLV~j) EV thA Cft" Commission of the Ci ty of Bozeman, Montana. the ~ovprnln~ body of sald Applicant, as follows: 1. Tha t the cons true tion of sa ld p1.1bllc works is essent1al to an is to the best interests of the APplicant, an to the end tha t such tJ1,b 11c works me y be prov1ded B~ promptly as prBct1cablr it 1s des:'Lrable that action preliMinary to t1-:e Con!:' trnc t lon thereof be 11f1derta ken :lJT11"''''(::iately; 2. "'ha t Arnold M. Swanson, lfaynr of the City of Bozeman, Montana be hereby authorized to file in behalf of the Ap~lic9nt an 9p~lic8tion (in form rS011ired by the United States and :in conformity wtth said Act) for an advance to be made by the TTnlted States to the Applicant to aid in defra~1ng the cost of p18n prepa!'atlnD for the above described public works, whi~~ shall cons 1st ~enerally of prsl!rnlnary engineering work rS81]ired for checking of grades, soil surveys and tests, investigation of available materials, design of typical pave- ment s '.'C tion, engineerin~ field study of drainage Areas, preparation of preJimin- I a r" reno,...t on dra InaQ"B S trl1c tures rel111 i r8d in connec tion wi tn proros r-~d st.reet pa vomen t. 3. Tha t If ~1'ch ae)vence be made, the Appl ~cAnt ~.:h811 pro'\'lde or make neces,'arv ~ a rranC;Bmen ts to provjcle such flmds, 11'1 add:'ition to the advance, a f' ma y be - 109 required to defray the cost of the plan preparation of such public works; 4. The sa:id Arnold JIlT. Swans on, Ma yar of tha City of Bozeman, Montana is hereby authorized to furnish such information and take such other action as may be necessary to enable the Applicant to quallf~T for the advance; I 5. The t the officer designa ted in the preced::tng paragraph 1s hereby deslgna ted as the authorized representat:i~''3 of the Applicant for the purpose of furnish- ing to the United States such information, data, and documents pertaining to the application for an advance as may be reouired; and otherwise to act as tbe author- ized representative o~ the Applicant in connection with this application. 6. That ce~tifjed caple? of this resolution be included as part of the applica- t:t.on for an Advance to be submitted to the United States. Passed and adopted b~r the City Commission at its regular meetlng on the 17th day of April, 1957. 4~(J e~ A TTE2,T : I State of Montana ) County of Gallatin ) ss I, L.G. Shadoan, Clerk of the Commission of The City of Bozeman, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was published by title and number in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a newspaper of general circulation printed and published in said City in the issue of the 22nd day of April, 1957, and that due proof of such publication Is on file in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto set my hand and affix the corporate seal of my office this 23rd day of April, 1957. ~S~ / ~.. J ..... .S- ~A>ct------? ---C'~ 6 er ~f the Comm sslon I Resolution No. 833