HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 1077 Land for College 1:79 COW~ISSION RESOLUTION NO. L077 - A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMISSION 01" THE CITY OF BOZEMAN EXTENDING THE BOUNDARIES OF THE SAID CITY OF BOZE~~N SO AS TO EMBRACE ArW INCLUDE A CERTAIN TRACT OF' LAND OWNED BY rrEm STATE OF' r.TONTANA FOR THE USE AND BENEFIT 01" MONTANA STATE COLLEGE, WITHIN THE COR~ORATE LIMITS OF I THE CITY OF BOZEMAN. WHEREAS, there has been presented to the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, a certification of ownership of the hereinafter described land signed by P. C. Gaines, as the administrative head and acting president of Montana State college, the owner of said land, certifying said ownership and the de sire to have said land included within the boundaries of the City of Bozeman, Montana, and annexed thereto; and WHEREAS, the proper legal description of said contiguous tract situat~ in the County of Gallatin, state of Montana, is as follows: The northwest quarter (NWi) of Section Thirteen (13), Township Two (2) South, Range Five (5) East, of the Initial Point of the Montana Principal Meridian, con- taining one hundred sixty (16U) acres, more or less, according to the United States Survey. The East Half (E~) of the Northeast Quarter (NEt) of Section Fourteen (14), Township Two (2) South, Range Five (5) East, of the Initial Point of the Montana Principal Meridian, containing eighty (80) acres, more or less according to the United States Survey. The North Half (Ni) of the Southeast Quarter (SEt) of See tion 'I'hirteen (13), Township 'rwo (2) Sou th, Range Five (5) East, of the Initial Point of the Montana Principal Meridian, containing eighty (80) acres, more I or less, according to the United States Survey; WHEREAS, the City Commission of the said City of Bozeman has, by its Resolution No. 1071 regularly passed and adopted on the 3rd day of April A. D. 1963, declared it to be for the best interest of the said City of Bozeman and the inhabitants thereof and of the inhabitants of the contiguous tract hereinbefore described that the boundaries of the said City of Bozeman be extended so as to include said contiguous tract; and WHEREAS, the Clerk of the City Commission has, pursuant to the pro- visions of Section 11-511, Revised Codes of Montana, 1947, given the required notice to property owners and caused to be published the required public notice of such proposed extension of the boundaries of sald City of Bozeman; and WHEREAS, twenty (20) days have expired since the date of the first publication of said notice and no expressions of disapproval of the proposed extension of the boundaries of the said City of Bozeman have been received. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CO~RISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN: Section 1. That pursuant to the authority vested in the City Commission of the City of Bozeman by Section 11-511, ReVised Codes of Montana, 1947, it is hereby declared that the boundaries of the said City of Bozeman shall be extended so as to embrace and include within the boundaries and corporate limits of the said City of Bozeman the tract contiguous thereto and here- inbefore described. See tion 2. That this Resolution shall be, and the same is hereby declared to be effective immediately upon its adoption and approvaL. I PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Commission of the Ci ty of Bozeman a t a regu- lar session held on the 1st day of May A. D. 1963. S/ Fred M. Staudaher Ma yor ATTEST: s~ C. K. Wilson Clerk 0 the City Commission - - - - - - - - ~ 180 I State of Montana ) County of Gallatin) ss. City of Bozeman ) I, C. K. Wilson, Clerk of the Commission of The Ci ty of Bozeman, do hereby certify the t the foregoing Resolution No. 10'17, was published by title and number in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a newspaper of general circulation printed and published in said City in the issue of May 6th, 1963, and due proof of such publi- cation is on file in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF' I hereunto set my hand and affix the corporate seal of my office this 27th day of Ma y, 1 963 . e /'f/.h/~ Clerk of the CltyConnnlssion - - - .. I I -