HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 820 Creating SID 388, lighting system 78 COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 820 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, CHEATING A SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT, TO BE KNOWN AS SPECIAL IMPROVE- MENT LIGHTING DISTRICT NO. 388 FOR THE PURPOSE OF OPERATING AND MAINTAIN- ING A LIGHTING SYSTEM TO LIGHT MENDENHALL STREET FROM THE EAST LINE OF NORTH THIRD AVENUE TO THE WEST LINE OF NORTH CHURCH AVENUE, SAID LIGHTING SYSTEM TO BE INSTALLED AND PAID FOR BY THE MONTANA POWER COMPANY, ALL UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF AND IN CONFORMITY WITH SECTIONS 11-2245 to 11-2257 INCLUSI VB" OF THE REVISED CODES OF MONTANA, 1947, PURSUANT TO AND IN CON- I FORMITY WITH COMMISSION RESOLUTION NUMBER 815 OF SAID CITY COMMISSION AS PASSED AND ADOPTED BY SAID CITY COMMISSION ON THE 22nd DAY OF AUGUST, 1956. WHEREAS: The City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, on the 22nd day of August, 1956, passed and adopted Commission Resolution No. 815 declaring it to be the intention of said Commission to create a Special Improvement Lighting District No. 388 of said City for the purpose of installing and maintaining a lighting system to light Mendenhall Street from the East line of North Third Avenue to the West line of North Church Avenue, said lighting system to be installed and paid for by the Montana Power Company, all under the authority of and in conformity with Sections 11-2245 to 11-2257 Inclusive, of the Revised Codes of Montana, 1947, which said Resolution, of record and on file in the office of the Clerk of said City Commission and open to the inspection of the public, is hereby referred to for further particulars; and WHEREAS: Due proof has been made that service of notice of the adoption of said Resolution No. 815 was duly made and given as by law provided; and Wh'EREAS: At the time and place fixed in said Resolution No. 815 for the making and filing of protests against the creation of said proposed Special Improvement Light- ing District No. 388, to-wit, at the hour of 1:00 o'clock P.M. on Wednesday, the 12 th I day of September, A.D. 1956, being a regular meeting time of said City Commission, at the Commission Chamber in the City Hall building of the City of Bozeman, there were no protests made or filed against the creation of said Special Improvement Lighting Dist- rict No.. 388; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF 'BOZEMAN: Section 1 Creation and Purpose That there be, and there is hereby created a special improvement district of the City of Bozeman to be known and designated as Special Improvement Lighting District No. 388, for the purpose of installing and maintaining a lighting system to light Mendenhall Street from the East line of North Third Avenue, to the West line of North Church Avenue, said lighting system to be installed and paid for by the Montana Power Company, all under the authority of and in conformity with Sections 11-2245 to 11-2257 inclusive, of the Revised Codes of Montana 1947, pursuant to and in conformity with Commission Resolution No. 815 of the Commission of the City of Bozeman, passed and adopted on the 22nd day of I August, 1956, which said Commission Resolution No. 815 declares it to be the intention of said City Commission to create said Special Improvement Lighting District No.. 388 for the purposes aforesaid, and which said Commission Resolution No. 815 is of record and on file in the office of the Clerk of said City Commission in the City Hall Building, Bozeman, is open to the inspection of the public, and is hereby referred to for further "" part1_culars. 7!J Section 2.. Boundaries The boundaries of said Special Improvement Lighting District No.. 388, hereby created, are defined and described as follows: I Beginning at a point on the East line of North Third Avenue located 40 feet North of the North line of Mendenhall Street, thence Easterly 40 feet North of and parallel to the North line of Mendenhall Street to a point on the West line of North Tracy Avenue; thence Northeasterly across North Tracy Avenue to a point on the East Line of North Tracy Avenue located 40 feet North of the North line of Mendenhall Street; thence Easterly 40 feet North of and parallel to the North line of Mendenhall Street to a point on the West line of North Church Avenue; thence Souther- ly along the West line of North Church Avenue to a point 40 feet South of the South line of Mendenhall Street; thence Westerly 40 feet South of and parallel to the South line of Mendenhall Street to a point on the East line of North Tracy Avenue; thence South- westerly across North Tracy Avenue to a point on the West line of North Tracy Avenue located 40 feet South of the South line of Mendenhall Street; thence Westerly 40 feet South of and parallel to the South line of Mendenhall Street to a point on the East line of North Third Avenue; thence Northerly along the East line of North Third Avenue to the point of beginning.. Section 3.. Character of Improvements The character of the improvement to be made in said Special Improvement Lighting District No.. 388 is the erection and installation of 31 luminaires with 10,000 lumen lamps on 6 foot brackets mounted approsimately 30 feet high on metal poles, poles to be staggered on alternate sides of the street at 100 foot spacing.. Power is to be fed by I a single overhead wire running down one side of Mendenhall Street and back up the other side, and the installation shall be equipped with all necessary appliances for the safe and proper operation of the system. Section 4.. Frontage of District, Estimate of Cost of Maintenance and Electrical Current and Method of Assessment. The estimate of the cost of maintaining such lighting system and supplying current therefor is the sum of One Thousand Five Hundred Ninety-Six and no/lOO Dollars ($1596..00) per year, of which total seventy-five per cent (75~) is to be assessed aginst the property within the district on a front foot basis, and twenty-five (2 5~) per cent is to be paid by the City of Bozeman.. The estimated rate of assessment per year per front foot of the property within the district is $0..24694873 per front foot.. Section 5.. . Payment . Special Improvement Lighting District Number 388 is established for the purpose of paying the operating and maintenance cost of such lights only which said operation and I maintenance will include the furnishing of electric current, all lamps as needed, and the maintenance of poles, cables, and other incidental items.. The entire installation cost of such lights will be borne by the Montana Power Company.. The portion of the cost of maintenance and electrical current payable by the City of Bozeman will be paid direct- ly by the City of Bozeman and the portion to be assessed against the property within the district will be assessed and paid annually as provided by law. Resolution No. 820 _no .- -- 80 Passed and adopted by the Commission of The City of Bozeman at a regular session thereof held on the 19th day of September, 1956. 4~{ .~~ ~ Mayor- ATTEST: I J'/~ "', .,' ,:' , 4!.-'~, ) ,i/'",..,/ ~~-:~--C:'-~~ ~&lerk of the City Commission :---; i"L. +~, :'~ ":'\ r.-\ ),l L,nD ) ) ,:0 ("'I .:)':) C ('J 1 J 11 t ~l D'" ~.~ ,~. 1 1 r": t, .:_ ;". I ) T ~-; ~".'i. r; ! ,c Y', , i~,~ 1 (; 'Y) .~, .;- ().f"' j,":. ':'1 (,~ :~"") '"1t".,1. 1 ,-; ~'~ ~. ~)"il 0'" t '~l. ~"J G -~, t~r ,-, " '~3 n 71 0.~",': L ~~l , d,C) ""i"iI'cby (~ C T') t; 't f Y' , . . 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