HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 1036 SID Lighting 423 ____on n____ _ 70 COMMI2;.n~)~T RE~)OLUTIO}IT NO. 1()36 A H8~SOI.,UTION DF THE COMl.ES~Im~ OF ~'HE CrI'Y UF BOZEMAN, r~C':'JTANA , TYr..:CLA'SING IT TO DE 'TIm IlJ'!'ElTTION UF SAID COI.n,:- ISSIO}.; TO ::i-"~t';Ar'E 1, SPECI!,L urI)T:O\rE~1i;:NT DISTRICT TC BE IQ',:()\:..rl'J l:.S SJ.JE~C Iti-L IT" l)1'~C)1I~l'~:'FEI,;T J-1IGII~=':\:n ,ljIS1~l~~ICT l!O. 423 I POR '!'EE PURPOSE OF OPEHJ,. 'l'I:'W AND LTI, INTA n.:::;:~:c A LIG-HTUTG S YS 'TE~~ TU i,rOI-1rr S()T,~T}.l ':.)LJ.~C~.': J.~\rE~JTJ~ ";~RD",: C :2~_,~I~GE ST~\B,ET TO ITS ,)GINT OF I1!TERSbCTIO!J ViITH THE GAL1~TIK ~ALLEY r;:Lr;:CTRIC HAIL~<OAD RIG:-IT-Oli'-WAY AnD n~CLUDnTG TEE TWO CUL- DE-SACS AS FI,A TTED IN BL':)CK 1 OF Sl';;.INC DELL ADliI'I':-C!' TC)- ':.'}l.l~ C IT'1' OF [3uZ.21''!.\ ;.: , GALLATnr COUNTY, r.~O~:'TANA AND H:-CLlJi/:HG TE.i2; orE CUL-.:JE-oS,AC AS FLAT'I'ED IN iH,."CK 2 ()},,': Si\~D Sl-IRII\;G DELL ADDITIOT,:, SAID LIGHTING SYST.r:M TO BE INSTALLED AND l.)AID r ~"t BY THE l''L)l~'l'.t';.l\JA .t:\JvVEK CVJ'il.l:~.n.l~r, W~! t.: IlL" ;", ~ , tnere has been f'i led w.i t;r-, tbe CLerk of' the CO)1J1';1ls:Jlon (,i' t.ne City of' Bozeman, ulonG'.:'Y~2 , q pc t J, tl ~){l lr: (~1J_e ~'cr[,l cf cert-:d,.:] l'rc.pert:.i owners on ~outh bLACk Avenue fro~ COLlege ~trdet to its }'oint of ~~tersection with tI-IC GaLlatin Valley Electric ~alJroad ri~nt-of-way and :1.1".O.i 11(: ~r;&: the +-.,. ." vw\... CiJl-c'le -sacs as vLsttcd in Block 1 of 3p~in~ De.Ll Addition to <::rlO C i~;y nf Bozeman, GAllatin County, ,- t: "':':1 l:r, c 111d :'Lng the one Cul-de-s8c QD platted L'lar. .,~1.n8., anG. in Bloc]..; 2 of Spring Dell Additio~, 8sld that <0, speciA.i improvement li~ht- ing district1e croqted for tt'lO T11 ~ r_~)o s e 0.:" opere t:i.nc nnd main tH :l.nir:~j: :J lL;tl t- ~r:.g s ys :e~ to l:!.,':ht South BIDck AvemJO from College .....trec.t to i1;~ po::nt of intersection with the G~cj Lla tin u1LLle y Ele c tric f;:-:il:rmJd fir;Jlt-of-w8Y and in c .L u - ding the two Cul-de-sacs as plR tted in Block 1 o~ Spring Dell Addltio~ ~C the City of Bozem8n, ." 11Htin County, l'.'lontana, and inc l',1ding tne one Cul-cle -sac u 83 platted in Block 2 of said Spr~ng Dell Addition. WHERE!~S , 8t. 9. regul<Jr meetinf of the City Commission of the C i t.;7 f) f Bozeman held the 13th day of December, 1~~61, the aforesaid pbtlt10n ~8S reSIx;ct:tvely cons:tckl'od Dnd p;r9.Y\ted; l~ OW , TIT T~ 17 J~ 'P' () T~I~ , T{E Irr' 1\"t-~:~C.'L \'T~T) ,Bj~ TT~I~ CTrrt' C()}\/~>!r_'L~:':I~:.~,I()T'~' (~'~41 f'~"i'.':',; \-~:~'..-y- ul."1 ,B(JZ'~~~'"f~~l~ : Section 1 I j)e clara tion of ln tentlon Ths. tit is t:ereb:! dec 11:\ rod to b e tne :intention of tne City of Bozeman to cr-ea te a special improvemer.t d5.str':ict to be In...,owr:. DDd desit:!v.t;(;c:. 8S Sp0Gial Impr';o'Iemcnt :Si[';tltir.g .0istrj.ct Eurrber 423 of tt.8 Ci ty of Bozeman for- the pur- pose of operating and MaintaininG 8 ,li:-cjltiny- s.ystem to lL:ht Sontn 131'3d~ 1.'Je- nUG from College 0treet to its poin t of ir.tersection wi~h the Gu lla tin Vn lIe :,' E1ect~~c RRl1r88~.rl[ht-of-wBY ~nd inchJdlnc the two cul-de-sacs as pLatted l.TI 1310Ck 1 of upr:ng l)eLl lidc:.l t:.on -co tne Gi ty of';30ZG1"18n, (}'!liatin County, Montana, anu incluuing the onu cu1-c}e-saG as platted in Block 2 of said Spring Dell Addition. See tion 2 Bmmdaries The boundaries of ,::;alu bpecial Improvement Lighting District are descl'~. bed9s follows: Bee.inninR at the Northwest cornar of Lot 4, 131ocl{ 1, Spl'~_n!! De 11 Addition, thence in a southerly direction along th e Ea s t line of South Black Avenue a distance of 2US.O feet to the Southwest corner of Lot 5, said Block 1; ttH)r~ce ea:,,; ter lY a lon€~ the nortnerly linE~ of a C1Jl-de-sac a distllnce of 192.b6 feet; thence westerlY along the SOll the rl y 1 ine of said cul-;1e-s8c q aista~ce of lv2.b6 feet to a poin t on the Ea s t line of SQ11 th D 1A C k A venue; thence southerlY along the Eas t line of South Rlnck Avenue a distance of 194.U feet; thence eas terJ_y along the northerlY line of a cui-de -sa c 8- dis tunce of 1'/5.26 feet; -chence was te r1y a -Lon': the southerLY line of said cul-de-sac a distance of 1'1:--) .2fi feet to a pain t on the Ea s t lln6 of South Black Avenue; the~")ce sou therly I along sHid East line of South 31ack Aven~e B distanco of 444.05 feet to a poir.t on the Northerly right-of-way of the Gallatin Valley Electric RAilroad; thence sou thwes terJ.y alow:; sald riCht.: of-way a distsncs of 116.39 feet to a point on the ":lest lino of South Black Avenue; thence northe rly- alan;:; the Wes t line of South Black Avenuo a distance of IuS. Iv feet to the no!'theast corner of Lot lu, T3lock 2, Jpring De 11 Adell tion; thence weB t.erly a lonf tne son ther1y line of 8. cul-de-sac a distur.ce of lJ19 . b6 fee t; thence easterly along the northerly line of said cul-de-sac 8 distance of 189.56 f'eet to a point on the wes t 11no of South rUe c 1-: A venue; thonce northorlY alonp: the West line of Sou th Black Avenue a distance of 89b.0 feet to a point on the .:)outh line of East College .jtreet; thence easterly ecross East College Street 6u.O feet to the point of begin~ing. 71- Sect:1.on 3 Character of IP1provemon ts The character of the improvement to be insta~led and paid for by the rr:on tana Power Company is tt~e erection and instaJ..la tior: of .Lu luminaires wi th I 6,UOO lumen .L1-:Imps mounted approxinv9.teJ..Y 30 feet high on wood poles. Pmver 1s to be fed by n. sinc.Le overhefid wire, and the installAtion shall be 8Ql:1pped with all necessary apvllancos for tho safe and proper opcr3tion of the s Y8 tern. Section 4. Estimate of Cost of Maintenance and Electrical Current and Method of Assessment. An estimate of' the cost of maintaining suCh lighting system and supplying curren t the rEdor is the sum of Two Hundrec' Ninety-Four DOllar's (~2<J4.\.)U) per Y83.r, 0f which to ta 1 seventy-five percent (75%) 1s to be 2sE8ssed against the property within the d:istrict on a front foot basis, and twenty-five 9crcent (25;{) is to be pP:tel by the Ci t"T of Bozeman. The estimated rate 0f nssess111E::nt . U property within t~e district is $U.U8426 per per year per front foot of th(3 froD t fact. Sect:ion 5 Ac t'JB 1 Area of !.Jis trio t The totnl 9,ctl18.1 fronta,re of the property within said proposed Special Improrem.sr:'. t Ligh tlng .uis trio t No. 423 is 2~62.u lineal fee t, which 1s the i'ron t- age or wt''ilch all prote3t,~ will be received, considered Bnd datermined. Section 6 Pa ymen t The proposed Speciul I~provement ~lghting District will be establisned for t~I.C Fll'l)oSe of payinp; tne operating and maintenance cost of S11cn .l1Chta only, which said operation and maintenance will inc Iude the furnishing of elec tr'ie I curren t, all lamps 88 needed and trj0 IDa in tena~ce of poles, cables, and 0 tt.or inciden tal items. The en tire cost of such lie;;hts will be borne by tne ~.'J on ta na t'ovver Company. See ti::m 7 Pr'o tes ts and Notice Thn t the ro;:;ular session of the Ci ty Commissior: of the City of Bozeman, to bE; held at the commission Gr:smber, C1 ty Ha1.1 Ruilding, Bozeman, ~.T on t~ma, on Wednesda;;, tr.c luth dny of cTanuary 1~62, at tl1e hour of one o'cJ.c)ck l}.n. of said dr~ ;;" , '11'0 tho ti'[;'j3nd Vlace wrGn ''\TIel wneru tho Ci ty Commission will hear and pASS upon all protests d11ly and regl~18rly D'18de Bnd flled e_s;ainst thE'. c!'catlon of said pr01JOs 8G. [;peclal Impr0ve~Qnt Li~ht:n~ Dist.rict No. 123, the improvement proposed to co r;';8clo FJrSll8;> t tJlere to and the ex ten t .9.Yld character thereof, or either thereof; and the C ler:{ of the City Commission ~:;e, and he is hereby directed to give notice in the ~anner and ",or tne time as by .law required, of the adoption of this Resolution of Intention. Adopted by the Comrr.ission of the City of Bozeman, :Mont9na, at a regular and stated 8e8310n of said Commission held on the 20th day of December , A.D. lU6l. s/ Arnold M. Swans on Ma :yor Pi T'r:b:~)rr: ~{t /A i<~4-'7~ Clerk n tne vi ty omr'lission I - - - - - - - NOTICE IN RE C m~'F S,) --=OK TIESOTJ~J'I'IOl'T NO. lu36 OF' rrHE CI'I'Y OF BUZE:~1AN DECL.i\Rn~:J 'T'PE IYTENTInjT 01<' TlIE CITY OF' BOZm.'AN TO C ~LA TE p'. SPRC IAL IMPP.J',T:~<E}TT DISTFIC'l' '.n BE KNOWN AND lJ.2SH+NP. r_~J:m (Continued on Page No. 72) . , ---,.- --. 72 /:~ :,:~;, "S,rT~C If. I.: I~J,~ J:.)n0 'V'L'~:;,,~,:U;J1-Trr 1J1 (}TT rrI'~:G f) I ;':'.) rr~? I t:T r~J-rJ'T,,/!T~,.~R 423. It Notice is hereby g1 VEIn thn, t on the 2J th de y of Dec6mber A. D. 1961, eta regu18r meetiiJ,g of the Commission of the C1.t~;'" of Bozeman, Com'~tiss10n Resolution Nl..1mber Hi~3() en ti t.Lcd: A RESOL~j'T'ION OB' T'~E C m~~~I;}SIC1lJ OF THE C IT~{ OF BOZT~},1f,N, ;'> I" (, ~T rpl\ }T./' ~ iJECL;!\PIl:;G IT T(' Er~ TFE nJT~':~'TE:'N 0:' SArL> CO:~L;- I;:.:;:.)I"JIJ T() CTr!.,;';~l\..rrE A ~)l)}l~CI/\lJ 1\TPT1(\\.:"-I~T":.~~:,;~:.r.r1 [)IS.T:1,ICfT TO DE KWYiJN A~) ~)l);';CIi-\L n':C)p,')'JEf'1'~1:'.I' [Jl:r;n';'--.:nG DISTT\IC;T 1;8. 423 I FCJ~ TEE PUIU-\O~;E 07 ()F~mA TIlJG !\ ND ~;J\.IrTAn:n:G A LI (}E ';'1 JIG SYS':'E?{ TO LI;;WT' ,SOlFf'E :SLACK A VENUE'<"no~1 COL LFGE SrrJnEl.~T TO 1'::'8 POINT OF IIT~rr~~RS,T~CrrT,;)N VIITIf 'l'EI~ GALLi\. TIN VALLE")' ~bL:r~CTTnC RAILROII.D Tni~E'T'-OF-VlA'I Alm INCLlfUnTG 'LiE T'iJO GT,TL,- DE-SAC8 AS l'LATrrED HT 5LO,:';K 1 01" Sl-'RING DELL A'0DITION rr'o- THE CIT~c OF' rOZEM!',l'T, G..L\L:J.4 TIN COTTNT'", ~:'[QNTA}f (\, AX[) T'rT _ ....1....":"'; CLUDING THE ONE CUL-DE-SAC AS :'LATTED _i3L:'C:{ 2 01' SAID SprING DELL ADDITION, Si\ID LI GE THJt} SYSTEV TO_ E n:S'1'l\ LL2D hTD PA ID [!'OR BY TED; -'ONTAKf, p(WmF CO';~)MT", fI, LL mJD:,:n 'l'HE A UTHnRI'PY OF A}TD r' CO~:FORr/ IT \:/ITII Ss.:C '!'-~CnJs 11-2245 TO 11-2257 rECLUSIVE, OF THE nE1.'I~"'ED :::0,)1:'::;' 07 '\~ONTl\l'A, 1947. . was passed and adopted. That \Vednesday, the ~ day of January, 1962, at one o'clock p.m. at the Commlssicn Foom of the City Hall, Bozerr..9!l, Hontpna, is designated by said Reso- lution No. 1u36 as tbe tlme and place for hearin? objections to the ac t~.on pro- p0sed to be taken by said resolution, R~d when And where Hny and all persons whose property is wlthi~ said proposed Special Irnpro~6rnent Lighting District ~\T 0 . 423 on South Black Avenue from College u tr e e t to i ts point of intersection w 1 ttl the Gallatin Valley Electrjc I~ailro3d rip::h t-of-V:8 y and includi~g the two Cui-dc-sacs as pla tted in Block 1 of' Spring Dell Addition to the City of Bozsman, G~ 118 ti~ Cmmty, ]\;Tontnna, and in::: l.uding the one vul-de -sa c os 1'11'1. t tad in Ihock 2 of said Spring ~e11 Addition, in saId City may appear and show casue, .if any they nave, against said prop0sed Imorovement. Objections must be r~ade t:1 wri- tin~ and filed wlth the Gl.erk of t;he City Commission not later t h '1rJ fifteen (15) claye After the da te of the firs t publicS! tion of tt1is ~;otice. T!la t the general character of the improve'tnent to be made in said 0pecial Ir:lprovernent Ligh thlg District 1':0. 423 is tlle crec tion [mel ins t811~1 tion of lU luminaires with 6,OUO lumen lamps mOlmted o.ppl'oxima te1y 3D feet h1~h on wood poles. Power is to be fed by a sinr';lE; overhead wire, and tr.,e ins~aJ.lation shall I be equipped wi t.\:, 8. L~ necus snry a pc Lien co 8 for the safe and proper operation of tD_8 3YJt81':1. An aPl"'roxlmate 8.nd prelimirwry ustimHte (If tIH; cost Df' rr:flln::Hlrl.~q~ SiJ.cn 1:tr:rn::!.n;; S'TSI..,em and sl1.nnl V current tberefor 1s t;;-:l8 f:')n of Two IhmGl'od TJ:ine ty- ~(rliI'U('il?r'0 U;,294:.UO).per Y(,21', of which total. seventy-five percen~ ('7;,)%) Is to be assessed against tho Broperty with1n tl1~ district 0D a rron~ foot basis, 2nd twen ty- :'j '.'8 pc~cent (25%) 1s to be paid by the Ci ty of 3()i~cm',)n. ",he exti- mated rate of assessment per ]ear per front; foot of t;he prop~rty within the distrlct is 4?u.u~)~}26 per front foot. rrhe proposed ~peclal Improverent LightIng District will be established for the purpose of pa yinr~ the operating and ~Binten8nce cost of such lighta only wt.4ch sn id orera t lor and mal r: tenance VIllI includo the furn~shinr of electric Cl}rrCn t, 8Jl 1GmpS 83 noeded and tr~c T;'l,3. ~,. ~~ t ar19 'Y:C e o.f IJo}es~ cab~(;s , and other incident~l ite~G. ~hc cYltire C0St of such liphts will be bOI~O by th0 {,:on tqn2 FO'lJor COr.1pQny. ", doc;cr:"-ptl,.:m of the b011ndaries of said :":'pt;ciI11 Th:pro~ement LiSh~ing _~.( 0 l~ 9 ni8 tric t ?Zo. 423 reference 1s here"by r1'l1..18 tc Resolution ~o. 1036 of the Co~m"is - sian of tIle City of Jozeman dec~nrinp tk,' tyitention to c r(,:G te sa jd .uis tric t, ...'~ L.i wJ1icl1 is on ;'116 in the office of the uruiers~~ned Clerk of sald Commission in the City Hall of soid City of Bozeman, S t8. te of ~,f.ontana, and open for inspection to all interested parties and the pl'_b1ic genorall;:'. Tb~s not;~.ce js (~even rursu!:Hl t to the provisions of 0ection ll-2204J Revi- sed Codes of Montana, 1947. Dated this 20th dar of December, A.D. 1961. :~y order of the Com~lisfion of tt'le C1 tJ" of 130z etr'an. I C. I\:. Wilson CLerk of the Ci ty 0orn'is ~l ion Pirs t p'Jblished in tree Ijozerwn DaiJ.y ChronicLe 12/22/ l.~)~ - - - - - - - --.---- - .--- 73 I State of II/lantana ) ) ss Coun~y of Gallatin) I, C. ::. Wilson, CUrk of the Commission of The City of Bozemar; , do hereby certify the foregoing Notice in Re, Commis - sian ~csolutlon No. 1036 was published at len;::;th in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a ne'.'fspaper of general circulation printed and 01b1ished ~n sAId City in the issues beginning December 22, 1961 thru Dece~bor 22, 1D61 inclusive, and due proof of such publi- cations are on file in my office. - Tr>Ji.I"'TW,:S~; V{fm":);"'~OF I I-iT':rmrrETO set my hand and affix the corporate seal of my office this 16 tn day of January, 1962. ~/~<i4~-~~/ Clerk 0 the Ity Commission - - - - - ------ - - I I ----- ---