HomeMy WebLinkAboutWalsh Historic application Cynthia Delaney From: K Walsh [kwalsh921 @bresnan.net] Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2008 3:54 PM To: Agenda Subject: Historic Preservation Board Application Fill out the following information and click send to apply for this board. Name: Karen Walsh Physical Address: 921 S. Willson Ave., Bozeman, MT 59715 Mailing Address (if different): Box 606, Bozeman, MT 59771 Email kwalsh(7g.com Phone: 406-587-7763 Length of time in the Bozeman: 15 years Occupation: Homemaker Employer: Self Have you ever served on a City or County board? No (if so where, what board and how long?) Please explain your relevant qualifications, interests and experiences? I have lived in the Historic District since 1994. We moved to Bozeman in 1993 and soon after bought our home at 921 S. Willson Ave. Subsequently, we began the on-going process of remodeling and renovating a hundred year old home. In both 1998 and 2005 we were awarded the Historic Preservation Award for our efforts. We have been successful at adapting an older home for the lifestyle of a modern family. When we bought the house, there were seemingly very few renovation projects in the District Since then, we have witnessed huge changes in the neighborhood. It's gratifying to see the community's increased appreciation of its original core. Bozeman's Historic District should reflect the growth and innovation that exists all over the Valley. I would like very much to be a part of this by serving on the Historic Preservation Advisory Board Since moving to Bozeman, I have been a full time mom. My prior career was in advertising and marketing. Now I find as my children have grown, I have time for more public service. The changing face of our community is of great interest to me. I hope to learn more about and contribute to the District's development. Historic preservation should not be static. With our proximity to MSU, with its prestigious architecture department, I would hope to see historically"true" but vital renovations that reflect this dynamic community. Aside from school volunteering, I served on the Friends of the Library board from 1995 through 1999. Please accept this application for my participation on the Historic Preservation Advisory Board. Thank you. References (Individual or Organization) Please include name and phone for three references. Chris Pope, ERA Landmark Commercial, 581-8739 1 Paul Bertelli, Jonathan Foote &Associates, 587-8888 Bridget Kevane, PhD, MSU Foreign Language Dept., 994-6443 (Bridget will be traveling from 6/18 through 7/10) Alternative if necessary. Ron Schmit, Builder, 580-6550 I understand that sending this email is the same as signing my name: (yes/no) Yes 2