HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 1038 SID Lighting 423 ____..'~r,.____----.-..- _... .-...---. t75 CO:,1EJSSIuN RESOLU'l'IUN Nu. 1038 I A RESUL U'l'IuN uF 'l'tiE CuwlMISS1UN OF 'I.HE Cl TV uF BOZEMAN, l.m:TANA, CREA TH.:!} A SPEC IAL nv!t'R<JVELm.t-TT DIS/['RICrl' TO BE i':NuWN 1\3 St'EC TAL II" J;Tju\'E?':E~I'l' LIGfiTItJG ])13 '['PI.:; 'I' J:W. 42~'.> ;.'c'E 'ILl: !,"\TF':i)()SE uF l'l-'lmA 'T'I~:G AND ~IA INTA DnHG A LH;. E~'IFG ('"<Fe rn'E.' '" rr>(' 'J"T"]-Jrr> c'(\pll~r jILi-C'j" "'I',n,PJ""l"" };'D()',ff ('OL'T;,G' , c'r;"n'1"p1,'l' ...).J..UA.. l'A _,.,j .-.-.i,,_I..)-_, U /.,) ...... ~.'.r~ :I.. r!.\iJ....Il1\' ~ . i'L, "" v' ..L...i,~.J ~ U.....J" ,I.... T:') IT:",) POINT Or,1 I"[\TT1~R0.i.!;CTION ',H'l"}f THE GALLA'l'IF 'nLLi:'Y 211~C'I'E:rC EA::::LROAD ~::::C;~~'I'-0F-WAY AND INCLUDING Tl:E TvlO CUL- ))T;;-SACS ;'.3 t'U,:,'lYIW 11:: 3LJCK 1 u:" Sl'RII\iG i)ELL AD:jI'i'TOI: TO- T lH~ CITY ul:' L\JZE~.:l'.:T. JALLA 'J'nT VY~T"TTY, "<(JX":"'l\NAAYU nT- CL~JDnJG 'J'EE ONE CUt-DE-SAC AS riLA'I"rED 1P ~3LOCK 2 OF SAID S i)!UNG ::JELL AD0ITION, 31\11.) LIGHTING SYSTl~r,,'j TO BE ITiSrl'i\L.LED lHTD~)A ID F\Jn BY TEE "'Ol.;TM'A IJ()VJr.:r: cm.TP1~ ;'J"", ALL UNDER '.I';-:E AUT}l~)n:!: '-:"( ',i}C l:...IiD ::!: I~ CO U="YRlVilj'Y 'v".'rrT1 SEC'l'lli!'! S 11-2245 'TO LL-2257 INCLUSIVE, \)l" ~f1HE REVISED CODES uF r,fOWrM;-A, 1947, PT:THST:AT'T TO P,. ND I:'; CJNI;'OPHI TY 'i'JITE ccn/I~.IISinOr: HESOLUTIC)l'! "rU1\'I3E:; 1U36 OF SA 10 C I'T'Y CO:':';" n-;;.:::I CIN AS t'ASSED AFD AJOl'rr;lW i:J'.,T SAID cr:"y cmp':,:S:',IOI'T UN Crt-IE 20'l'}{ DAY uF DECEHBER, 1861. VifIIERII:;,S, tl-le City COJ:11.r1::..8sjon (1f' the City of Bozeman, l\ont!1na, on tne ~ day of' December, 1.U61., passed and adooted Comrission Resol~ltionNo. 1036 declar- ing it to be the intention of said Commiss:Lon to cre!1te a Special Irrprover'ent Li:~h tlng i}ls tric t No. 423 of' s~:' 1d City for the pt1.rpose of irs tn .llirg anLl main- tc,i'11np: e l:Lrti:ltj.I)[O syster:-; to li:;.ht South BJ..BCk Avenue from Collec~e >.Jtrect to its roint 0': ir:tersecticJn wI tr, tote ~~'O118. tin VnJlbY lC:lectric Rail.rol.H.l rio::nt-of-w~'y and includin~ t~0 1rin Cul-dc-ages as platted in Block 1 of Sprin[ Doll AdJitlon to the Ci ty of' Boze~nar., Ge .Lla tin Coun ty, hon tana, and Including thE: one C:II-Ge.:. spc as platted in Block 2 of sRid Spring Dell Addition, saia liChting system I to be ins tn .Lled aYld p8. id for by tne Y' or: tana l:ower Gompany, all uncier the au tll.or- ity C"f.and in "conformity with ~ect,,1o~S ~1-2245.to, 1l-22h7 1~c~u3ive of th~ Revi- sed (;0(1:13 of Mon tane, 1947, wr!:L.ch sald resolu tlon, of recorcl anJ. on filo In trle office of' tJ1(,";l.erk of said City Comm::.ssion and open to tile inspection of the p::tbl:!.c, is hureby referred to for flJ.rtr,er particldArs; end NE~~~^S, due proof has been made that service of notice of the pdopti~n of sr'l~_d resolution "IIJo. lu36 was d:l1J made and gi ven as by iaw provided; and WHj:2.:::i\8, qt the tir:ie and p1.ece flxcd jYl said Heso1.utlor: ;To. 1036 for the ~~l(ing and filin~ of prot8sts against the creation of said proposed Special ImI'rovement Lj t1.TIg 0:1.strict No. 483, to-wit, at the ncn.1l' of 1:0U o'clock ~).T:. on '.'Jednec;day, the ~ d,9.~T of .Tru1uary, 1\)62, be:i.ng a rer;ular meeting time of said Ci ty Commission, at the Commission Chamber in the Ci ty Eall b1li.Lding of the City of Boz6~pn, ~here were not sufficient protests made or filed against the crea tion of said Sv cial Improvement Ligh ting Dis tric t "TI~0. 423; Hm',-, TITEF:E- }'C.)RE, :JE IT EIi:SOL','ED BY 'Tl-IE Cmn\TISSION OF' TEE CITY OF POZEMAN: ~)ec tion 1 Creation and Purpose That there be, and there is hereby created a special improvement distrlct of thf:~ Ci ty of 13ozen'8n to be known and de signa ted as Spa c ia 1 Impro'Jcmen t L::.gh t- ir,g Dis triG t No. 42~), for the purpose of insta lling and main ta Ining a 1.1.gtlting system to light South ~alck Avenue froM College ~treet to its point of inter- seet:ton wit.r.-t.t1e GaJlatln Valley Electric RaLlroad right-of-way and i'1cluding the two Cul-de-sacs as pIa tted in Glocl;:: 1 of Spring Dell Add.i tion to the C1 ty of Bozeman, Gallatin ',jounty, Montana, and inc.Luding the one Cul-de-sac as vlatted in Block 2 of Spring De~l hddition, said lighting system to he insta~led and paid for by the Montana rower ~omp8ny, all under the authority of Bnd in con- formity with Sections 11-2245 to 11-2257 inclusive, of the Revised Codes of I May", t3., na, l~;J:, '(, P,.,l1rsuo.ri t t~,' and in. conformi t~T with co, mrniss ion He, sol'll tiO,nno. 1, u36 of the ComrYG ss io~, of the :;i ty of Boz oman, pas sed and adopted on the 2uth 08, y of December ,1961, which sa id Commission Resoiu tion No. 1036 cieclaro~3 it to be the i:d:;cmt:i.on of S8id City COill.'iisc.ion to create said Special Improvement Li:'~ht- ing Dis tric t No. 423 for ttle purposes aforesaid, ano. which st\ id Commiss ion HGso- l,Jt::.on :1"0. Ju36 is of record p..nd on file in the office of the Clerk of said City Comr:-Iis[310n iI' the City lIa.ll Bui let in.'! , Bozeman, is open to the inspection of the 'p'le.Lie, and is hereby referred to for further particulars. (Continued on Page No. 75) --~_._.._.. -.----...---- ... 76 Section 2 Boundaries Tho bo:mdari.es of Aaid Special Improvement L:Lht.ing 1..:listrict l'To. .'<)7 hereby "j;t..0, created, are defined and describAd as fo110v;s : Beginning at tne Northwest corner of Lot 4, Block 1, Spring Dell Addition, th e n c e in 8. sOl.1therly direction nlong the Eas t line of ':;ou th B12C1: A ve- I nue a distance of 206.0 feet to the Sou thw a s t cOI'n e y. 0 f lot 5, said Block 1; thence east;er.lY 8.1ong the northerly .line of a cul-de-sac a distance of 192.56 :f'()et; tr8nce westorly a101".,; the son tr1Grl:r 2.:!.nE: of said cul-cio-sac a distance of 192.56 feet to a point on the EaB t line of "'~ou th ;~lack Avenue; thence southerly along theba s t lipe of S.011 th 31acl{ A venue a cds- trlTICB of 194.U feet; thence easterly along the nortt1(;Y'ly line of a CUl.: de-sac a distance of 175.26 feet; thence westerly along the sou ther.1Y Ilne of said cul-de-sac a dist2nce of 175.26 feet to a point on the East line of South ~lsck Avenue; thence SO') tLerly 81r)D,o' 88 iu E:'13 t line 0:- Sou th Black A venue a dit~ tane e 01' 444.05 feet to 0- poln tor: the ~Tortherly rign t-cf-wa:r of the Gallatin Valley Electric Railroad; tC.ence s au th- westerly alonIT sajd right-or-way a distance of 116.39 feet to ..., point on ,.< the '.vest l:tne of 2,<")u th ;3".!.D.cl~ i1.'I''.:''t)T111e; thence northerly slong t.t1eV'Jes t lir:e of :Sou tr lhnck Avenu8 ~-\ (list;anGh of lU~.19 feet to the northeast corner of' L0~.j lU, Bleck 2, Sprini~ DelJ AdcU ti on; tr1ence wes terJ.;r a lonr' ~,L8 SOl)ttJerl.y lj_ne of a C'lt - cl e - s ~:1C a elis tnrlce of It:Y,) . bE:) feet; thE,nCG eas torly Rlonl'; tile nortLerly Ilne of said cul-de-sac a distance of 183.E6 foet to a poin t on the west line of S01..lth Black .Av6m~e; thence nort;her.lY alO!lg the :lest 11:-l8 of Routh 81'::1::::1: Aven').o a distance of 8';35.1.1 feet 1:;0 a point on the Sou th line of East College utre ", t; ttlence easterly acros~"b;3st Colle ~\e Street Gu.u fc()t to ~he point of beginning. See tiOtl 3 Character of I1T;provs:::'(:~l ~:.s 7tlO character of the improvement to be Ma~e in said Specl91 Improvoment Lignting Listrict No. 423 to be ~nst811ed and paid for by the. ~:oc-: t8na l.Jo .~v'e T' CompCln~{ 1s the erection Clnd inl:; t~ J.19 tiC:l of lu h1!nln~liru~:; VIi tt; b, UlJi.) lcmen lamps mountod approximately 30 feet hIgh on wood poles. Powor is to be fed by a single o'l}orheaG wir0, nnd tne inBt~ll')tion shqll be eqcipped w1th all necessary appli- ances for the safe and proper operation of the 3 ys terr, . I See tior! 4 Estimate of Cost of Maintenance and Electri.cal CUI'rent and ~~ethod of' .1isses~):r.ent. An estimate of the cost of maintaining 3uch lii':t1tiny sy[,tem and 3uprlying current thorefor is the s~rn of Two Hundred Ninoty-Four Dollars (~2Y4.uO) per year, of which total seventy-five percert (75%) 1s to La assessed sgBinst the property w1t~~n the district on B front foot basls, and Twen t'T-f'1 ve nercen t (25%) is to be paid by the Ci ty of Bozeman. The e3timBt(:)c~ rate of assessment per year per front foot of t.ne property wi thi~ the district is $U.U~926 per front foot. Section 5 Ac t'18l Fran tage of District 'The total aetw:U front8ce of the property within saiJ proposed Special Improvement LightingJlstrlct Fa. 423 is 2962.u lineal feet. Section 6 Pa ymen t Speci"ll Improvemen t 1.1gh tin€; Dis tric t No. 423 is estHblished for the pur- pose of payinp; tr:e operqting and maintenance cost of ancn lights only which said operation and maintenanco will include the fUl"nistJ~ne; of electric cur'rent, all lamps as needed, and the maintenance of POI03, CD01",,2, and other incident~l items. 'I'h(; Hn tir'!,; in~~taLlation cost of suCh 11.c~hts will be borne by the 1\:on t;n na l'ower Company. 'l'he prtlon of t.he cost of ma1~tenancG and elec tricH 1 cury'on t p8 yable I b Y til e Ci t;,' of R07cmon wi.ll be paid directly by the City of 30zeman and the portion to be assossed acainst the property withIn the district will bo assessed and paid an1".uclly 8S provided by law. PHssed and adopted by the Com.'11~ssion of the C;1 ty of Bozem8n a t a reJglllpr session thereof held on the luth day of Jam"ary, 1 ~62 . - s/ Fred ~ff. Stauc~aher l'~ayor ^ rr. rn ;'-;' (~~ IT1 . .1"''+ .j .L.Jk.,l .J... .. Wilson tJ~l~:~ "1 1;y Ii om'" BRion - - - - - - - ----.. 77 I - - - - .. .. - >3tr3.t:e of !vIon+;qna \ I , j ss CountJ of G8~latln) I, c. T\:. Wilson, Clerk of the Commission of The City of Bozeman, do hereby certify thi-l t the foregoing F:eso1u tlon No. H)38 was p'J.b11shed by ti tie and numt)er in the Bozeman Daily GhrcnlGl.e, 8. newspaper of general circu.J.a tiOD vrin ted and publ.:1.sned in said Ci ty in the issue of January 12 th, 1 ~162 , and due proof of STICh ~~blication 1~ on file in my offlce~ IN 'i;:;:T~~h:.s:) './IT:-:rmOF I hereun to set my hand and affix the corporate seal of my office this 16th day of January, 1962 ~ I ! g; {:h;f{ff- ~-7/7~ er. - of fie 1 y CorrmJ~sslor' - - .. - .. - .. - .. - I