HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 1017 SID 421 23 COM~135IOY RES01~TION NO. 1017 - A m,;SOLlJTIO}' OF THE CITY CmiIT;:rS~nON OF' THE CITY OF DOZm"lUT CTlK^\rnT.F(J /\ SPECI/IL n~}jnOVEHE}~T DISTTIrC1' TO BE KNOV;1\T AS Si"'ECIt\L pq:';.:()"EVE!'<TT DISTEl:':'T' NO. 421 OF Tf{F: CI~' OF EOZ;,:'f\ff:~]'; FOP 'rIIE PFPFOSE OF COJITSTEFCTIYG A~TD n;[~fTl1\LLpTC c, }J t~ ~ ~.L~I:-i.~lTT f:;O.TECT (lIT Vir':;:;''::' S}'ORfTl STREET I PIlOT' }TORT"! S1XTTJ I\\/i~mm TO rORTE SEvmr,:,!= PI'/EFUEf:1'J.0 ON NonTT' 31XT7' Al'EF1TL:T:m~ ,'jEST ',TILL/,RG STnEF~T TO IW!1JTON EOAD. ;VITI~REP~0 , at a reVllar session of the Co mmission of tho City of Bozeman, S ta te of Man t.o::n9, held on the 12th day of Aprll A. u. I ~H31, the said Com~is~ion duly COt C'" ~ .~i,., . ~ c:r . i1 _::a 1 t ~ 1711T 1U13 decln.rinf, it to be thG 'i_Y! tOD ti on nf t;he s8id paU.,e"" 'JomY:'1.l__",lon"eso,u ,...on .0. Commission to cr:Jpte n SrCClA1 i~,rovement district to be known end deslcn8ted qS Spec5nl I~provernBnt District No. ~121 of the s a:ld C 1 t:r for the purpose of cons truc t- in0: and 1 n stall i ni~'; 8 pavement project on dost Short 0treet from No::.'th Sixth Ave- lIUE: to North Seventh Avenue and on North Sixth Avenue from,;ost Villard .streot to Dn,-'s ton Road, and to Spt;c:laJ.]:J assess the entir~ cost and expense of making said improvements against the property wi thin 8'3. id Dis tric t under and by V1 rtc16 of the proviai.-ms of the laws of' tho St8.te of Tiron tana in such case made and pro- vided, and 59-id COTIr:tssion T:c:;olution Fo. ]JH3 is h.iJreb;,r refe~'~'ed to 9Ld made a p,qrt hereof for f1.JrthE:.T' p31'tlcnJ.f:Jrs in rospect to the boundaries of '3uid Special Inprovernent ~i8trict No. 42 .L , the estimnted cost of said i!,.,provements and the method of 8ssossing the same 0;:",8 ins t the propert~ of said District; and VlTfI,;;2~AS , not:1.ce of the passa?:e of said Commission "Resoh1 tion No. 1013 was d'Jly plblished, as required by law, in the Bozeman Daily 0hronic1e, a daily newsp8per of geDor~ 3. 01.1'C11.10 tion nrintcd nnd published in the City of Bozeman, Mon t~ma, and by senGing a coP:! of such notice b~y TT. .s. l.!a i 1 to each person, firm or corporation having property witt in the proposod ~istrict at his or its last known address, 1l1)on the sarrte da to that such notice was first ~lblished as aforesaid, and due proof having been mode of the plb.Lication and service of said notice; and \/;11 F~P.Ei\S, within the time provided by law and said pub.Lished gnd served notice there .'ere not sllf~'iclont protests agAinst tho croation of sai6 proposed ~p8clal Improvement District No. 421, and the Ci ty Comm.isslon was in regular session the I the 3rd da y 0 f Ma~ A. 0. 1961, at one o'clock p.m. of said day, at the Commis- s2.on Chn!"1ber in the vi ty Hall Building 1. n the S 8 id C1 tJ~ of Bozeman, the same be- ~_n[~ the tiT':c snd plDce ~eGlgnated in said notice for passing upon all protests, j. f 8 Y1 ;' , a r: a ins t tl-; 8 proposed work or a~ainst the creation or extent of said Dist- ri0 t;, or both or either; and it further aPPc8rlng thatt all of the proceedinss for tho creation nf said District have been law~11 and regl1lar; r O'vV , rr1: ~E:~ \>r~O J1i~ , :3E IT ?ESOL'/E;j B':t TEE COl'1SSI01'T OF THE CITY OF30Zj-,;I'A};: Section 1 That said Special Impro'7emen t Vis tric t No. 421 of the City of Bozeman, S ta te of Montana, be, a.nd the same is hereby, crea ted for the Imrpose of making the j.mprovemen t.s fI S in said Resolution of Intention No. 1013 and hereinafter described. ,section 2 That said spacial impro-\,ements be, and same are, hereby ordered to be made in said Special Improvement District No. 421 as follows: CONSTnUCTIOF OF A Pl" VEf!ENT PROJECT ON V'v"E[)T SPORT STTIEET FTIm,~ T~()';T1-; SIXT:; A T':=P~JE TO }TORTH 3EVE~:TF l\. VET:TJE 1'.1'T1) OE . :Torrr~r SIX';T :I,:."'iCU;:: PRO"!'f V;i:~~)T VILLARD STft:2:ET TO vUHJTON ROAD, :.)/l.1L PA',-E>TENT }.nO.Ti'::CT TO INCLUDE Cm~BnMT1O~T COl'JCRET,E CT;~:J~). AJT0 n.TTTr~E't)S, GTI!\VEL I3A~;E COjT~SE, CnlJC)ITED GTI.A \.71~r.J c"tT~.rj:::O~7 CO~TR3E, AFD BITmn1'";OUS SnnrA,;E COT'"!"\'SE, AND oT~TEn ~J"~:;" ~~~: -~l~ C Ivl~,~.1,TTJ\ T.. . ~I-::FI~T7.I.~TO . Section 3 I Th.R t the entire cost and expense of makinc the special improvement here5n referred to in said Special- Irprovement District No 421 shall be paid by Special I~rrovomcnt District coupon Gonds, as a1J thoriz od by the .Laws of the Gta te of l~on tana , which "'Jonda s b~ 11 fJe in the denomination of One Hundred Dollars (4~lOO. ou) each, And fractions or multiples thereof where necessary, to be issued and charse- able Ap;8.inst a fund to be known as "Sp ecial Improvemen t Dis tric t No. 421 Fund", said bonds to be redeemable at the option of the Clty of Bozeman, i"ion tan a , when- C'Jer flmds are available for that purpose from said Special Improvement District "f\To. 421 Fund; and bonds shall draw interest at a rate not to exceed six percent ( 6jb ) p.ar annu"!':!, wh:~_ ch sha 11 be cha rgea b.Le as a pa l' t 0 f the cost of said improve- men ts and sl,a 11 ~ln from the date of tho reglstratlon of said bonds until said bond s are pa iel . To pay said bonds, and the interest thereon, representing the cost of said improvement, a special assessment shall be levied against all of the 24 lands within said Special Improvement District No. 421 as in sHiel I<csolu.tion of In +-01'1 tiOD no. 1013 defined. Section 4 Said Assossment and taxes shall be payable in twenty (~~O) annual :ins ta11man ts extending over a period of nineteon (19 ) yea rs, wIth interest on deferred payments; but tY.;is provision shall not be construed to pre'iTent full p8yrncnt at any time. See ti or, 5 I That the City Engineer be, and he is hereby, directed to prepare plans and specifications for the doins of said work Bnd the making of said improvements. Section 6 Too t -:~)ursuan t to the provisions and al~ thori t:r conferred by Sec tion 11-2232, Revised Codes of Montana, 194'7, said bonds may ~e sold to the highest and best biddor therefor for cash, a-rd t.ho proceeds of s1.1Gh salo i...lSed in rnak::'ng paYTi)(:,;nt to the contractor, or con trac tors, for sucf: worl{, and. suer! payment Y':ay be made eithcT from t1.MB to tine on estimates made by Ute engineer jn charge of 81Jch imrrove~cnts for the City, or lJpOn the entire completIon of tte irnprove:nents and the BCc8ptance tl1er8of by t.he C1 t;T Corrurission. Section 7 That upon completion of plans and specifications by the City Engine8r for the doing o~ said work and the making of said improvements, the Clerk of tho City Com.'r'ission of the Ci ty of Bozoman, Montana, be, and 1s f!ereby, directed to publish a notice inviting proposals for the making of said improvemBnts on said Special I~provement District No. 421, which notice shall refer to the plans and speci- ficatir;ns on file, by publishing such notice in two (2) issues of the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a daily newsp8per printed and publL3hed in the Cit:r- of Bozeman, not less Ulan ten (10) da Y8 before the time such bias will be opened. Passed and adopted by the Comrrission of the Ci t':r of Bozeman a tar_gular sossion thereof held on the 10th da y 0 f r!.a :t , 11.D. 1961. - sf Arnold M. Swanson I Mayor A T~~~3T : ~{t~<L-~d~/ ler:c of t,e CJ.,ty Conunission - - - - - - - - - - - State of Montana ) ) s s County of Ga11nti~) I, C. 1\. Vv'ilson, Clerk of the Co:mmission of The C1 ty of Bozeman, do hereb:r certify the foregoing Comrrdssion Eosolutiorl HO. 101? was published by title and number in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a newspaper of ;~en6:T'81 drc'1lo tion printed and rnlblis}cd in 88i" C:ity 11'1 the issue of the 15th day of jI~8Y , 1961, and due proof of sllch })'ub.lica ti.on js on flle in my office. E~:.iIr='rL~:S~; IJTTEPE0" T. herelJnto set 1"1;} Land o.nd Df~'ix the c0~rorqto se8l of my of~icG this 16th day of May, 1061. (~~/~~~r;~- I J or . 0_ .', Ie. Cl t:J vom:-'ls s1 on - - - - - - - - - - -