HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 829 Cancelling Certain SID's lOt CJMMT~~,S Ton PE2)JL urI:n; ""IC. U2() .. !~. RB~.;';)T..,T.;r.rI\JTJ ")F' TT-T~~ C'~~.1r,,:lT:;J.r;I''')~'7 OF Ir~!~~<: Clrr~{ err GO~~3T.~.:,tl\,-n '~A'TCST.IT~T~~~r ;J}i1 nJ.,,~~C':)T~~) ::::ET>'rlT:T SPECIAL P!tPPo'n;;~mN'I' DIS'['PICT MID NII~;CELL1\T\mJn;; 'NALK AND curB LTi\JIL- TTY A_CC01T1'T'T'3 TiT 'TlTT}i: tI\1<)1TNT;; l~l\fD In 'I'Tm SPECIAL TI\lPPOvETnWl' lJI3TF:IC'T'3 pr~) T.~::SC:S:L:,""n:)F:) 'Nf,LI\ (,""m CUP0 1301\J"83 Trp,r'Epr SPECIF'u:;r), ';'TfE LI!\'nr.lmv:)T' 'V'TTCLI TIt;') 'lI~E1IJ :-CXTPJ('; UISHED :)", 'Tin":: 1\ "?~)TIcr'T'TJT\T OP milE S'j'NrUT': UP T.Tr'O:Tl\'rIC)VS OP O'T"!:';P LI,'~IS or 'rTu: S'2!\Tl:W LJ)iT'T'I,nl\. 'N'ISrml\S" the C::;y C)f Doze:no;'l lv:s of l'f~COr() certni.r1 Spec:thl Ir:'lprove':lont D:8:;1.-1e:~ I 1i""1i+-I." <1 ('('f)'J"+-C' 1nrUT'rp() 0'" """"")1."'1 Y)r..-i.or. +-0 T<'8."r1.1'-"lO'T 0t)" J(01) t-hr> C""'.',1.f'.'.bf'1Y1C' "'<' "()tli)'V'" ! 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T>w'::. the li8bilitYJf such SpeciHl Improvement Dintr:tct and !''!'iseul1eno)lls ''fFlk fFld Clrb ~)()~ld liabl1i.1~:r 8CGOimts hns been extln{~u.ished by reDSO:-1 of 8poll(~ntiorJ ,.If' the ~)tat11t(, of LlmiLatl:Jns or ot.her 18W~] of the Stete ,.)f fkmtana. 'nwt the f'or0c()ln(~ rlescr'1becl Specl81 Improvement D:L10t':LCt Bond:; And l\ascc811Dno)w3 1.Vn,1 k frli ,] C '.lr b 3-HH}c,IUS t be Tires e n t; erl foy' pc yr:1eD t to the Director' of' FinAne e of thf~ C if Y of' 3JZ,f":'nD."J withIn thl.:r.ty (30) days fP),:l the first publicnti'm 'Jf this 'Totico. 'l'hnt on [:;rid efter thirty dcys fy'arn the f'ir~Jt; publication uf V)-l~> ll:Jtice [ill n:il\ - j,~on ()(' thc::;:i.-ty o~ 3:);cn"1[J1'1 ()y, thn ~)a1tl I:Ii"cell8neolJ.,:; ':Vnlk 8.nrl Curb bO"ilJs Lnd ,)f i.:~I; rc;~;- ncctlve ')P(~(~i[i] T".l;)rOV("~~lont D1.str'tet.tJ;'l:l::1bercd 170,17.) f},.,d 1[~7 'Ntll be c.Jrls:L.derc,l f'111- f'lled, t"lC ;)fC,id :J!)nds sholl ceAsn tn be cr.rr'iec1 a" n:l 1':)lltsr3n:ldlnrj;.ncle))tedl1'.,.:')~,>,f f::;~t11cr t}-lO Cl"t:r ~f .~J:.~I zn:';'\EY'l, Ol~ ~",Tl(';, ~.~(~;-;~c:(~~.~\J(.; Speclr:l TmI)roVcl1en.t I)j.~.jtl]~Ct~3.., ~:in,:"1 t'h.r~t, p'u't.');.} .~.c~.;t I....) I"'V """..1 ""'~]l'~""""""(;'--+-'''C'' 1)" j-l--E" ^\-I''''',,~ ()F' thA c~-t-"rt' E'X"'Y:11fley' (')" tilC:" ,~,."f..p' .~,-I' ',.r'n+""")'" ',I" . c..'~ [.-.1.".... (',~, 'A..:-' '..If .,1.. "",/ :...'jJ., (-< I \.It::.....4 l,../ oJ']..' 1,..1 :_.....,~..:.. '..J- ....,~ .J',,)I.:'.,i ,"", ,....J (....:, ~.J I, .:.,,' ~ ,.) "..t, '... --' .-,', .\j. ,',.. 'n-c....,, (..+1 I 1,1).1; ~)8..J..d S.PU.'Cif..il Inp:r.ov():.~ent DLlt}.:(~j; Dr1rl I:Il.'3Ce1lnnc;o"X', :'{nlk an(1 C.UY'b 1:tf'~)il1+;7 i:lCCJlJ'lL3 will (Yo GI-.'>;<:hJled of record [,nd the lif1:)i11 ty ext 1.11guL';f1pr3 . Th,-,t)), Ene1 r:-:'tor tlJirt.y dn7s fro!'! the fLrst publlcntiJn of' tI-J.L\ notic~e, r:ny en:J nIL cD<Jh bn18ncGs Y'em8intnr~ ~.n ecch renl EJ11 of' trio lifbllit:r I-ICGOilnt:; i)~' JI-:'J Miscol1a- qei)'):, ''nlk ~CjDd C1H'b b()'~c1::; bnd Speclnl Ir:lT)Y'over:1Cnt Dtstrlcj~::; listed. hJrGin ~1hf111 :)c trLn:,- fCl"red to the SpeclfJ1. Improveme'1t Distl't(~t Revolving Fund of the CU." of Jozerw'l. D,-,to:l thin 9th (Jay of ,Jrmiwr:r, A.D. lX~7. By order ,)f' the CY:1m:i :)sicm 0-1' 'rhe C:i.t'T of Bozmns'1. yo:) ..et / c./-1 ' - Cler]-:: of the City Co"nmj"~1L)n Pu~)li8hed hi t1"" BO;",()":1Fl1i D8~1'T Chr.Y1'T.cle Jan1l8:r'y 11 th, l~)~;7. Stste of Montana ) County of Gallatin ) ss I, L. G. Shadoa~, Clerk or the Commission of The City of Bozeman, do hereby certify that the foregoing Notice, Commission Resolution No. 829 was published at length, i~ the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published in said City, in the issues of January 11th, 18th, and 25th, 1957, and that due proof of such 'I publication is on file in my of'fice. In WITNESS 1~EREOF I hereunto set my hand and affix the corpo~e seal of my office this 26th, day of January, 1957. /1~~'" . ~ ~7 v.,).~. . ~ Clerk of the City Commission