HomeMy WebLinkAboutFerrell application, TBID, 7-12 CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA
Date: 7/18/2012
Name: Holly Ferrell
Physical Address: 392 Annie Glade Bozeman, MT 59718
Mailing Address(if different):
Email: holly.ferrell@hilton.com
Phone(s): wk:219-9004
Name of Property Owned within the District:Hilton Garden Inn Bozeman
Address of Property:2023 Commerce Way Bozeman MT 59715
Are you the owner of the property within the District, or the designee of an owner of property
within the District? YES No
I 'a o Ceps -'� r. certify that I am a property owner within the District and I
am duly authorized to either a on the Board of Trustees or appoint
-rc as my designee.
Prope wner Signature Date
PLEASE NOTE: An application from the manager of a hotel must contain a signed statement
from the owner indicating that the hotel manager is authorized to represent the owner or a note
from the corporate officer authorized to represent the board.
Have you ever served on a City or County board? _Yes,TBID Bozeman 2010 Waco
Improvement District 2008
(If so,where, what board,and how long?)
Please explain your relevant qualifications,interests,and experiences.
As a property manager for over 15 years,I have worked on behalf of convention and visitors
bureaus,hotel associations,and local communities to increase travel and tourism within each city
I have worked in. I am very interested in being a productive member of the Bozeman TBID to
attract sports,convention,and tourism business into the Bozeman market. Our hotels partnership
with Hilton Garden Inns throughout the state of Montana and the U.S., I believe creates a
valuable resource in our efforts to grow room nights in Bozeman.
References(Individual or Organization)Name: Phone:
Mark Emmel President Lion Hotel Group 218-727-7765
Chris Green Vice President Operations Chesapeake Hospitality 301-474-3307
Kary Lalani Vice President Lalani Lodging 254-644-4663
This application is considered public ecord. Application contact information may be displayed
on the City of Bozeman website.
PLEASE NOTE: Per Ordinance No. 1759,revising Chapter 2.01 of the Bozeman Municipal
Code, all board members are required to attend a yearly ethics workshop provided free of charge
by the City as a condition of service as a member of a board.
PLEASE NOTE: Upon appointment,because this board has decision-making authority over
monetary expenditures and/or contractual and regulatory matters,members of this board are
required to file a financial disclosure form with the City Clerk's office that will become public
record. For further information on this requirement please visit
littp.//wANrxv.bozeman.net/WebLink8/0/fol/40537/Ro� i.aspx or call 582-2320 with questions.
Please print and sign this application where appropriate and either
deliver to the
City Clerk's office at 121 North Rouse, Suite 102,Bozeman,Montana
or mail to:
City of Bozeman Clerk's office,Attn: Aimee Kissel,P.O.Box 1230, Bozeman,MT 59771.