HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 805 amend Application for Advance for Public Works Planning '}il t__ COMWrISSION RESOLTTTION NO. 805 A RESOLUTION OF' THE CITY COMMIS SION OF TH~ C I'l'v OF' BOZEMAN, MONTANA, AMENDING THAT CERTAIN APPLICATION FOR ADVANCE FOR PUBLIC VVORKS PLANNING DATED NOVEMBER 14, 1955 AND FILED ON THAT DATE BY SAID CITY OF BOZEMAN WITH THE COMMUNITY FACTLI'I'IES ADMINISTRATION OF THE HOUSING AND HOME FINANCE AGENCY OF THE UNITED STA TES GOVERNMENT. WHEREAS, The City of Bozeman, a municipal corporation in Gallatin County, Montana, lJnder da te of November 14, 1955 filed with the Community Facilities Administration of the Housing: and Home Agency of the Un! ted Sta tes Government an Applica tiOD for Advance I for Public Works Planning whereby the said City applied for an advance of $57,000.00 as aid in financing the cost of plan preparation of a public work pro,ject, to-wi t, the expansion and improvement of an existing water supply and distribution system; and WHEREAS, by Commission Resolution No. 802 passed and adopted by the City Commission on November 16, 1955, the filing of said Application was authorized; and WHEREAS, the aforesaid Application included funds for complete final planning, portions of which are not immediately needed by said City of Bozeman; and WHEREAS, it 1s now deemed necessary and expedient that said Application be amended to recnles t funds for preliminary planning only without prejudice for a further renUBst for funds to do final planning; and WHEREAS, under date of J~nuary 20, 1956 M. E. Henderson, City Manager of The City of Bozeman, advised the Housing and Home Finance Agency of Seattle, Washington by letter of the City's concurrence in said amendment, an d the incorporation of said letter herein by reference is deemed sufficient therefor. NOW, THEREFO RE , BE IT RESOLVED BV TIrE COMJ\"ISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, the Foverning body of said Applicant, as follows: I Section 1 Tha t the aforemen tioned 1e tter of Ci t Y Manager Henderson da ted Janua ry 20, 1956 be, and the same is herein incorporated by reference the same as if it were set forth in full herein, and the same shall be and constitute an amendment of the aforementioned Applica tion of November 14, 1955 to reduce the reaue s t for flmd s to cover only pre- liminary planning; Section 2 Tha t Arnold M. Swanson, who became Mayor of The City of Bozeman on January 3, H)55, !1nd L. G. S h8 c1 ()? n , Clerl\: or the Cj ty C()'n""l:s~1L()n, are heI'(]by 'J-I.lthoI'L~E3,-l tc) o:xeCl"l te iJ lJ. .~ ~-I :-~ ~1~.1l!n'~~):1 t:3 1-:> n r; ll. ~ ~t' (:; (1 1. lr (;()T':~~F;C'~}Or' '.vith this matter on behalf of said City of Bozeman. Passed and adopted b;T the Comrr:ission of The City of Bozeman at a re?lJlar session thereof held on the 1st day of February, 1956. (-') ?~7_-'---_/ ~ - /'( ...---/Zeld>r( _.l)c:ffL\ ATTEST: Me yor -- I #~4-,.I. C erk of the C~ty Commission State of Montana ) County of Gallatin ) ss I, L. G. Shadoan, Clerk cf the C:)mmisslon 'Jf The City)fBozeman, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was published by ti tle and number in the Bozeman Daily ChrJnic1e, a newspaper of general circulatim printed and published in said city in the issue of February 6th, 1956, and thn t due proof of sal d publ ica t im is on fi le in my oPfice. IN WITNESS WHEFEOF, I hereunto set my hand and affix the corporate seal of my office this 7th day of February, 1956. 1:!~Sion