HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 828 SID's Due and Payable .- !J9 :) O~..:!y: I ~)S TOT'; ?ESOL TIT ION 1\JO. q')f~ \.) L \j A P'!;:~30T,TT''''TYJ ,"jP 'pm co i'PTT(:; S T 1)1T )I~ THE C I ';'V 0 p Tl,()ZE,'.IlI.H DECLAPPJC cr:P'rJ\ TN S?"SCTM f., ~);;r;;SST,nN Irs AP J T~T:)'T' 1\ Lu,mN'fl ~.) OF' SPRr;IM AS 3 T~S sr"IT~'''~~J!:I~ s , ')['R {'\TD PAYA',LE NOVSN:3SR 30TH, 195f) , Mm TT1'TPAID AS OF TrJl,'r DfI. TE , Ann CTI;RT1\rJ () 'J' H~R SPEC IA T, ^ SSSSSTL,1E~'Jl1S A1\TD PI S'~A T,LLTEN'T'S OF' SPECL^, L M:;SESSi:1E?T'TS, DTrE p,1\TiJ Pl-, v,f" GT,P HOliSM') :"I\ 3 0'I':1 , lO[~6 pm P'TPt ID, DELIlJQrmnT, f,S prOVIDED gv orDIH/\ 1\JCE ]'J). [~ql , :;;1\";' T TIED: - .../ .,j '" ~. ." L!.. , "AN URDIlTMTCE PWJVIDUTr; r'cp 'rEE COLLECTION OF TAXES ;::x xxx xx, A1m T'n;; C(,r~IJEC - 'f I 0 'J 0" SPEC 1)\1, !\ S SESSLTEnrr S , xx" IIND SECTrO'! 11-~?33, POLITICAL CODE, p . " xxx c. " 19L7 j.'l.. , 1 Section l. ~,.vT.rErn:~A S , P 1.1Y' nl; I' ""I t t () t:.hr; ::n' 0 If t .') 1 0 '", ~; Of' SectIon 10, Op(Unen(~e Nn. 1'.,1, .) /~, , 0'ltitled: " A'l ()Y'r] j n [,'lC () 'II' () v'1 Ij ~.'n (" "or t1-IA col1c()t ton of ta xes n ':.i.(~ fa :r' th.e col1oeti un xx xxx u.r SpcCJ.Eil n [.; ~) C :3 ~) .., C :l t ~3 "I)'" "'r Y.:xx " \..... tr,.,.LC Di Y'Cc tor C) ~ F"~~r1nrlcf~ ~'1.e::'i 1)re~)nrpc1 ~'.tn, (} ro... 1 () d w -L +; h the C . . of The G:i t7 ". '~-\uze~.n'l Oliiiill. ,'; O3:L 0 r') ) I n ruroY' I~ ~~) ,:} owl nL~ ~'h " :3pec tnl a:l::3 0:") ~""nent s and ins tE' 11:'1en j',.s of ~)pec:Lal r.; ;J .:-; n 3 S r.1 n Y1 t ~'.j . rIlle I" ,C ond -0n~T[):)'! () ~Jo '10mb ()r 30th, lqq) cn d unpDi d as of t}l: t; dstc; [':tel ./ ---" . , S e c t;:i on ') ',vTrn;p~~t\ S , The Cor::mtssion hs 'JlnC; exarLined ~HJi d Y'p'1)()rt r:18 rked Sched'l1 e to , " Co., .. i\ , 8nd Section 3. mmPEP,S, 'Th.e CO(~1r1l ss ion 0 f' 'T'be City of Bozeman deem,s l. ~ ;'~ (~C e ~'1 ~3 f:J.. r-"t.! [i n d Draper, "1~, order th,n t~ tJ-l e interests of The C:i.ty of Doze:nnn end tho:-;e pcr'~;Jns h:"Jldin,'.-: S[Joc'.1Bl Imnr"JV8:-:1Ant Di ,; tr jet Bond" of the ,3 e"er~ll I f1pro \T e':len t Dl. stricts wherein special R n s e~:3 S:1('.~~q ~~ ~~ [J r-e -U.Yl,[)D i (}, "" c' her") ~ n '; 8 t rortr1, ShF 11 be properly pI'O tee ted, th('; t nl1 :3uch ("-' speej[Jl C:3 ;'~ C ~.J J r'le""l. t. .~) 1.1. w]/or : "i;; tollnent s of ~3 urh ~.-Jpocjb1 r, S~Jos~J:J1ents, W'1ic'1 Are un riA 1 d , ~ " herein ::11:~ t fo rtl-1, FI !1;1 r 11 :;',Jcrl spectal ~J ~:~ .~ e S 8 mn '1 t ,~} ond/or i "s t F 11 me n t ~3 ::)f ~3 :1 C~ '1'1 ~) ,0 H C i. [; [. c..., ":.J Fl.:'1:) 2 1'.1:"1 ~""'"J. ~ ~ , wh 1 c ~'"I n T'le due ~.~ 11 rj nr:70.ble, ' 11 'uc declr,l'(oc] de ll.nqucn+:, End G cr' (;1 f1 e;] to :) .';'[1 I +: 1y; c~) -:~n t~T Cl (.!"j',~,c :(\.:: PC) ()!)r r] er f:: n cJ t~le Co un t;'T Tr e 8 s ur p, r of the County !)f l~nlJ..2.t~~ -P::)r c;l- 1 c c tiJ "1 .' ," ot":I:cr de 1 inqllont tnxes, nnr1. t112 '.-, tho ;;r'oT)ert~r [,:lcl/or- prop crt IJ~:J '^1C ',' be ~.') 'J 1. (~ ',' ~-) +. ~.'; f;. 1"1 e r', ,'., a tl~r:):' n r:) lie rt ~r ; " ~:) (')ld f' :)1' tn'x'es; c.; () .L " N 0':; , r~TTBPET1,JnE , BE T':' P-SSOLV2D TF THE COI11rn;;:} TJN U,;, I[1TIE CIr~v OI~ =3()~'~E't\,1l\ tI'J: ~)ee Lion }'. ~ r-'" 1 ~ n ~- :.1 1] .. J ~}. ;:j :; e 3 S:11 :,~,~ ,l-~_ t ~:3 and :tnstnll.:>,cn ts of ,-;peeTe] ;] ::.:; ~3 ,::) ~'3 :3 ~"1 (~fl t;1 ., .1. : lc. I., ~) 1") 0 C [, D __ 'Lw 0:1/1 .pa.yncJlc 'T b 30th, l. 9:; '->, find unpaid 8S of thot dnte, as set f,)rt', ~;e ~ e :1,1 e )"JD\rnr.....l._ Dr ;., ; 1 "l\ " heY'otu r,ttr)che(] n~1J '~; ~j '''1 e F..! pL 1"t he1'oo "', be fond tho SO~le 1'1'0 }lCr()i',y, declcre'l d ~~ 1; nq .) .,;,-!.. : Sectton [~ ThnL t1l f:: T"Hrectop of F~.nance lJe, C' ncl lw ~ '" hereby directed t.) cort'''.! - .LIo-.) 51] sI.'JeclFJl B s ~ '~:~2 C1v;l(~~tS 2nd ; n s t [1 11 ;n en t s of' special n 8 S0S r~in.erlt~), c1 01 j n q uo 11 t r: s .hore 1.'~i ~;ro vJ rJ e (1 r~ n u r E:; "hO'IV"': b ~') [1 ':i_:~ " S c h e d 111 e A", to t1-18 Conn t't Cle rk ,>:.; R '>,corder <~ nd Cl):]~i .~.~/ 'IY'Pel~; \J1"or 'I) ,... t1-'le C:);mt~r ,")'" Gn.11nt-i..~ rop Gal1uct~()n [.) .'-?, ():,lccr ]e1i'lquc"lt toxe.,>, c.~ tJ ,) Y'O v : ,] ,." I) ~' '1"\.... 1.. G"',''/; S';ct:tOr! 6. Th[, t 'N i. th :t'j 1; (.) >; (10 ) d n 7r s f'r 0':1 IJneJ f'ro t e r thp f'il1nr; of' :>~; ; d G PI' t: f' ..~. c! t. e , DR Cl .("I (J r e .s l~ ~. d th,') T\ 1. 1:'1 0 (~ +: :~) y' /.).("'1 Fl.nDnCe ,;h.nJ.l pu~1i,:;h. .:_ -~~l ':Jno t ~) ~1 U G of' +;li e :l:):.~c;"'1rn )':: n~y C1lY"Jniel,; , IT ') +: i c ('~ pre)v~.,]C() , ::>octlon 13 0: [1 n i 11 ') 1 . ~r 0 . r~ C)) . " '-j C'"i :')\T I, r:l'1"nce (.. ,) ---- .... ',. , Section 7 'i110 ~ .j~y! (~} C:,')l.1.!'ll:~., rr!'(,:ri~3~lrcr 3h.oll :!II' () c: e e d to the callectJo'1 of' 1'::11 :.) p ~,; c '1. r~) J_ I . "I n ~'-.i n e ::,), oS;'10 n t ~:'.J -1. ":) ~) t n 1 ~,. .",.! .,~r: t ~> () ..('t ~,; po C .~D! [:1 .' 3 ~ 8 :) ~1 [1 0 n t s , [} S ~:3 0 t ('C)rt~l 1'1 snid Sc l],e c~ 1.,11 (_.~ "A": tl"l:..'; +- t1'10 23 n ":le :>"1011 be S ;,.) r e f~ d TJ'n1 100 )f' ~nll~\tl_n ,- ," i,l' C) '/ i (~(' J i',)~~ SAC+:iJ'i ULJ-)l(J} n ~.1(1 :~,), _!: 10,1, ~-,n z; :-;c~(:t:~,O~1 11-??J3, P,,)l'_ ;.~,CI'J CQjr-; , c', .") 'f( r -r,~ 1 :-) I, r, . , 10 ,../. .., ...... L II Sect~()n C). i'r""~ (, t t"lC '-;ire,,;: tor of' F:1;-H:lilce, undcr the di-r-cctton i,J f' the C j, t ~r ~.\l.8 ~'l~J c:er, 8 h (' 11 , a +-, t Le V:] nt +l~,... L; r';,C3 G':) J plfjcc~ - ... tlle ::wlr; of r":J;)Cl' ':~7 for :le1 tnquw;t tC:;,X(~~':!I [:} ~~ pr'-) \.f1 deil 1::; ";T .J : ,1 ,... () I :) (-:,~ ;-~ \:.~ ") Y"'J.. 1 r:, ')"f ~-1nl:1 ~') rd. :..nf~ r1.('~ 0 No. r~ ')), . -- .,.'; , ?) r.~ ~.,~ '~~ ~ ; .-) r" 1'1. fTl"'\" .l- n CO'iY {)f' U':i~1 E e :~, J Iu t l)~" , t.(),cethnr "Il :--1-' SC'}l(~("~'~1.~~ " f. " n "1- t n C~ T"t ~,::~ d nd ~a,le I L (~,n ;.1 .' nf- r. L tJ1ereo:' .' :1hr,11 CJn o:r bofore tho lOth dn7i i) [' De c 1,:;~'"'1 :=,: n r , 1, ,) [,~ f-) , 1)0 rUed wit:-], the C01.1~-Jty 0.. ,....... -; :':~ 'Y,1.(' P ~ necorJcr an'] 1;\:1e C():Jnty rrren 311r~Ar} of t~l,O 'u 0 1 ] :'1 t :T of' Gn11ot1'-): ~ ,L. 11. '1'11 r t Ei~tn,c}'-led t"h.u 'l')(~ t '~j r~~J l'-'ln (10 " part shore,J:' >~l'~n 11 be n certiPie8te of c.) (:'~ (~ 1..,,1. '.') 'j) (} the ";ir3CtUY' of F\niJ"'tce fl. ~1 or 0 vi.;l cd by ~2(;ct~ O~ 1? 0'" E3 {3 ~. d. Or C}-i_ ';nne e !To. L:011 -"," . ~ I' [j S ~:~, (~ c1 and [J (lD;) te c1 by 1;:-18 G ()'t1 Tl1., :0 :3 j 0 n :') f' The C 1. t ',r :) p ij:.') "::',1;: '.....tf:::: r:, t r". .~ r 0 !-~11I f. r ; ',~ (; ":; -j ") 'i-I t"lere- 0(' 1," 1 (~ 0':1 +-1.., ,...." r" -1-"1 (18 -,r ~) f' D e (~ on b () r , }):-;6. .' 1 ~ j "~I l\~~t(,)~;t: 'i .1" /""? ,/,1 4~~l (;f~b :Lj/;:;-z=-;,~--~--~-<---~' C~l, ~., r l: 0 f' t hA C .....):~m. ~ S ~) -i" :J n Pr:l'T 0"1'" - . ..Co _! ... ;)tfctc )f 7',/1 ~I~l ~,f y~ a ) ) 3::1 C :''') \ :; ";'"1. .j.~, ~! ,-, f' e,n}, 1. 0. t \. -.."; ) ..,.I J. T T S '(\[.1 (lO pVl , C1 or ~{ ()f the C ,) ~:1r~15?; '1\ on ,."... ..(" l'jll:,e C'; t"".T :]"r "?'o zc'''~nJ ,} [1(;1' ~~ ~)~T cer-ti ['~! . ,. . 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L'~~ :J ~::l~ ~J (t, "<:T C) f' 1) C e e '1. too r " 1 \Ir)h. ~_,,/) . / .J . ~<,::/ y' J - . ,:/) ,if~ -~~-'-~~:-'~-?"- Cl~r1{ - '-' f' t)"J~ v()f!1:^n ::;c,.~~_ . I F (,~ S ,,) J "1.':, t ~!.. .';~l " :.~ ?{J ~ ... .