HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 1061 Extending City Limits - ---- :139 COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 1061 - A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN DECLARING IT TO BE TO THE BEST INTEREST OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN AND THE INHABITANTS THEREOF AND OF THE IN- HABITANTS OF A TRACT OF LAND CONTIGUOUS TO THE SAID CITY OF BOZEMAN AND HEREIN MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED I TO EXTEND THE BOUNDARIES OF THE SAID CITY OF BOZEMAN SO AS TO INCLUDE THE SAID CONTIGUOUS TRACT WITHIN TEE CORPORATE LIMITS THEREOF. WHEREAS, there has been presented to the City Commission of the City of Bozeman a written and verbal request petitioning the said City Commission to extend the boundarles.of the City of Bozeman so as to inciude a certain conti- guous tract of land within the boundaries of the City of Bozeman and having presented to the City of Bozeman a proposed piat and certificate of survey of said land; and WHEREAS, the proper legal description of said contiguous tract situated in the County of Gallatin, State of Montana, 1s as follows, to-wit: A tract of land located in the East Half of the Southeast Quarter (EiSEt> of See tion 18, Township 2 Sou th of Range 6 East, M.P.M., more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the West line of Hi~hland Boule- vard as officially platted and recorded in New Hyalite View Subdivision", of the City of Bozeman and Gallatin ' County, Montana, said point being N 89045' W a distance of 67.84 feet thence N OOUl' W a distance of 880.0 feet, from the southeast corner of Section 18, T2S, R6E, thence from said point of beginning and in a westerly direction at a bearing of S 89059' W a distanoe of 370.0 feet; thence S 80034'- W a distanoe of 60.8 feet; thenoe H 89056'40" W a distance of 15u.u feet; thence N 16042'40" W a distance of 55.0 feet; thence N 480l6'4u" W a distanoe I of iU2.2 feet; thenoe N 30009'4U" W a distanoe of 93.0 feet; thence N 12033'40" E a distance of 98.5 feet; thence N 6055'20" W a distance of 100.0 feet; thenoe N 67041'40" W a distance of 71.7 feet; thence N 36023'40" W a distance of 131.8 feet; thence S 36022'2U" W a distance of 100.0 feet; thence N 64006 '40" W a distance of 107.9 feet; thence N 65012' W a distance of 143.0 feet; thence N 28029' W a distance of 188.0 feet; thence N 10055'20" W a distance of 146.7 feet; thence N 72023'40" E a distance of 334.7 feet; thence S 31006'20" E a distance of 37.2 feet; thence S 47059'20" E a distance of 274.8 feet; thence S 52028' E a distance of 154.u feet; thence N 61031'20" E a distance of 285.0 feet; thence N 48044' E a distance of 5u.0 feet; thence N 28022' E a distance of 66.6 feet; thence N 4025' E a distance of 62.0 feet; thence N 0014' W a distance of 90.0 feet; thenoe N 89059' E a distance of 270.0 feet, more or less, to a point on the west line of Highland Boulevard; thence in a southerly direction along the west line of Highland Boulevard a distance of lu20.3 feet to the point of beginning, said tract containing 18.1 acres. Said tract is to be known and designated as "GRAFtS FIRST SUB-DIVISION,~ Gallatin County, Montana, and the lands included in all streets and aVenues upon said plat are hereby granted, donated and dedicated to the use of the public forever. WHEREAS, it will be for the beat interest of the City of Bozeman and the inhabitants thereof and of the inhabitants of the contiguous tract here- inbefore described to extend the boundaries of the City of Bozeman so as to I include the said contiguous tract hereinbefore described within the corporate limits of the said City of Bozeman. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN: Section 1. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 11-403, Revised Codes of Montana, 1947A it is hereby declared to be to the best interest of the City of Bozeman an the inhabitants thereof and of the inhabitants of the contiguous tract hereinbefore described that the boundarles of the said City of Bozeman be extended so as to include the oontiguous tract hereinbefore described within the boundaries and corporate Ifmlts of the City of Bozeman, Mon tana . PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Commission of the City of Bozeman at a --- :140 regular session held on the 12th day of December, A. D. 1962. sf Fred M. Staudaher Ma yor ATTEST: I S/ C. K. Wilson Clerk of the City Commission iI* _ ~ _ _ NOTICE IN RE COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 1061 OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN STATING THE INTENTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION TO EXTEND THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID CITY OF BOZEMAN TO EMBRACE AND INCLUDE A CERTAIN TRACT OF LAND ADJOINING SAID CITY. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN tha t on the 12th day of December, 1962, at a regular meeting of the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, the said Commie- sion duly and regularly passed and adopted Commission Reeolution No. 1061 entitled: ---- "A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN DECLARING IT TO BE THE BEST INTEREST OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN AND THE INHABITANTS THEREOF AND OF THE IN- HABITANTS OF A TRACT OF LAND CONTIGUOUS TO THE SAID CITY OF BOZEMAN AND HEREIN MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED TO EXTEND THE BOUNDARIES OF THE SA ID CITY OF BOZEMAN SO AS TO INCLUDE THE SAID CONTIGUOUS TRACT WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS THEREOF." NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN that Wednesday, the 9th day of January, 1963, I at one o'clock p.m., at the Commission Room of the City Hall, Bozeman, Montana, is designated as the time and place for hearing objections to the action pro. posed to be taken in said Resolution No. lu61, whereby it is proposed to embrace the hereinafter described contingent territory within the corporate limits of the City of Bozeman, Montana, Expressions of approval or disapproval by resi- dent freeholders of the territory proposed to be embraced must be made in writing and filed with the Clerk of the City Commission of the City of Bozeman not latter than twenty (20) days after the date of the first pub~lcation of this Notice. A description of the boundaries of the territory proposed to be embraced by said Commission Resolution No. lU6l is as fol~ow8: - A trec t of land s1 tua ted in the Coun ty of Galla tin, Sta te of Montana: A tract of land located in the East Half of the Southeast Quarter (EtsEi) of Section 18, Township 2 South of Range 6 East, M.P.M., more particularly described as fo~lows:: Beginning at a point on the West line of Hi~hland Boule- vard as officially platted and recorded 1n New Hyalite View Subdivision", of the City of Bozeman and Gallatin County, Montana, said point being N 89045' W a distance of 6?~4 feet thence N OOUl' W a distance of ~8u.0 feet, from the southeast corner of Section l~, T2S, R6E, thence from said point of be~inning and in 8 westerly direction at a bearing of S 890 9' W a distance of 370.0 feet; Thence S 80034' W a distance of 6u.8 feet; thence N 89056'4U" W a distance of 15U.0 feet; thence N 16042'4u" W a distance of 55.0 feet; thence N 48016'4u" W a distance of lU2.2 feet; thence N 30009'4u" W a distance of 93.0 I feet; thence N 12033'40" E a distance of 9H.5 feet; thence N 6055'20" W a distance of 100.v feet; thence N 67041'40" W a distance of 71.7 feet; thence N 36023'40" W a distance of 131.8 feet; thence S 36022'2U" W a distance of 100.0 feet; thence N 64006'4Uft W a distance of ~O'1.9 feet; thence N 65012' W a distance of 143.0 feet; thence N 28029' W a distance of lH8.U feet; thence N l0055'20~ W a distance of l46.? fee t; thence N 72023'40" E a distance of 334.7 feet; thence S 31006'20" E a distance of 37.2 feet; thence S 47059"20" E a distance of 274.8 feet; thence S 52028' E a distance of 154.0 feet; thence N 61031 '20" E a die tanoe ---.- - ----.-- 14:1 of 285.0 feet; thence N 48044' E a distance of 5U.0 feet; thence N 28022' E a distance of 66.6 feet; thence N 4025' E Q distance of 62.0 feet; thence N U014' W a distance of 9U.0 feet; thence N 89059' E a distance of 270.0 feet, more or less, to a point on the west line of Highland Boulevard; thence in a southerly direction along the west line of Highland Boulevard a distance of 1U20.3 feet to the point of beginning, said tract containing l~.l acres. I Said tract is to be known and deslgnated 8S "GRAF'S FIRST SUB-DIVISION,~ Gallatin County, Montana, and the iands included in all streets and avenues upon said plat are hereby granted, donated and dedicated to the use of the public forever. This No tice 1s gi ven pursuan t to the provisions of See tion ll"~/ Revi" sed Codes of Mon tans, 194". Dated thls 17th day of December, 1962. C. K. WILSON Clerk of the City ~ommission (First publlshed in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle on the 17th day of December, 1962.) - ~ - ~ - - ~ ~ - - I State of Montana ) ss County of Gallatin) I, C. K. Wilson, Clerk of the Commission of The City of Bozeman, do hereby certify the foregoing Notice in Re, Commission Resolution No. 1061, was published at length in the Boze- man Daily Chronicle, a newspaper of general circulation printed and published in said City in the issues of December 17th and 24th, 1962, and due proof of such publioations is on file in my offioe. - IN WITNESS WHEREOF I hereunto set my hand and affix the oorporate seal of my offioe this 21st day of January, 1963. ~4 ~' · / ./ --- ~.-/f_.( Clerk ot e 'di(y o~sion -'. I ----- ----