HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 814 Taxes for SID's, 1957 39 COMMISSION RESOUJTION NO. 814 A RESOLUTION OF THE CQ1\.n~fISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN DETERMIN- ING THE Al~OUNT OF CITY TAXES POR ALL PTJRPOSES, GENERAL AND SPECIAL, TO BE LEVIED AND ASSESSED ON TAXABLE PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF' BOZEMAN, STATE OF ~ONTANA, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30th, 1957. I Section 1. Th 0. t , pursu<:1D t to the provisions of Section 84-4701, Political Code, Revised Codes of Montona, 1947, there is hereby levied and assessed on the taxable percen- turn of the assessed value of the taxable property of The Ci ty of Bozeman, State of Montana, 38 fixed And found by the Board of County Commissioners of Gallatin County, Montana, sit t- ing as a County Board of Equalization for the current fiscal year of 1956, a tax of 30 mills for General Municipal and Administrative purposes, which levy shall be distributed as follows: Gen6ral Municipal and Adrrdnistrative Purposes, (Section 84-4701, Political Code, R.C.M. 1947) ( a ) Executive, police, fire and other pnrposes 20 mills (b) Street and Alley Purposes 10 mills (Section 32-201, R.C.M. 1947) 30 mills Section 2. That, p'lrS1J11n t to the provisions of Section 44-301 Political Code, n.c.~,,~., 1947, the re is hereby levied and assessed on the taxable percen turn of the assessod value of the taxable property of The City of Bozeman, State of Montana, for the current fiscal year 1956, for the support and maintenance of the free public library of The City of Bozeman a specisl tax of 2.9 Mills on e8.ch dollar of taxable percentum of the assessed value thereof and the mnney dari ved therefrom sha 11 be paid in to the Library F\lnd 8nJ I shall be disbursed F.lS pl'ovided by Ordinance No. 79 and Ordinance No. 524, as amended, of sqtd City; Section 3. Th8 t , pursuant to the provisions of Section 84-4701, Political Code, Re- vised Codes of Montane '1947, there is hereby J.evied and assessed on the taxable percentum of the assessed value of the taxable property of The City of Bozeman, Montana for the current fiscal year 1956, for the purpose of maintaining public parks in said City, a specl81 t8X of 4.7 mills on thE:: taxable percentum of the assessed value of the taxable property of The City of Bozeman and the money derived therefrom shall be paid into tbe Park I~nd and shall be disbursed as provided by Ordinance No. 473 and Ordinance No. 524, as amended, of sa id Ci ty; Section 4. Tho. t , pursuant to the provisions of Section 11-1912, R.C.M., 1947 there is hereby levied and assBssed upon the taxable percentum of the assessed valuation of all taxable property within the li.,.,tts of The City of Bozeman for the year 1956, a s pe cia 1 tax of 0.2 Millon the dollar of such taxable percen tum of the assessed v81uation for t~e purposes of maintaining the Disability and Pension Fund of The Fire Department Relief I Associl'ltion of The City of Bozeman, and said tax when so collected shall be paid into t~-:c Dtsabi1ity snd Pension FelDa of the Fire Dep9rtment Relief Association of The Ci ty of 3ozemnn; Section 5. Tho. t, pursuan t to the provi s ions of See t1 on 11-1823, R.C.M., 1947, there is hereby levied and assessed upon the taxable percen turn of the ass e sse d va 111 e 0 l' a 11 property within The City of Boze~An for the current fis ca 1 year 1956, a special tax of 0.7 Mill 8nd the money derived therefrom shall be paid into the Police Reserve Fund -~ .-'" - -. 60 p1Jrt1Uant to tbe provis:'l.ons or COf(lp'1<.,sioY1 Tles0lnt.loD No. '~51; Section 6. That, pursuant to the pro~Tlslons of SS8t.jOD 9-306, TI.C.M., 1947 there is 't'ereby levied and assessed uprm the taxable percentum of the assessed value of all p~operty within The City of Bozeman for the current fiscal year of 1956, a special tax of 0.;3 Mill nnd the money derived therefrom shall be paid into the Cemetery Fund and S.0.811.0.e Cl~."f.Ol:r'lr..sed..9.<S pr.ov.td.'e.d bY..or.d-lnP..,.n.Jce No. 604 of the City of B....oz."...e:an;. ._1 Section '7. That, purs1Jant to t\.-1() provisions of Se:::;tior: 11-1011 TI.v.1-:., 1947, there 1", hereby lev~ed Dnc1 assessed on the tax8ble v:;rcentum of the 8ssesseu Vnl,lE:J of' the tax- 81;le property within The C1_ty of Bozorrrm, ri~onb,m8, for t1::8 current fis.:;,.-,] ye::1T 1C156, for the T:'1lrpOSe of pravid~;:;.; band concerts f()r the entertslnment of the people of said ::aty, 8 special tax of ~.5 Millon each d0']81' of the taxable percent'~ of the assessed value :::f t-ho b,x',tJe propert:r of The Ci ty of BOZC1'1"8Y1 3nd tbc rr'arH,y deri ved thcref1'oT':'! s~811 be ;r;J..;:' into the GDY1d C':mcert E\mc1 of s8id Clt77 and 8r-:811 be disbursed as provided t::T Ordin- ance No. 709 and No. 524 of said City. :oct.ion 8. That, plrsuant to the provisions of Soction 1-804, R.C.M., 1947, there is hereby lev~.ed and assessed IJpon the 8ssessed v81:Je of '111 tbe taxable pr'l'Dcrty within the lbdts or The C1ty of 3ozerr:an for tr_c fisc..-:.l year endini-~ June 3Uth, 19;:::7, ': 1:,;ecIal tax of 0.1 Millon the dollar of such assessed valuation for tte purpose of maintaining end operE!t~_Df': an Airpnrt, ~?'ld 8Lo.ll 1:,e dlsb,::rsed as dil'ccteG by the Corr:missiop of The C1ty- of DozAwan; Section 9. ~hat, ~]rsQant to the provisions of Section 68-603 R. C. M., 1947, there '". h'."I,'(.o1",c 'ev'A'u' ana' "'s8'"-'ssed 11pO~ t-l-le t"xr,'hle P"rce.r-l--'1"'" "1' t-I..-" """'E.""'('u:' V,,1"J8 Of' a'l I .~'.;.) :.. _ '-... .' ,,) d ,.......J ..1. -' "".. \_J.. .. e J ."" ,," ,.!..! ,L .I<.~,,I, ~,~..t. l... I . ".' t., , 1 I ,: L ),1, '... '-' 1 L t..' ,.~.... .0 "" J U 10.)..1 ...... C~ ~'. '." ,.1 ..J.. ...L- prODerty wlthi~ The City of Boze~a~ for t~o current flsca] ~Gsr 1956, 8 specisl tax of 1 .-:; ~.~.tl'''' "1"'d tl..-(~ ""one"! der~ved tl..-erefr'-"1 ,-.1-:<>1' he, n...,~" ~Y'1-o tl..-e D"l-,,~C -C:'""plo"ee"s r:.:-t:~re- ".r..../ 0'." ...1...1....) :.-::t. 1.:' _, J..~'~." " .L." ,11 j '.,:'J. u,;,..r_^.,...I. ..........:.. . C~ _l..l.~ _~..J.' .L.l J.. ..1..,.I_L......,.j L~,,~ ..-. "~ t) , ~LU oJ_L :u:JT',l 3:/stem Fund and sha1] -be d~sb,lrsed to pay the CIty's sh'1re of employeb's retirement 8nd nd",}rd~)trntl_ve costs to the Public Employoes TletlreY'1cnt 3\stem. SectIon 10. Tnnt, pursuant to tbe provisions of Section 84-4729, R. C. M., 1947, the t8tnl lAvy of t!lXes for the C\lrre"":: fiscal :;nar 1956, bJ' reaSOL elf +-;.-e fore,c;n1ng det8~F1n8tlon, will and sh~ll be DS follows: c;cno~'["1 ~h~nicipal 8-:"d AO;>1i:nistrative PlJrD0SCS: (""'f~'X0'c"t:.tve Y"o'.t-'e f'.tr'e '11~d OFher TI1,y'n"",'."," (c'(,C 1) 0() () '"l'lls :_^ I ~ ' 1..A "i_1. , t., ,.' J.. _.i.. I...; , ...L .... L:. ,.~ '., <,,'.. _." .,.'{. , !."'" ....}l"j....:. I..) J. t:... ~--. 2.,~ (b) Street and Alley ~]rposes (Sec. 1) 10.0 ~ills Maintenance of Free Public LIbrary (Sec. 2) 2.9 Mills Maintenance of PubIle Parks (Sec. ;3) 4.7 Mills Maintaining DIsability Rnd Pension Fund FIre Dept. Rolief Assoc18tion (Sec. 4) 0.2 Mill Police Reserve Fund (Sec. 5) 0.7 Mill ~8inten8nce of Cemetery (Sec. 6' 0.3 Mill P'Jrl~ ~ P;8"'d ('o"""e'rts ( C"en 7\ 0:0, Mill 1. ~., '.../. ~., \...... ,. Co J ,~ U 1', v ~... 10..) v" J 1..- . ~ "".~ , Maintenance of Airport (Sec. 8) 0.1 Mill ?'Jb lie Employees He tiremen t (Sec. 9) 1.3 ~Hlls Total 40.7 Mills TJgssed and adopted by The Comr.l1.ssion of The City of' :-~ozeman at a re!7111r:lr session therfJof be1d on th.18 8th day of Auc';\lst, 1956, ,"',.D. ..... .. ". .1 t. rr I1iT~ ~3 T : ~~_. ~ ~ C:::;;~~~I ("--~/'_.. ..,.-., , __~~ ~/:/ ~ " /. _~,l ,,-:::?.1 /-' J.__.L (.\....0...- ;\c tt ng C1e rk of tbe :'I. ty Commis sian . - ~ra yor S~ete of Montana ) County of ~}allf'tin ) ss I, L. G. Shadoan, Clerk of the City Commission of '],h8 Clty of '".ozeman, do hereby certify th[Jt the forer;oing Resolution WBS published by title and number in the BOZe'118n Daily Chrone:tle, a newspaper of general circulation ppinted and published in satd City in the tssue of August lOth, 19SA, and due proof of such Dublicatton is on file in my office. IN 'NT'rNESS. Wf[SP.....EOF I hereunto set my hand an(l aff:tx the corpor~ate,.,~~, 1. )'f. my office .) th:ts 11th day of Auvust, 1956. .P.., . CIe. of' he Ci ty Commiss ion Resol'ltlon No. BJA .. -..-- fi1 NOTICE CO~~~~ISSTON Ri~3nLU'T'IOF RO. 815 OP THE CITY OP BOZi,;MAN DECLARING 'T'Ej~ :TT":rrKfIT'J'ION OF THE CITY OF BOZm1AN TO CREATE A SPECIAL IypnOVE- l\mKTDIS'T'RICT TO Bt~ KNOWN AND DESIGNATED AS /I SPECIAL B~PROVEMENT LIGPTHTG DISTRTCT T"!TnmER 388./1 Notice is hereby ITiven that on the 22nd day of August, A.D., 1956, at a regular I meeting of the Commission of The City of Bozeman Commission Resolution Number 815 en ti tled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CmFT'fISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZET'N\N, l'IOl\rTX~IA, DECT,A~nW IT 'T'O BE 'rITE INTET'('TION OF SAID CmnVISSION TO C REA TE A S f'ECIt\L n'pT?OvEgF~NT DISTRICT, TO BE KNOWN AS SPECIJU.J n,WFOVmmNT LIGFTH;G DISTRTCT NO. 388 FOR THE PURPOSE OF OPl<:TIATING AND MAIN- TAINING A LIOf:rTING SYS'rEM TO LIGHT MENDI,:r-nrALL STREET FROM THE EAST LINIC: OF NORTH THIRD AVENUE TO THE WEST LINE OF NORTH CHUHCH AVENUE, SAID LIGHTING SYSTEM TO BE IJ\TSTALLiW AND PAID POR BY THE ~~ONTANA POWE:1 CO~,~f)I\NY, ALL URDER THE AlJTHORITY OF AND H: CONFO'RMITY WITH ~)ECTIONS 11-2245 TO 11-2257 INCLUSIVE, OF THE REVISED CODES OF MONTANA, 1947. Vv2 S passed and adopted. Thnt Wednesda:l, the 12th doy of September, A.D. 1956 at one o'clock P.M. at the Cor.nnission Room of the City Hall, Bozeman, Montana, is designated by said Resolution No. 815 as the time and place for hearing objections to the action proposed to be taken by said resolution, and when and where any and all persons whose property is within said proposed Special Improvement Lighting District No. 388 on Mendenhall Street, East and 'vVest, from North Third Avenue ~o the line of Church Avenue projected in said City may Rppear and show ca~lse, if any they have, against said proposed improvement. Ob.1ec- I tions must be made in writ1n~ end filed with the Clerk of the City Commission not later than fifteen (15) days after the date of the first purllcation of this Notice. That the r:er:;eral character of the improvement to be made in said Special Improve- ment Lighting District No. 388 is the erection, and installation of 31 luminaires with 10,000 hlmen lamps or:; six foot brackets mounted approsimately 30 feet high on metal poles, poles to be staggered on alternate sides of the street at 100 foot spacing. Power is to be fed by a single overhead wire running down one side of Mendenhall Street and back up the other alde, and the installation shall be equipped wlth all necessary appliances for the safe and proper operation of the s ys tern . An approximate and preliminary estlmate of the cost of maintaining such lighting system and supnlying current therefor is the sum of One Thousand Five Hundred Ninety- Six and nO/100 Dollars ($1596.00) per year, of which total seventy-five per cent (75%) is to be assessed against the property within the district on a front foot basis, and twenty-five per cent (25% ) is to be paid by the City of Bozeman. The estimated rate of assessment per year per front foot of the property within the district is $0.24694873 per front foot. I The proposed SpeclQl I~provement Lighting District will be established for the purpose of paying the operating and maintenance cost of such ligrlts only which said operation and maintenance will include the furnishing of electric current, all lamps as needed, and the rn3intenance of poles, cables, and other incidental items. The entire installation cost of such lights will be borne by the Montana Power Company. For a description of the boundaries of said Special Improvement Lighting District " No. 388 reference is hereby made to Resolution No. 815 of the Commission of The CltJ EesoJ.utjon No. 814 --.."..- -- . r'J J,. of Bozeman declaring the intention to create said District, which is on flle in the off1.ce of t~c undersigned Clark of said Corrmission in the City Hall of said City of Bozeman, State of Montana, ond open for inspectinn to all interested partiessmd the public genern.lly. This notice is given pursuant to the provisions of Section 11-2204, Revised Codes of Montana, 1947. I Dn. ted U:i s 27th da y of Augus t, A.D. 1956. 3V order of the Comm1s s ion of The 01 tv of Bozemf'm. ~, ~ .~",f~ Clerk of the 1ty Corrmiss'!on First published in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle August 27th, 1956. I , I Resn::utinn No. 814 ----- --