HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 804 Vacate Portions of West Lincoln and South Sixth Avenue -...-. :l2 COMMISSION RESULUTION NO. BOL.~ A PESJL1:rt'IeJN OT" 'NfE C 11\FHS;::;Ion iJF 'rHE CITY OF !3JZEi<lAN, M:HJ'r A NJ\ , DECLM'1W~ 1'1' 'l'r) '3T<: 'fTTE T\TTT<:~TrrLPT CrP SA IT) C )1\1iiTTSSIOTT T) If 1\ CNr'F PUH'I'FHTS ,)}' WES'}' L:r~JC)LN STREET AF') :;HT'l'rr S TX']'H AVE1<J1TE TH SA In crrry OF' B\)ZEL1AN. WHEREAS, MontanE! state College, an instl'umentelity (_)f the state of T1 mtana, has presented. to the Ci.ty Commission a petition asldnr, the City Commls:3ion t:J :tn s t i tute the necessary proceedings to vacate portions of West Linc)ln street and South Sixth Avenue in the said City or Bozeman; and I "JHEREAS, sa3d petItIon has been filed for the r e8 sm that the proDosed location of the Health and Physical Education Building at Montana State College projects a portion therc)f across West Llnc:jln Street and for a considerable distance on either side thereof; and WHEREAS, West Lincoln Street carries relatively little traffic and is not advan- tageously located in relation to the proposed expansIon of MontanH state College which throl1Ejh the S ta te of Montana owns all of the property abuttin~ the portions of West Lincoln Street and South Sixth Avenue proposed to be vacated: and WIlER EA S , Montana State College proposes to open and improve other fltreets to pro- Vi.dB betterf'ac-tl ities for handline traffic than ere now provicled by the portions of ':Jest Llnc)ln street and S)utll Si.xth Avenue requesteo ti) be vfJcated; and VJHEREA S , it aDpea1'8 that the same mEJY be vacated without detrlr:1ent to the public intere~3t and should be vacated in the public interest. NU1;V, 'l'HEHE}i'..)RE, BE I'r RESJLVED TT TIlf.: C)HIIHSSION ()H' '1'HE CITY OP:)OZEMA'T: Section 1 Declaration of Intention I It is hereby declared to be the intention of the Commission of The City of Bozeman to vacate the following described portions of INest Lincoln Street and South Sixth Avenue in the said City of Bozeman: 'rhat portion of West Linc:)ln Street extending fr)m the West Line (projected) of the alley in Block Fifty-one (51) , of the Capitol Hill Addition to the' City of BozemEm, to a line parallel to and 30 feet Easterly from the North and South center line of Section Thirteen ( 13) , of Township 'rwo (2) South, Renge Five ( 5) East; also thBt portion of South Sixth Avenue extending frDm the South Line of West Grant street t,) the North Line of West Linc,)ln Street. s 1Jb.i ec t te> ob J I3C tion 0 f' owners ,)f pr operty affected by such propos ed vacat ion, in accordance with the provisions of Section 11-3310 of the Revised Codes of Montana, 19h7. Section 2 Time for Objection 'that the regu.lar meetlng of the Commission of The City of Bozeman t) he held on l'Vednesday the 25th day of January, 1956, at the hour of' 1:00 .) , c 10 e k P. M. of said day, at the Com~ission Room in the City Hall Building, Bo zAman, Montf\ne, is the time when and the place where the City Commission ""ill consider and pass upon objections to said pro- posed vacation and the City Manager is directed to give notice thereof in the manner and I for the time as provided in said Section 11-3310 of the Revised Codes of Montana, 19~ 7 . Passed and adopted by the City Commission at its regulE.r meeting held on the 1dth day of January, 1956. Mayor Attest: ~#'____./ ~'7 "L-L- Acting Clerk of the City Cr)m'!1ission .-- - ..- -.-....-- aa N )'rICE ')P HEAPHTG- ON PESJLUl'ION NO. 8ob- OF THE C ITV C:JM!\lISSION OF' THE CITY :)F BJZEMAN DECLPPING ITS INTENTION TO VIICATE POP'rrO'NS OF WEST LINC')LN STREET AND S )U'!'H SIX'l'H A VENUE IN THE C rry OF BOZEMAN NOTICE IS HERERY GIVEN: 'l'hat the Commission of The City of Bozeman has ad:Jpted a resllution declaring it to be the intention of said Commission to pass an ordinance vacating portions of West Lincoln street and South Sixth Avenue in said City described I as follows: That portion of West Line )In Street extending from the West Line ( projected) Jf the alley in Block Fifty-one (51) , of the Capital Hill Addition to the City of 3o?er:1sn, to a line parallel to and 30 feet Easterly from the ~)rth and Sou.th center line of Section Thirteen (13) , of Township 'rwo ( 2) South, RFlntje Five ( 5) East; also that portion of South Sixth Avenue extending from the South Line of West Grant street to the North Line of West Lincoln Street. the City Comrn.ission being of the opinJon, after due cJnsideration, that said petition may be e;rvnted wi thout detrim8nt to the public interest and shou.ld be grant8d in the public int ere s t. And notice is further hereby given thAt any and all objections to the nas sa r:e and j. ~,.' ao,)pt ion 0 f S 'lC h an oro~ nance of vaca t10n will be heard and cons idered by the C1 ty Commission at its regular meetlnp to be held on Wednesday, the 25th day of January, 1956, at the h,Jur of one o'clock P. M. at the Cornmiss ion Room in the Clty Hall Building, Bozeman, Montana. Dated this 13th day of January, 1956. ~C-~~ ~ City Manager I State of Montana ) ) ss County of Gallatin ) r, L. G. Shadoan,. Clerk of the Clmmissi:Jn of The City of Bozeman, do hereby cer- tify that the foregoing Notice was published at elngth in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a newspaper of general circulation printed and published in said CLty in the is sue of ,January 20th, 1956, an<;l that due proof of aeid publicatLm is on file in my office. IN WITNESS WHEPEOF, I hereunto set my hand and affix the corporate seal of my office this 30th day of January, 1956. #~. Cl rk of the Commission I . Res:)luti:Jn N,). 804 - -.--.- .---. ... -" .-