HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 832 Vacate portions of West Curtiss Street 106 COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 832 A RESOLUTION OF THE COMTlfISSION OF THE CITY OF J.-I,OZEMAN. MONTANA, DECLARING IT TO BE TIm INTENTION OIi' SAID COM- MIS8I0]\T TO VAC/\TE PORTIONS OF WEST CURTISS STF~ET IN SAID CITY OF BOZEMAN. WHEFEA S , certain property owners owning property abutting on a portion of I We~t Curtiss Street lying within Warre Rearran~e~ent of a portion of West Side Addition :in the C1ty of Bozeman have presented to the City Commission a petitjon asking the City Commission to institute the necessary proceedingB to vacate portions of West Curtiss Street in Baid City of Bozeman; and WHEPEAS, 1 t appear~ the t the ~l1me m~ y be veca ted w~. tho1l t de trimen t to the public interest. NO'iJV, THKPgF 0 Rl': , BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSIO~T OF THE CITY OF BOZE}"AN: Section 1 Declaration of Intention It is hereby declared to be the intention of the Commission of The City Of Bozeman to vac8te the followin~ described portions of West Curties Street in the said City of Bozeman: Those portions of West Curtiss Street extending from the east line of said Werre Rearrangement to the east line of 13th Ave. So. ; from the west line of 13th Ave. So. to the east line of 14th Ave. So.: and from the west line of 14th Ave. So. to the east line of 15th Ave. So. subject to ob5e~tion of owners of property affected by such proposed vacation, in accordance with the provisioDR of Sect10n 11-3310 of the Revised Codes of I '~on tana, 1947. Section 2 Time for Objection That the regular meeting of the Commission of the City of Bozeman to be held on Wednesday the 24th day of April, 1957, at the hour of 1:00 o'clock P.M. of said day, at the Commission Room in the City Hall Building, Bozel'J"lan, Montana, is the time when and the place where the City Commission w511 constder and pass upon ob .1ections to said proposed vacation and the City Manager 1s directed to g~ve notice thereof in the manner and for tbe t:iJ'l"e as provided in sald Section 11-3310 of the Revised Codes of Montana, 1947. Passed and adopted b~T the City Comrni~sion at its T'egu1ar meeting held on the 17th day of April, 1957. 4~/ C-~i~'.. .<, eyor ATTEST: I .;(~1k~~-r~/ - Clerk of the City Commission 107 NOTICE NOTICE OF HEAPING ON RESOLUTI~N NO. 832 OF THE CITY COM- ~/rISSION OF THE CITY OF EOZEMA}; DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO VACA TF: PO'PTIONS 01:;1 WEST CUPTI~~S STREET IN THE CITY OF BOZE1v"AN I NOTICE IS I-JER.EBY GIVEN: That the Commission of the City of Bozeman has adopted a resolution declaring it to be the intention of said Commission to pass an ord1nance vacatinR portions of West Curtiss Street in said G1tv describpd a~ .' ' ' ~, ". follows: Those portions of West Curtiss Street extending from the east line of said Werre Rearrangement to the east line o~ 13th Ave. So.; from the west line of 13th Ave. So. to the east line of l4t~ Ave. So.; and from the west line of 14th Ave. So. to the east 1~ne of 15th Ave. So. t~e City Commission bein2 of the opinion, after due consideration, the t said petition may be granted without etriment to the public interest and should be gran tec1 in the public interest. And notice is further hereby ~iven that any and all objections to the passage and adoption of such en ordinance of vacation will be heard and considered by the City Commission at its regular meeting to be held on Wednesday, the 24th da; of April, 1957, at the hour o~ one o'clock P.M. at the Commission Room in the City Hall Buildinp', Bozeman, Montana. Dated this 17th day of April, 1957. I ~e<-L, C1 ty Mana",er State of Montana ) County of Gallatin ) SS I, L.G. Shadoan, Clerk of trlB Commission of The Ci ty of Bozeman, do hereby certify that the foregoing ResolutIon was published by title and number in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a newspaper of general circulation printed and published in said City in the issue of 22nd day of April, 1957, and t::tat due proof of such publication is on file in 1111 office. IN ;ITTNES8 V~IEREOF, I hereunto set my hand and affix the corporate seal of my office this 23rd day of April, 1957. ~ ~ ,a~:~~~---~~~- , ar' 0 the Commission State of Montana ) sn County of Gallatin ) ..:> I, L.G. Shedoan, Clerk of the Commission of 'The City of Bozeman, do hereby certify that the foregoing Notice was published at length in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a newspaper of general circulation printed and published in said city in the issue of April 21st, 1957 and that due proof of such publication is on file in my office. IN WIT~mSS WHEREOF, I hereunto set my hand and affix the corporate se81 of my office this 22nd day of April, 1957. I ~.~j:' f/ . '&i~~ o;/~~~;i;~;;: Resolution No. 832 --