HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 815 Intention to Create SID 388 f'J Jt COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 815 11 RESOLUTION OF THE COM~nSSION OF THE CITY OF' BOZErIfMT, rlOT'Hrl,T'~.4, Di:':CLi\.RING IT 1'0 BE: TITE INTENTION OF' SAID COMMISSION TO CREATE A SPECIA L p~pnOVF:r.rEl\:T DISTRICT, TO BE KNOWN AS SPECIAL I~PROVE- MRFT LIGHTING DISTRICT NO. 3R8 POR THE PURPOSE OF OPETIATING AND MAnTTAINprG II LIG!:-~r:'ING SYSTEM TO LIGHT MENDENHALL STTIEET F'ROM THE El'~ST LINE~ OF NORTH THIRD A VENUE TO THE WEST LINE OF NORTH I CInmcn /A 'TE:1'nm, SAID LIGHTING SYSTEM TO BE INSTALLED AND PArD FOR BY TITE MO~)"Ttd'U\. POWE;~ COr;!PA1'TY, ALL millER 'THE A UTHOTIITY OF AND IN CONFORMITY WITH SECTIONS 11-2245 TO 11-2257 INCLUSIVE, OF THE REVISED CODE::::; OF ~~()~;rTA}TA, 1947. WHETJEAS: There has been filed with the Clerk of the Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montsna, a petition in due form of certain property owners on Mendenhall Street, East and West, of Bozeman, Montana, between North 1hird Avenue to North Church Avenue, asking that a special i~provement li~hting district be created for the purpose of operat1ng and ~aintaining a lighting system to light Mendenhall Street, Eas t and 'i\e~; t, from North Third AVenuo to North Church Avenue; and WT-T2PEAS: 'At a regular meeting of the City Commission of the City of Bozeman held the 15 th d8 Y of AUiTUS t, 1956, the aforesaid petition was respectively considered and f1:ranted: NOW, TTfEPEPOPE, BE IT RESOL~JI;D BY THE CITY COWHSSION OF THE CITY OF BOZE~,fAN: Section 1. Declaration of Intention That it is hereby declared to be the in ten tion of The City of Boz eman to crept te . a specIal i~provement district to be known and designated as Specisl Improvc~ent L~ght- I ing Di s tr ic t Nurr.ber 3BG of The City of Bozeman for the purpose of opera tine: ond ma in- taining a light! Y1C s ys tern to light Mendenhall Street, east and west, between North Third AvemJe nnd North ChlITch :'venue in said city. Section 2. Boundaries The boundaries of said Special Improvement Lighting District are described as follows: Beglnn in,p: at 8 poin t on the East line of North Third Aven~e loc9ted 40 feet North of the North line of Men- denh<'311 S tree t, thence Easterly 40 feet North of and pa I' a 11 e 1 to the North line of Mendenhall Street to a point on the Wes t line of North Trace Avenue; thence Northeasterly across North Tracy Avenue to a point on the East line of North Tracy Avenue located 40 feet North of the North line of Mondenhall Street; thence Easterly 40 feet North of and parallel to the North line of Mendenhall Street to a point on the West line of North Church Avenue; thence SO,J therly along the West line of North Church Avenue to a point 40 feet South of the South line of Mendenhall Street; thence Westerly 40 feet South of and parallel to the South line of Menden- hall Street to a point on the ~ast line of North Tracy A venue; thence Southwesterly across North Tracy Avenue to a point on the West line of North Tracy Avenue located 40 I feet South of the SO:lth line of Mendenhall Street; thence Westerly 40 feet South of and parallel to the Sou th line of Mendenhall Street to a point on the East line of North Third AvemJe; thence Northerly elonf the East line of North Third Avenue to the point of beginning. Section 3. Character of Improvements The character of the improvement to be installed and paid for by The Montana Power Company is the erection and installation of 31 luminaires with 10,000 lamps H.l on six foot brackets mounted approximately 30 feet hlgh on metal poles, poles to be staggered on alternate sides of the street at 100 foot spacing. Power is tn be fod ~o~I a sin~le overhead wire runnin~ down nne 3 ide of Mendenball Stroet and back up the ~)t1"'c'r slde, ~nd the installation shall be 8auippAcl If/ i t'h 811 necessar~ 3ppliances for the safe ard proper operation of t'he s:Is tern. I Sectio:r~ 4. Estimate of Cost of Maintenance and Electrical Current and ME;thod of Assessment. An est ima t(~ of the cost of maintaining such ligh tinp: system ard supplying current therefor .t 0 the sum of One Thoussnd Five Hundred Ninety-Six and nO/lOO Dollars (~)1596 .00) _L L) per ye a r , of which total seventy-five percent f 7 ~"f) is to ce assessed against the proper- \ ;)/0 ty with=_TI the dis tr:lc t on a front foot basis, and twen ty-f~ V6 (2 ,",,%) per cent :ls to be L.I 0, paid by the City of Bozeman. The estimated rate of assessment per year per front foot Dr tbe' property wi thin the dls tric t 1s $O.2~G94q73 per front foot. Sectlon 5. Ac tua 1 Fran tags oft) 1 E,; trlc t The t,..., tal a c tl12l fr0r. tnr:c of t,..,c property vd_ttdn s81d proposed Special ItY'-c,rovement Lirht1n~ Distrjct No. ~(qq is 4847.16 fot'ont feet, whIch Is the fron ts ge (:)1, vvLien 811 pro- u ',~',.,,' tests wUl be :c'eccivecl, considered end deter~ined. 2)ec tior G. Po. yme:r. t I 'T'~e proposed Special Improvement Lightirrr DIstrict will be established for the p'..':::'pose of pa ;Tlng tne operating and ma'ntenqnce cas t of suor: 11,...h ts only -Nh 1Gh said operation and maintenance will ~Tclude tlcc furnishing of electric c~lrrent. ,'111 19 rops ss needed, 'l"d the ma:tr. tenance of polc:s, cables, 9r'd other incidental 1 +~c:r,s . The entire irstsl.lat1on cost of such l:t;::rh ts will be berne r ~.,. the ~,~o:r tana Power Company. "J See tior: 7 Fro tes ts and Not~ce That th e r 8 in) 1. 8. r session of the Ci tv C01'Y'mission of The City of Bozeman, to be held q +- ++ ,-, 8or:mi s s 10'1 8h8~ber, City Hsll Dui1dinr:, [jozc"""nn Mon tana, on Wednesday, the 12th c~ \-, 1...': .,i,,,; "... , , dsy of Septe1'Y'~cr A.D. 1956, 9 .\. t!-'~c r, our C)f Oil8 C 1 clock P .~L of 88iu GD'Y, B re the tirre and place, whc'tl '3nd where the City 8o~rn1ss1on will hRsr snd pass uDon 811 protests dill y snd reW11D,rl Y Made and ~iled afo4nst th (: creation of said proposed Spcc~81 Irrnrovemen t . .. tlng D'strict No. ~)88 , tho ir:orovemont proposed to :)e m8de {"J r S '),1[: n t thf;Y'("; t')r,ncl t::e .. extent And ch~r~2ter thereof, n:c 01 tr.or thereof; ........ ... -. .~j ti,c :lerk C)f t~c ," -; ty (' om'l1i <," 4 '"'n c.J..~, ............ v _. ....., ..1. 1. ~_)"-"") ,I... ,.' be, 3~d }1e is hereby directoJ to give notice In t~o ~annHr and for the th~,e a8 by JJ1"i rcC)"i1'8d, or t;,~; adoption of tris HesollJtlon of Intontion. I Adopted by the Commission of the City of BozeMan, lV'ont8na. a t a regl1lar and s to. ted session of said Coromissto~ held on V.. 02 d d - f ^ .' tAT' 1 ql;fi .)8 '" n 8',' 0 ..u~clS" .jJ. r'-'-"~. .,.. I / ~;);/, I'~'/ /' . ..' . /./ !-c:?!-/ .. . /f//-{:;/ { \ ATTEST: - Mayor /~~~. '" l' k ~ f' to. C -; t, C rn . 1 _-,_er cOle ~ ,] om..,lSS .on -. TIeso1..1)"t:1C".i!'! i'J'0.. (', 1 r: I,_)~L.,V .-. ..- --...,,---.--.--.-- f5 J, nOTICE C01\/!']\'IIZjSImT PE:;OLTJTION NO. 815 OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, ;:)EC LMt- nw TEl:; H:TENTIO"f\: 01' THE CITY OF BOZEMAH TO CF:EATE A SPECIAL n.~P~OVE~~Zt'TT DISTI'tICT TO 3E Kl'!OVn! AND DE:SIorr/'oTED AS "~jPECIAL ni<PROVE~/1l~1I(T LIGHTI""!G DTST::nCT NUMT3ER 388." ;\!"otice is her'J'bJ~~i ven tha t on the 22nd day of August, 1. .D. 1956, at a reGular I meeting of tbe Commission of The City of Bozeman, Commiss ion Resol1J tion Number 815 entitled: ~ I1ESOLUTION OF TEE CO"/IYISSION OF THE CITY OF' BOZEMA.N, MmTT[\}Tt\ , l"l DI~CLARING IT TO BE THE INTE}:TIO~: 0Ii' SAID COM~![L)SION TO CREATE A SPECL^.L nfPTIOVE:\~EN~' DISTRICT, TO ;jJ~ KNOWN AS SPECIAL IVPTIOVE- ~ENT LIGETING DISTrICT NO. 388 FOR THE PURPOSE OF OPERATING AND ~MINTArnrGA LIGHTING SYSTEM TO LIGHT 'MENDENHALL STffEET FROM THE EAST LINE OF NOPTH 'T':-URD II Vf~NUE TC TH:J: WEST LINE OF NORTH CWJPCH to. 'iJTmUE, SAID LIGHTHW SYSTEM TO BE P!STALLED /IJ1Ij PAID FOR BY 'T'Il-[~ l\1OFTAYi\. POWE.n CCWPl\KY, ALL UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF AND IX C01\TFOp1\IfI'T'Y V!ITrl SECTIm-:s ll-2245 TO 11-2257 HTCLUSTVE, OF THE ?,2:VISE;) C ODES OF V(\1" TArA, 1947, W8S passed and adopted. ThlJ.t V'Jednesday, the 12th day of Septe~cer, A.D., 1956 at (lne o'clock ~.M. 9, t the Com~ission Room of the City Hall, B'izeman, Montana, is designated by s8.id ResolutIon No. 815 as the time and place for hoaring objections to the action proposed to be be,) ken by snid resolution, and when and where any and all persons whose property is wi thin 3D, iLl proposed Specinl Improve~cnt Li~hting District No. 388 on Yendenhall Street, East Rnd 'Ne s t, from ~Torth Third A ven'.le to tre line of Church j'venue pro,iected in said City may appear ami show ca ~Jse, if any they have, against said proposed improvement. Ob,; oc t,i Or1S I m',.13 t be ~~ade in writing and filed with the Clerk of the City Commission not later than fifteen ( 15) d~ys after the date of the first publication of this Notice. That the general ch9racter of tho improve~ent to be made in said Special IFprove- rnent Lightin~ 0istrict No. 388 is the erection, and installation of 31 luminaires with 10,000 lumen la~Ds on G-foot brackets mounted 8pproximntely 30 feet high on "natal poles, poles to be stargercd on alternate sIdes of the street and 100 foot spacing. Power is to be fed by 8. s1n~lc overread wire running down one side of Mendenhall Street and back up the other side, and the installDtion shall be equipped with all necessary appliancos for the safe and prrner oporation of the s ys tern . An approximate and preliminary est3~9,te of the cost of maintaining such lighting S:TS te~n and suppl~~1_nf cl1rrent therefor is the sum of One Thousand Five -Hundred Nine ty- Six and no/lOa Dollars ($1,596.00) per year, of which total seventy-five percent ( ry c;<1I \ , I,...!/,) i is to he assessed against the property within the district on a front foot basis, 2nd twenty-five per cent (2 5;G) is to be paid by the City of Boze~an. The estimated rate of assessment per year per front foot of the property within the district is $0.24694873 per front foet. I The proposed Special Improvement Lighting Distrj,ct will be established for the purpose of payinp the operating and maintenance cost of such lights only which said operation and MaintenAnce will include the furnishing of electric cdrrent, a 11 lamps 9S needed, 8Y'd the maintenance of poles, cHblcs, and other incidental itOMS. Th,~ (:,Y; tire installation cost of such lights will be borne by the Montana Power Company. For a description of the boundaries of said Special Improve"nont Lighting District 0<' No. 388 reference is hereby ")Jade to Resolu tion No. 815 of the Commission of The City of TIesol'Jtion No. 815 _no,. -..---- f)6 Bozeman, dee18Y'ing tlle i~tcntion to creAte s8id Jistr1ct, which is on file ir. t.~e office of t~c undersl~ned Clerk of seid Commission in the City Hall of said City of .-J State of Montana, and open for inspection to 3.11 interested partios and the L)O z 8::1 a '1. , public generally. Th:1s notice :is gi ven pllrs~.1an t to the provisions of Section 11-2204, Revised Codes of Montana, 1947. I D8ted this 27th day of August, I\. 'T'...... 1956. h..lJ. By order of the Commission of the City of Bozeman. q~~ lerk of the City Commission First published in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, August 27th, 1956. stEite of Montana ) ) ss County of Gallatin ) I, L. " Shadoan, Clerk of the Commission of The City of Bozeman, do hereby certify ',,)" . that the ~ore~oin~ Notice Commission Resolution No. BIS was published at length in the 9azeman Daily Chronicle in the issues of August 27th thru Au~ust 31st, 1956 , 2nd the t due proof o+"' guch publication is on filf') i'1.. my 01'1'1e;;. :::1;- 'J'IJITIJESS ';VTLSPE(W I hereunto set my hand end aPfix the cornorate seol of my office this 1st day of September, 1950. ~kP~ I Cl elk of the COr.1mi s s i;)n I RCSO~_l~ tinn No. 815 ..-.---,-