HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 816 Calling a special Election to vote upon additional tax levies for Salaries ___ ______.______ n_._ u_ n7 CON"nSSlOF RESOLLrTION NO. 816 A RESOLt'TION OF 'THE COM1v:TSSTON OF THE CITY OP I30ZEMf,N, MOETA1ITA, C},LLHiG- A SPECli\L ELECTION TO VOTE UPON ADDITIONAL TAX LEVIES IN TEE GEl'TERAL FUND AND STREET FUND OF SAID CITY OF BOZEMAN IN EXCESS OF THE LEVTES IN SAID FUNDS NOW ALLOWED BY LAW FOR THE P;JRPO~)E OF PAvPJG ADDITIONt,L WAGES OR SALARIES TO THOSE REGULAR EMPLOYEES or' TITE SAID CITY 0:;." BOZEMAN WHOSE WAGES OR SALARIES I ARE P,\TD F~OM TEE GENERA TJ FTTND AND STREET FUND. GE IT RE~SOLVED BY THE CITY cm.TrnSSIO~T OP TITE CITY OF GOZEMAN: Section 1. A specinl f~lect:ion is hereby coIled and directed to be held in end for the City of ~ozemnn on ~lJesd8Y the second day of October 1956, for the purpose of voting on tb e que s - tion of whether or not the City Commission of the Ci ty of Bozeman shall be D uthorizcd to mgke an additional levy in the General Fund and Street ~lnd in excess of the levy allowed by law for the purpose of paying Additional wages or snlBries to those regular employees of the City of Bozeman whose wages or sslaries are pa id from the Genera 1 Fund and th(~ Street Fu:rd, the amount of said increase in wages to be at the rate of 15 cents per hour for those regul')r employees employed on an hourly wage basis and at a rate of approximat- ely $25.00 per month for those reR11ar employees who are employed on a monthly salary basis and the salary increases to be effective from January 1, 1957. The estima ted arr.ou:r:t required for the proposed salary or wage increases to be paid from the Gonera 1 F'md for the period January 1, 1957 to ,Juno 30, 1958 and for the proportionate share of the cost of the proposed election to be paid out of the General Fund is approximately $17,750.00, I which will reauire a spocial levy of approximately 2.8 mills in excess of the levy ?llowed by law. The estimated B~~'nt reauired for the proposed salary or wage increases tc be paid frot:' the Street P,md for the period January 1, 1957 to .June 30, 1958 snd for the proportio:rate shDre of the cost of the proposed election to be paid out of the Street Fund is approximately $7,250.00, which will require 8 spec1el levy of approximately 1.2 m::lls in excess of the levy allowed by law. Section 2. At said election all, but only, such registered electors of the City of Boz erran whose names appear upon the last proceeding assessment roll for state and county ta xes shall be entitled to vote upon said proposal. The Clerk of the Comrnission is hereby authorized and directed to vive notice forthwith to the County Clerk of the call of said election. The County Clerk shnll, after giving due notice of closing of the registration books, prepare printed lists of the repistered voters entitled to vote at said election, and shall prep9re poll books for such election for each precinct of the City in the form and manner required by lsw. Section 3. I The Clerk of the Com:-nlssion is hereby authorized and directed to give notice of the c,s.11 nnd hold:i.,..,c:: of s8id election by publication in both the BozeFsn Daily Chroniclo and the Gallntin County Tribune once each day for a period of thirty (30) days preceeding the date on which said election is to be held, and by posting a like notice for the same period of time in 8 p1blic place in each voting precinct of the said City of Bozeman. _.~. ...-----.-- ..-...-----.----- .. _....__n__._........_._ .... __ f)8 See tiol, 4. Tbc Clerk of the C01T'ITission shall C8use sui table ballots to he pro pared for use 8.t said election, Rod shall distribute the same to the judges of election h, tr.e respec- ti ve PI' e c i f1 C t s , together with R list of oualified electors supplied by the Co;lnty Clerk n n. d. nther necessary And proper election supplies. Section 5. I The Clerk of the Comr~ission ~ s authorized Bnd directed to fllrrj..srl to the 51Jdges a'!d clerks of election 811 other necessary Rnd convenient facilities and supplies for S8 lei e 1 ec tim, Hnd the re turns thereof. Adopted by the Commission of the City of '3ozc1"'1'ln, ~fontGna , ') t D rep:11l,'3r Dnd stated scss::.cn of s8id Commission held on the 22nd d8Y of A~lp:ust, A.D. 1956. .-- '\ ;;::->/ .-/ . ."',_.<:j- - ,:'.. / .~ //i! __.-<;~ ,,-...4 J.;/j,c>] \ /' . /"..,..' '>1' (...?- ' .:.~' (......<.:-. .' Mayor. " 'T' m" , <r' 'T' . .d.., . eJII...:::'- .,". . ~~~ CIerI;:: of t~:..e C~+::<" CorrY"'lssion state of Montana ) ) ss County of Gallatin ) I, L. G. Shadoan, Clerk 0 f' the Commission of The City of R()Ze~rlBn, do hereby certify that t~e foregoing COrrJ.'TIission Resolution No. 816 was published by title and number in the Boze~an Daily Chronicle, a newspaper 0 f p;eDE'Jral circulation printed and published I in said C,ty ln the issue of A ugus t 2Lj th, 1956, and t~H1t due proof of such publicatlon is on fIle :in my office. IN "VI'J'NESS "1TTBPEOP I here un t:) set my hand and affix the corporBte seal of my office this 25th da:'T of August, 19.51) . [t?~~~. Clerk of the City Commission I ;~ 0 S 0 l'.~ t i or, -:,..i' "- 816 ~ '~ () .