HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 1037 Approving Planning Documents for City Hall and Shop Building --- -- 74 COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 1037 11 RESOLU7ION (f[' THE CO~::~.~ISSION or THE CITY OF J30ZEV4Y, !vTONTA;-l!\, AF?'PUVnw r;:TE ARC:iITECT'S j'LA};NI1TJ Docr~1EF7S PEDerA.. I'~.TIT\T('r err; ^. PTTJ3; I Tr, ~'vrr\DK UP(j".PAM "'I..np '!'1:'-J"'-' r;ON(~rf"'PT..'.'TCTTr\T\] I .lL"., l',~.l',...., ...1...\,) &-;. l.. _l".v v \.r.l..~..1. J. _ '-"....1..11, j'll \...'.1. ,... ../ .,J , "-.1_ ,J..",' ~_.I...-l~ OP TT~E .t-'ROPOSE;U CITY fL'\L:; AF~) ~;F()~) BFTLDI"JGS. WHEREAS, the Ci t~l of Bozeman accepted fHJ offer from the uni ted ,jta tes Government for an adv8-:Jce for prepFlra ti.on of p18nnin~ o.oclHnen ts perta i ni:rr; to [1 p''-bl1c \'Iork c'"escribed BS, City HaJ.l and .:Jhop I,\li1dlrgs; and ~1U~R~AS, Oswald Berg, Jr. and Associates end William E. Grabow, Architect, were ensTa;,\ed to prepare the pl8.nniy~;.~ cloCLwent8 for the ~\.fol'f3aid }JubliC wor'{, and sa ld a rcni tee t and/or enrineer ha S cOJ:1ple tea the docnUli:r. ts and sut)mi tteu. tnen: for 8. pprove; and W.EI~F';'~AS, the comr'le tee. pLam.in:; o.ocurr:Em ts na '.'0 bee!'l C[1 ref~lLy s tUct led and are considered to comprise ade4u~te Vlannin~ of the public work 8ss0ntj81 to tt1C ~omrr.uni ty n.nCl wi thin t:':e fiLane::'81. ability of the :':;1 t:l of Bozeman to constY,1.ct; :~C),N, 'i'Ei:m';FOT';>E, be it resolved by the City Commis~'ion of ttlC City of Gozornan, tile go"orr>:ing bod:T of' saLe 8pr~lica:nt. t118 t tl1C T)l~mninp' docl;mcn ts subml tted by Oswnld ;)orr;, ."fr. an:.i AS8oci'1tes and\;:.LU..8M T~. :,:rn'::;ow, Arcl1.itect, as t.t1e basis for de ta lied }11ann :Lng 0:' the sa id";i ty Hall am... 3hop E>li..LJinc",s .:18 tCLl 'Jecember tS, 1961, in cOD"wctlor: Witll I:ouslr::c; ano. flm";1e r.'i!'t8nCe ;\,';ency Project 1'To. ?-~br:t. 31ju, be and the same are horeby approved; and tnat certified copios of tne resr,- ~tio~ to filed wi~h the HO~8jpg and Ho~e FinqnCe Agoncy. Passed anll adooted by the C,)!i1Y"J:isslon of tne C1 ty of Bozema~;, a t a rf;glJ.- 19r sesslon tt!'3reofheld on the ~Jth d8Y of January, ItJ62. Q / A -,' H <;, o rno .l..Cl ,'. __:wanson ~',:a yor OJ ~ rTHnr~ 'c /Tl . I rt , ~ ".1--)..1. . S.,/ r; TT "1'1 v. n. " l son C 1erl,:: of the Ci t Y G omrr:ls;:; :L)n - - - - - - - - - - - - State of Montana J ) 53 C01).n ty of Gg l!.B tir. ) I, C. ::\.. VVi.Lson, CJ.;rl{ nf tne CO~'Prj t1sion of Tne Ci ty 0:: EozcrAn, do ncrcb:-,~ certify U1At :~n--, Jor8goinf:~ f\esnlt;tio'~' o. LU;)7 was p',J~jlisr18d uy ti.. tJ.C 'lne, nn'11~;er in the Bozor;ian :i)ail~r CtlronicLc, a nowspaper of cenerp.L circ:lJatioYl pr:1.nted and publ.~.sned in spict Cit;/ in the J..SDue of Jqnuary 11,1062, 9.nd diJC [JT'onf oi' 8,.'~rc I:u,)lic'll:ion '.t; on rile in rry ofL'ice. :n ':!I'I'NESS WI~~REOF I hereur.1::o set my hand and affix t!rie corr- orate se~,U. of my of1'1.00 this .tGtn day of' .Jamw, r::r 19b2. @/~(~?-~ ~~-t/' C.lerir ...f tD_G C0r.1r:llss10n - ... ... ... - ... - ... ... l1li --..... ----