HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 817 Taxes for Sprinkling Streets, 1956 C9 )~ cmnr:;: SS ION RESOLUTI0E NO. 817 'I PESOLFTH)r-T OF T"FT"2 cm.'!1InSSTON OF TIm CITY OF BOZEl\~AN LEVYING l. t,Ni) A3:;ESSP:O ~, ::')PECI^LASSES:~M~~1',TT OF Tl\XES UPON ALL TIT;:'; PROPER- .:-c TY pJ 3 TP[iY T 3 f-'T<HTKL TNG Dr JT?-IC rr;-3 OF 'T'HE CITY OF B 02EM AN, C O~T1'TTY OF ,'r T T ,~fT1T\T S'I'i\'J'E OF M01l'TM':A, TO DEFRAY SEVENTY-FIV"~ PERCENT OF \ J ,. , .,,," ~ .~. I, . , Tn I!; !::;OS'T' OF S'P?INKLPTG STR;:<;ETS dITFIN SAID STREET SPRINKLING DIS- I T'rICT:_) 0':" TITS CITv OF B()Z'L!:~~,r!I\T FOn T11L': YEAR J 956. WHEHEi\S, the City Cnunc11 nnd the COJ:1rnissinn nf the City of Bozeman have hereto- fore duly nnd rHc:lll?rly passed Council 8.nd Com'TIissIon Resohl":ions creat1ng Street Sprjnkl- ing Distr~ct3 within tLe CIty of JozeJ:1sn and definin~ th e bOlmctflric: s thereof snll providing L _ for the 'l[".,,~,.:j~'\.:~--+- nf tbn cost of sprinkling the s arr:e DS set forth in Reso1uti0~3 hero- inafter referred to; and ~vV}rE 'R~'~1-1. S , the s t l' e c t s W:i. th 1 n the bounds.ries of said Street Sprinkling Districts have been sprlnklecl d,lriw7: the year 1956, as contemplated in said Resolutions, in accordRnce with the terms and cOledi t:lons thereof: and Vm.2: P..EA S , tJ:-~e Street Sprinkling Districts and the Eo solutions cre8. t:ng the samE::, U:e totAl frnntnge of the property w1thin said district to be Gssessed, tr.e to ta 1 c 0 s tor said sprinklinp within soid districts and the proportlon thereof chargesble t'J the prop- erty tberein is hereinafter set fer th . r J 0 ~JV T I-.T ~.:~ ~ ,~.~ :~' :~ 0 T~,E , p\1r~1-:::o.T' t to tl'":le provisions of Section 11-2263 to 11-2267 inclusive, h~ . ('< M 1947 nT':J. Ordinance No. 295 And said Council and CornissIon Resolutions erea tirg v . 1'; . , ssid Street Srr1nkl~~~ Clstl'1cts; I 3~ 11' T'ESOLVL'~D^v=-j IT IS HE:1fi;:::;Y OI\i)l:C;lED BY Tl:T;: Cm~~5I;-)~)I01T OF' TEI<.; CITY OP I3 OZ1~~t.I\ 1J , STA Tl~: or ~WT!T ,\'!'TA : Section 1. ~t!,,9 t ~ () r the year 1 ('1 t::.p, the City of Boze~an has waived the sprinkling ~ssess~e~ts ~, '", -', of the ~o11nw!~p d1strtcts: 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 14~, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, ID8, 199, 204, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 232, 233, 234, (""j'z r:: 236, 237, 238, and 256; tha t for the ye8.I' 1955, Gt..Jv, . the City of 3oze~an has defrayed the cost ($1800.00) nf sprinkling streets in the several streot sprinkling districts pursuant to Resolutions creatlng the same, and seventy-five percent of tt:G en tire C0St thereof (~:1350. 00) exclusive of the cos t of sprinkling pc.\rks ':Ina plJbllc pll1cos, the to t81 nmnber of linear fee t of property to be .'3. s ses seu, '3.nd the ra te per linear foot, 1s AS foJlnws: Sprinkling J1strict Ro. 1, created by Council Resolution No. 424~, Main Street from Wallsce live. to Fourth Ave., a to La 1 fron tore of 0355.9 feo t, the ~ being sum of -!!:1350.00, 75% of the e~tire 8m01Jnt, or at an approximate rate per front foot of $0.14429398. Section 2. Tha t to defray seventy-five percent of the cost of sprinkling streets within said I s tree t sprinklin~ districts for the year 1956, there be, and there is hereby levied and asst:'Jsseu a tax, lJpOn s 11 pr0perty in front of I1nd borderIng on said street sprinkling districts 2S set forth 1n Schedu Ie One hereto 2ttached and made a Dart hereof; th Eta particular description of each lot and parcel of 18.nd with the name of tr~e owner a:nd the sum assessed against him or it, is se t forth in the assessment lists hereto attached, marked Sched ,]10 " On e " 2nd rrade a psrt hereof: tba t the severa1 sums set opposite the _____. n.___._ ....__.__ ._.. .. 70 names of thE; owners, and the described lots and parcels of la nd ::-)8, and the same are hereby leviecl8nd aS~lessed u-non ::;md agslnst s:=d.d 10 ts and parcels of land; t}'!) t the ~\ever.9.1 sums be collected from the respective owners of sald lots and parcels of land described in the said assessment lists, Schedule One, as required by law; the t said sums eba 11 be paid and the collection thereof shall be made in the manner and in accordance wi tt. the law governinp: the coll.ection of specIal improvement taxa s ; that failure to pa y I S1JC~ 8ssessments when the 80"1:8 shall becorre due Elnd payable shall m[',ke such parsons and st1Ch 1 () ts 811d T)~,rce Is of land liable to the penalties provided by law relative to delin- quent taxes. Section :"). The t the regular sess10n of the C omrrj s s ion of the Clty of Bozeman to be held on the 19th day of S8Dte~ber, 1956, at the Com~ission Chamber, City H811 BuildiY'r, be, and the S8me is hereby designated DS the tirre And pIa ce 8 t wh i ch objections to the final 8.doption of thls Resolutlon will be heard by the Commission. SEJction 4. Thnt the Clerk of the Commlssion be, and he is hereby ordered and directed to rmblish in the Bozeman Dnily Chronicle, a daily newspaper printed and Pllbllsr:ed in the said City of Bozeman, 0 notice signed by the Clerk of the Commission, and stating that 8. Resolnti on levying a special assessment of taxes to defray seventy-five per cent of the cns t of' sprinklinp.; streets in the said Street Sprinkling Dlstr1cts for tLe year 1956, is on file in the of fbe of the Clerk of the Comrr'isslon, subject to inspection for a perIod of five days; that said Notice :::1ha 11 s tr: te the time and place at wLich I o::;jections will be heard by the C orrrrd s s i on to the final Adoption of this Resoh1tlonj th8 t it shall be published at least f1ve d8 ys before the da te set by the Comr>'lssion for hearing objections, and the fina 1 Bdopt ~_on of' this Reso1ut1.on. Provisionally passed and Rdopted by the Corr~~ssion of the City of Bozeman at a reg:1JIBr session thereof held on tbo 12th day of Septerrber, 1956. j\ rT1TI~ST : ~.~' ~1:f~~ .----.,- '- .. / -;;// _/ ~. ../ / .__-7' '_~--1:i-J/:'7 ' _/ _,"', ..' .' ".J_ ,',' \ liler. oJ. the C01T::-nlsslon Mo. yor Finally passed and adopted by the Commission of the Cit;; of Bozeman at a regular session thereof held on the 19th day of September, 1956. NrTEST: ~/~/~~ ---.. ," L _J ,,,,~~-"-"--.-~~_.". ? ,. _.-'~'--- .'. . ~ ,/ /~- - ..' -"i '~<7!d<"-, ".__n-.- / . (...... ~ . v' ..... '__. . L ,,,- Clerk of the C01""'~jsston Ma yap I nesolutloc: 1"'1 817 \, ~......... .. ---..-. -- -- 71 .. NOTICE ~-rEI\RnTG r'IFAL ADOP'T'TON cOM~nSSTON BESOLlJTION NO. 817, LEVYING flSSJ':S~)1\fEN'T' OF S E VEJlTTY - FIVE PETICEN'T' OF COST OF SPRINKLING STREETS, STREET SPRTNKLING DISTRICTS FOR THE YEAR 1956. NO'T'ICI'; IS 'TE;::?EllY (';TVEJlT, that at a regular session of the Co~mission of the Clty of I Bozeman held on the 19th day of September, 1956, Commission :Resolution No. Sl 7 was j 1.1 1 Y passed and adopted; that said Commission Resolution No. Rl? levies and aS~Jesses a special aSSGSSl"'!8rt of taxes upon all the property in Street Sprinkling Districts of said Ctty to defray seventy-five percoY't of the cost of sprinkling streets within said Street Sprinkl- ing Districts for the ;Tear 1956. That said Street Sprinkling Districts, and the Resolu tions creating the same, and the Q!T'01m t of the assessme~ts are as follows: Street SprinklinpDistrict No. 1, created by Rosolution No. l 42 4~~, ir: the amoun t of $;1350.00. Tha t, said Resolution No. R17 is now on file in the office of the Clerk of the Commission of ~aid City of B0zc~an s :) b .i e c t to inspection of all persons interested for a period of fi ve dB y S ; th8. t Wednesda y, the 19th day of September, 1956, at 1:00 o'clock P.M. of said day at" rep'ular sesston of the Commission o r th e City of Bozeman, Commission Room, City Hall Buildin~, has been designated as the time nnd place when and where sald Com~iss:ion will hear and pass upon any and all ob~ections that may be made to the final adoption of sAid CCTr'C'ission Resolution No. S17, and the levying of said assassment; and thAt said Resolution will be finally passed and adopted at sDid n~g:_llar s es s ion of SGid I Comm:ssion, subject to such corrections ~nd amendments as may be mado upon ob,iectior::s made and filed within five days lim! t as provided bylaw. Dated this 12th day of September, 1956. c)~4 - Cle rk of the ommission State of Montnna ) ) ss County of Gallatin ) T, L. G. Shadasn, Cl erk of the Commission of The Cot ty o f Bozemen, do hereby certlPy thnt the foregoing Notice, Commission Resolution No. 817 was published at length, and the Commission Resolution No. 817 was published by ti tIe and number in the Boze~an Daily Chronicle, a newspaper of ge~eral circulotion printed and pU.blished in sa ld Ci ty in the is s nes o.f S e p t e') bAr l? t L a'1 d ? 7 t h , 19[)6. and thr: t due proof un '; ;}c h :)ll.[) 1 i e ,.: t: lJ "I ".l ~) l'"' '_li Pile -t ~1 m~T 0 f' I' lee [j S s uc h c 1 to r 1;- . ItJ ~,IVIT~TT~;)S ~..F.T~',~T7'E:JI;; T her- e .]11 to set ti17T hand and nf'fix L f,e ':8rpoY'nte ~':.; e~'j 1 () f' '''1~J 0.pP~ce t'h is ') ,n +-1-- ] q.--. P "'" t ,_', ),. " 19[)6. Coo '..' ,_, .: 1 C. (".... ,1 d J 1..) ( " ;.J e _: l ....1 () 1" , I . I :? ..? , ' ,. " ...' /. / -'.... .:- -' ,;2 ./,J--d-Z'"~--;-z'"~' .. / .-.::::;: Cl erk of the Cern',1;;'; 1)"1 HesC11'J tion No. B17 .. ....