HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 813 Intention to Create SID 387 55 COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 813 A RESOLUTION OF ~lE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, DECLA'RING IT TO BE THE INTENTION OF SAID COMMISSION TO CREATE A SPECIAL IVPROVEMENT DISTRICT, TO BE KNOWN AS SPECIAL INPROVEI-iIENT LIGHTING DISTRICT NO. 387 FOR THE PURPOSE OF OPERATING AND MAIN- TAINING A LIGHTING SYSTEM TO LIGHT MENDENHALL STREET FROM THE EAST LINE OF NORTH THIRD AVENUE TO THE WEST LINE OF NORTH CHURCH I AVENUE, SAID LIGHTING SYSTEM TO BE INSTALLED AND PAID FOR BY THE MONTANA POWER COMPANY, ALL TJNDER THE AUTHORITY OF AND IN CONFORM- ITY WITH SECTIONS 11-2245 to 11-2257 INCLUSIVE, OF THE REVISED CODES OF MONTANA, 1947. WHEREAS: There has been filed with the Clerk of the Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, a petition in due form of certain property owners on Mendenhall Street, East and West, of Bozeman, Montana, between North Third Avenue to North Church Avenue projected, asking that a special improvement lighting district be created for the purpose of operating and maintaining a lighting system to light Mendenhall Street, East and West, from North Third Avenue to North Church ~venue; and WHEREAS: At a regular meeting of the City Commission of the City of Bozeman held the 27th day of June, 1956, the aforesaid petition was respectively considered and granted; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN: Section 1 Declaration of Intention That it is hereby declared to be the intention of The City of Bozeman to create a special improvelT'ent district to be known and designated as Special Improvement Light- ing District Number 387 of The City of Bozeman for the purpose of operating and main- I talning a lighting system to lignt Mendenhall Street, east and west, between North Third Avenue and North Church Rvenue in said city. Section 2 Boundaries The boundaries of said Special Improvement Lighting District are described as follows: Beginning at a point on the East line of North Third Avenue located 40 feet North of the North line of Mendenhall Street, thence Ea sterly 40 feet North of and parallel to the North line of Mendenhall Street to a point on the West line of North Tracy Avenue; thence Northeasterly across North Tracy Avenue to a point on the East Line of North Tracy Avenue located 40 feet North of the North line of Mendenhall Street; thence East- erly 40 feet North of and parallel to the North line of Menden- hall Street to a point on the West line of North Church Avenue; thence Southerly along the West line of North Church Avenue to point 40 feet South of the South line of Mendenhall Street; thence Westerly 40 feet South of and parallel to the South line of Mendenhall Street to a point on the East line of North Tracy Avenue; thence Southwesterly across North Tracy Avenue to a point on the West line of North Tracy Avenue located 40 feet South of the South line of Mendenhall Street; thence Westerly 40 feet South of and parallel to the South line of Mendenhall Street to a point on the East line of North Third Avenue; thence Northerly along the East line of North Third Avenue to the point I of beginning. Section 3 Character of Improvements The character of the improvement to be installed and paid for by the Montana Power Company is the erection and installation of thirty-one luminaires (-100000 lumen lamps) on 6 foot brackets mounted 30 feet high on painted wooden poles, the power to be fed by a single series overhead wire running down one side of Mendenhall Street and .__._________.______ - __...._ ___.._._..___.... un ----.--- .--- -....-- h'6-' ,) back up the other side, together with all necessary equipment and appliances for the proper operation of the lighting system. Sec tion 4 Estimate of Cost of Maintenance and Electrical Current and Method of Assessment. An estimate of the approximate cost of maintaining such lights and supplying elec- I trica 1 current therefor for the firs t year is the sum of One Thousand Two Hundred Twen ty- four and no/lOa ($1224.00) Dollars, of which total sum seventy-five (75%) per cent is to be assessed against the property embraced within said District on a front foot basis, and twenty-five (25%) per cent is to be paid by the City of Bozeman, the estimated rate of assessment per year per front foot against the property embraced within said District being $0.1893892 per front foot. Section 5 Actual Frontage of District The total actual frontage of the property within said proposed Special Improvement Lighting District No. 387 is 4847.16 front feet, which is the frontage on which all pro- tests will be received, considered and determined. Section 6 Payment The proposed Special Improvement Lighting District will be established for the ~lr- pose of paying the operation and maintenance cost of such lights only which said opera- tion and maintenance .Will include the furnish in. g of elec... tric current, all lamps as need- I ed, and the maintenance of poles, cables, and other incidental items. The entire install- ation cost of such lights will be borne by the Montana Power Company. Section 8 Protests and Notice That the regular session of the City Commission of The City of Bozeman, to be held at the Commission Chamber, City Hall Building, Bozeman, Montana, on Wednesday, the 1st day of August, A.D. 1956, at the hour of one otclock P.M. of said day, are the time and place, when and where the City Commission will hear and pass upon all protests duly and regularly made and filed against the creation of said proposed Special Improvement Lighting District, District No. 387, the improvement proposed to be made pursuant thereto and the extent and character thereof, or either thereof; and the Clerk of the City Commission be, and he is hereby directed to give notice in the manner and for the time as by law required, of the adoption of this Resolution of Intention. Adopted by the Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, at a regular and stated session of said Commission held on the 11th day of July, A.D. 1956. /~ I ~~;f;----7 ;;/"//7\ -/ ~- ... -. - ~ " -- Ma yor ATTEST: ~~~ommlSS10n Resolution No. 813 57 NOTICE COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 813 OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN DECLAR- ING THE INTENTION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN TO CREATE A SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT TO BE KNOWN AND DESIGNATED AS "SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT LIGHTING DISTRICT NUMBER 387." Notice is hereby given that on the 11th day of July, A.D. 1956, at a regular meet- I ing of the Commission of The City of Bozeman, Commission Resolution Number 813 entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CO:MMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, DECLABING IT TO BE THE INTENTION OF SAID COMMISSION TO CREATE A SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT, TO BE KNOWN AS SPECIAL IMPROVE- MENT LIGHTING DISTRICT NO. 387 FOR THE PURPOSE OF OPERATING AND MAINTAINING A LIGHTING SYSTEM TO LIGHT MENDENHALL STREET FROM THE EAST LINE OF NORTH THIRD A VENTrE 'ro THE WEST LINE OF NORTH CInTHCH A VENUE, SAID LIGHTING SYSTEM TO BE INSTALLED AND l>AID FOR BY THE MONTANA POWER COMl-'ANY, ALL UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF AND IN CONFORMITY WITH SECTIONS 11-2245 TO 11-2257 INCLUSIVE, OF THE REVISED CODES OF MONTANA, 1947. was passed and adopted. Tha t Wedne sda y, the 1st day of August, A. D. 1956 at one o'clock P.M. B t the Commis- sion Room of the City Hall, Bozeman, Montana, is designated by said Resol~tion No. 313 as the time and place for hearing objections to the action proposed to be taken b:T said re sol1.1 tion, and wr en and where any and all persons whose property is within said pro- posed SpecJal Improvement Lip-hting District No. 387 on Mendenhall Street, East and West, from No~th Third Avenue to the line of Church Avenue projected in said City may appear and show cause, if any they ha ve, 8gainst said proposed improvement. Objections must be made in writing and filed with the Clerk of the City Com~ission not later than fifteen I (15) days after the date of the first publIcation of this Notice. That the general character of the improvement to be made in said Special Improvement Lighting District No. 387 is the erection, and installation of thirty-one luminaires (-10000 lumen lamps) on 6 foot brackets mounted 30 feet high on painted wooden poles, the power to be fed by a single series overhead wire running down one side of Mendenhall Street and back up the other side, together with all necessary equipment and appliances for the proper operation of the lighting system. An approximate and preliminary estimate of the cost of maintaining such lighting system and supplying current therefor is the sum of One Thousand Two Hundred Twenty- four and nO/lOO Dollars per year, of which total sum seventy-five (75%) percent is to be assessed against the property within the district on a front foot basis, and twenty- five (25%) percen t is to be paid by the City of Bozeman. The estimated rate of assess- ment per year per front foot of the property within said proposed Special Improvement Lighting District No. 387 is $0.1893892. The proposed Special Improvement Lighting District will be established for the purpose of paying the operating and maintenance cost of such lights only which said I operation and maintenance will include the furnishing of electric current, a 11 lamps as needed, and the maintenance of poles, cables, and other incidental items. The en- tire installation cost of such lights will be borne by the Montana Power Company. For a description of the boundaries of said Special Improvement Lighting District No. 387 reference is hereby made to Resolution No. 813 of the Commission of The City of Bozeman declaring the intention to create said District, which is on file in the office of the undersigned Clerk of said Commission in the City Hall of said City of ,~..~. Resolution No. 813 - - 58 Bozeman, State of Montana, and open for inspection to all interested parties and the public generally. This notice is given pursuant to the provisions of Section 11-2204, Revised Codes of Montana, 1947. Dated this 11th day of July, A.D. 1956. By order of the Commission of The City of Bozeman. I /p~ Clerk of the City Commission First published in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle July 16th, 1956. State of M)ntana ) ) ss County of Gallatin ) I, L. " Shadoan, Cl erk of the Commission of orhe City of Bozeman, do hereby certify " r. that the foregoing Notice. Commis s ion Resol uti,)TI No. 313, was published at l~ngth in the Bozemen Daily Chronicle, a news-paper of general circu1Jtion, Drinted and published in sald City in the issues of July 16th thru 20th, 19:56 , and that due proof of saId publication is on file in my o~fice. IN lNI'rNESS WHEREOF I hAreunto set my hand and affix ~he corporate seal of my office this 21st my of auly, 19:56. c1:-P:~ I Cl8 rk of' the Commi s s ion I Resolution No. 813 -..--.-