HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 1016 Correction Deed to AG Busch and Frances M. Busch 22 COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 1016 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAyan OF THE CITY OF BOZm~AN TO EXECUTE ON BEHALF or 31\ID C I~-ry (IF 30ZEilIAlJ Ii conr.L-,;CTIOH VJ:<;EU TO A. G. BUSCH 1\.1\:1.) J"]iAlTCES j\.~. B1TSCH 'vVlmnEAS , on tho 2Hth dB Y of December, 1960, A. G. Busch and Frances n. Bv..sch, I husb8nd and w~.fe, !"lade and exec",' tcd to the Ci t;,~ of }"3ozcmBn, a municl:pal corporation, a 3argain and SRle Deaf +;0 aLL thnt portion of Lots '1~hr e e (3) , Four (1 ) , Five ( t::\ vi ond Six (6) of j\po 1] '0 Jub-Di vision i.ncluded wi thin the limits of the cul-de-sac D.S shown on the con'>~mplated plat of sahi Apollo Sub-Divisi0D 8S a cond:ttion of the spprovnl of Ute nla t of said Apollo Sub-Division by the Ci ty of Boze"ian; and NlTET?E AS, said Bargain and Sale Deed was inadvertently recorded in the offica of the County Clerl{ and Recorder of Galla tin County, L~on tana, on the 9th day of January, 1961, at F3: 35 A. :.T . of said day in Book 136 of Deeds at page 271, prior to the approval of said plat by the County Commissioners of Gallatin County, }~on tana , and Drior to the recording of snld plat; and V~11I~ Tn:~:!\~) , it is necessary that the said A. G. BU3Ch and r :-:mces M. Buscr1 be the owners of the legal ti tIe of the lands pla tted as Apollo Sub-Division at the time of the approvAl of said plat by the county Comyr1issioners of Galla.tin County, Montana, and at the time of the recordin8 of said plat. no'IV 'rrIEREF'ORE, BE IT TIESOLVED by the Ci ty Com'''nission of the Ci ty of Bozeman, a. municipal corporation, that the mayor of said City of Bozeman be authorized. to execu te a. Qui t Claim Deed, on behalf of said C1 ty of Bozeman, conveying any inter- est t11St the City of Bozeman bas in said lands oei'1[: platted a~: Apollo Sub-Division to the soid A. G. Buscn and Prances T<T. Busch, with the 11nclerstrmding tha t said A. G. Busch and Francos M. BuscL, after the approval and filing of said plat of Apollo Sub-Division, convey to the City of Bozeman, a municipal corpora tion, all that portion of Lots Three ( 3) , Four (4), Pi 'Ie ( 5 ) and Six (6 ) of Apollo Sub-Division included within the lir~i ts of the cul-de-sac as shown on said pla t, to the City of Bozeman. Passed and adopted by the Comnission of the City of Bozeman a.t a regular sesi:do held on the 26th day of April ~ n 1961. ..L"~. ..u., I sf Arnolc1 M. s'wanson Mayor ATTEST: ~41A.4.~d~/ C erK .. f the v ty vomn-nssion - - ----- - - - - state of Montana ) ) S8 Count~7 of Galla tin) I, C. K. Wilson, Clerk of the Comm:i.ssion of The City of 3ozemnn, GO hereb y certify the foregoing Comn'ission ResnhJtion Eo. lU16 was pu"!:}lisLecl by ti tIe and number in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a newspaper of genural circulation printed and Fubl:tSt1Ccl i,: sn i(1 C1 ty in tho issue of the 8th day of May, 1961, and. due py'oof of sl,ch Dll~'-,licR tion is on file In my office. IY 'yn:nTil~~)S ';JTr;:~n:wr I horenn to set my hand And af fix the corpora te ~:; en 1 of my office this luth da y of T,'~8.~:T, 1961. clet'~~<<4~don I - - - - - - - - - - - --